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90% Harry Potter and the Brothers Black / Chapter 18: Chapter 18 – The trial

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 – The trial

Two of the Black Brothers and all three of the Black sisters were sat in court, waiting for the trial of Hadrius Black to happen. Alongside them was the eldest member of the family, Arcturus Black, Harry's grandfather. Behind him was Orion and Walburga Black, Harry's parents. Next to them were the Black sisters parents AKA Harry's uncle and aunt.

There were many people sitting in the court room, including Lord Potter, Lady Longbottom, Horace Slughorn, Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore. Usually Dumbledore would have been the judge as he was chief warlock but he was removed for today due to a conflict of interest as he was Harry's headmaster and had been taken to court by Harry before. Mad-eye Moody was also there, providing security along with a few other aurors.

The court doors opened, the room temperature dropped, everyone could feel the dementors approaching. They looked towards the door, expecting the dementor guards to be dragging Harry into court, what they received…was something else entirely.

They were very surprised to see Harry piggybacking on a dementors back, with the other one just behind him to make sure he didn't fall off. The dementors glided to the middle of the room, where Harry jumped off the dementors back.

"Thank you" Harry thanked the soul sucking monsters "say hi to your mother for me" The dementors nodded and glided away, and took their positions just outside of the court room. Harry turned to look at the shocked court room. "Oh, hello"

"Mr Black, was that?" The judge asked

"That was me piggy backing on Johnny" Harry answered

"Johnny?" The judge raised an eyebrow

"Yes, Johnny, nice boy. Takes his jobs seriously, should probably promote him. Maybe give him an extra soul or two for his efforts, anyway, where do you want me?"

"Uh…just…sit in that chair" The judge gestured to the brown chair in the centre.

"Oh, okay" Harry calmly made his way to the chair and sat in it. Chains popped up from the chair and wrapped around Harry's arms and legs "Ooh, someone is into bondage"

"Mr Black" The judge read from a document that he was handed "you are currently on trial for your part in the mass murder of death eaters during the attack last Thursday. You have been charged with killing h….hundreds, you have been charged with taking hundreds of live, how do you plead?"

"Hmm, guilty in a way" Harry answered "I did take those lives but I do think I had good reason for doing so"

"Your honour" One member raised their hand "do we have an official number on the amount of lives lost?"

"No" The judge looked over his papers "apparently, there were too many to count and it was made more difficult due to the fact that not all of the bodies were intact"

"Ah, my bad" Harry apologised "I may have gotten a bit carried away"

"Just a tad bit, yes" The judge said dryly "Let's get on with this"

"You're honour" The current head of DMLE stood up "we've spoken to multiple witnesses and have taken pensive memories from them, which I will now show to the court. These memories also include the defendants memories and they have all sworn a magical oath regarding their sincerity"

"Very well, show the first memory" The judge said

The DMLE head started with a memory of the meeting where Harry had exposed Voldemort as Tom Riddle, everyone in the room was very surprised, none more so than Dumbledore. He didn't know how Harry had found out about Tom, he also wondered what else Harry knew. The memory ended when Harry had told everyone to stay and left with his bow.

"Mr Black" The judge spoke while everyone looked at Harry in shock "what was that spell you used?"

"It's one I invented" Harry answered "I based it off muggle weapons known as guns"

"Hmm" The judge raised an eyebrow "show the next memory"

"Yes sir" The next memory started playing.

A girl, roughly about the age of nine or ten was tossed against a wall. She was in a dark hallway, towering above her were three men, three men who laughed at her. One of them had a knife in his hand, he was absently tossing it up and down as he leered at the girl, he stopped playing catch with the knife.

He bent down, bringing himself closer to the girl, the girl whimpered and tried to move back but was blocked off by the wall behind her. The man with the blade was a second away from touching her, when he moved back a little and screamed in pain.

In his knee was an arrow, the two other men looked in the direction where the arrow came from but were immediately stuck down by an arrow to each of their chests. Harry walked down the hallway, the bow still in his left hand. He grabbed the man with the arrow in his knee using his right hand, and shoved him straight into the wall opposite the girl.

He did it hard enough for the man to actually go through the wall, the girl let out a noise in surprise and Harry turned to her. He gestured to the cupboard that was slightly down the hall.

"Come on" Harry said softly "I'm not going to hurt you but you need to hide"

"W…what?" The girl stuttered

"There are more bad guys" Harry said "and it'd be easier if you hide here while I deal with them, so come on, up you get." Harry extended his right hand, the girl nervously took it after a few moments. Harry lead her to the cupboard, he opened it and told her to get inside.

