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63.63% The Devil's Escapade(Adult Novel) / Chapter 13: Twelve

Chapter 13: Twelve

After seeing Tony Stark and Ho Yinsen's escape. I left them and started to plan of making my own gang just like how Nick Fury made his Boy Band the Avengers. So, I decided to use the Church as my Gang and because I also have the Angel wings with their Holiness but without the Halo that the angels had but it was still very simple with the plugins I had it is very easy to create with just a snap of a finger.

After deciding all needed for my own gang, I travelled to Vatican and wait for the Pope and his Cardinals to do their Prayers while I was trying to decide what kind of clothes I should wear should I wear some kind of Robe and Tunic.

After deciding for hours passed, I finally decided on just wearing some modern clothing like a full on white suit. I waited for a couple of minutes again in which, I started smoking some cannabis to spend some time when I saw that they are already on the middle of their praying session that I decided to start my act.

While me and the Cardinals are in the middle of our prayers, I suddenly felt a warm and soothing light above our head that even my Cardinals felt, that feeling felt like you are back of your mother's embrace that you can feel the warmth and security it brings to you but not only that was the thing we are feeling there was also a strong urge inside me to worship who ever giving me that feeling in which like you are in front of God.

When we looked up there we saw a beautiful Angel with six wings and a halo on his head giving off warmth and security just being close while the beautiful Angel was emanating this sacred aura himself, giving off the feeling that I need to Worship and Pray for all my sins.

After the Beautiful Archangel landed in front of as and the sacred feeling was gone but the warmth and security he was emanating was still present. Just looking at the Archangel in front of us, me and the Cardinals and other Archbishop and Bishops that was also present can't help to let our tears pour down while we start our prayers while looking at the Archangel in front of us with his wings wide open showing it's beauty.


Inside the New York Sanctum.


Ancient One just arrived here after her stroll trying to find where those Unholy and Holy Aura came from but this time the Unholy Aura was gone but what's left was a Holy one.

"Now the Unholy Aura was gone but the Holy one was still on Earth. Just what kind of being was emanating such aura.. wait.. Holy.. angels?.. haven't it said in the Ancient books that they are extinct together with their God.." After thinking about it made me want to confirm my guess if this being was really an Angel because based on the purity of the Aura, it must be a high Ranking Angel and maybe it was an Archangel himself.


Looking at the Pope and his men in tears while praying in front of me, made me almost laugh at how pitiful they looked like, but I still hold the urge to laugh.

"My Children.. you can stop praying now.." I said.

"Yes Lord Archangel.." they replied without farther questions on why I'm here because they think it was a foul thing to do.

"Children, I'm here because your world will face a great calamity that will befall before your world.. being the first was an invasion from extraterrestrial beings.. that is why I'm here to guide all of you and create a force that will protect you from such calamity.. Can you children help me?" I said trying to hold back myself from laughing on such speech I made while saying all of it with the they are showing like they saw their crush because their literally blushing right now and smiling like retards.

The Pope and their men after hearing about the calamity made them shocked but after hearing the part in which their Lord Archangel was here to help to survive the calamity made us smile.

"Lord Archangel, We are happy to help you and we also thank you for coming here to lend us your guidance and protection." said by the Pope.

"It's okay child.. Now you should ready tell your brothers and sisters to join and let the Holy Light descend upon the world and guide you all..."

"Yes.. Lord Archangel.."

After that, I disappeared again and after few minutes the Ancient One came, in which she saw the Pope and his men talking on about the Archangel that came together with his warning of the calamity that will happen to which the Pope ordered his Cardinals, Bishops and Archbishops to tell our brothers and sisters down to Priest and Nuns that will was devoted to God that they themselves will even give up their life for their beliefs.

The Ancient One in the mirror space was shock that there was an Archangel that really came here on Earth and she also made her think of what happened to the Unholy Aura that she felt because the Aura was as powerful as the Archangel but she didn't find any trace of fighting or maybe they did it on the mirror space because they are old and immortal being, they themselves should know about mirror space, after the Ancient One's deductions and speculations.

She probe onto their mind to see what the Archangel looked like but to her disappointment their memories are hazy that she can't see the face of the Archangel but even though she was unable to see what it looks like but she can still see the Archangel's physical appearance being in the body shape of a child with six wings consisting of black and white feathers and a golden halo that just seeing it even in their memories can still give you feeling of warmth.

After seeing the distinct features of the Archangel, she herself also left and go back to Kamar Taj that she even forgot about the peculiarities of the River's of times being sealed and unable to be viewed.

After leaving Vatican, I slowly flew to New York while absorbing all knowledge from the two Universes of DxD and Marvel that was stored on the Gem of Worlds. The knowledge was ranging from how to make magical items and artifacts, advance technologies that also had magical enhancements or just normal advance technologies that was in accordance of science because magic will never be like science, because science itself use mechanical device and components to tap onto the laws of the universe while magic or the supernaturals use energy and their knowledge about the laws of the universe to tap directly onto them with the use of spells or Magical Circles or runes that was infuse with energy to access the laws.

The thing that made them different to each other was like, when Science was to make fire they can use a the available element like maybe gasoline and create a spark with the use of flint to create a fire while magic or the supernaturals use energy to access the elemental law by the expense of the energy to change its property to create fire. The fire create by Science can only produce normal damage because it was not a real law of fire for it consists of different materials to produce the outcome while Magic use energy to have proper access on the law itself giving them additional damage pertaining to the said law or element. This kind of additional damage also exist to the being that have supernatural abilities to control the laws or elements if they are in able to tap into it or the so called mastery over their abilities.

Hommer Hommer

The reason why I'm slow at update because I'm lazy and also for the reason of how I can't properly express the things that what's on my mind in words because my sets of vocabulary was lacking and I don't know some words that express that emotion or some words that express the name of the thing that I pictured out on my mind, that's why it made myself lazy to continue what I'm writing for another day.

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