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76.85% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 81: Chapter 80: Pick the pieces without getting hurt

Chapter 81: Chapter 80: Pick the pieces without getting hurt

Looking up at the dark skies. XiNiang, YingLuo and FeiXian made their way to Emei. As they all got inside the gates, the disciples crossed their daggers preventing XiNiang from entering.

"Halt! Why is the sect leader of Shifting Flower Sect here?"

YingLuo felt XiNiang's agitated presence but she stopped her from acting rashly and calmly talked to the disciples instead.

"We're here to clarify an issue regarding the Grandmaster, Jue Chen."

"Silence disciple! Who are you to speak the Grandmaster's name?!"

YingLuo let off a sigh and pulled her divine weapon from her sleeve.

"Ah… Uh… Sorry. Please, get inside."

As all of them got inside, Jue Chen was already waiting for them at the main hall of the school.

"Follow me." Jue Chen instructed them the moment that they had arrived the hall.

Keeping close, Jue Chen led them inside the secret passage down to the forbidden treasure library. She thought to herself that if she talks with other disciples present, they might be discouraged at what they're going to hear.

"We're here. Sect Leader… What are you going to inquire about?"

"I came here to inquire to you about this."

XiNiang threw the box forward and opened it. Jue Chen's jaw almost reached the ground as she saw the school's treasure tainted with evil aura.

"The school treasure… Where did you retrieve it?"

"From Mo QiuAn. She told me that the treasure's condition has to do about your ancestors making a secret deal with an immortal. I suspect that your ancestors made a deal not with an immortal but with Asuro, the Sixth Shura."

"Indeed. I need to say this to all of you once and for all. This secret has been with me all of my life passed from my ancestors for hundreds of years. We did not made deal with Asuro... But you're right, we made deal with an immortal and that immortal… She's the one responsible for leading Asuro to his damnation."

YingLuo could not believe what she heard. She questioned all of the knowledge, insights and values instilled into her by Emei's teachings. For hundreds of years, the facade was just a wall of lies after all. Emei was responsible for it's founder's damnation.

With heavy heart, YingLuo clenched her fist and turned her back from Jue Chen.

Jue Chen sensed YingLuo's feelings and softly spoke…

"YingLuo... I know what you feel. But please understand, my ancestors did what they didn't want. They're manipulated by selfish immortals that wanted to start wars among kingdoms and disrupt balance amongst the realms. I am sorry YingLuo."

"I need some air."

YingLuo excused herself and went outside. FeiXian wanted to follow her but XiNiang stopped him shaking her head.

"She needs me, please let me through."

"No. She must overcome it herself. Not all the time a man must lend his arm on a woman. YingLuo's stronger than you think."

FeiXian was pursuant to his desire on following YingLuo but given up and sat at the corner as he thought about how the situation might affect their child.

'Once this mess is over, I'll make sure to marry YingLuo and give her and my child a good life.'


"MianSu, the situation is tight now... XueCao, your trusted asset had already spilled the beans."

Hearing PeiLong's words, MianSu slammed her hands on the table and her face distorted into a grimace.

"How dare he! That ingrate doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut!"

"We had already silenced Jin Ren and banished him as a Xuan Lang but the situation was different from what we have expected…"

"What different?"

"A mortal—"

MianSu's eyes grew large with her face contorted into a horrid look.

"Tell me PeiLong… What situation are we dealing with?"

"MianSu… Jin Ren… He's not… YingLuo did not kill him. A mortal imprinted on him."

MianSu screeched in anger and flipped the table hurling it across the room. Her anger could not be contained. Her plan failed. All that's left now is that if Asuro finds out that she was the one directly responsible for him becoming a Shura then…


"PeiLong… I'm going to leave the ninth heaven and wait for the right opportunity to strike."

"But MianSu… The other immortals might notice and…"

"No. Distract them as you may and remember not to foil my plan."

"Alright then."


Rain fell down as MoXiao stood on the training grounds facing LanRong. His motivation on controlling his divine prowess to moderation without going berserk is serious. After the feast for BeiYin the other day, they decided to head back to the Dragon Blade's kingdom to train and right now, they are locked in a serious combat.

Slowly, MoXiao reached for his darts while completely focusing on LanRong.

'I've never seen her so serious like this. I'm always used to seeing her smile or blush everytime I tell her sweet and corny words.' MoXiao inwardly said as he grabbed the darts.

LanRong sensed his next move and as MoXiao threw the darts, LanRong stretched the zither strings and grabbed each darts by it returning the attack to MoXiao.

MoXiao saw the incoming darts and dodged every single one of it except the last one which sliced a small cut on his face.

The first attack was a trial. LanRong wouldn't want to get easy with MoXiao or else he wouldn't get the tranquility that he desires.

LanRong was about to unleash her turn when MoXiao smiled at her and pulled off his antics flirting with her.

"Ah LanRong, my love… Let's stop right here I'm getting bored."

"MoXiao… How can you control your berserked prowess if you continue to act like this?"

"Hmm… But it's true. I really am bored."

"Na MoXiao, for the endth time, you need to be serious about this!"

"Alright. Alright! But only if you promise me about something."

LanRong's left eyebrow raised up. She rarely raises an eyebrow unless…

'This pathetic guy must be up to something. Oh well… I might as well hear him out.'

"Okay fine. What do you want in return?"

"I'll come to you first and whisper it on your ears."

"You're up to no good MoXiao. Stop fooling around, I haven't got all day."

"I'm not fooling around. After all, a deal's a deal."

LanRong was hesitant but after a while, she let MoXiao then come to her and whisper the deal on her ears.

After MoXiao spoke, LanRong blushed like newly riped tomatoes.

MoXiao then returned to where he stood and smiled like crazy before turning serious.

As their battle went on, LanRong's mind was in a daze. After MoXiao whispered on her ear, thoughts then came running on her mind.

MoXiao saw that her attack and defense pattern had changed abruptly and asked LanRong with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong my love? You seem to be distracted."


"I told you the deal aren't I? And oh, I remember, all immortals uphold deals don't they?"

"Na MoXiao! You're the most sly and shady person that I've met!"

"Ha—Ha! No my love, I've became sly and shady when I met you."


"Ha—Ha! I'm just kidding. Go inside now and change some clothes. You're soaking wet."

"Y—You too…"

"I'll go and eat you later..."

"Wait, what?"

"I said… I'll go ahead later."

LanRong's eyebrows crossed and afterwards made her way inside the palace. She looked back at MoXiao once more and as she caught glimpse of him, he looked back at her and winked.

'Oh no… Gosh. I wish sister YingLuo was here. I wish she'd come home early… This monster brother of his is making my body ache all the time.'

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