"Listen up" Harry said after he expanded the cupboard on the inside to make it bigger "I'm going to put some charms on here so that nobody can open it and nobody can hear you, alright? Do you understand?"

"Y…yes" The girl nodded

"Good, stay here till I come back to get you, don't open the door for anyone else. Close the door if you understand"

The girl closed the door and Harry placed the charms on the cupboard, he got up and walked away.

"Nice girl" Harry said out loud

"Uh, yes" The judge agreed "lets…let's move on to the next memory"

"If we must"

Harry was walking down a hallway, he opened a door and fired two arrows which struck two targets that both collapsed to the floor in front of him. He jumped off the rail in front of him, firing two more arrows before he landed on the floor below. Once he landed on the floor, he fired an arrow at the death eater in front of him.

Without turning he fired one arrow behind him, once that arrow had penetrated another death eater he got up and spun around and shot another death eater. He saw a death eater to his left and began firing arrows, the death eater had conjured a shield which seemed to be working in blocking the arrows.

Harry switched things up and fired his next arrow lower and struck the death eater in his foot, the death eater bent down when Harry fired another arrow which shot through the man's neck. A death eater fired a spell from behind Harry, Harry ducked then turned and ran at the death eater.

He tossed his bow at the death eater, the death eater managed to duck the bow but didn't avoid Harry's knee which struck him in the face. The death eater flew back and landed on the floor, Harry fired a bullet curse which ended the man.

"Mr Black" Dumbledore stood up "Was that necessary?"

"I'm sorry" Harry adopted a confused expression "who are you?"

"Me?! I'm Albus Dumbledore!"

"So nobody important than" Harry smiled, he then turned to the judge "should we get on with the next memory then?"

"Yes" The amused judge agreed "show the next memory"

Four death eaters were walking down a hallway, Harry snuck behind them, he removed his wand from its holster. He charged forward, he struck the first two in the head with his wand which caused them both to fly into opposite walls, the next death eater tried to fire off a spell but Harry was too fast.

Harry grabbed the mans wrist, he spun and shot an expelliarmus at he fourth death eater, making him fly back as his wand flew out of his hand. Harry grabbed the death eaters who he had caught and tossed him over head with a judo throw, Harry raised his hand and caught the wand from the fourth death eater. He used that wand to fire a bullet spell at the death eater he had taken down, then another one at it's previous master. Harry placed his own wand back in his holster, he moved down the hallway, he leaned over and looked at the next hallway where he found three death eaters standing together.

Harry quickly moved forward and fired three bullet spells, taking out the death eaters before they could react. Another death eater appeared at the end of the hallway, he fired a killing curse at Harry who ducked and shot a cutting curse which separated the man's head from his neck. The wand in Harry's hand burst into dust, Harry tossed the dust away then looked at the bodies below him. He leaned down and took one of their wands before moving on.

Everyone in the court was now staring at Harry with astonishment, a wand only breaks like that if the wizard was too powerful for it. The fact that he killed more people may have also factored into the stares he was receiving.

"Mr Black" One member spoke "why did you pocket your own wand and use the death eaters wand?"

"More challenging" Harry shrugged

"More challenging?" The judge's eyes

"More challenging for me" Harry replied "if I have to fight through a building of death eaters than I should at least be entertained. Now, can we move on please?"

The court showed about five more memories of Harry walking through the building, ripping through death eaters and rescuing hostages. In one memory he made a mans insides explode out of his body onto another death eater who Harry decapitated. Many were surprised, for multiple reasons. Mad-eye and the aurors for his skill, power and efficiency while many members of the court were surprised by how merciless and easy the killings were. Professor Slughorn and McGonagall were shocked at the fact that their favourite student could so easily take out the death eaters, Sirius and Regulus along with the Black sisters were amazed. They knew Harry was powerful and pretty much the most dangerous person alive but now they felt like they underestimated his capabilities.

Dumbledore was sweating buckets, he couldn't believe how easily Hadrius was killing death eaters. How would they reform if they aren't given a chance to live? Hadrius Black was killing death eaters, he was killing! Not just in self-defense but because he could, the worst part was he was doing it quickly and without remorse

"What are you?" The judge looked at Harry after the last memory

"A bit hungry" Harry answered "could I have a sandwich or something?"

