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25% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 25: Chapter 24: Mistress of the Dire Necropolis

Chapter 25: Chapter 24: Mistress of the Dire Necropolis

Beyond the clouds of mist, hidden within the edge of the world, JiuTian XuanZheng cursed her current situation. The dire necropolis has been her home after she was banished from the ninth heaven after behaving unruly. JiuTian XuanZheng was Goddess JiuTian XuanWu's twin sister however, their blood relationship never prevented the Gods from banishing her.

Dark roots of an ancient evil tree surrounded all over her as she screamed in pain. After a while, a crow flew inside the hidden chamber and transformed itself into human.

"Mistress. I bring news from outside the Necropolis!"


"Your valuable asset that would set you free has been defeated by the Seven Immortals! Apparently they have made deal with a man named Wei Yue and his companions."

'Impossible! I thought the Jade Phoenix Kingdom had already fell along with it's leader!'

Her eyes widened as she set free from the roots that were clung into her body and roamed all around the dark room.

"The Jade Phoenix is such a nuisance. However, without XuanWu, my sister's help, he is powerless after all..."

Her crooked voice sent chills down her servant's spine.

The servant gulped few more saliva before saying any more words. He's afraid that his mistress fury will shake the whole necropolis if he spill the beans out.

"Mistress.... Ahh... There's one more thing about Wei Yue's companions..."

"What is it?"

"Well... One of them possessed the same power as of your sister's... I sensed JiuTian's power before and after the battle... Mistress... Is it possible that...."

"The girl and the boy lived! Impossible! I made sure that the great war killed all XuanWu's offsprings!"

XuanZheng's face contorted in anger and two pair of black wings grew in her back. Her eyes gleamed like two red pearls that scared her servant.

The servant turned back into a crow cawing away from his angry master.

'XuanWu... This time, I won't spare even a limb for your children. They will die in my hands! I will personally give them a visit if I have to.'

With a shrilling voice completely letting out her anger, she flew with her huge black wings up the necropolis and outside.


"This one or this one?"

Luo Na picked out the royal robes that Wei Yue will wear for his return on Old Jianghu.

It is indeed a day to celebrate. The sleepless nights paid off with the reward of peace and clarity.

"I think I want the one with green."

Luo Na handed Wei Yue the robe but suddenly, she felt a cold air that tingled the back of her neck.

"What's the matter Luo Na?"

She did not respond to Wei Yue's question. Her senses felt haywire as she fell on the floor. Visions started flooding her mind. Her eyes became all white. When Wei Yue noticed this, he called in Xian Hua, Li An and the others.

"What happened to her?" Xian Hua asked Wei Yue. Wei Yue extended her hand and wrote an ancient writing in front of Luo Na. The visions that she saw started appearing in front of them.

"This is no ordinary vision." Wei Yue took his staff and then went outside to talk with Brother Yao.

Xian Hua remained inside with Luo Na. He instructed the others to give them a time for each other so they all left them with doors closed.

"Luo Na. I know you can hear me. Come back to me my love..."

Xian Hua leaned closer and kissed Luo Na passionately. Unaware that Luo Na had already came back to her senses, Xian Hua continued to kiss her until he felt that Luo Na responded to her kiss.

He withdraw his lips after a while and faced Luo Na.

"What happened Luo Na?"

"I don't know. I saw visions."

"Was it normal for you? Seeing visions like this?"

"No. It's the first time that I saw something horrible... I saw... Chaos and ruin and a face..."

Xian Hua wanted to hear more. His heart isn't getting any satisfied until he finds peace and happiness for Luo Na.

"Xian Hua... I saw a face of a woman. She had two large wings that of resembled my... Mother's..."

Xian Hua's eyes shook in fear.

'Luo Na's mother is a Goddess named JiuTian XuanWu. If she saw a woman that had the same visage as her mother then that means...'

"Luo Na... We must tell Brother Yao exactly whom you've seen!"

"Exactly. Please Xian Hua help me up... My legs..."

Luo Na couldn't stand up. Something was wrong with her legs. Her nerves numbed and she couldn't find the strength to walk.


Brother Yao and Wei Yue were engaged in a serious conversation eversince Luo Na had started experiencing the visions.

"Tell me Wei Yue, where did you find this girl?"

"The Dragon Blade's Kingdom. By King Fu Xiaoxing's tutelage."

"May I talk with her? Alone if I may?"

Wei Yue didn't know what to do. So he decided to go out and call Luo Na but Luo Na and Xian Hua had already arrived before he could even go out.

