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62.03% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 65: Chapter 64: A Single Kiss

Chapter 65: Chapter 64: A Single Kiss

It was late at night. A bright red moon shone bright over the dales and mountains surrounding the Jade Phoenix's Kingdom. Everybody was already asleep. The palace looks peaceful now after the great siege that had happened the other day yet, Wei Yue could not even sleep a wink. He walked all around the palace's royal library and treasury looking for a way to conjure a portal going directly to the Dark Realm and bring RuoMin back. His mind could not concentrate. He was very worried about how the Lunar Empress' disappearance might cause an uprising amongst the mortals and immortals, what's worse is that monsters might become frenzy if RuoMin will not return back to Old Jianghu.

"May I come in?"


Lu Jie went inside the library with her stick guiding her way. She sensed that Wei Yue was very frustrated and decided to sit awhile and talk with him.

"The moon is now painted in blood, is it caused by her highness, disappearance?"

"Yes. It definitely is. Without her, Old Jianghu's peace is threatened. My people will suffer and also all of Old Jianghu because of this. I must find out a way to conjure a portal and bring her back."

"Only demons have the way to conjure portals to the Dark Realm."

"Lu Jie... You are weak. You must not force yourself."

"I have been saved by his highness and I must repay him."

"I do not want to hear those words. Repay because of my kindness? No! If it were to harm your life, then this conversation is over. I will find another way."

With more piles of book in his front, Wei Yue read thoroughly. Everyone he ever cherished is finally here. Zhao Min was gone and he can't afford to lose another one.

"Your highness... I'm sorry if I angered you. I'll go to sleep now."

"Lu Jie... It's alright. I'm sorry for yelling. Go now and sleep."

Lu Jie slowly stood up from her seat and Wei Yue scanned back to the pages of the book that he was reading. Lu Jie walked away gradually until she reached Wei Yue's back. The unsuspecting Wei Yue wasn't expecting anything that would happen next, nor his awareness of the whole thing when...

Lu Jie wrapped her arms around his neck behind him and kissed Wei Yue's head. She had then excused herself and walked outside the room. Wei Yue was left speechless with mouth wide open and eyes staring at the door. His heart beat faster than before and his breath is not like in synch. His mind is going into a trance and his face is turning red...

'W-What's that all about? And what is this feeling? I've never felt this one before... It's strange.'

Wei Yue gulped a saliva before closing the book in his hand and stood up from his seat.

'She... Why is she making me feel this way?'

Wei Yue made his way unto his chamber to sleep and close his eyes. He wanted to forget everything that had happened but it was of no use. All that he could think of was making Lu Jie explain what she had done.

He got up from his bed and took steps going inside Lu Jie's chamber. The door wasn't unlocked so he entered freely and saw her sleeping peacefully. He leaned close to her and tried to touch her face however... He stopped himself and just stared at her instead.

'You will give me an explanation.'

Lu Jie suddenly woke and felt Wei Yue's presence in the room.


"That curse you gave me. What was it called?"

"It's a kiss you're highness... W-What do you want?"

"That felt good. Would you care to give me more?"


Strange noises were then heard inside the chambers. Moxiao wanted to ask Wei Yue about his search to the portal's opening so he entered the library. Suprisingly, he never saw Wei Yue there so he head to his own room.

'Maybe his highness is asleep perhaps?'

On the way to his quarters, MoXiao was about to open his room when he heard strange noises.

"Mmmmhhh ahh... Your highness... Please take it easyyy..."

"Aaghh... Lu Jie... Your body is amazing...."

His eyes grew wide and slapped his face.

'I must be dreaming? That flabby bird is even afraid of hickeys.'

But then again... He wasn't really dreaming.


"A-Asuro... I'll be sleeping on the floor."

"Nonsense! Come sleep with me my wife."

Every night in the Dark Realm it always turns out like this. Asuro wanting RuoMin to sleep with him in the bed and ends up RuoMin sleeping at the dungeon with YangYang and YinYin.

"YangYang... Why did you two follow me all the way here? You could both be killed if you're found!"

"Well... We couldn't just let ourselves be in frenzy."

"Yang-Yang really likes to be with you master!"

"You both are so courageous. Thank you."

RuoMin snuggled on the fur and let herself fall asleep. A while passed Asuro's voice resounded the dungeon. Yang-Yang and Yin-Yin transformed into a hair ornament and tucked on RuoMin's head.

Asuro saw her lying in the dungeon and his heart started to melt like an ice exposed in heat.

"I told you to sleep with me in my chamber didn't I?"

