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87.5% I Transmigrated as Harry Potter / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Harry woke up feeling energized; remembering that today was his eleventh birthday. Harry quickly got up out of bed and ran downstairs to the kitchen where Sirius was cooking.

"Happy Birthday Pup" Sirius said.

"Sirius what time are we heading to Potter manor" harry asked Sirius. Sirius Stopped cooking to look at his pocket watch seeing it was Seven Am.

"We will leave around ten I think, that way we can quickly get everything set up for when the guests arrive at Eleven thirty. Now eat up pup" Sirius said then served breakfast before joining harry at the table. After breakfast harry going back to his room and happens past a mirror he see that he a grown a lot. Harry is about 6 foot tall; he takes his shirt off and sees all his muscles. 'For Elevens years old I look fifteen' Harry thought musing that it must have been because of unlocking most of his creature inheritance. Harry walks away from the mirror glad that Sirius got him some size adjusting clothes. Harry goes to his closet, he grabs out a type of less formal clothes including dress pants and a form-fitting white shirt, he places them onto his bed, he then heads to the bathroom.

After half an hour harry is done in the shower, he dresses in normal clothes. Harry enter the study, harry starts reading the wizard history books. Harry loses track of time until he hears Sirius come into the study; harry looks up from the book.

"Harry get ready we leave in a few minutes" Sirius said before leaving the study. Harry looks at the clock and sees it's five minutes to ten. Harry rans to his room, he quickly get dressed into the clothes he has on his bed then looks in to mirror to see how he looks, he quickly runs a brush though his hair. Harry runs down stairs seeing Sirius waiting for him, harry slows down until he stands next to Sirius. They walk over the fireplace; they grab a handful of floo powder. Harry steps into the fireplace first, he shouts Potter Manor.

Harry arrives at Potter manor, he is greeted by Griffin.

"Young Master Potter, Welcome Home" Griffin said. Sirius arrives from behind harry. Griffin shows harry around while Sirius goes to the pallor room take start decorating with the other two house elves. After being showed all the rooms, harry goes back to the pallor as it is close to eleven thirty and guests should be arriving soon. Harry suddenly feels nervous knowing that his mates will be in the same room as him soon. Harry walks into the pallor.

"Surprise" Was yelled out. Harry jumps back into an attack stance, he soon realises that all the guest have arrived. Harry looks around, he sees Sirius grinning like a fool, Molly Weseley along with Ronald and Ginny Weseley looking at harry with fake smiles. Harry sees a nervous looking boy near a grandma who looked stern, Remus was standing next to Sirius with a smile on his face. Harry looked at the last two people in the room, he suddenly felt like his breath was stolen seeing what he believes to be two of the most beautiful people in the world. Harry makes himself stop looking at his young mates.

"Wow that was a shocker" Harry said, everyone laughed. "Welcome and thank you everyone for coming to my eleventh birthday, I hope you all enjoy yourselves" Harry said with a smile. Harry Walks around to Neville and his grandmother.

"Hi there I'm harry potter, it would seem that I'm your god sibling" Harry said introducing himself to Neville. Neville looks at harry in shock, while his grandmother smiles.

"I have a God brother" Neville asked. Harry nodded still smiling.

"I would also like us to be friends" Harry said to Neville.

"Really you would want to be friends with me"

"Of course I would" Harry said, Neville nods his head while grinning like an idiot.

"I'm glad, now I must go greet my other guests but I would like to get to know more about you Neville" Harry said with a smile then walks to greet the Weseley. Harry sees Arthur sitting on the couch talking with Remus and Sirius, while Molly is fussing over Ginny, while Ron is eating snakes next to them. Harry sees the twins leaning against the wall behind molly, Ginny and Ron, Harry walks over to them with a fake smile then greets molly.

"Mrs Weseley thank you for coming and for bringing some of your children along"

"It was no problem my dear, Happy Birthday" Molly said while Ginny who is next her tries to make herself more attractive, harry smiles at Ginny and Ron, Ginny blushes while Ron has his face stuffed.

"Let me introduce you to my children, this is Ginny my little princess" Molly said gesturing to Ginny who is next to her. Ginny shows a flirty smile and blinks her eyelashes, making harry almost bite his lip to hold in the laughter. "This is Ronald but everyone calls him Ron" Molly said. Ron waves is hand as his mouth is still full. "and Those two are Francine and Georgina but they like to go by Fran and Gean" Molly said with a disinterested voice, which makes harry worry for his mates. Harry nodded to Mr Weseley before walking to the twins. Harry sees the twins giving him an appreciated look.

"Hi There I'm Harry" Harry said introducing himself.

"Hi Harry I'm Fran/Gean" the Twins said

" I just wanted to say you two look beautiful" Harry said blushing. The twins Looked shy while from behind harry Ginny and molly are looking furious.

"I'm starting Hogwarts this year and I heard that you two are third years and I was wondering if you could tell me about it and about yourselves" Harry said gaining a little confidence after seeing the twins blushing.

"Umm are you really only eleven you look fifteen" Fran asked.

"I recently grow a lot but everyone know always says that I am more mature than normal." Harry said when he saw the twins looking at his body. Harry and the twins spent hours talking about Hogwarts, quidditch, pranks, there life growing up. When it was time for the twins to go home harry felt happy to have bonded with his mates and sad that they had to go.

After the Party when everyone had gone home, harry, Sirius and Remus decided to stay at the potter manor until harry goes to Hogwarts. Harry told Sirius and Remus feeling so happy.

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