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7.4% Warring Kingdoms: Tale of Jade Phoenix and Dragon Blade / Chapter 6: Chapter 5: A Distant Memory

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: A Distant Memory

Luo Na and Xiao Na had lived like beggars eversince their parents died till then they have been adopted by a sect of assassins hired by a higher operative sworn to protect the king of the Dragon Blade Kingdom. Luo Na and Xiao Na was trained to become top assassins of the Dragon District and received high honors from the king. Luo Na had doubts of the person that she was becoming so she confronted Xiao Na, her brother... One night, when Xiao Na was about to sleep, Luo Na came to his chambers.

"Brother, I fear that the king that we swore to protect isn't really a benevolent king at all... Look at this, we live a life of luxury yet the people of the Dragon District especially the poor are suffering..."

Luo Na shed tears as she explained to her brother. Xiao Na looked from afar. He never want to disobey the king but he loves his sister dearly.

"If you must go and defy the king, then I will not stop you. From now on, you will live a life like those filthy people on the streets of the District..."

Luo Na bowed in front of him and was about to surrender the Jade daggers that were carved from the Jade of a meteorite by their parents when they were alive, but Xiao Na stopped her and insisted to take the daggers with her.

"Keep those as a token of our memory as a family..."

After that, Luo Na left the temple of assassins silently and never to be seen again... Until...

"Why do you know this path? Who really are you?" General Hua asked Luo Na as she was blazing the firewood for them to keep warm against the howling of the wind.

"I already told you all my story, what more should I tell you?"

She signaled Li An to give her the pot with water in it and heated it above the pyre.

"So that's it? You mean, you're just a TRAITOR? You betrayed your brother and now, you're with us? How much can we guarantee that you won't betray us even though you've betrayed your own family just for your sake?" General Hua yelled at her. Luo Na just shed tears.

"It wasn't for my sake. It was for everyone's." Luo Na replied. Li An comforted Luo Na and patted her back.

"General, you went too far. She's just a girl!" Li An angrily snorted at him but General Hua just facepalmed. He looked at the jade daggers carved with dragons in it. General Hua then remembered that assassin that tried to assail them at the forest.

"Was it you that attacked us when we went for the Jade spirit at the foot of the mountain?" He asked Luo Na. She wouldn't want to deny so she tells him the whole plot.

"Yes. It was me. The Dragon Blade knew that you would go on a journey in reclaiming your kingdom so they sent me, as their best assassin, they expect highly of me but when I came back from that encounter, I reported that you all had escaped as a cover for my insolence so they demoted me and forbid to take any missions further... That's why I left..."

Luo Na then put out potatoes from her bag and put them in the pot of boiling water. She waited for them to simmer and added herbs and minced beef. When the food was almost cooked, she recited an enchantment and the food glowed in greenish color and afterwards returned back to normal.

"Will you poison us with that?" General Hua said jokingly. Luo Na laughed and said... "No... My mother and father when they were alive, they taught me how to cook with powerful enchantments... The food turns out to be delicious and healthy."

Li An nodded to her approval so as Wei Yue.

"Well, let me taste first." Wei Yue reached out for a bowl which Luo Na filled with food but General Hua grabbed it instead.

"No! Your highness... Let me try this first! It must be poisoned." His eyebrows are crossing by looking at the food. Luo Na just softly smiled and continued to put food into servings into the bowls.

As General Hua tasted the food, he shouted very loud. "It... It.. tasted... heavenly."

Wei Yue and the others laughed while General Hua digged in on the bowl which Luo Na served.

"How did you make such magnificent tasting food, Luo Na?" Wei Yue asked her.

"My parents, they were famous herbalists and cooks before the war."

Luo Na frowned as she looked at her bowl of food. She misses them very much...

"I picked herbs in the forest at the back of our house that time, when I returned home, my brother was at the entrance of the forest and our house was burning on the ground."

General Hua never understood the pain that she felt because they have such an extravagant life through a family that guards the throne...

"I'm sorry for asking. It must have hurt to remember things that are in the past. But we must live on for tomorrow right?"

Wei Yue flashed a smile at them.

Li An raised one of her eyebrows.

"Your highness surely talks smooth to the girls." Li An smirked at Wei Yue but he just shrugged it off.

"Ahah. Well well... How does this sound, Luo Na, will you help us reclaim the Jade Phoenix Kingdom and your highness will reward you with riches you can never imagine." General Hua reached his hand on her. Luo Na accepted his hand and replied, "Even without riches, I accept on your accord. It is totally for a good cause. Defeating the Dragon Blade is one of my hope. My parents, they are murdered by them. I simply wish to take revenge."

Luo Na withdrawn her jade daggers and looked at it. The dragon carvings are still in tact and unscathed.

"May I have your daggers?" Wei Yue requested her to give her daggers to him. She accepted it and gave those to Wei Yue.

Wei Yue casted an ancient spell... The dragons from her blades danced with the embers from the bonfire. From the crest of Wei Yue, a phoenix joined the dragon and they joined together. The fire glowed into green and a woman appeared above it.

"Avoid waging a war on both sides. Be wary of war, The dragon and phoenix are joined together like earth and sky, moon and sun, water and fire, life and death. Find the source of the conflict, do not engage in war."

The deity spoke at them hovering at the green flame.

"What must we do? The Dragon took away my kingdom, everything that my father gave, all wasted away." Wei Yue bowed his head at the deity's presence.

"The Dragon does not distort the peace that has long been quivering on this realm, find the source of chaos and eliminate it, only then you can break the curse of death."

After saying those words, the deity disappeared. All of them are shocked and confused at the same time.

"Source of chaos? You mean, someone has been manipulating the Dragon Blade all along?"

General Hua said.

Wei Yue picked up his staff and raised it up in the air.

"Whomever is pulling the strings, we must find out for ourselves."

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