Asuro picked up RuoMin and carried her back to his chamber. He took one glance at her face and afterwards, lain himself underneath the sheets. He stroke her soft ash-colored hair and indulged himself with her scent and after a while, fell asleep soundly.

The Dark Realm wasn't a hot place nor cold either. It's surroundings are also as identical as the human world however, the place were totally swarming with demons. The Demons aren't ravenous as they are described by Lu Jie but, once they feel threatened of provoked, they'll show their true nature.

Only TaoYan city could be considered as a safehaven for mortals that travel Dark Realm. Luckily, RuoMin was brought there instead of sending her outside the city. When demons smell mortals, they will salivate and are compelled to eat them but, by Asuro's command, they'll do as they please or be restrained.

Cold air swept inside the room from the open window and brushed up RuoMin's cheek. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself lying on a soft bed instead on a ball of fur. Slowly, she moved an inch backward yet she felt someone lying behind her. Her eyes grew as she reached out her hand to her back. As her hand stretched backward, a huge hand grabbed her waist pulling her closer to the person.

"Don't move."

She was shunned. She'd not dare move. She felt Asuro's warm breath on her neck. His arms are wrapped on her waist like a koala tightly clung on a tree.


"Hush wife. I am going to sleep."

"I am not your wife."

In a flash, the sheets flung up and Asuro topped himself on RuoMin. His body gleamed against the crimson red sky from outside the window. It was dark yet a sliver of light shone inside the room. RuoMin couldn't say a thing. Only one thing comes on her mind every single time and that is...

'I just need to survive here. Even if he will molest me or do something shady, he will never have my soul.'

"What do you have to say wife? Isn't your husband's body too perfect for you to say anything?"

"Umm— Asuro, I'm not your—"

Asuro gritted his teeth in anger.

"Say I'm not your wife again and I'll punish you."

RuoMin gulped a saliva and opened her mouth to speak but Asuro had already captured her lips. His tongue moved inside her mouth. An unexplainable feeling rose inside her as he trailed his hands on the sensitive parts of her body.

"Mmmh— Ahhh A—suro..."

"What? You want me to stop? How about if I do this?"

His lips lowered unto her neck up to his chest and licked every inch of her temples and suckled the sensitive part. A moan escaped from her mouth as Asuro finished basking in the decadence of her breasts.

"A—Asuro please stop... I'm pure.. Please... I'm not your wife. Your wife is long dead!"

"Oh really? If I do this next thing, would you stop pretending and just... Give in?"

"Next thing?"

Asuro delve on top of her once again. This time, he removed all of outer and inner robe exposing his masculinity. With his claws, he tore RuoMin's clothes. It was of no use restraining, since Asuro's claws are very sharp and can cut an arm with just a single slash.

RuoMin closed her eyes. She wanted to drift away. Away from this terrible thing that will happen to her.

'Brother... YingLuo... Wei Yue... MoXiao... Everyone...'

Her thoughts shattered as an intolerable pain went inside her anatomy. Teardrops fell from her eyes as a blood fell underneath the white-colored sheets. Asuro fell silent. He withdraw himself from inside her and placed both of her palms in his face. The tension cleared after a while and Asuro wanted to apologize to her. He went to her and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I am sorry."

Asuro clenched his hand and put on his inner robe. He was very guilty. Whenever he sees her cry, something inside him tells him that...

'I wouldn't hurt this woman...'

'She's not my wife... But why?'

'Why do I feel... Something about her?'

'Is it... Is it because I have missed my wife after all these years?'

Thoughts kept running on his mind on and on. He was about to leave RuoMin yet small, gentle arms wrapped itself on his waist.

"Please stay."

Asuro looked at RuoMin. She wasn't crying anymore. Her eyes were now full of optimism and courage.

"I don't want to continue..."

"I know... I—I'm not your wife but..."

"Yes... It's better if I stay away from you so that I won't hurt you."

"But my heart... It aches... If you go away, my heart dies a little. I don't know. I haven't met you before but... Somewhere deep inside... Something is telling me, if you'll be gone and not come back, I guess I'd die."

"RuoMin... I—"


"I'll stay this time."

The mood changed in a spark of a moment. Asuro laid her on the bed kissing her passionately while tracing his hands unto her soft skin.

"RuoMin... I'm giving you my all."

"I—I am prepared."

The night in the Dark Realm seemed so long as Asuro and RuoMin was lost inside their intimate love-making.

And also... The two Guardian Beasts inside the hairpin are now vommitting through and through.

LuoNa LuoNa


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