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83.33% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 88: Chapter 87: Claws of the Butterfly

Chapter 88: Chapter 87: Claws of the Butterfly

He QingHai arrived at the entrance of the outer palace and was hindered by the guards.

"Halt! State your purpose!" The guards shouted as she walked near the entrance's tip.

Qinghai could not help but beg mercifully so that the guards might let her in and find the Na siblings.

"Please! My friend is in danger, I need to find the Na siblings quickly!"

The guards laughed at her plea. Some of them dared to imitate her and act rudely towards her. Finally, a man approached towards them and the guards stopped mocking the poor and helpless child.

The man was wrapped with a long dark cloak from his shoulders up to his ankles. He wore a black hat with a dark cloth covering his face. Only his eyes were visible making him look strange. Aside from his dark purple eyes, QingHai also noticed darts and two golden daggers placed on his side.

"Child, where is your friend?" The stranger approached QingHai.

"He's being beaten up by a bad guy in a straw hat and he told me to come here and find the Na siblings."

"Well, lead me straight to your friend."

"But, he said to find the Na-"

"Don't worry. Just take me to them."

QingHai nodded his head and led the stranger where Jin Ren and the strange man continued to fight.



Blood flowed from the wound that was received by the stranger coming from Jin Ren's attacks. The stranger touched his face and seemed to be excited seeing blood flow from his wound.

"Your attacks are pretty efficient rather than mine, considering that we both have the same weapons."

"Tch. Don't dare mock the weapon of an immortal or else, consider me not being a lenient immortal."

"Hah! Lenient? Maybe that's why you have been banished as a Xuan Lang. You aren't very lenient!"

Jin Ren hurled his weapon against the stranger but instead of hitting him, the claws hit a nearby tree causing his chains stuck. He tried to pull his weapon from the tree but it was of no use. His attack was very powerful which made the claws bury deep on the tree trunk.

His enemy smirked in what it had witnessed.

"I know you immortals are powerful. I have only four words I can say before you die... You aren't careful enough."

The stranger raised the claw high up waiting to strike Jin Ren with a powerful blow but luckily, his attack was deflected by series of darts hurled towards his direction. The darts hit his claws giving off a tingling sound.

With angry eyes and contorted face, the stranger looked at the direction where the darts came from.

"Who dares to interrupt my business!?"

The cloaked man stepped forth and removed the hat from his head along with the cloth that covered his face.

"It is I, Na Mo Xiao and I forbid you to kill anyone in my territory because it's against Emperor Yue's rule... Rules... Uh... RULES... Yeah..."

The stranger just scoffed and gave off a pathetic laugh towards Mo Xiao.

"HA HA HA! You are daring boy! Now, prepare to die."

Drawing his claws into offensive state, the stranger leaped towards Mo Xiao wanting to strike him head on but, as much as he was expecting his weapon to cut the boy's body, he was surprised to see him wield a divine weapon on his hand. The golden poleaxe stood upright as Mo Xiao laughed softly seeing the stranger's befuddled reaction.

"H-How did you get this divine weapon?"

"Uh... From my mother and father? Why? Your mother and father didn't give yours?"

"N-No? What I mean is... You're a mortal... You couldn't possibly call a divine weapon without drinking a blood of an immortal!?"

Mo Xiao's eyebrow rose up.

"SERIOUSLY? Drink blood? What am I? A wild animal?"

The stranger was now very confused as he is. But, after a while they realized that their weapons were interlocking each other and decided to back away apart. Jin Ren already spent his endurance using his divine prowess and called off his weapon. The stranger saw that he was at a great advantage to kill him since he fell on the ground unconscious.

QingHai saw Jin Ren stagger on the ground and ran as fast as she could to his direction.

"Ah Ren, wake up! Wake up!"

But no matter how QingHai shook him up, he never wakes up due to ultimate exhaustion. As she continued shaking him, a shadow covered up her vision and heard a sound which marked that her life flashed before her eyes.


Two weapons clashed each other. Mo Xiao acted fast. He protected QingHai and Jin Ren just in time because if he failed, they would be cut into pieces by the stranger.

As the stranger saw that his attack was blocked by Mo Xiao he gritted his teeth while continuing to thrust his weapon towards Mo Xiao.

"You meddlesome boy! Stay out of this!"

"They are my friends, how could I stay out of this when you are trying to harm my friends?!"

Right now, QingHai was very frightened as Mo Xiao continuously blocked the attacks made by the stranger. The attacks were fierce sending recoils making him lose balance and fell down on one knee. He looked back and saw QingHai. The reaction on her face made him anxious. He saw himself as his 10-year old self. Back when he trained hard on Tangmen. He was just a helpless, powerless and innocent boy that was forced to carry out Tangmen sect's orders. Eliminate evil and uphold good. Everything came back into his memory and forced to stand up on both of his toes back again. Using one of his hand, he reached out on his satchel and tossed a thing towards QingHai.

QingHai was shocked to see the thing tossed to her. Her hands couldn't move out of fright. Now that Jin Ren's divine prowess was used up, she thought that she couldn't protect herself. She thought that everything was just a bad dream. She wanted to melt or fade away in the wind. But, just as she lost all hope, she heard a loud voice beckoning her.

"QingHai! Pick up the horn and blow it... Help will come! Please!"

But still yet, she was frozen seated on the ground while holding the unconscious Jin Ren's hands. She closed her eyes but still yet, the clinks and clanks of the clashing weapons awaken her and gave her the taste of harsh reality.

Mo Xiao refuses to give up on QingHai. He wanted her to find the courage to blow the horn and overcome her helpless self. He remembered that the horn was given to her by Xuan Wu before she ascended back to the ninth heaven.

"Son, this horn unlocks all of the potential of a half-immortal. Use this in times of hard battles but be warned, never use this horn for greed... Only in a time of need."

Shaking his head, he still refused to give up. QingHai must blow the horn or else, all hope is lost.

Shouting on the top of his lungs, he faced back at QingHai and encouraged her once more.

"QingHai... Please blow the horn. Didn't you tell everyone that you want to protect Jin Ren no matter what? Didn't you promised and gain the mark of eternal lifetimes? Please, if you can't protect him now, how much more on other lifetimes with him?"

These words knocked sense on QingHai's memory. It gave a jolt on her that she gripped her chest and rushed up to the horn.

She grabbed the horn on her hand and blew it. A strong gust of wind along with divine prowess knocked away Mo Xiao and the stranger out of the way. The divine aura reached up Xuan Wu who was currently at the Jade Phoenix's palace as an audience of Wei Yue. Her eyes shook as she felt the growing presence.

'Impossible. This presence...' She whispered by her breath.

The mark from QingHai's arm changed form into a red flower surrounded by thorns. Her appearance changed from a 10-year old youngster into a 20-year old grow up wearing a white inner robe and a dark pink outer robe. Her black hair turned into pale white and her eyes gleamed in dark pink. A strange mark appeared on her forehead.

She stepped towards Mo Xiao and the stranger and smiled...

"Say little Mo Xiao... Did you know whom you had just awakened?"

LuoNa LuoNa

LiuFang Asuro was the sixth shura so I figured out to add the fifth shura which was Lan Luo Wei. Lan Luo Wei was the fifth shura that had the same background as LiuFang Asuro but yet, their stories had different endings and beginnings. At first, Asuro was betrayed by the immortals but as for Lan Luo Wei, she was betrayed by the humans whom she loved the most making her as the fifth shura to ever rule the dark realm.

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