"Xian Hua, Brother Yao wants to speak with Luo Na alone."

"I understand your highness."

Xian Hua assisted Luo Na in sitting on a chair and after a while went outside with Wei Yue.

Brother Yao placed his palm on Luo Na's forehead and started seeing the same visions. After a while, he withdraw his hand while shaking inexplicably.

He sat down on the vacant seat in front of Luo Na and almost collapsed in fear.

"What's the matter Brother Yao?"

"Dear girl, did you have a brother? Are you JiuTian XuanWu's daughter?"

"Yes. I am."

"Oh no..."

'XuanZheng will come for them. If I don't tell the siblings soon, it will be the end for them!'

Brother Yao stood up hurriedly and pulled the scrolls on the shelves carelessly. The other scrolls fell down but he did not mind about it. Until, he handed a scroll to Luo Na.

The scroll has a seal engraved with two dragons from side to side.

"Only you and your brother can open this scroll. Call your brother immediately and come back to this room this instant!"

Luo Na can't help but agree to Brother Yao. She haven't seen Brother Yao display such strong emotion of fear and anxiety in his eyes before. Whomever he saw inside his visions definitely was someone who would do them harm.


Xiao Na was outside the gardens staring at the cold blue moon from up above. He held out his hands holding a little flower in it.

He was very guilty after he almost had raped his own dear sister being seduced by Ning for greater power...

He clenched his fist crumpling the flower in his hand. He felt that his resolve as acting as Luo Na's elder brother crumbled as he remembered what evil things that he did.

Xiao Na was lost in his thoughts and regrets when he heard footsteps closing in to where he is. He turned around and saw Luo Na. His guilt almost swallowed him whole when she saw her flash a smile at him.

"Luo Na why are you here?"

"I came to fetch my big brother."

Luo Na stepped in closer but Xiao Na distanced himself from her.

"No. Please stay away. I've done enough bad things to you and your friends."

"Look Xiao Na... You may have done bad things but you're still my brother after all."

Her words sent showers on his heart. Their sanguinity shouldn't be severed by just a trifle incident.

"Luo Na..."

Xiao Na welcomed her in his arms allowing Luo Na to embrace him completely. Tears welled up from his eyes. An unexplainable feeling arose in his heart. Such feeling is so great than a romantic feeling.

'I promise Luo Na. My resolve won't wane anymore.'

After a while, Luo Na led him back to the room where Brother Yao was waiting.

"At last both of you are here."

Brother Yao gestured Luo Na and Xiao Na to place their hands on the scroll. When they did so, the scroll's seal came off in an instant and opened itself in front of them. Visions started flowing out of the scroll that made Xiao Na and Luo Na stared in awe.

"Luo Na, Xiao Na... Your mother is a Goddess named JiuTian XuanWu. She is a deity of Love and War at the same time. She loved the human beings most of all and favored them blessings. But JiuTian XuanZheng, her twin sister, plotted a sinister war that caused humans to kill themselves. As a result, the Gods from the ninth heaven threw XuanZheng and banished her into the Dire Necropolis. She is now known as the Mistress of the Dire Necropolis. Since people have been exuding into being weak, pathetic and evil, the barrier from the Necropolis weakened making her able to enter the human realm once again. Luo Na, Xiao Na... We are placing the world's fate in your hands."

The scroll closed after narrating the vision and at that moment, Luo Na fainted and fell on Xiao Na's arms. Her eyes were open but her pupils and iris turned all white.

With a deep voice, Luo Na spoke unconsciously...

"XuanWu's offsprings... I will come for you and I will rip both of your hearts myself! Old Jianghu will fall and the kingdoms that serves it's pillar will also crumble into ashes! Mwahahahaha!"

Xiao Na didn't know what to do but Brother Yao immediately flicked a paper seal on Luo Na's head making her close her eyes.

'What are we going to do... Mother... Father... Please give us strength.'

Xiao Na could only wish in his heart. He wasn't strong enough.


LuoNa LuoNa

Hellooooo Helloooo! I am baaack! xD Ah I'm so sorry if I haven't updated Warring Kingdom's lately. Even in Webnovel, I'm so sloppy getting everything under my pace! _(._.)_

Ahhh! Actually I'm very busy in a game called Sword of Shadows... I've been constantly doing quests to raise my might and maintain my glory in game! (´・ω・') What's more is that I have a daughter to feed and a husband to also feed. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)If you know what I mean xD

Ahahahaha. Don't get angry guys. Ψ( ̄▽ ̄)Ψ I promise to post more chapters next week. (♡∀♡)

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