"Perhaps later" The DMLE head said as the next memory showed.

Harry was walking when he was stopped by a group of vampires, the vampires stood in front of him with their fangs out. All eyeing him like he was a juicy piece of meat, which to them he probably was.

"Move" Harry ordered

"Or what?" One vampire challenged

"Or I'll walk through you" Harry said confidently

"Ha" A different vampire laughed "try it"

"If you insist" Harry shrugged

Harry calmly walked forwards, the vampires growled and one of them charged at Harry. He grabbed Harry by the neck, but to his surprise Harry didn't stop. Harry kept walking, pushing the vampire back as he did so. The other vampires sprang into action, they all either grabbed Harry or the other vampire and tried to stop them from moving. But it didn't work, Harry was pushing them all back, they couldn't believe it.

Harry stopped and waved his right arm, shoving all the vampires to the ground. He aimed a finger at one of the vampires and a small wooden arrow shot from his hand and penetrated the vampires heart, he then repeated the same with the other vampires at a speed that resulted in them getting shot before they could stop him. Harry walked over the ash that was left behind from their bodies.

A vampire dropped from the ceiling and landed behind Harry, he tried to sink his teeth into Harry's neck. He was thoroughly surprised when his fangs broke against Harry's skin, the vampire staggered back slightly. Harry, without looking, struck him in the face with an elbow. The vampire dropped onto the floor, Harry aimed a finger at his chest and the vampire turned into dust one arrow later.

People were openly gaping at Harry, it was common knowledge that vampires had super strength and even experienced aurors had trouble dealing with a single one. Yet Harry easily killed an entire group of them without effort.

"Are you even human?!" The judge dropped his jaw

"I just want to say that under the law vampires count as creatures and not humans" Harry said "therefore they're irrelevant to this case. If you want them to be relevant then you have some laws that you need to change."

"Mr Black" Dumbledore spoke "you've just taken many lives!"

"Mr Dumbledore" Harry replied "you have a beard"

"What does that have to do with anything?" A confused Dumbledore asked

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were just stating things that were already known, now can we get on with this trial? This chair is quite uncomfortable"

The next memory showed Harry charging into a room, he had just taken out two death eaters when the third hid behind a pillar. The wand in Harry's hand turned to dust and he picked another one up from one of the bodies on the floor, he rolled and now he stood on the other side of the pillar. The death eater prepared to fire, Harry was bouncing up and down on his feet, purposefully making noise.

Harry and the death eater jumped out at the same time, the death eater leaned back and fired a killing curse while Harry rolled onto the floor and hit him in the leg with a cutting curse. Harry quickly got to his feet, he pushed the death eaters wand aside and hit him with a few punches and a single kick to the groin. Harry then grabbed the death eater, Harry fell back to the floor, pulling the death eater with him.

The death eater flew overhead, and landed on his feet. Harry stood up and fired a bullet curse that ended the death eater, he opened the door and moved.

The next memory showed death eaters, firing killing curses into a fire that was in the middle of a hallway.

Harry ran out of the fire, unaffected by the heat and flames. Harry moved to the nearest death eater, he shoved a knife up the death eaters chin and into his mouth. He grabbed that death eaters wand with his free hand and used it to fire cutting and bullet spells at the other death eaters, he then spun and threw the death eater at another death eater.

Another group of death eaters entered, Harry didn't waste time, he raised his hand and the fire flew to his hand and formed into a fireball. Harry shot the group with the fireball, ending them all.

"Mr Black!" Dumbledore said to Hadrius "was it really necessary to take so many lives?! Those men could have been redeemed and.."

"Dumbles" Harry interrupted "This is a court, not a philosophy class. You're opinion at the moment is just like your robes" Dumbledore looked at his purple robes, and back at Harry "unwanted by everybody else" Harry explained.

"Dumbledore" The judge said "Mr Black is right, unless you have something meaningful to say, save your lectures for later. Show the next memory" The DMLE head proceeded to show five more memories of Hadrius Black killing death eaters and rescuing hostages.

"I always knew Harry was mad" Sirius whispered to Regulus "but this is something else"

"I know" Regulus whispered back "he's bloody lethal"

"He's a killing machine" Andromeda added

"He's also bloody amazing!" Bellatrix said

"I hope they don't send him to Azkaban" Narcissa looked worried

"They won't" Sirius said confidently

"What makes you say that?"

