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58.33% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 61: Chapter 60: Shura Asuro Part 2

Chapter 61: Chapter 60: Shura Asuro Part 2

Days flew into months and the immortal Asuro grew fond with some of the village's works and chores. He often helps carry heavy loads of sacks filled with rice to LianHua's hut and sometimes helps with cooking food or washing clothes. The mortal life was wearing off his nature of being immortal. Even LianHua noticed this change and grew fond of him without noticing that her feelings also grew fond with him too.

One day, LianHua came bringing two pail full of water. Asuro wanted to help her but she insisted on carrying the pails herself. As she was nearing the hut, she did not notice a fist-sized rock hit her foot. The pain from her toe climbed all the way to her body that made her lost her balance. When Asuro saw this, he used his powers to run fast and catch her.

"A-Asuro... You shouldn't use your powers too often."

"No. I'll use my powers as often as possible in order for you not to get hurt."

"But Asuro..."

"No Buts LianHua..."

He stood up and got the pails on his hands.

"I'll go draw water from the well. I'll come back for you."

"Hmm." After LianHua nodded he fetched the pails back to the well.

It took a while for him to came back and soon, twilight came at last. LianHua became worried. Her heart would almost pop out of her body because of anxiousness.

'What if Asuro got eaten by wolves? That pervy guy shouldn't die! He haven't repaid me yet!'

Round and round she had been walking in circles inside her hut that she have forgotten about the stew that she cooked. The nails on her hands almost bled while she bit them off. Never in her life had she felt this nervousness before. She was about to pop an artery when... She caught a glimpse of a faint light illuminating the pitch black darkness.

Asuro was carrying the pails short of breath and arrived at the front of the hut.

"LianHua I'm ho—"

"You idiot! Why have you returned so late! Aren't you paying attention with the time?"

"But LianHua... I must carry these pails back to you or else—"

"Or else what? I'm going to have a heart attack worrying for you? If you're exhausted, you should've left the pails and head straight home!"

"LianHua... I'm at fault. Please punish me!"

"You—You're hopeless!"

Hoping to receive a gracious beating from LianHua, Asuro closed his eyes and stretched his arms in front of her. But, things haven't turned out the way he expected. LianHua knelt and wrapped her arms around him.

"You're truly an idiot pervert... I thought that you were eaten by wolves."

"Must you know LianHua... Wolves are nothing to me. I'm an immortal remember?"

"As if! I'd let you die like that? I'd make a wolf stew if they hurt you! Oh no... The stew!"

LianHua's eyes grew wide as she remembered the stew that she sat on the fire. She hurriedly got up and tended to the stew that which was almost half burned however, as she tasted it, the stew tasted fine. She released a breath of relief after so, and put off the fire from the furnace.

"Come on the stew's ready."

Dinner was then over and they both went to bed. LianHua stared at the ceiling while Asuro caressed her hair. All at once her life turned around and new feelings started to color her monochromatic world when Asuro arrived in her life.

"I wish this moment would last forever."

"It will LianHua... It should..."

"But what if it won't?"

"It will. I guarantee you."

"Asuro, both of us know that relationships between a mortal and an immortal is for--"

"Shhh.... Don't say that. I love you LianHua and I'm willing to defy everything just to cherish and love you forever until the end of time."


Months turned into years and Asuro grew accustomed to his new life in the village. Somehow, Asuro never saw visible changes between LianHua as she was bearing their first child in her womb. He happily stared at her do light chores as he carried heavy sacks of tubers, herbs and spices with him after descending down the mountain. He thought to himself that he would want to give up his immortality and ascend back to ninth heaven for LianHua and his child. So he decided to ask LianHua her permission.

"Wife, May I ask you something? Promise me you won't get angry."

"Yes husband... Speak."

"Well wife, I need to ascend back to ninth heaven. I will ask the higher immortals to remove my immortality in order for me to live freely with you."

"What? H-husband... That's too much. You're the founder of Emei. The birthright of heavenly lotus and the one who gave light and fire to men..."

"So? I couldn't care less of the things now rather than the things that I did in the past."


"It's all for your sake and our future children. I promise to come back before you know it."

"Alright. Alright."

Later that night, Asuro went to the mountains and disappeared up the clouds.

When he had arrived at the ninth heavens' gates, other immortals welcomed him upon his return however, some of them turn their sight and felt disgusted by his presence. He wasn't mindful of it and was only thinking the sake of his child and his wife.

'Today, I will step down from being an immortal and will surely go back to my wife and child.'

Headed straight for the seventh cloud where the council of high immortals are already waiting, with head held high, Asuro entered the doors. He had then threw himself in front of the high immortals. He bowed himself to pay respects and then state his purpose why he came.

"High Immortals... I, LiuFang Asuro will step out from being an immortal."

"Nonsense Asuro! We all know that you are the best candidate for the next high immortals selection!"

"I have made up my mind Elder. I wanted to live a life like a mortal."

"How dare?! Why are you acting like this? First, you gave the mortals fire, and you got yourself punished because you gave Emei a destructive technique that takes life and now... You're throwing all of the life you're supposed to live just for a human?"

"She's not just a human... She's my wife."

"Whatever you say so. Do as you please. I will strip down your immortality and make sure that you don't regret the life that you chose."

"I promise."

After the immortal cleansing ceremony, Asuro returned back to the village expecting that his wife and the child from her womb is waiting. Descending down from the mountains and up into the dawn's first light he gallop in glee.

But, when he came back to the village, his eyes grew wide. Arriving at the entrance of the village, he looked at the dead people on his wake and ran up to their hut only to find out that

LianHua was already dead. The trace of death was caused by a technique which involved conjuring cicadas and placing them on the victim's throat choking them out of air.

