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2. Black Dragon

After the lunch, Yan Yang back to his room for extract all memory that former body left to him. This dragon tatto is something else, how hard i try to found this tatto i still dont know where this former yang got it. After thinking whole time he getting dizzy and fall sleep in study room, the gentle wind blowing, and Yan Yang enter the dream world, so foggy.. (Where i am again? this place is like endless pit) he walking and "anybody there?" yell Yan Yang, 3 times he yelled and snapped (why did i yell like that? this problemly inside the dream stupid me!) "Yo.. after a millenial years someone come!" said anonymous voice, "on the top.. its still brat!" the laughing echoed whole place. Shiverd from the laugh echo "Aiyoo... excume my manner senior, i am really sorry. I didnt mean yelled" said Yan Yang worried that the anonymous voice will do something bad.

Wooosh! the strong wind passed "Hee.. the wondered soul very rare, what the wondered soul doing here?" ask anonymous voice, feeling puzzled Yan Yang said "Respected senior, my name is Yan Yang. I am sorry for distrubance" , the black fog appare in front of Yan Yang and spoke "hmm.. yes i know, i mean you didnt from this world arent you?" the red eyes looking Yan Yang he only can noded "Dont be scare, you are an unusual guest for millenial. I am the Black Dragon i persume that your meridian was destroyed?" ask Black dragon, Yan Yang only can make a sad face he know this former body not having good potential. "Why you look like that? this easy piece, i can help you become peak master. Since i boring anyway, but.." the black dragon looking at Yan Yang. "Forgeted, I am lazy anyway" countinue the black dragon.

The black fog begin make a posture a giant dragon "Brat, do you see the chain in top of mountain? Pull it out.." said Black dragon, in Yan Yang mind (will this dragon run away if i pull it? will it kill me?) "enough, dont think anything. I am honor my word stupid." said black dragon lazyly. Yan Yang walking a long way to mountain, (It should be here?) Yan Yang pull the chain using his every strength. BAAAANG! the chain is pulled, Yan Yang looking at black dragon the fog then rushed to Yan Yang body. In second all black fog surrounds his body, then the black dragon tatto glowing piercing his body and the blood out.

"Brat, from know on i will become one with your soul. Where ever you go, i will catch you" laugh the black dragon. After the pain Yan Yang feel, he asking "Sir... why you are imprisoned in here? and where is here" he is curious. "Dont call me sir sir sir.. Give a another name, and why i am here? Isnt because of God lock me up here!", Yan Yang stunned. "Alright how if i call you, Long Hei? since you are a black dragon" the black dragon didnt answer. He didnt answer because he stunned the way this brat naming so such!! "From now i will directly talking in your mind, so no one will know. And please avoid the danger just hide that you already broke to Gold level" said Long Hei.

"What? Break to Gold level... since when?" ask Yan Yang, "Oh no.. you are so stupid, since we merger our soul you gain a little power of mine. I can give you more power but a case of emergency only!" tease little hei. "About why i am here, you better know nothing. isnt good for you know a lot!" said Long Hei serious. Yan Yang feel tired and sun already a rise, he was exhausted from dreaming about the dragon. (Little Yang, you need to making pills now you are in Gold level. Control the fire not hard) said Long Hei in Yan Yang mind.

(Did i can use fire?) ask Yan Yang, (Why didnt you play with your power since your yard is so big!) told Long Hei. In second Long hei teach Yan Yang how to use his power.. Woooshh! An black purple fire gather around, and soar to the sky (Roaaaaar!) the loud voice can be heard for an entry city. tap..tap..tap.. "Little Yang, did you alright?" ask Yan Kuang, Yan Ming, Yan Zheng. They looking the Yan Yang surrounded by black purple fire, "Haha... I did it!" Yan Yang didnt aware that he being watched.

"Oh my god, what fire it is?" said Yan Ming unbelieved. Few days back he didnt have lifepower to cultiv, now see how much fire power he released. "ehm.. Little Yang?" said Yan Kuang, then Yan Yang snapped "Oh everyone.. good day" with big smile he greet everyone. "How did you get this fire?" ask Yan Zheng. "Bro i found this technique in out store room" said Yan Yang, the store room in Yan family is where all treasured kept. Since Yan Yang was the beloved kids he can use it as long as he want "Good.. Good.. Its oke! they're garbage anyway, but i didnt know there were some valuable technique among" said Yan Kuang.

The two brothers didnt feel jealously at all, because they know Yan Yang is pitiful younger brother. They also love him so much, in other to protect him the two brother act strict and cold to him. The tatto in Yan Yang body can camouflage the lifepower and deceive high level cultivator so current him only bronze. "Which level you are in little bro?" said Yan Zheng, Yan Yang thinking a moment and said " I am a Bronze level 3 bro" and smiled. Whaaaaat? everyone shouted, "You even didnt had lifepower, how could you?" Honestly, the lifepower that he own is belong to his mother. When Yan Yang first born he was like empty vassel, the mother never want to see her beloved son die so she decide to transfer her remaind lifepower to him.

"Dad, did you forget the list that day i ask to buy? I use them to make a pills. So now i am like new cultivator, hehe of course i cannot be like you guys but believe me. The Yans is producting the best descendant" when Yan Yang say like that, the rest people around feel embarrassed. "Alas.. from now anything you need you can ask father or other. And you also will train with your brother in magic and swordman, alright?" order Yan Kuang. Yan Kuang feel very satisfied that his son finally gain his way to become someone. (Brat, you have such a lovely family. Dont cha?) laugh Long Hei.

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