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33.33% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 34: Chapter 33: Save Them

Chapter 34: Chapter 33: Save Them

LanRong ran up inside the chambers of the palace and came across Zhang Xiaoxing, Li An and King Fu. She warned them about the Tian Lang. King Fu advised Li An and Zhang to stay inside the castle walls since the Tian Lang could not breach because of a hidden enchantment casted by the old kings of Dragon Blade.

A booming voice of horns signaling enemy attack filled the whole kingdom. Wei Yue and Xian Hua were alerted making them rush to the outside palace.

There, they saw Luo Na and Xiao Na fight the wolf-like monster.

Xian Hua draw his sword preparing to fight the Tian Lang but Wei Yue stopped him.

"Your highness, why?"

"This is the ordeal between the Na siblings and a powerful being. We must not interfere because if we do, we'll get decimated."

Xian Hua removed Wei Yue's hand from restraining him. He angrily clenched his teeth while looking Xiao Na and Luo Na struggling to fight with the beast.

"I'm not going to just stand here while looking at them getting slaughtered. I'm not a coward like you."

Xian Hua charged forth baring his sword towards the beast. As he thrust his sword at the beast's back, it glared at him and gnashed it's teeth. The blade couldn't pierce through the ethereal form of the monster and it gave a quick kick tossing Xian Hua away.

Wei Yue didn't know what to do. Feeling of anxiety and uneasiness filled his core. Wei Yue closed his eyes and thought deep.

'A benevolent king does not seek war... But...'

Wei Yue opened his eyes after a while.

'Will always be ready for it.'

With his staff, he casted an enchantment on the beast which made it lose it's ethereal form. Jade crystal enveloped it's whole body making it look vulnerable.

"Hurry Luo Na! Xian Hua! Xiao Na! Pierce the creature while it's still vulnerable. I couldn't hold this enchantment for long!"

Xiao Na leaped off with his daggers and cut off the jaded monster's four legs. Luo Na stuck her daggers on the monter's nape and sliced it's neck and finally, Xian Hua hit it with his blade and the jade monster corroded.

But that wasn't the end of it. After Wei Yue's enchantment drained all of his stamina, the jade enchantment dissipated and it reanimated back to life.

The Tian Lang angrily growled at them but Xiao Na, Luo Na and Xian Hua kept their battle position in line.

LanRong ran up to Wei Yue and shouted...

"The Tian Lang never dies! Run and flee!"

The Tian Lang erratically behaved and ran towards LanRong but the wounded Luo Na ran fast and stopped the Tian Lang before it's fangs could reach LanRong.

Luo Na used her arms as shield and the fangs sunk deep on her arms. The wounds from her leg looked worse. Spores started to form on the fresh wounds of her leg and her arms.

'As I suspected. It's the Tian Lang that attacked Zhao Min.'

Her wounds continued to bleed. Xiao Na and Xian Hua released attacks to draw away the Tian Lang however, it continued to gnaw at Luo Na's arms.

Luo Na released a shrill of pain. The Tian Lang's fangs buried deep. She closed her eyes and let herself fade away. Away from the horrific scene that she is experiencing now.


Luo Na opened her eyes. Plums fell all around her. She found herself lying underneath the plum trees. She got up and saw XuanWu smiling at her.


"You're awake."

"Where am I Mom?"

"You're somewhere inside the Spirit Realm."

"So, I did die huh?"

XuanWu helped her up and she took her hand. XuanWu then pulled out something from her pocket and placed it on her hand.

"Mom, why are handing me a bracelet?"

"I know you have to save your friends so I need to send you back. But before that..."

XuanWu leaned close and kissed her forehead. A golden light glowed on her body.

"What did you do Mom?"

"I freed your mortal self Luo Na. I will do the same for your brother once he reached the spirit realm."

"But Mom, I-"

"There's no time. Go and save them."


Luo Na came back to her senses. Her wounds faded away along with the spores that the Tian Lang caused. Looking at her daggers, it glowed on gold and crimson hue. She held on the Tian Lang's fangs and after a while sent the monster hurling across the dirt of the ground.

Luo Na's daggers transformed into a spear which she held on her hand. The spear glowed in gold and crimson with roses engraved along it's handle.

The Tian Lang growled more ferociously. It's voracity of erratic and sinister behavior increased but Luo Na did not even flinch nor ran away. She held the spear in her hand and aimed towards the Tian Lang.

The Tian Lang ran towards her. It's berserked than before. When the beast got close, Luo Na released a mighty throw of her spear towards the monster.

The monster laid dead on the ground and disappeared into glowing blue ashes. Luo Na successfully defeated it however, the attack drained all of her stamina that caused her to kneel on the ground.

LanRong didn't have a single clue what just happened and why Luo Na held a divine weapon...

"Sis Luo... You're mortal how did you—"

"I'm sorry LanRong... I can't tell you now I'm not feeling well."

Luo Na reached out for her chest. She felt a sting on it and vomitted a lump of blood.

Xian Hua ran up to her and afterwards, she fell unconscious once again. Xian Hua were as clueless as LanRong and the others but he thought that maybe LanRong has to know something about Luo Na's condition.

"You saw Luo Na wield a divine weapon LanRong... I thought only Gods can wield a divine weapon."

"Yes." LanRong nodded.

"However... Sis Luo and Xiao Na isn't completely mortal. Sis Luo's mother awakened the power inside her which can turn her into a full goddess."

Xian Hua's eyes widened. If Luo Na will be turned as a Goddess, does that mean that she'll ascend into the ninth heaven and leave him forever?

Xian Hua shook the negative thoughts out of his mind. His priority now isn't about Luo Na's departure but about her current condition.

"What happened to Luo Na? If you say that she'll become a full Goddess, then does that mean she can kill whomever God or Goddess that she wishes? Isn't that the rule between Gods and Mortals? Immortals can kill Immortals, Mortals kill Mortals..."

"Yes, you're correct brother Xian. However, There is something about the rule that you all must know..."

"What is it?"

"If an immortal kills fellow immortals, he'll receive a punishment. Just like what happened to sis Luo... She killed an immortal therefore, she's punished."

Xian Hua stared at Luo Na with misty eyes. He doesn't want to lose her.

"Luo Na..."

Xiao Na moved forth closer to Xian Hua and tapped his arm.

"It'll be alright Xian Hua. Sister is stronger than you think."

LuoNa LuoNa

Eyyyy Gaes! Have you watched or heard about the game [God of War]? If you do, congratulations! You're one Kratos-strucked fan like me! eheheheheh. (´;ω;')

Anyway I know Zhuge Liang is unkillable but, these siblings are different. So here goes nothing...

( • ̀ω•́ )

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