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37.96% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 39: Chapter 38: Truth is my resolve

Chapter 39: Chapter 38: Truth is my resolve

XuanWu had already acknowledged her premonition as she arrived back at the ninth heaven's sacred gate. Celestial guards and other immortals were already waiting for her at the entrance including Zhuge Liang who had then greeted her pretending to be friendly. Putting up a fake smile, he stepped forth and wrapped one of his arms around XuanWu.

"My dear Wu 'er. Did you miss me?"

"I would never miss someone who dared to put my children in grave danger."

"Oh, so feisty Wu 'er, and oh, you also brought back Guan Yu with you... How merciful you are. You should've let your son kill him as soon as he's vulnerable."

"My son is unlike you, Liang. For me, you're a slithering coward taking advantage of other's weaknesses to make them do your bidding."

"Have you forgotten, Wu 'er... I'm the God of cleverness and strategies. I would take advantage of anyone's weaknesses especially if I hate them."

"You're the worst of the worst."

"Say whatever you have to say."

Zhuge Liang signaled the guards to cuff XuanWu. XuanWu couldn't put up a fight. Since she had chosen to defy the divine law in her own volition, and have to face the high court of Gods governed by Chang 'e the Moon Goddess and WangMu Niangniang the Goddess of Fertility. She calmly submitted herself to the guards while Zhuge Liang stood by her side. Zhuge Liang leaned closer to her and whispered on her ears.

"If you marry me, I'll spare you from being judged by the high court of treason."

"I would rather die than to marry someone lower than a scoundrel."

"The good luck to you. History truly repeats itself; you'll soon join your sister in banishment."

"Cowards like you never wins."

"No, love... You'll never win."

Zhuge Liang stroke his fan on her face and she turned her head in disgust. Even if Zhuge Liang succeeds in his plan of banishing her from the ninth heaven, she will surely get back to her children and save them from danger with or without divine powers.

Soon, they had arrived at a giant door past the hallways of seventh cloud. The trial room has already been set. Immortals have already gathered taking their seats at the trial room. The immortals eyed XuanWu. Some gasped and some gossiped as she was led by the guards to take a seat on the 'accused' seat however, XuanWu remained calm and composed. She never fret on what would happen after she will leave the courtroom.


Dawn has already broken on Old Jianghu. A preparation for the escort of the grand wedding to be held on the Dragon Blade's kingdom has already been made. Li An, the bride was already seated inside a grand sedan with the Jade Phoenix's mark. Hua Feixian and Na Yingluo were the ones assigned to guard the sedan while Wei Yue also rode a carriage at the back of the sedan.

Moxiao recalled the things that happened before the wedding escort. A while ago, LanRong bade him goodbye and decided to return back to the ninth heaven for a while.

"Your mother was a principal Goddess, Moxiao. Unlike me, she'll be faced at the court of immortals and if she'll be guilty with a charge of treason, she'll be banished."

"Banished? Why? Isn't it an exception for mothers to rescue their children when they're in danger?"

"The divine law is absolute. Since you subdued Guan Yu and he reverted back into a child, he's absolved of the crime that he did but your mother... She... I've got to go back and tell the court what really happened."

"But, aren't you going to defy your own father for that?"

"Yes. But the truth must be revealed. It is my resolve."

LanRong raised her sword up the sky and a bright light shone upon her. Feathers fell upon her body making her gradually disappear.


Xiao Na called to her before she disappears. LanRong turned back to face him and Moxiao soon embraced her disappearing body.

"I love you, LanRong."

LanRong embraced him back and whispered in his ear...

"I love you too."

After a few moments, LanRong disappears completely leaving only a trace of feathers.

Moxiao snapped out of his memory when Yingluo gave him a tap on his shoulder.

"Brother, you seem to be thinking deeply. Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing, sister. I just thought about mother."

"What about mother? I hope she's not in trouble of some sort because of us."