"Other than the fact that they all look terrified of him" Regulus smiled and gestured to the court room that was indeed looking at Harry and hoping he didn't break out and kill them all.

"Plus, the dementors don't scare him" Sirius added

"That's right" Bellatrix smiled "they can't stop him and he could just break out"

"Would he though?" Andromeda asked "knowing Harry, he'd probably stay there for whatever noble reason he could think of"

"True" Sirius sighed

"Yeah but it's Harry" Regulus said "he probably has a plan up his sleeve, he wouldn't just let them send him to Azkaban. Just keep watching, he'll pull some old law out of his hat and they'll let him go"

Harry walked into a room, it was dark, there was a bar on his left. A few cupboards and cabinets around the room, with huge windows on his right. When he entered he found three death eaters, he recognised the three. They were known as the bruisers, in his previous life they had died of natural causes by the time that Harry was eleven. But they were known for being invulnerable to spells, thanks to some family magic the only spells that could actually hurt them were the unforgivable. They were also of equal physical strength to vampires.

"Evening boys" Harry said, he walked forward and stopped in the middle of the room. The bruisers came closer.

"Well, well, well" One of the bruisers said "look what we have here"

"Another hero for us to deal with" The second bruiser spoke

"Let's make it quick" The third bruiser said "I want a drink"

"So" Harry said "hand to hand combat?"

"Ha" The first bruiser laughed "I'd be fine with that"

"Me too" Said the second bruiser

"Me three" Added the third bruiser

"I'll make it quick" Harry said

Harry quickly struck the first bruiser with a left jab to the jaw, the second bruiser tried to punch him hut Harry sidestepped the punch and pushed him towards the third one. Harry kicked the third bruiser in the chest just as he caught the second one, Harry spun around in a kick and struck the first bruiser and knocked him to the ground. Harry jumped in the air, he was planning to hit the second bruiser with a spinning kick but the second bruiser caught him in mid-air and tossed him on to the bar.

The third bruiser ran up, he grabbed Harry by the neck and started dragging him up the bar. Harry reached out and grabbed a knife, without hesitation he brought the knife up and struck the bruiser in the eye. The bruiser let go of Harry, probably because he had more important things to worry about, probably the knife in his eye. Harry got off the bar when the second bruiser came up and grabbed him by the neck, Harry kicked out his legs and punched him in the face, causing him to fly back. The first bruiser came, he tried to punch Harry but Harry ducked and poked him in the eye, Harry quickly grabbed a bottle and smashed him in the face with it.

Harry took the broken bottle piece and used it to stab the third bruiser who still had a knife in his eye, the bruiser dropped to the floor. Harry picked up another bottle and slammed it on the first bruisers head, the man staggered slightly, Harry knocked him out with a spinning kick to his face. Harry looked for the second bruiser, the man was scrambling to his feet from the floor and ran to a nearby door.

Harry walked past the dead and unconscious bruisers, he noticed that the door the bruiser went to wasn't the exit. The bruiser removed his wand and removed multiple charms, he opened the door and Harry immediately heard cries and screams.

"What?!" A voice shouted from inside "Can't you see it's nearly time?!"

"Get out here and help me!" The bruiser demanded, he span around and shot spells at the exit to stop it from opening, Harry could open it easily but he thought the man was at least smart enough to prevent a normal person from entering "Get out of here and help me, you can have the entire room to yourself, just swap rooms with me!"

"What is wrong with you?"

"He killed my brothers! Get out here and rip him to shreds!"

"Fine" The voice said "but do not hold me responsible for my actions" The bruiser ran into the room and he locked the door once the owner of the voice had left. The owner, was none other than Fenrir Greyback.

"Hello" Greyback smiled "do I know you?"

"Yes" Harry and Greyback walked around the room, circling each other "you'd know me as Hadrius Black. Wandless wonder, defeater of Dumbledore and inventor of the werewolf cure" The smile from Greyback's face vanished.

"Yes" He growled "I know you, how dare you take away the wolf?! You had no right!"

