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I was now facing off against the four hero's

batman and Robin stood in front of me while Wonder woman stood behind me and super man hovered a few feet in the air to the left of me

Wonder women was the first to step forward "Is this you" she asked while holding a picture of me walking through the portal just a few days ago I went on and glanced at the image in her hand before sitting back down on the throne

"Ohh...thats me all right " Alastair replied since he saw no reason to lie "What is your purpose for coming here your obviously not from earth" Superman's spoke up while stepping forward

"Would you believe me if I said I was just here to enjoy myself and maybe play around a bit" Alastair replied eyeing the man of steel who gripped his fist after hearing alastairs response

"Do you take us for idiots" this time it was the dark crusader who spoke up "Why are you here and who exactly are you" batman continued speaking trying to get any information he could on this blonde haired being Alastair narrowed his eyes while glancing at batman


To Batman's frustration Alastair just sat on his throne dead silent "Hahaha" alastair couldn't help but laugh out loud as he looked out into the distance and saw a bulky green skined man

jumping from building to building smashing everything in it's path "I would love to continue and answer your questions but it seems you have bigger problems now" Alastair

said while getting up his throne staring at the portal in the skies the chitauri were now sending their main forces as thousands of

chitauri were now riding through the portal but things only got worse as many hundred foot Leviathans began flying through the portal and began destroying everything in their path batman and the others looked up as well and they knew Alastair was right they couldn't waste anymore time on him they

needed to deal with Loki and the chitauri before they could deal with him but they knew the moment they left Alastair would most likely flee and who knows if they'll be able find him again the last few days both shield and the league spent many of their resources trying to find

this individual but only to fail they couldn't find a single trace it of his existence and batman wasn't willing to let him go free without at least

getting some information "Superman go and meetup with super girl and deal with those" Batman said while pointing at the Leviathans which were flying through

countless buildings "Wonder women you go and help out Cap on the streets you to Robin" batman continued " What about you" robin spoke up "I'll stay here and guard our new friends" he replied while he eyed the women that stood respectfully behind alastair and even he had to

admit she was truly a beauty but this only increased the curiosity he had for this blonde haired youth why was such a women with him

why did she respectfully stand behind him like a servant and he could tell this women was by no means ordinary

the three heroes noded before they each took off leaving batman and Alastair alone "Rider go" alastair ordered

Medusa to go and help them naturally alastair didn't have to help them but he didn't want shield or the league on his ass 24/7 he knew they werent just gonna let him be but he didn't have to become a priority to them.

Batman and alastair we're now standing at the edge of the empire State building watching everything go down around half an hour later the tides of war began shifting into the hero's favor most of the chitauri were now dead Loki was now and in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D

But just as both were watching this go on Alastair felt something burning inside of him like a void that was yearning for something as his purpled colored eyes when blood red "Ugh...." alastair puked out a good portion of blood alastair had forgotten that he chose to be a

vampire and since he arrived he hadn't had single droplet of blood his body was reacting to the lack of food batman was now looking at alastair with wary eyes "What's wrong" batman asked but he got no answer all

Alastair did was glance at him as he threw himself from the empire State building falling thousands of feet down right now all Alastair could see and sense was the blood of many injured humans but Alastair wasn't trying to

suck the life of any human so just as he was free falling he threw himself onto the back of a levitathan and opened his mouth revealing a set of four fangs as he bit down on the Leviathan and began sucking it dry

Alastair didn't just suck its blood dry but sucked the very life force out of it only leaving a baggy saggy monster Alastair was so caught up in the moment he didn't even bother to taste the blood but once he finished the after taste hit him "Ugh..aghh... disgusting" Alastair was now spitting all over the street while stomping on the levitathans dead

corpse over and over "Damm it I should wipe out your entire race you filthy bugs taste like shitt... " but as Alastair was caught up in his own little world he failed to realise he was now surrounded in front of him was the Justice league behind stood the avengers.

They were now starting at him as cautiousness flashed in their eyes after all they just saw him suck a levitathan dry but what truly made them feel wary was his blood red eyes that gave him a beastly Savage aura

"Like I said before who exactly are you" batman stepped forward after hearing batmans question alastair was not a staring around him looking at the heroes around him and Alastair had no intention of fighting he

has only had his powers for a few days he could get only use the basic of his abilitys and he needed more time to master them and he didn't dare underestimate the Justice league or the avengers Alastair when on and raise his hands in the air ready to surrender for now but just as he lifted his hand

Superman was in front of him sending a right punch right towards his face as it connected

Boom!! probably thinking he was gonna attack.

Alastair was hit right on the left cheek sending him flying meters in the air as he crashed into a nearby truck "I see...those kryptonians

senses of yours aren't they a little to much" alastair spoke up while he got on his feet but Alastair got no response curious to know why he looked up only to see shocked faces on

most of the hero's what Alastair failed to realise was when Superman landed that hit it blew off the veil he wore revealing his

teenage godly face "He's just a kid" captain America spoke up breaking the silence "A handsome kid...noo that's a godly face" someones voice eckoed through out the group

"Wait this could probably just be a disguise" Batgirl spoke up

"Bu... but" superman couldn't even reply felling guilty he just hit a teen right in the fave

"Sorry to disappoint you but I'm really just a teen" Alastair spoke while he flew into the air his golden hair dancing with wind as he lifted both his hands in front of him Buddha style leaving a small gap in between them Alastair

was now beyond annoyed he was gonna surrender but what did he get a punch to the face and a god dam super punch at that none

of the heroes knew what was going on all they could hear was alastair voice chanting but thats when a bluish magic circle appeared in

front of Alastair sacred engravings all around it as ice began gathering within the center of his palms wonder women

began panicking she was probably the only one their who had seen any sort of magic "If you realese that spell you could destroy all of new York" wonder women roared at Alastair

trying to gain his attention "You will end up killing thousands if you do this do you not care for their lives" she said while pointing at dozens of injured humans

But alastair just stood their flying in the air glancing down at the panicked heroes with smirk "Don't misunderstand I Am Not Good Nor Am I Evil, I Am No Hero Nor Am I A Villian I Am Alastair" alastair roared out for all the heores to hear leaving them shocked

Alastair was now nearly done with his spell he had now just had to add the final touches "Spirits of Ice Heed my call and Lend me Your Breath Let you Freezing be More Silent Then Death" Alastair voice eckoed thought out all of new York


Woosh!!! ice spread throughout all of new York freezing everything in it's path expect for any living creature anything that was alive only felt a slight breeze as everything else was frozen solid turning new York into a Frozen Paradise...

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