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1. Time-traveled

Earth-Land Year 2119, October 27.

Yan Yang is orphan from modern times, he was working very hard and having normal live. Yan Yang is 28 years old and single, even he is orphan and didnt attend any school he had so much knowledge. He got to know everything from his senior in work place, an elder or senior usually chatting from break hours. He also had so much skill for daily usage like cooking, repairing, constructure, fashion, etc.

One night he was back from working like usual, he took a bath and prepare to sleep. "Sigh~.. life is so boring" and Yan Yang close his eyes, this just random wished that his life more meaning than dull dailylife he had. "Little Yang.. wake up.. boohoo...." cry an middle age man, "Dont cry dad, didnt doctor just say he will be alright after eat few more pills?" said a young man. From a noisy around Yan Yang he wake up, (Huh? who these guys.. why they crying like someone dead..) "um.. who.." before Yan Yang could finish "Look 3rd Young Master wake up!!" said someone make Yan Yang shocked and everyone looking in Yan Yang direction.

"Thanks God! Our Little Yang wake up..." an Middle Age man running to Yan Yang bed and hugging him. (Whats with this uncle?) and before he could say anything, his head begin hurting, he touch his head and the pain more intense. "physician quick.. look at my little yang whats wrong with him?" everyone also worried. Since the engagement that he waiting got canceled, he drowning him self in pond garden. Luckyly the first son near-by and help him in time, "Report to Lord Yan, this 3rd young master its ok, the pain is sign from medicine i give working. The pain that young master felt it must be recovery so cause this pain intense" said old-white beard man. "Let him rest, everyone lets out now" said young man.

(shit! didnt i time-traveled? where is this place.. such an old ancient building!) mind Yan Yang, of course he a wake during the pain all his former memory pop-up one by one. "Alright poor you little yan, since you die because of people bully you let me use ur body and bully them" said Yan Yang low tone. Honestly he didnt plan to revenge because is wasted time, for him time is money. (hmm.. look like this boy is the third child of Yan family, from high merchant?) Yan Yang eyes-lid up, (Merchant?.. isnt good opportunity! wait from this kid memory that this magical world such a different from my world). (Ah! fine i am already here, so what? in my past also dont have anything special) then he wokeup, "young master yang, are alright? please dont get up first i will infrom master" said a little girl. "Its fine, i wanna take a bath and have lunch" add Yan Yang.

After he finish the bath, he stare at his cloth and robe. (Such a dull style? Also this hair style is bored) he thinking back to modern days this hair style is totally awfull, then he took the knife and cut all the hair "Kyaaa! Young master what you doing? Dont cut ur hair" scream a little maid, because of her voice Yan Yang got annoyed and told her to stand in our door. (What the hell with her.. hmm this stile more like my style, and about the cloth..) Grin in Yan Yang face, he faster make a combination colour black and purple. He looking at mirror, (wah! i dont know about this former little yan had dragon tatto? so cool) back in modern day he want to got one tatto but its expensive so he didnt do it.

Yan Yang walking to dinning room, with new hair style and fashion style everyone stunned. "Little yan?" said Yan Kuang almost cannot recognize his own son. Yan Yang look like ancient God, with black hair, gold eyes in black purple cloth. But everyone stunned about his hair "What happend to your hair little yan?" ask Yan Kuang worried. "Hm? Its ok dad, i like this hairstyle i cut it my self" Yan Yang smiled, and greet two his brother. He sit and begin to eat but his second bro not feel good since this accident happend because of him. Yan Ming told the father about Yan Yang fiance that always close to prime minister son Guo Han, and Yan Ming ever see Yan Yang fiance together in Jinyu restaurant only both of them is not good for lady who had fiance.

Because of they worried about Yan Yang future, Yan Ming decide to told his father. But they dont know that Guo Han already sent people to broke his engagement because Yan Yang jus good-for-nothing rich merchant 3rd son. In fact everybody in Xing City that Lord Yan always dote his 3rd son, not only Lord Yan every brother also dote on Yan Yang. As for richest merchant family, Yan Family also known as madamless mansion, since the Lord Yan only love one wife. There no one will sit in that position, yet the house manage to teach the descendant so well.

Yan Ming put his chopstick, inhale breath.. and "Little Yang, this all my fault that you engagement got canceled. Second bro know that you love young miss from Luo family but.." "Aiyoo second bro, that only about one chick ah! No need to worry, i just mess around. Let me tell you is not that i wanna suicide, but that time i just slipped my feet" Yan Yang look teased. "But this my fault" Yan Ming convinced. "Second bro, we're Yan's.. That little chick choose to bewith other, let her be.. did she think girl in this world only her? Beside she only chick, never will be phoenix!" Yan Yang giggle. Before Yan Ming could answer "Thats right! Little Yan now more mature. We should respect what he said" said First Brother Yan Zheng. Yan Zheng glare to Yan Ming signal him to shup up, since Yan Yang just wake up he dont want to look at his brother depression again.

(Hump.. Why he think i like that chick? Let me tell you former Yan Yang already fly to 9 dimension, this chick cannot compare to sexy lady in H hotel) in Yan Yang mind, "Hmm. Alright, Little Yan what do you wanna do? Father will help you to prepare your needs" said Yan Kuang. "Ah Dad! now you mention this.. i nearly forget, can you help me buy all ingredients in this list? Pretty please?" said Yan Yang pitiful. Then Yan Kuang took the paper and read (this isnt ingredients for making pills? Did little Yang know alchemist.. but the alchemist is very rare) "alright father will told steward lee to prepare and deliever to your place oke?" promise Yan Kuang. (Alas.. for now just buy anything he want, as long as he happy its enough).

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