He checked LianHua but sadly, she was an hour dead before he had arrived but, a visible sign of life was spotted on her abdomen. The baby moved and Asuro was filled with happiness. He decided to get the baby from LianHua's dead body. He succeeded in doing so and held baby in his arms. She was the most beautiful child that he had seen in his life. Tears came running down his eyes as he saw the baby cry for the first time.

"Child. I will find the one who is responsible for this and will surely bring your mother to justice."

Like a stalker that fled, Asuro went away with the child. He went to the town looking for food and a place to stay. Inside the inn, people are flooding more and more as mysterious murders occurred at the outskirts of town.

He went to inquire about the incident but the innkeeper shunned him because of the crying baby.

"You! Take that child away from here, you're ruining my business!"

"S—Sir... We don't have a place to stay we..."

"Oh beggars aren't you? If you don't have a place to stay, why pester my business like this? Go... Go shoo... Get out of my sight!"

"But Sir my child is hungry..."

"No freebies for you beggars!"

The doors of the inn shut close. The little baby in his arms won't stop crying. Noon came and the baby soon fell asleep. Asuro never felt starvation before but now, his stomach has been grumbling nonstop since he haven't eaten any food.

"Little baby... Dad is going to find us some food okay? You should stay put and don't cry okay?"

Asuro made a tie from his outer robe putting the baby hanging from his chest. Seeing bottles of milk from a nearby dairy house, he crept silently and took two bottles of it. But alas! The guards caught him and presented him to the owner of the dairy house.

"Why did you steal?"

"Ma'am... My child and I are hungry. She is a newborn and her mother passed away right after her birth. Please have mercy ma'am."

The owner of the dairy house looked at him and the baby in his arms. Although she was fat and ugly, she have always a big heart for helping other people.

"Take your child and come with me upstairs."

"T—Thank you Ma'am."

Asuro was led by Madame Jia Zhuque upstairs and was treated to a feast of food and also, his child was given to the maids to be taken care of and was fed bottles of milk every six hours.

His heart almost fluttered in joy having someone who treated them as common equals.

'In my next life, I will surely find you Madame and make you an immortal.'

Madame Jia was a widower. She didn't find another husband as soon as her husband had died. She is now on her fifties yet she haven't bore any children.

"Asuro... Your name is LiuFang Asuro?"


"You're the immortal that founded Emei Sect? Why are you living like this?"

"It's because of my child. I fell in love with a mortal and now..."

"Ah love. It has been always like a flame. Once you touch it, you'll get burned and for you my boy, you really got roasted."

"Haha. You're right about it Madame Jia."

"Have you ever found a suitable name for your child, Asuro?"

"I was thinking of naming her like her mother but... She's... She died."

"During birth?"

"The truth Madame is... Her mother didn't die due to her birth, she's... Murdered..."


"Along with the whole village people."

"Who would do such a cruel thing?"

"The technique that has been used for killing them was made by me... And I know where I have imparted this gruesome power and I will find the one who killed my wife and all of Xiang village."

"Asuro... You should not shed blood on your hands. Let the kingdoms do something on this matter and surely, they will listen to you!"

"Madame Jia... I am a mortal now. Who would listen to a common-looking folk like me?"

"I know a way but you better be ready."

Madame Jia led them to the kingdom of Jade Phoenix and talked to the Eunuch about the incident. Asuro explained what happened but the Eunuch shook his head in dismay.

"You haven't got any proof about that but you want to talk with the Emperor yourself? How thick skinned are you?"

"I— Don't you know who am I? I am—"

Madame Jia put her hand on Asuro's arm and shook her head.

'I will deal with this.' Madame Jia talked with the Eunuch and afterwards, they have been led inside the palace.

As the doors opened, a woman exited leaving the emperor. The woman had a stench of the cicadas and her hair and clothes where from of Emei. Asuro recognized the clothes and put his hand on the woman's arm.

"Why have you come here?"

"I have talked to his majesty."

"I smell something from you. Don't you hide it... Have you learned the techniques of the Dance of the Cicadas?"

"Hah. Are you bluffing? That technique is lost long ago. How can that be?"

"I may not be an immortal now but I can still tell that you possess that forbidden technique."

"So fiesty Asuro... What can you do? You have no divine powers now."

Peeling the skin off her face, the woman revealed herself as DongFang Lei. The Grandmaster of Emei.

Both of them crossed arms and manifested their prowess on martial arts as they fought like birds that was rising in the air. Their movements were fast and accurate to the point where no human could see what they are doing. Alas! Asuro's sharp claws found it's mark and buried deep on her skin piercing her neck. Blood dripped on the ground as the fighting had halted. DongFang Lei knelt on the ground holding her bleeding neck and said...

"It was as Zhuge Liang had said... You might have found out that I killed your family but all of the immortals will find out that you killed a mortal like me."

She ended up laughing as she collapsed motionless on the ground bathing from her own blood. Dark circles emanated from Asuro's body, encircling it.

The call of the Dark Realm is coursing through his veins releasing a dark aura all throughout.

Before Asuro disappeared to be forever trapped in the Dark Realm, tears flowed from his eyes staring at Madame Jia.

"Madame Jia... Please take care of BeiYin for me... Tell her that I love her everyday and tell her that I have already avenged her mother and the people of Xiang village."

Disappearing completely and was dumped into the dark realm, Asuro became void of his feelings because of pain and soon ruled the Dark Realm as the Sixth Shura or what was called "The Sixth Demon King Asuro".

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