"I didn't take it away" Harry stopped and so did Greyback, Greyback currently had his back to the windows while Harry had his back to a wall "I merely offered them the ability to take it away. It's their choice how they live their lives, not yours"

"So wandless wander" Greyback sneered "I hope you realise that I'm about to transform in a minute"

"I could kill you in less" Harry replied

"Try it" Greyback laughed "when I get through with you, I'm going to go after everyone you care about. Including that redheaded girlfriend of yours"

"I beg your pardon?" Harry said quickly

"Oh, I've heard the rumours. The heir to the Black family, in love with a filthy mudblood. Never heard of anything more funny in my life"

"Okay" Harry sighed "I'm giving you one chance, take that back or your death won't be quick and painless"

"Make me!" Greyback challenged

"You know something" Harry took off his jacket and dropped it on to the ground, he then took his wand out of his holster and began firing spells at himself "you bit a friend of mine, a good friend of mine. He suffered, he suffered pain and humiliation and discrimination all because you bit him. If you weren't in control then I could understand and forgive but you purposely tried to bite people. You've hurt my friend and you insulted my girlfriend, this is personal now"

"What are you doing?" Greyback asked

"I'm putting blocks on myself" Harry then fired another spell, a golden light flew from Harry and hit Greyback before fading "there we go"

"What was that?!" Greyback demanded

"Calm yourself wolfie" Harry responded "that was a spell, an ancient one, developed in ancient Rome. When the gladiators fought lions, they were made to fight without magic, those in charge performed a spell that connected the gladiator to the lion. It blocked off his magic until the lion was dead, the other spells I cast on my self were physical blocks that have limited my strength. Right now, I'm about as powerful as a muggle. I have no magic and average physical strength"

"What?! Why?! Why would you do that?!"

"You hurt my friend, and you insulted my girlfriend" Harry put his wand back in his holster "I'm not very forgiving, if I was at full strength then I would kill you easily and quickly. I'm going to take my time with you, now hurry up and transform, I want a fight."

" are one cray bastard!" Greyback laughed "but if it's death you're wanting, then I will oblige"

The moon came up, Greyback let out a scream of pain as the wolf took over. His eyes turned yellow, he's bones changed, his skin grew fur and his teeth sharpened. Suddenly a giant grey werewolf was in front of Harry, Harry just about reached to his chest in height. The wolf looked around, taking a moment to become aware of it's surroundings.

It's eyes locked onto Harry, Harry's green eyes made the werewolf second doubt itself for a moment but it shook it's head. This was it's prey, he would claw and bite it and eat it. Harry stood calmly, unafraid of the towering creature in front of him, he had killed Greyback in his previous life. Admittedly he didn't depower himself to a muggle when he did so but he had done it, this time would just be a little more challenging.

The wolf growled at him, saliva dripped from it's long white canine teeth and on to the floor. Harry readied himself, he knew the werewolf would make the first move. He subtly pushed his feet closer to the jacket he had dropped, the werewolf roared and charged at him on all fours. Harry kicked the jacket up into the air and it landed on the werewolves head, covering it's vision, Harry stepped to the side and the werewolf crashed into the wall behind him.

The wolfs head bounced off the wall it had just made a dent in, Harry jumped and hit it the face with a spinning kick. The werewolves head bounced off of Harry's foot and hit the wall again, Harry landed on the floor and punched the werewolf in the chest, but nothing happened.

"That's the average persons strength?" Harry pulled his arm back "That's pitiful" The wolf had ripped the jacket off of his face, it struck Harry with a backhand which caused him to fly across the room. Harry landed just by a wooden cabinet, he got up and looked at what was on top of the cabinet.

The wolf was ready to charge at it's prey when something hit it in the eye, it looked up and was hit in the other eye with something else. Harry had picked up a third spoon and more cutlery and began throwing them one by one at the werewolf with assassin like precision, he had thrown about ten pieces of cutlery when the werewolf had had enough. It roared and charged, Harry quickly grabbed a plate, he tossed it before the werewolf could build speed. The werewolf tripped off the plate and landed face first on the floor.

The wolf started getting up, it was going to get up and rip it's annoying prey apart. Harry took another plate and ricocheted it off the floor, the plate bounced off the floor and struck the werewolf in it's chin, Harry threw a spoon which hit it in-between it's eyes and followed up with a punch to the werewolf's face. The werewolf growled and tried to bite Harry but Harry dodged and kneed it in the chin, the wolf got to it's feet and began clawing at Harry.

Harry ducked, dodged and avoided the werewolf as much as he could. The werewolf tried to hit his legs, Harry jumped over his arm and began unleashing a barrage of punches on the werewolf's body. The werewolf tried to claw get it's prey with it's claw and teeth but it's prey was too fast, it kept dodging and striking him. Harry's punches were starting to build up and cause the werewolf some discomfort.

