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50% Mermaid Tale / Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - House is Too Big

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - House is Too Big

Few days later since Michael joined them, Gabriel is still in his room, he has ate but only during the time Michael and Angeline are patrolling but he still has not spoke to anyone until Raphael decided to read his mind one day when he goes out to eat at the dining room alone. Raphael found out that it was a shock for him when he found out about Michael and Angeline because he has been telling his friends about her, even decided to move to live with her, and he felt embarrassed when Michael announced his relationship. Raphael went to speak to him even if he is not responding.

Raphael: Gabriel, I know you're shocked about Michael and Angeline but I was too, even Marius. I'm sure your friends will understand too, it is not something to be embarrassed about because we all experience the same. Everyone would feel heart broken if they see someone they love being with someone else, and I am sure your friends know that too. It is common. You don't need to sulk in your room the whole day everyday to get her, you won't really get her if you just shut yourself in your room, and does nothing. Besides, even married people get divorce or annulment. (as he learned from other people while reading their minds). Just because she is with someone else right now, does not mean she won't be with you. Do you really want to shut yourself inside your room and not spent time with her or talk to her?

Gabriel finally opened the door and spoke.

Gabriel: I... I'm sorry, I just did not know what to do. This is the first time I ever felt this way. I'm also scared that I might just hurt her feelings if I talk to her and it is hard for me to see her being happy with someone else. I love her so much that it hurts so much. I will try my best to control my feelings, and start talking to her again.

After finally able to convince Gabriel, they both realised how dirty his room got ever since he shut himself in his room, and they also both realised how big the house is and they need someone to look after the house, like cleaning the garden as the garden's grass are growing and some weeds are growing as well, even the times when they are busy, someone always needs to wash the dishes and Angeline is always cooking and when she is tired, they always need to buy food delivery, which is not healthy most of the time. They will need 2 helper in the house. Raphael contacted Angeline as Angeline and Michael are patrolling and Marius is at work. Angeline then talked to Michael about it and Angeline sent a message to Marius. Angeline knows 2 who can be willing to help them as most of her mom's friends are working as part time helper and some are full time, and some are still looking or on call helper. Angeline decided to call them and offered them a job to work for them as their helper at the house. They will both work full time but since one of them, Sanya has her own family living together with them, she will only go to work at their house from Tuesday to Saturday, 8 hours a day, while the other one, Celine works whole day from Sunday to Thursday and will live with them as the chief helper, like a butler but not a maid. Both of them agreed to work for them, well, the offer is a bit higher, the one who works 8 hrs a day will be paid £15 per hour, which is £120 a day. She receives her salary of £600 weekly. Then, the other one will be paid weekly of £1000, which is £200 per day, but her work is whole day with 8 hours of sleep. She will cook, do the laundry (wash and dry on the washing machine, hang them up, fold them, and iron them), do their bed, wash the dishes after dinner, buy groceries, etc. The other one will clean the rooms (sweep the floor everyday and mop every Saturday), and clean the toilet every Tuesday, wash the dishes after breakfast and after lunch). For the garden, the men will take care of that as Angeline told them that a man should do the garden cleaning as it needs someone strong enough or muscular enough to use the machine to clear and cut the grass. Angeline will cook from time to time when the other cook is busy with other chores. The men will take turn cleaning the garden every month. First month will be Michael and Marius, second will be Raphael and Gabriel, then Michael and Marius again. When they finally finished planning regarding the housekeeping for the house and setting up the timetable, and also cleaning the whole house the whole day as the first step, everyone decided to take the day off and go out the whole day. Celine and Sanya took the day off as well, since Raphael told them they will be out the whole day overnight and they don't need to help at home that day until they come back the next day. Angeline then realised they need to get a house blessing to ensure that nothing bad will happen. So Angeline prayed before leaving the house for a while and cast a protection and light spell all over, so she can see what is going on even when they are not around.

Angeline: This is the first time we are all going out together.

Michael: Yup. It is and it has been more than a week already since I joined you guys.

Marius: Yes, and I am going to be our photographer guys. Let's have some pictures.

Gabriel: Nice idea.

Raphael: I wonder what it is like. This is my first time going out with some friends here in your country.

Angeline: Oh right. Don't worry, it is fun. I am sure you will enjoy it.

Raphael: Okay, thanks Angeline.

Michael pulled Angeline towards him inside their big van (spacious inside like a caravan or small house).

Michael: Let's sit here.

Angeline: Okay, but aren't you supposed to drive?

Michael: Oh, you guys didn't hire a driver?

Raphael: I only bought the van as Angeline suggested when we bought the house, we had a customised van specifically made for us. We just got it yesterday.

Michael: Okay, I will drive. Angeline, do you want to sit with me at the front or stay here?

Angeline: I will see, hmmm.. does the seat at the front convertible to bed?

Raphael: I think it is, it is convertible for the driver too in case we all get tired and need to rest, we can park somewhere and get rest.

Angeline: Okay, I will sit at the front, but I need to take some snacks.

Marius: You still like food. Go on a diet.

Angeline: Hmmmppff. I will go on a diet when I need to but right now, I need energy since we are all going to have fun.

Michael: Wait! Where are we going?

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