"Actually, she is now... But, LanRong said that she can help mother fix the problem."

"Alright, if she says that she can help. I guess we just have to put our faith in her."

Yingluo then went back to her position guarding the sedan. Feixian raised an eyebrow. Judging from Yingluo's appearance, she's dealing with some sort of trouble. Feixian then raised his voice hoping to knock away Yingluo's obnoxious mood.

"We're the first one to get in a serious relationship but look... Li and Zhang got married first!"

"Ha-ha. You're right."

Joke or not, Feixian did not really dissipate the worries and anxieties that Yingluo dealt. Her mind is still wandering far away.

"What's troubling you, Yingluo?"

"It's nothing really."

"Nothing? How come it'd be nothing if you keep thinking like you're falling into a deep abyss?"

"It's a personal matter. It's none of your concern."

Feixian gritted his teeth and reined his horse in front of her. Stopping her from continuing further. The sedan went pass by them. However, Moxiao took the guard duty gaining speed to escort the sedan. Moxiao eyed Feixian and together, the nodded harmoniously. Feixian remained his horse still making Yingluo rein her horse.

"What are you doing Hua Feixian? We were supposed to guard that sedan."

"Moxiao took the guard duty. Now, where were we? Ah, 'none of your concern' eh?"

"Yes. It's one of my family's affairs. You are not included in my family's shambles."

"I told you before didn't I? I will protect you no matter what happens. But how will I protect you if I couldn't even protect you from your own sadness?"

"Feixian... The truth is... My mother..."

Yingluo couldn't speak more. Tears came rolling from her eyes. Feixian reined his horse closer to Yingluo and wrapped his arms around her.


Sounds of bells filled the whole ninth heaven indicating XuanWu's trial. Chang 'e and WangMu Niangniang took their places and seated facing the crowd of immortals and as well as the accused.

The elder immortals and other principal Gods and Goddesses seated at the front including Zhuge Liang. Fukurokujo started the trial against XuanWu's tribulation against the sacred law.

"We stand here today in the presence of the accused. JiuTian XuanWu, who abused the sacred law by descending to the mortal realm."

Chang 'e raised her palm and all went silent. She stood up and asked a witness to present himself to the court and prove XuanWu's treason.

"Immortals are truthful by heart. We are not told to lie and deceive others. Now, speak or forever hold your peace."

Zhuge Liang stood up from his seat and raised his hand.

"I will be the witness to XuanWu's treason."

The immortals gasped in shock as Zhuge Liang went in front of the court and threw himself on the seat where the 'witnesses' usually sat.

"Her treason was of a heresy since she used her powers to awaken her children becoming them to abuse the divine art as full pledged immortals."

XuanWu ran up to him but the chains held her back. She shouted in dismay...

"Liar! I went back to my children to help them because they're in trouble because you ordered Guan Yu to kill them!"

Chang 'e stared cold daggers at Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang averted his sight from her and looked at the chained XuanWu instead.

"Are you speaking the truth, Zhuge Liang?"Chang 'e asked.

"Yes. I am."

"Nothing but the truth?"

"I swear in my innocent heart."

WangMu Niangniang then checked XuanWu's bracelet and pendant if it was intact however, she could not find it on her body. Chang 'e then supposed that Zhuge Liang is telling her the truth.

"XuanWu's pendant and bracelet isn't present so that means one thing, she had gave her children her authority to abuse the divine art."

XuanWu felt powerless. She knelt in front of the whole crowd. It was the first time that she felt this way. A smile curved up Zhuge Liang's sinister face. He was so happy that he had got away with his crime.

"Do anyone wish to oppose Zhuge Liang's accusation of treason against XuanWu?"


The immortals went silent. Chang 'e was about to strike the hammer of justice when, the gates of the courtroom flung open. An exhausted girl came running inside the courtroom. Everyone was astonished, including Zhuge Liang.

"XuanWu is innocent. Let her go."

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