After being hit in the ribs again, the werewolf brought both of it's hands up and tried to slam Harry to the floor. Harry rolled out of the way, he quickly jumped to his feet and hit the werewolf in the sides with a sidekick and followed up with a roundhouse kick to it's leg. The wolf tried to scratch Harry's face, Harry jumped back and dropped to the floor, picking up a plate alongside him and tossed it at the wolf.

The wolf was hit in the chin and staggered back slightly, Harry rolled away and jumped to his feet. The jacket was by his feet, the werewolf charged on all fours, Harry kicked the jacket into the air and it blinded the werewolf for a second time. Harry stepped to the side and the werewolf crashed headfirst into the bar, Harry charged and kneed the wolfs head against the bar.

Harry followed with an impressively quick blitz of punches and kicks to the werewolves head, the wolf had it's vision blocked by the jacket on it's head and Harry planned to take advantage of that. The wolf struggled to get up as it kept getting hit in the face, eventually the wolf powered through and grabbed Harry by the neck. It rose to it's full height and used one arm to remove the jacket.

Harry was suspended in the air by the werewolf, the wolf looked at the prey that had caused it so much pain and annoyance. The wolf could almost respect it, this prey had lasted longer than the other prey. The wolf would end this prey quickly, it reared its head back and opened it's massive jaws. Revealing those long pointy teeth that were all the better to eat people with.

Harry reached and grabbed a bottle from the bar, he smashed it across the wolf's face. The wolf's grip loosened slightly, Harry kicked the wolf and flipped backwards. He got out of the wolfs grip and landed on his feet, he took the broken bottle and slammed it into the wolf's body. The bottle barley pierced the wolfs skin, the wolf backhanded Harry, Harry flew back and the werewolf staggered backwards.

Harry had hurt his shoulder slightly, but could still continue fighting. The werewolf pulled the bottle out of it's body but still had shards in it's skin, it was close to the windows. Harry had a crazy idea, well, not as crazy as the one where he depowered himself and fought a werewolf with nothing but hand to hand combat but a crazy idea. Harry picked up a spoon that was on the floor, he ran and tossed it at the werewolf.

Harry jumped on the bar as the spoon struck the werewolf in the eye, Harry jumped off the bar and kneed the werewolf in the face. He held on to the wolf and the two moved closer towards the window, the werewolf fell back and threw the window with Harry. Harry got a few punches in as they fell down, Harry grabbed onto a window ledge while the wolf continued to fall a bit more.

The wolf grabbed onto a ledge, it pulled itself up and saw itself in the mirror. A second late it felt something land on it's back, it looked up and saw a pair of green eyes looking at it.

"Good evening" Harry said before he slammed the wolfs face against the window, Harry pulled the wolf and they both dropped and fell to the ground. Harry had managed to punch the wolf a few times and get on top of it, they fell and landed on the stone covered ground. The wolf absorbed most of the impact while Harry rolled off the wolf to lessen his own. The wolf tried to get up, Harry quickly ran towards it and began striking it as fast and hard as he could.

Harry punched and kicked the werewolf anywhere on his body that he could land a shot, the werewolf got lucky and grabbed it's slippery prey by the arms. It hoisted him in the air and charged forwards, hoping to slam Harry against the building. Harry kicked the wolf in the face, and struggled. He kicked and kicked and eventually slid out of the wolfs grip, he jumped off the wolf who ran head first into the building and crashed through it.

Harry took a breath then charged, the werewolf had turned around when Harry had jumped and hit it with a knee to the face causing it to fall back into the hole it made in the wooden building. Harry unleashed a barrage of punches on the werewolf's face. The wolf stopped Harry by grabbing both of his arms. It stood up, carrying Harry as it did, it was going to bite him and end this. Unfortunately, Harry had a similar idea.

Harry pulled his head back before biting the werewolf on it's ear, thankfully the bandana would keep the hairs out of his mouth. The werewolf let out a yelp, Harry tightened the grip his teeth had. The wolf struggled, it let go of Harry's arms and threw him as far as it could. Harry soared through the air, he spun in the air and landed with a roll far away from the wolf. Harry ran away, knowing the wolf would follow, he ran towards the large rocks. Some were even bigger than Greyback.

The wolf regained it's senses and chased after him, Harry was quick but the wolf was quicker and quickly caught up to him on all fours. Harry waited for it to get closer, once it was close enough he jumped into a corkscrew flip, kicking Greyback in the face as he did. The wolf kept going and crashed into one of the rocks, Harry jumped off a nearby rock and punched the wolf as he landed on it.

