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3.44% Unknown Family / Chapter 1: How it Started
Unknown Family Unknown Family original

Unknown Family

Author: Lalay_Neshan

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: How it Started

The air was unusually cool and crisp. the breeze gently swayed the trees, making colored leaves fall like rain. Seraphina was walking home from the park lost in her thoughts. Sounds of decaying leaves could be heard as people tread swiftly on them. She was wearing a cap, wool coat, and scarf since the temperature was below forty degrees Farenheight out. It would more than likely snow soon as the nights had become more frigid and the days had less daylight. The three months that spanned the end of autumn and the beginning of winter had always been her most loved time. Each year she looked forward to the holidays that took place within every month during that span of time. The holidays fell as follows: October 31 (Halloween, which is also the date we are currently on).

November (date changes as it falls on a Thursday near the end of the month). Finally, December 25 (Christmas) and December 31 (New Year's Eve). Her family wasn't religious, but looked for a good excuse for a party and did so quite often. 'What kind of bullshit are the 'rents going to put me through tonight?' she grudgingly thought. 'could I just have ONE holiday without their grandiose?'

That's why she would often sneak out during those over-the-top parties and observe the families in the surrounding houses. Her family tended to get a little over excited with party throwing as money wasn't an issue for them. It was nice living in luxury, but she often dreamed of being penniless.

She wasn't sure why she dreamed of it, but she found comfort in watching those less fortunate struggle to survive. The love, respect, and determination that they showed each other warmed her heart, but also made her quite envious. The chill in the air intensified instantly and made her catch her breath. 'What's going on? this hasn't happened before, has it? Seraphina felt on edge as she failed to shake the feeling of something sinister looming in the near future. She looked around in a panic and saw nothing but the dancing leaves. "Anyone there?" her inquiry was answered with a silent response. 'I must be losing my mind.' she thought quietly. She still shouldn't have this ominous doom feeling right? she continued to walk, but she did quicken her pace a tad. As she quickly rounded a corner she inadvertently ran into someone's chest. Not looking up, "I'm sorry. Please excuse my mindlessness."

Even though she was a beautiful girl, she was also extremely shy and self-conscious. Her hair was auburn, curly, and waist length, but it was always kept up and out of the way. Her attire consisted of oversized hoodies and denim jeans with sneakers. Seraphina was very voluptuous, but she preferred to hide her body as se didn't want the attention. Her skin was soft and supple as silk and had a slight olive tone to it. The posture that she held said that she felt inferior and wanted to be invisible. "Well, hello there," a magnetic voice purred. Looking up with hazel eyes Seraphina met a pair of forest green eyes that hid slightly behind dark brown hair. His skin was tanned and smelled fresh like he just showered. He was dressed in black slacks and a nice white button down and he was carrying his blazer across an arm. 'Who is this Adonis-like person?' "uhhh, I-I'm s-sorry. I-I d-didn't see you there. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" she stammered. "It's quite alright Miss...?"

He raised his eyebrows to indicate that he would like to know her name. "Oh, I don't usually give out my name that easily." She shyly smirked. "My name is Lucien, could I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" He was smirking back as if he already knew the answer. Suddenly, she was compelled to blurt, "Seraphina!" 'Why did I do that!?' she mentally face palmed. Lucien was smirking still as if he could read her thoughts. They both stood silent for some time before Lucien finally broke the ice. "Miss Seraphina, I'm on my way to a friends house and it seems that I have misplaced their address. I'm afraid that this is the first time I have visited and I don't know my way. I was told that it's a rather large Victorian on a street named Clover? Clower? Cloud?" She stood there utterly shocked because that was her house!

Lalay_Neshan Lalay_Neshan

this is my first attempt at writing, so please bear with me and I hope that you enjoy the story as I discover it along with you

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