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50% The Devil's Escapade(Adult Novel) / Chapter 10: Nine

Chapter 10: Nine


The next one Grayfia told us about the Great War that almost made a lot of Different Races goes to extinction and also people from different racial figures that we should know about that is also the reason why Ajuka Beelzebub created the Evil Pieces system to let the young Pure blood devils to create their own peerage and help replenish the decreasing army of devils by using the Evil Pieces to resurrect other Race into Devils.

She also told us what a Pure blood devil should do to increase his devil status here in the underworld.

It was said to increase your status you need strength and achievements. Strength for increasing you demonic energy, mana or your personal fighting skills and achievements through:

1. Contracting --> Like doing Devil jobs by granting the client's wish. This includes having a high number of contracts completed with high-quality rewards. A Devil's contracts will garner points over time, but it is a gradual process unless the human customer is someone with great power and influence. This is considered to be the slowest method. A promotion through contracts are seen as more of a tradition.

2. Military Accomplishments --> Like obtaining great achievement in times of crisis or situations. This includes showing exceptional ability or skill in combat. By defeating high-ranked enemies of the Devils, such as leaders of the Angels or Fallen Angels, a Devil can be rewarded. This is the fastest method, However, this route is unlikely in the current stalemate without a full-scale war.

3. Rating Game--> The last method is by doing well in Rating Games. This includes earning high points, public esteem, and opinion in official Rating Games. This is the modern path of ascent in Devil society, as it was designed to promote and train new powerful Devils. The Rating Game allows reincarnated Devils to hone and show off their skill and abilities against others in a controlled non-lethal environment. Performing well in the Rating Game raises reputation and leads to promotion. Some of the Top Rankers in the Rating Games have all reached Ultimate-Class, With the 7th rankers being the highest-ranked reincarnated Devil. This is by far the best method to raise one's own ranking.

Devils also have a Status Ranking in which like:

Ultimate-Class Devils--> This class is the highest class a Devil can gain by training or being born with power. As a devil comes into the class, they gain rank in the Underworld as Satan, Great King, King, Archduke, Archduchess, Duke, Duchess, Prince, and Princess.

High-Class Devils--> This class belongs to most younger Devils who have yet to master their power. Includes Marquis, Marchioness, Margrave, Margravine, Count, Countess, Viscount, Viscountess, Baron, and Baroness.

Middle-Class Devils--> The Middle Class of new Devils who have passed one of the three raise ranking. Includes, Baronet, Baronetess, Knight, and Dame.

Low-Class Devils--> The weakest class who are usually reincarnated Devils or are just commoners. They are a part of a High-Class Devil's peerage and serve one of the higher class. Low-Class Devils can promote themselves to higher rankings depending on their performance.

After knowing everything about it we go back to have lunch and rest for our actual training later on.

Few months had already passed and right now I pretty much read all kinds of books from elemental magic, curses, runes, forbidden spells and also mastering my Power of Destruction. Now what I'm planning to do was to create my own set of skill on using different kinds of spells and magic that suited my fighting style in which ending everything with absolute strength that can be done with the use of my own gems but I will only use those as my hidden cards.

So, that lead me to create certain set of skills using my Power of Destruction. I also found that this power of destruction was not like the Gem of Destruction I had because this power of destruction was like an unstable kind of energy that can let the material world or realistic view be affected and let it collapse when touch by this destructive energy. While, the Gem of Destruction was like a law itself that reduce everything to the basic building blocks of creation in which can be used by the Gem of Creation as a source material to create everything that even creating universe from scratch.

So, all I can say was that the power of Destruction was a degraded ability of the Gem of destruction in which it can also reduce everything onto the molecular level like separating the molecular structure of a material item in which can be seen in the naked eye like it was destroyed thoroughly but not as thorough like the Gem of Destruction.

Even though my brain have an immeasurable computing power, it was still not enough creating a skill that was unique to myself. I also thought of making a skill like black hole in which, I will create a compressed power of destruction that will tear time & space but I knowing time & space because I have two of those gems made me think that if the being I will used it have a hard skin that can resist the erosion of the Time & Space they can definitely survive it and maybe they will be transported into a different time & space of the universe or maybe into the other Universe and if they can survive, and maybe found a way to hurt me or even kill me, it will be just worst because I don't know if there was a thing that can hurt me maybe somewhere.

Thinking about it made me decide to travel to other Universe and do some adventures while the big event of this Universe was still being brewed. Maybe I can find other inspiration from those universes.

First thing I should was to change my bloodline, so that it will not have just the unholiness of Devils but also the holiness of the Angels. I will be like a being born from both Angels and Devils, an Abomination and Sacred being at the same time, that carry both of the bloodline maybe I should also fine-tune my wings making it looked like having an angel feathered wings with pointy boned protrusions and the whole feathers have white and black colors with gold linings in a look of a runic like structure making it more majestic, and the tail was still there of course no need to remove because tails also give me a good balance.

After editing my bloodline structure and visual appearance using my Gem of Creation, made me felt good after also using the Gem of Power to purify my bloodline letting me grow 6 wings on my back and a perfect affinity over the Unholy & Holy energies without using the Gem of Light/Dark that I had, with this I will be like a fallen angel with a devilish persona that I can use to full people and want to fulfill desires in different worlds in exchange with things they have like their wisdom, talent, skills or abilities in exchange for what they want but the price was doubled.

Thinking of all the extortion that I was thinking made me f

proud of my devilish lineage, because with the use of my Gems plugins I can definitely fulfill all their desires with the powers they possess.


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