Harry let out a fury of punches, he was tiring but so was the wolf and they both knew that. The wolf pushed Harry off, then with a burst of energy it grabbed Harry and slammed him against a nearby rock. The werewolf finally managed to get lucky when it's other claw scratched Harry's chest. Harry let out a scream in pain and the werewolf felt like the tide had turned in his favour.

He tried to bite Harry's head, Harry moved his head to the side and the wolfs face crashed into the rock. Harry kicked off the werewolf, breaking it's grip and allowing Harry to escape. Harry began running, he ran until he was greeted by the side of the cliff. He looked over and saw it was a big drop, he stepped back and realised that he couldn't really run anymore.

The wolf sprinted towards him on all fours, Harry turned to face it, he took a few steps forward. The wolf lunged at him, Harry ducked and grabbed the wolfs arm and used it's speed against him and tossed him overhead. The wolf landed on it's back, it tried to get up when Harry flipped and kicked it in the face. The wolf took a few steps back and was nearing the edge of the cliff, it tried desperately to keep it's balance.

Harry turned his back on the wolf, he took a few steps away and removed his ripped shirt, he tossed it away. Revealing a chiseled body that would make most men jealous and send most girls into drool like states, he also revealed the red claw marks coming from his chest. Harry took a deep breath.

"Nobody hurts my friends" Harry said out loud "and nobody calls Ginny a mudblood!"

Harry turned towards the werewolf, he ran right at it and kneed it in the face. He and the wolf fell off the cliff, Harry continued punching the wolf as they fell. A little while down Harry pushed the wolfs head against the edge of the cliff, he kept doing that as they fell for several seconds. Harry reached out and grabbed a hole in the cliff, it broke but slowed down Harry's fall as he kept falling. Harry grabbed another one and managed to stop himself this time.

The werewolf kept falling, shortly after it landed on this big rock that was attached to the cliff. It pushed its claws into the rock to stop itself from sliding off, Harry jumped from his spot and fell for about three seconds when he landed on the wolfs head. He leaned back against the cliff and pushed against the rock with his legs, Harry struggled and struggled but eventually his efforts bore fruit. The rock began breaking off the cliff, the wolf had just gained it's senses when it and the rock fell off the cliff.

Harry couldn't help but smile under his bandana when he saw the rock land with a thud on top of the werewolf, a golden light shined across Harry, signalling his magic had returned and the death of Greyback. Harry jumped off the cliff and flew straight into the air, he flew right into the window he had jumped off. He put his jacket on and took out his wand. He undid the blocks he put on, he opened the door that the final bruiser went in and finished the job with his bullet spell.

"Okay" Harry said "I admit that it wasn't one of my better ideas, but it seemed like a good idea at the time"

"A good idea?!" The judge spluttered "You fought a werewolf while at the strength of a muggle! And all you can say is it 'seemed like a good idea at the time'?! How on Earth would you like to explain what was going through your head at the time?!"

"I'd have to say verbally, because you don't appear to be in the mood for an impromptu dance performance"

"Mr Black!" The judge replied "You will watch your attitude and...what the bloody hell have you done to that chair?!" Everyone had appeared to have just noticed that the wooden prisoner chair with chains had been replaced with a red chair, much like the ones you would find in the Gryffindor common room.

"I was uncomfortable" Harry said as he finished the chocolate muffin in his hand

"Where did you get that?!" The judge demanded

"Muffin button" Harry pressed a button on the side of his chair and another muffin appeared in his hand "wait a sec, I didn't install a muffin button, odd. Anyone want muffins?"

"Mr Black, can we continue with the trial?" The judge said

"Oh, I'm comfortable. You lot can do whatever you want"

"Very well" The judge sighed "show us the next bloody memory"

Harry walked into a large room, opposite him were a large amount of death eaters and hostages. On the floor above them were more death eaters,, they all saw Harry.

"I'm going to give you one chance" Harry said "surrender or die"

"Kill this clown" One death eater shouted.

All the death eaters fired killing curses at Harry, at least fifty killing curses hit him. Harry had dropped to the ground, the death eaters laughed, the bandana flew off of his face. It stayed in the air for a few seconds, the death eaters laughed at Harry's dead body and how he was crazy enough to threaten them. The bandana landed on the floor, and Harry opened his eyes.

