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83.33% True Magician

Hogwarts Experience

It is now the first of September, which means today I take the train from platform nine three quarters to Hogwarts. In the past 2 months, I have worked through the school material so that I could take my N.E.W.T.´s immediately. I've been thinking about going to Hogwarts all this time, but I don't think I should miss it. I've also been thinking about which house I'd like to go to.

My Occlumency training is already so far, that the talking hat should not be able to look into my thoughts. In Griffendor the Marauders will come to school in two years, but I am 100% a Ravenclaw. The only character I know who will come to school this year is Bertha Jorkins, but I don't know which house she went to. With the rest, I have to assume that they didn't survive or were unnamed characters.

Furthermore, I have a lot of great ideas on how to integrate games from my old world with magic here, but I'm afraid that this will affect the course of the story too much. For example, I have a prototype of a golem that I could use to bring Pokemon into this world, it is connected with a scroll that after you cast an indication charm you would see its level and stats. It comes with standard moves and learns new moves after ´levelling up´, but you can also teach him new moves yourself. I've also been thinking about Yu-Gi-Oh cards and a few decks have been created. But I think I'll wait until after I graduate with most of my inventions.

I bought two properties, one in Diagon Alley and the other in Hogsmeade. There I will build two shops where I will sell all my inventions. I have already decided on my design and it should have a typical magical design. That means everything is made of wood and has runes that make the room bigger than it is.

After a tearful farewell from my grandparents, I now sit in an empty compartment of the Hogwarts Express and look out into the landscape. Suddenly the compartment door opens and a boy of my age steps through the door. "Is this seat free, may I sit here?" he asks calmly, but with a little tension, apparently he has been rejected more often.

"Yeah, of course, come in my name is Phillip Kyme and what's your name?"

"My name is Chris Jones, it's all new to me here and so far I've only been despised and ignored," he said with disappointment in his voice and sat down. 'he´s clever' I think maybe we could hang out.

Phillip: "I guess that means your parents aren't magical, what do they do for a living?"

Chris: "My parents are both professors at a university. You can imagine their surprise when one morning the acceptance letter with an owl came through the open window. Of course, we were all a bit skeptical at first, but when someone brought us to Diagon Alley and we bought my school supplies there, we were quickly convinced. I have already read all my books and look forward to the Hogwarts Library." yep Ravenclaw, I think we could be friends.

Then I explain to him some of the most important customs of our world and tell him how he remains unnoticed by the pureblood fanatics. We bought some sweets from the car and read books and talked until we arrived in Hogsmeade.

We get out and hear a loud, powerful voice. "Fir´s year´s to me. Fir´s year´s over here. Follow me." that´s Hagrid of course. He is big, bigger than in the Movie which is only logical. "no more n four on boat´s, no more n four on boat´s."

After our traditional cold and wet trip across the lake, we arrive at the castle. When I first saw it I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the school.

"Here the fir´s year´s professer McGonagall,"

"thank you Hagrid that would be all." A tall, black-haired witch in emerald-green robes stood there. She was Professor McGonagall our transfiguration teacher. She looks young and it´s probably early in her career here at Hogwarts. I don´t know if she is deputy or head of Griffindor yet, but when not she will be promoted in the next two years.

About twenty ghosts had just streamed through the back wall.

"haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name and you know, he's not really even a ghost."

"Oh, what have we here new students my name is Friar."

"Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!" said the Friar. "My old house, you know."

After this scetch, Professor McGonagall gets back and takes us through the big gate of the great hall doors in the great hall, where all our seniors sit and wait. Professor McGonagall silently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first years. On top, she put the dirty Sorting Hat, why nobody cleans it is a mystery for me I will ask him if I should cast a cleaning spell on him.

After that McGonagall calls many different names but for me only 3 are important. "Chris Jones" "Ravenclaw" as expected. "Bertha Jorkins", not much is known about her except that she is stupid and a gossiper, and that she will be killed by Tom to create his last Horcrux "Gryffindor".

Finally "Phillip Kyme" 'Oh what do we have here a kid with very much experience in Occlumency, might you consider toning them down for me to sort you?' I do that and show him my memories of my experiments and my time reading. 'So you wanna be sorted in Ravenclaw yes? hmmm, alright then it can only be..' "Ravenclaw."

Like for all the others the which we are sorted to breaks into applause. At the Slytherin table, I can see Narcissa look at me briefly, Lucius as well.

I sit down next to Chris and we start talking about the Sorting. After that Dumbledore speaks to the student body and sits down again. He, of course, informs us about some rules such as: "no magic in Corridors" and "don´t go into the forbidden forest" nothing of dying painfully thank god.

After the feast, he orders the prefects to bring the first years to our common rooms.

"I am Brian Carter and this is Penny Morsted we are prefects this year if you have questions over the school year we will be happy to answer them, now follow us to our common room."

We arrive before our dorm but we only see an eagle statue. It started talking and gives us a riddle:

"I am immobile yet I move, I am individual, but I reside with my own, I am either brought up organized or disheveled, My existence brings satisfaction, other times pain. What am I?" the prefect looks around and asks if anybody knows what the answer is. "Teeth" answers a girl from the back, with that the eagle slides to the side and lets us in our dorm.

We get inside a big room with silver and blue coloring. In the community room, there are many chairs and armchairs together so that after school you can chat, play together or learn together. At the back, there is a door with the inscription "Library". As we continue, Brian explains everything to us. "The library is open to everyone but is closed for those who break the school rules or behave badly in the house. The boy's dormitory is to the right of the library and the girl's dormitory is here to the left of the library. Penny takes the girls with him and explains everything else and I take the boys with me."

Arrived there he explains further:

"Everyone gets the same room with bed and wardrobe, the rest has to be earned. In our house, we want to encourage the determination to learn and to improve. Of course, everybody can change his room as he likes it, if he has the necessary knowledge. No one else can change anything in your rooms, so I can't just ask an older student to change your room. You can, of course, ask if he teaches you magic or recommends books. At the end of the week, a list is displayed in the common room of who has the best grades and who has earned the most points for the house. You will have the opportunity to have your room improved by others or Professor Flitwick."

After that everybody got released to their own rooms. I cast the necessary charms in my room to live normally, like warming charm or a cushioning charm on my bed. The problem is that I can´t just conjure me a desk or expand my room because that would throw up questions I don´t want to be asked yet. With that, I set myself a goal to get as many points as fast as possible to get my own desk and to get my room bigger.

The next morning when I got down in the common room I can see Chris already waiting for me.

"Good morning Phillip, how was your night mine was horrible it was as if I had slept on a wood board."

"Morning I have slept very well, I am sorry that yesterday I didn't think about showing you a few simple charms to make your life easier. I had forgotten that you are completely new in our world." after that, I promised him to show him those charms after classes.

We arrive in the great hall for breakfast and sat at the Ravenclaw table. After breakfast, Professor Flitwick comes to the table and distributes the timetables. We have the most hours together with Hufflepuff. Besides Charms, we have that together with Gryffindor. Armed with our time tables we move to our classes.

To say that the amount of work at Hogwarts was too much was a lie, even the normal students had way too much free time. Most of the lessons were as expected outside of potions, that was a positive bonus. Professor Slughorn is a coward and greedy but he introduces the students to the subject very well, just as good as Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall. Our Defence against the Dark Arts Professor is the third in three years and I don´t think he will make it through the year, but he has some knowledge about beasts a he was a beast hunter. After the first week, I had enough contributions to upgrade my room.

Then we fell into a groove I hung out the school day with Chris and afterward we were sometimes still together in the library but mostly I was in my room and thought about what I would do next.

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