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13.88% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 13: Chapter 12: Rendezvous at Kunwu Peak

Chapter 13: Chapter 12: Rendezvous at Kunwu Peak

Kunwu Peak, one of the most well-known inns in the history of old Jianghu period. General Hua nodded his head while listening to the explanation of the concierge. It turns out that they'll be staying for a day in this inn since most of them are injured especially Luo Na who was knocked out of poison.

"I doubt if we could ever find a doctor in this inn..." Li An shook her head while staring at Luo Na. It has been four hours since the battle from the bamboo forest but she hasn't awoken yet.

Strange red markings has started to envelop around her body and General Hua, being the one who is deeply attached to her, is tremendously worried about her condition.

"We don't need a doctor. Let's just tell the concierge that we need a large room for all of us." Zhang Xiaoxing said pulling out a satchel of money from his bag.

"What are you doing? We're the ones who have to pay for the check in, but why-" Li An's disparity had been cut short.

"If you will save my father then I will gladly pay you with everything I have." With a bag of gold crowns, he presented it to the concierge and the concierge smiled back at him.

"Wise choice sir. This way to your pavillion." The concierge started walking and the others followed her.

"Pavillion? What's that? Was it supposed to be a room of some sort?" Li An scratched her head in confusion. Zhang Xiaoxing laughed. He thought that this soldiers never had luxurious life before.

"You see... Kunwu Peak is different from other inns. If you want to check in on large numbers, then they will offer you a pavillion but if you paid in intermediate sums, they will just offer you a room." He explained.

"I see." Li An nodded in agreement.

When they had reached the pavillion, General Hua immediately put Luo Na in bed. The poison is spreading fast and the red markings emitted green substance.

"Close the doors and windows."

Wei Yue instructed them and they closed it all. Luo Na is in terrible condition and there's no more time to spare.

"I, Wei Yue... The new king of the Jade Phoenix, commands you to heal this woman." After saying these words, Wei Yue's staff glowed and a mild Jade Phoenix spirit came out from it. The Phoenix flew upward and around all of them and later on landed on Luo Na.

The red markings and green substances gradually disappeared from her body after the jade phoenix disappeared.

"Will she be alright?" General Hua wanted to confirm if Luo Na has already been healed. Wei Yue tapped him in his shoulder.

"She will be alright now, General. You can rest easy." Wei Yue replied. "I believe all of us needs some time to pamper are we not?" He added.

Li An, Zhang Xiaoxing and General Hua nodded in agreement and all of them moved in to their respected rooms.

"I'll watch Luo Na. You all can take a bath or get some sleep." General Hua said.

"Alright." Li An replied and afterwards went outside.

Meanwhile at the Dragon Blade's Kingdom, Xiao Na, the brother of Luo Na is satiated with anger.

"OF ALL THINGS!?..." He spouted. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO PUT MY SISTER IN DANGER?" His loud voice echoed through the throne room.

"You can calm down now Xiao... The Jade Phoenix healed your sister. I can feel his power from here. He is very close..." A shadowed figure of a woman spoke through a silhouette from behind the seated king.

"If something happens to my sister... You'll be the one I'll kill first Ning..." Xiao Na said and then jumped from the throne room's window making his way outside the kingdom's walls.

Xiao Na decides to take a short visit to her sister. He's very careful not to be seen or else it'll be a fiasco. He just wants to check on her dear sister for a while. Even if it's from the distance.

Xiao Na climbed up the tree and peeked from the thick covering of leaves to the open window of the pavillion where Luo Na has been asleep.

General Hua was sleeping beside her while holding her hand.

"Funny... I used to sleep like that when we were little." Xiao Na smiled as he left. He knows that Luo Na is safe and she is alive. However, if another thing happens to her with Ning's doing, He'll never forgive such act and will surely slay Ning.

General Hua, awoken in the middle of the night and decided to drink a glass of water for he is thirsty.

The kitchen was just around the next room and it wasn't too far so he left Luo Na all by herself for a short while. When he came back, a masked assassin was holding a knife up above Luo Na's head and was about to strike her. Luckily, when the blade was about to hit her, he barred the blade with his sword and it snapped into two.

With this, the assassin fled from the room making his exit from the window. General Hua tried to chase him out but the assassin disappeared from his sight.

The next morning, Luo Na had awakened and all of them gathered around for a grand breakfast.

"Since we are staying in a fine pavillion, what remarks can you say?" Zhang Xiaoxing began a conversation.

"The bath was fine." Li An said putting a mouthful of food on her mouth.

"The futon was soft and I slept in comfort." Wei Yue smiled and then sipped a tea.

"Luo Na was about to be murdered last night." When General Hua said this, all of them dropped a silver ware and looked pretty serious.

"What? Why would someone murder me?" Luo Na was pretty confused herself but General Hua's tone of voice changed.

"Last night an assassin went inside her room. The assassin made sure that I was not around so maybe the assassin is here on this very inn." General Hua pulled out the evidence from his pocket. He laid the snapped blades on the breakfast table.

Zhang Xiaoxing examined the broken blade and smelled it.

"It smells as of plum and there are markings along the blade."

He showed a mark of a lotus flower that is engraved along the broken blade.

"Judging from my conclusion, this blade is from the students of Emei. But why would Emei attack someone who hasn't done anything to them?" Zhang Xiaoxing has his facts straight but he could never grasp the reasoning why servants of Emei wants to attack someone that betrayed the Dragon Blade?

"I have heard that Emei has students that are expelled and was then recruited by underground assassins to become mercenaries for other kingdoms." Li An said as she examines the broken blade.

"So does this mean..." General Hua did not finish his sentence.

"Yes. The witch wants her dead meaning that her destiny has changed." Wei Yue said as he stood up from his seat.

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