Harry spun on the floor, flames shot out of his heel of his right foot as he did so. The flames covered the entire floor, the death eaters on the floor screamed in pain as their feet burnt. But the hostages were surprised by how the fire didn't seem to affect them, Harry stood up, his lightning curse costume appearing.

The death eaters on the upper floors looked at Harry, he was standing in his black combat boots and trousers, with his black shirt and black robes. The hood went over his face, he looked a damn terrifying sight, especially while he was standing in the flames. Harry waved his arm, the flames took the form of a giant snake and finished off the death eaters on the floor.

Harry transformed the snake into a phoenix, it flew into the air and took out the death eaters on the second floor. The hostages on both floors were surprised by how they were unburnt, Harry walked out the room once the flames had died down. He walked and walked, when he turned the corner and found Augusta Longbottom battling four death eaters on her own. To her credit, she managed to take out two, the remaining two fired killing curses at her.

Harry jumped in the way, he caught one curse to the chest and slapped the other one back, the one he slapped back killed one of the death eaters, Augusta stunned and body binded the remaining one. She looked for her saviour, but was surprised by the fact that he was gone.

Nobody in the court could believe it, they didn't even bother trying to hide their amazement and shock. Somehow, Hadrius Black was unaffected by the killing curse. They all looked towards Hadrius and were greeted by another surprise.

Somehow Ginny had gotten into the court room without anyone noticing. She sat in Harry's lap with her arms around his neck, and his lips against hers. She had a document in one hand, but most people ignored that due to the fact that the two were snogging in a court room, both oblivious to the stares they were getting.

"MR BLACK!" The judge called

"Yeah?" Harry reluctantly broke off "Can I help you?"

"Who is this girl?! What is she doing here?!"

"I'm his girlfriend" Ginny smiled "and I'm here for two reasons, the first is to support my boyfriend. The other is because I have valuable information for the court"

"What information?" The judge asked

"Let's watch the last memory, then I will show you".

"Mr Black" The head of the DMLE spoke "how did you survive the killing curse?"

"Oh, so when I request a sandwich I get a maybe but it's fine for you to ask personal questions about my body?" Harry shook his head "for shame."

"Just...just get on with it" The judge said

Harry had exited through the rear of the building, he found himself on top of that cliff he had tackled Greyback off of. He looked down and saw a small army of death eaters, walking forwards. Harry decided to end everything, he rose as high as he can into the air. He raised his arms and walls grew out of the ground, cutting off the death eaters from running.

Harry aimed his hands at the group, lightning shot out of his hands, striking down the death eaters. They screamed and cried as Harry rained vengeance down upon them from above, they all looked up and all they could see was someone flying in the air before they died.

The memory ended, Harry let Ginny get off of his lap before he stood up. He looked around the court, many were afraid of him. Some were ready to run, Harry wondered how man he could get to faint by simply raising his hand. Ginny stepped up.

"I Gwen Peterson, do swear on my life and magic that this document is real and this document is confirmation that my boyfriend is above the law and magic has decreed that he is able to do whatever he wants and break any law without punishment, so mote it be"

"I, Hadrius Black" Harry started after a golden light had just signified the end of Ginny's oath "do swear on my life and magic, when I say that magic permits me to do whatever I want without consequence and I am allowed by magic to break any laws I want, so mote it be" A golden light flashed signifying the end to Harry's oath. "Well then, that was fun, who's for Chinese?"

"I want a pizza" Ginny said

"Then you my lady" Harry extended his arm which Ginny took "shall have a pizza, we're done here, goodbye"

"Uh..." The judge was rendered speechless "oh bugger it! Mr Black is released and will not be charged for any crimes in the past, present or future. Now, I am going home and I'm going sleep"

"You do that" Harry and Ginny walked out of the court room "soul bond for the win" Harry said to Ginny once nobody could hear them

"We're just lucky that magic made copies of our bond in every world" Ginny replied "you know that Dumbledore is going to be asking you a lot of questions?"

"Asking?" Harry scoffed "Gin, he's going to be demanding and begging to know. I haven't decided if I'm going to tell him I'm the master of death yet, might give him a heart attack if we're lucky."

"Oh, I can imagine the shock on his face" Ginny laughed "Anyway, enough of that, let's go get that pizza. I want an extra large cheese pizza, you can buy one for yourself if you want"

"Yes ma'am" Harry gave her a mock bow, he internally sighed, knowing that Dumbledore wouldn't even let him say hi before he starts bombarding him with questions.

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