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69.23% The Elemental Knights / Chapter 8: The Unknown Tracks

Chapter 8: The Unknown Tracks

Despite the excitement of the trail ride, classes still had to go on, much to Casey's annoyance. Reading, writing, and math classes were always incredibly boring for him. He found himself almost wishing that the language wasn't English just so that he'd have something to do in those classes. As for math, it was all at the elementary level. The only good thing to come out of these classes was the opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep in the back of the classroom.

And sleeping was exactly what he was doing when Lia returned from giving her report.


Casey awoke to the loud sound of a book landing on his desk, nearly hitting him on the head. He blearily blinked up at the owner of said book, Lia. "Mmmh come on… I'm trying to sleep here"

"I've told you many times not to sleep in class."

"I can't help it. It's too boring and I don't get enough sleep to begin with."

She rubbed her temples and sighed before saying, "Forget it, I've pretty much given up by now."

She slumped into the seat next to him and picked up the book she'd used to wake him.

"Anyways, how'd the reporting go?" Casey asked, resting his head on his hands.

"Stressful, the Captain's very intimidating."

"Haha too bad, and definitely not what I meant. What are they going to do about it?"

Lia narrowed her eyes, "And why should I tell you?"

Casey gave his best attempt at puppy eyes and said, "Because I'm awesome! And besides, this class is as boring for you as it is for me so you might as well tell me so we aren't both bored to death."

Lia rolled her eyes, "Nice attempt at logic there, but still a no"

"Fine, fine, how about I let you hold my sword for five minutes? Is that enough to get you to tell me?" Casey asked. He knew this tactic was sure to work on her. Ever since she first saw his sword she'd been practically begging him to let her hold it.

"Ten minutes!"

"Seven minutes or no deal."

"I'll take it!" She shouted, drawing the ire of the teacher who was in the middle of explaining addition of high numbers.

"Fine now tell me." Casey said after she got back from the front of the room where she had to add 358 and 107.

"They brought in the best trackers and hunters in the Order but none of them recognized the tracks." She sighed before continuing. "The Captain decided to send these riders to track down whatever creature left them, and if possible to kill it before it attacks any humans or livestock. They should be leaving the city around now."

Nodding Casey said, "Well that's good, I'm sure they'll take care of whatever it was."

She furrowed her brows and tapped her book thoughtfully but didn't say anything.

"Is there something else?" Casey asked.

"I just remembered something from an old book I found in the library. I think there might have been a similar description in that book to what we found."

"What book?"

"I believe it was called A Complete History of the Founding of the Decran Kingdom. But I don't want to come to any conclusions before taking another look at the book."

Casey began to stand up and said, "Well what are we waiting for, let's find your book."

"What now? It's the middle of class." She said trying to get him to sit back down.

"Why not? The teacher's not looking over here, let's sneak out." He pulled her out of her seat and out the door before she could protest.

"Fine, but I'm blaming you if we get in trouble."

"Sure, sure whatever floats your boat."

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Where do you even get these phrases?"

"That's a secret!" Casey stated fighting to keep a grin off of his face.

They hurried towards the library in the central wing of the palace. It was in a large hall with a second landing that looked down on the first floor. Casey had to admit that it was very impressive, especially for a medieval culture where there were many people who couldn't even write their own names.

Entering the library, the first thing he noticed was the thick musty smell of old books. Followed by the many rows of bookshelves that filled the large hall.

Lia led him to the very back corner of the hall and began searching one of the bookshelves. Casey noticed that all of the books on this shelf seemed especially old.

Running her finger across the shelf she said, "Hmm, that's weird. I can't seem to find it. I was sure it was on this bookshelf."

Casey began examining the books in an attempt to help search for the one they needed. "Let's see… History of the Court, The Complete Works of Sir Richard Cannon, Records of the Kingdom of Oscor. Still not seeing your book."

"I don't think it's here, let's try asking the librarian." Lia said before calling out to one of the aides that helped maintain the library. "Is the librarian available?"

"She is, would you like me to take you to her?" He asked courteously.

"Yes please."

The aide led them to the large desk in the center of the room. Sitting behind the desk writing in what looked like a log was an older lady with snow white hair and dark eyes. She glanced up as they approached the desk.

"These two would like your help with something." The aide said.

"Very well" She said before shooing the aide away. "What do you need?"

"We were looking for the book A Complete History of the Founding of the Decran Kingdom."

She rubbed her chin upon hearing the title. "That one... it was one of the books that went missing a few weeks ago."

"Missing?" Casey asked, "How'd they just go missing? Were they stolen?"

"That is what we believe. Someone broke into the library after all of the staff left."

"Have they discovered who took the books?" Lia asked.

"There was nothing left behind, so no." The librarian answered flatly before going back to her log. "If that is all, I have work to do."

Lia turned to Casey and said, "Well that's that, shall we go back to class now?" She began walking towards the exit of the library.

"Hold up, that's it? Just gonna forget about it?" Casey ran after her.

"Yep, pretty much. It's not our problem anymore."

"At least tell me a little more about what you remember about the description in the book."

She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him, "Argh fine! But before I say it remember that I am solely going off of memory and nothing else."

Casey nodded and gestured for her to continue.

"The description was of one of the Shaydes that invaded the kingdom 500 years ago. It stated that many of them had narrow feet the size of a large man with four claws."

The memory of the Shayde from the painting flashed through his head, causing him to shiver slightly. "You can't mean that you think that the thing that killed that deer was a Shayde?!"

"I told you, it's just going off of a description from my memory. Not exactly something to be taken seriously." She said before pausing. "It couldn't actually be one… Right? No one's seen one since their defeat…"

Rubbing his forehead, Casey reluctantly said. "We might be able to find out for sure if it is or not."

"What? And how would we do that? That book held the most detailed description I'd ever seen. How are we going to find something else like it?"

"There is one more place I know of, but we're going to have to find Ronin to get to it."

"Wait Sir Galand?! Her Highness Sara's guard? How could you know him? And why would he help us?" She asked, her eyes widening in disbelief.

Not knowing how to answer her he only said, "That's a little complicated" and started heading back to the Rider wing.

It turned out that their luck was very good, they found him just as he was leaving the lounge.

"Ronin, wait up! We have to talk to you." Casey shouted after him

Ronin's shoulders tensed up when he heard his first name being called out. He turned around and fixed Casey with a glare. "Trainee. You address me as Sir Galand. Understood."

Ignoring the glare Casey said, "Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways, I need to get back into the Knight's Hall, it's very important."

Glancing at Lia Ronin said, "And why would you need to go back there?"

Lia shied away from his gaze and remained silent.

"We have to take a look at the mural with the Shayde." Casey replied.

"Might I remind you in case you forgot, that hall and that mural especially is supposed to be confidential." Ronin put extra emphasis on the word Confidential. It was clear that his patience was running thin.

"Oh right… Well it doesn't matter now, this is more important." Unfazed Casey continued to press him.

Ronin stared at him for a moment, probably trying to decide how serious Casey was, before sighing and saying, "Alright, but Sara is the only one with the key so it will have to wait until tonight."

"Okay that is fine. We can wait until then."

Without another word, Ronin left them there in the hall.

"What is the Knight's Hall? And just what is your relationship to Sir Galand and the Queen Regent?" Lia asked, completely bewildered by the previous conversation.

"You'll find out later, and as for my relationship with them… Like I said, it's complicated." Casey laughed, "Anyways we better get back to class now. Don't forget to bring your sketchbook tonight."

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