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Tom Riddle and Seventh Birthday

Since my third birthday I am nagging my parents to teach me about magic and reading and math and history and everything else for appearance sake of course, but they denied and said that they would teach me when I am five years old not earlier.

After that, I could be seen exploring our grounds around the house, our greenhouse, and our farms. If you can call that a farm with many exotic animals, we even have winged horses and unicorns, but they don´t come to me, because I am a man. In these two years, I found some bowtruckles and got friends with them. I met up sometimes with James Potter and Sirius Black naturally at different times and they are decent guys for three-year-olds but you got to cultivate your relationships, the same with Narcissa Black who is two years older than me.

Finally my fifth birthday. I am standard sized and have the typical dark hair in our family. All our male family members have black hair and blue eyes. I think I am fit for my age but I think everybody who plays outside and explores the world as I do has the same fitness. I think I should start with light exercise after my second ´upgrade´ and even then only light I don´t want my body blemished.

Before my first lesson, I am extremely nervous, I don´t know how good of a student I should be. On a Saturday afternoon, my father and I meet in his study and he takes out a beginner children's reading book. That is way to easy for me so I decide to master the beginnings fast so we can get on to normal books.

Gregor: "Have you been reading in secret?" says my father in a strict tone. I gulp and nod, after that he starts smiling and said: "You are reading very good, but sometimes it is better to wait for a grown-up to start new topics, some can be very dangerous if you start by yourself without supervision ok? Reading is of course not one of them I just use it as an example understand?"

Phillip: "Yes daddy" I smile. At that moment our house-elf Twinky pops in the study

Twinky: "Twinky is very sorry Master Gregor but the pesky owl wouldn´t stop screaming and harassing until I got you this letter." she said fearfully with her head down in a deep bow, with her ears hanging beside her face. She is a relatively new house-elf, we bought her shortly after my third birthday because our original house-elf Barry got often occupied by me.

Gregor smiles and said in a soft tone: "It´s okay Twinky you did nothing wrong and don´t punish yourself" my parents like house-elves and have been teaching me since young to give them the respect they are due. Twinkys face lits up and she pops out of the room. My father opens the letter and frowns.

Gregor in a serious tone: "Phillip I have to think about this letter. Can you get your mom for me please after that you can ask gran to teach you math." adopting his serious mode I say: "yes father" and leave the room.

3rd Pov

After Phillip left the room Gregor fell deep in thought. 5 Minutes later there are knocks on the door and Karen gets inside. "Look at this," said Gregor and hands over the letter. Karen reaches with her right hand over, as she takes the letter her blonde hair falls in her face she strokes her hair behind her ears with her left hand. "Tom Riddle" she whispers "what could he want from us?" she looks up and asks Gregor. "I don´t know but it doesn't sound good, should we meet up and discuss what he mentioned? It doesn´t look nice." silence...

Karen: "I think we need to gather our inner Griffindor and have this talk with him." "I agree we talk him out of something like this, he was two years our senior, that is our job as juniors." With that, the two Ravenclaws both talk till late in the night and work out a plan for tomorrow.

The next morning they both eat a peaceful with their son. Phillip asks concerned( for a five-year-old): "What was the letter about yesterday" as an answer both parents smile and say it was an old friend. After breakfast comes to an end and they both say goodbye to Phillip, Joseline, and Albert and leave via the Floo Network. At the last moment, Gregor says to his father: "Look in my study."

3rd Pov End

I wonder what he means with that, I will follow grandfather in dad´s study. As I arrive I see grandfather with tears in his eyes sitting at dad´s desk. "What wrong grandpa?" He looks up and said: "Your parents are meeting up with their old friend Tom Riddle, they were worried about his mental health because he was in his letter talking about pureblood agenda and muggle hate and much worse stuff. They got to him today to talk to him and try to get him checked out or help him themselves, but they left the letter here as a reserve if something bad happens." wiping tears out of his eyes.

"They also have said that should they not return by tomorrow we should reset the wardstone and take everybody from the access list except family members just to be safe." I was dumbfounded Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort should only be back in Britain in 1967 and have a job interview with Dumbledore for the position Defence against the Dark Arts. As he got denied this position he cursed it and hid Rowena Ravenclaws Diadem in the Room of Requirements. Why is he back already, or was he back all this time and build his powerbase? I don´t know but he has made a powerful enemy in me, I got attached to my parents despite that I knew they would die, I just didn´t knew how.

As they didn´t come back my grandparents panicked and set the wards back to factory settings, with just us keyed in. After that my grandfather even cast the Fidelus charm with granny as the secret keeper. After that, we were safe but also cut off from the outside world. In the beginning, it was a little depressing in the House but after that, my grandparents taught me and we got back in line. Albert is also starting to teach me some Combat moves when grandma isn´t looking.

Time passes and it´s finally time for my seventh birthday. My grandma made me a fat chocolate cake and got me a training Wand. My granddad got me a training broom which I of course directly take outside and tried. I am a decent flier not as good as Harry but for a house team, it should suffice.

We had a nice day and also lifted the Fidelus charm to hold a party with other Guests. Most of them were surprised that my parents were dead. We invited all of them to their burial ceremony even if we don´t have their bodies. After that, the mood was a little bit depressed and after dinner, most of them are home very quickly.

It´s now 8 pm and then I activate my magic and bathe my whole body in it again. I light up again briefly, just like on my third birthday. I already feel much stronger with the exercises I do before going to sleep, I should be stronger than Hogwarts student in the fourth year, maybe even stronger than Hogwarts student in the fifth. After this baptism, I can lightly feel the Magic in me and I can use it more freely. I can control it now with my will. Of course only little thing like, I want that book fly over. I don´t have to say or think Wingardium Leviosa.

After the experiment, more with this new feeling, I am sure that at the end of this procedure I can use my Pipi as a Wand literally. If I got to Hogwarts now I think I could test in the third year in all classes. At first, I have read many books about magic in general, to understand this power but I'm not much further than most people.

The only thing I can say for certain is that Magic is intent-based and that there is no general color or shadowing to magic as light and dark. I also started training Occlumency in the meantime and my library is a big help in that department, Even if I couldn´t hold out masters such as Snape, Dumbledore or Voldie but I think others have to try really hard to break into my mind.

3rd Pov

After Phillip got to bed his Grandparents sit together in front of the fire and talk about Karen and Gregor. After some time they agree that they want the funeral over as soon as possible.

One week later at the family graveyard, many people meet for the Funeral. Meanwhile, Phillip made plans about how he would torture and humiliate Voldemort, one more unrealistic than the other. The other guests looked concerned three you wished the last three of the Kyme family condolences. Albert had a very bad feeling about it, unfortunately, he was too old for another war and denied anything to do with it. The only thing he would do is to protect his family.

Joseline's wounds from two years ago were torn up again and she was close to tears all the time. Meanwhile, she has arranged to meet her old girlfriends again and will meet them again regularly afterward. The children all want to see the villa and Phillip's room and compare it to hers. Once there, they all look in amazement, because Phillip has created a pool in the next room with the help of his grandparents. He didn't show them his work/reading room. He also showed them many toys he collected over the years. After a ´succesful´ Funeral everybody got home and lives their lives again.

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