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70% Harry Potter and the Brothers Black / Chapter 14: Chapter 14 – Happy Remus, sad girl and relationship advice from the master of death

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 – Happy Remus, sad girl and relationship advice from the master of death

The next day at breakfast, the daily prophet arrived and left everyone with dropped jaws. Hadrius Black had only gone and invented the cure for lycanthropy, many couldn't believe that a teenager had solved something that adults couldn't but then again he was Hadrius Black so it made sense.

"Bloody Merlin!" James exclaimed

"I know! When I said he invented the cure for werewolves I was joking!" Sirius replied

"This is amazing" Lily reread the article "I can't believe it! Oh Merlin, I definitely need him to tutor me in potions!"

"Hold on a second" Peter interrupted "if Harry invented the cure for werewolves, then what about Remus?"

Peter's answer came when Remus Lupin skipped into the hall, looking happier than ever before. In fact he was humming and had a dreamy look on his face that would make Luna Lovegood look jealous. He sat down next to his friends, he took his knife and fork and joyfully started eating his food.

"Remus" James said "I probably know the answer here, but are you aware that Harry has made a cure for werewolves?"

"No" Remus replied with a massive smile "I'm not 'aware' because I am no longer a werewolf!" Remus said loudly, not caring if anybody heard him.

"Congratulations!" His friends cheered and began hugging him

"And I've decided" Remus continued speaking "I am going to live my life to the fullest, I'm going to do great in class, get a girl, get married and have a great job"

"Good for you mate!" Sirius and James clapped him on the back

"I think I'll probably name Harry as godfather to my future child" Remus added

"Hey, why can't I be godfather?" James asked

"or me?" Sirius also asked

"When you two invent a life changing potion that could make the lives of hundreds of people better then you can get a godson, not before" Remus said with a grin

Albus Dumbledore chose that moment to walk in, he was in thinking as he usually was, about Hadrius Black. The power coming from that boy was unreal, the boy managed to beat him with a single spell and he still held back. In fact Dumbledore was very worried now, his desire to control Hadrius Black had only increased, he needed to get him firmly in the light before the dark could claim him.

Hadrius Black could be a worse dark lord than Tom ever was, if Hadrius went dark then it's likely that nobody would be able to stop him, Dumbledore had to stop him before the power goes to his head. Yes, it was essential to get him under control but the question now was how he would do it.

Dumbledore sat at the high table, he saw all of the teachers looking joyful and happy, he wasn't sure why. Looking around he saw that Remus Lupin was looking more joyful than anybody he had ever seen, Dumbledore shook his head and took a sip of his pumpkin juice as he looked at the daily prophet and he immediately spat the juice out upon reading it.

'How?!' He shouted in his head, how did Hadrius Black invent a cure for werewolves?! The boy was a parslemouth and had mastered wandless magic, he had also beaten Albus Dumbledore himself and invented a cure for werewolves when years of research couldn't! Was there nothing this boy couldn't do?!

Said boy chose that moment to walk into the hall, he had Ginny holding one arm and he was talking to her as he did. Then they stopped to look around and Harry noticed that everyone was looking at him, he looked to marauders and slightly raised his head as if to ask 'what's happening?', Sirius raised the newspaper in his hands and pointed to the picture of him and the potion.

"Oh" Harry said "right"

The hall chose that moment to burst into applauses and cheering, Harry blushed a little but accepted their praise, Ginny had out her hand on her mouth to stop herself from giggling.

"Not funny" Harry whispered

"Yes it is" She whispered back

Harry and Ginny made their way to the marauders and sat next to them, the applause still going on. It took a few minutes but it eventually died down.

"It must feel great" Peter said "all this attention"

"Not really" Harry shook his head

"What?! Why not?!" Peter asked

"Today's villain is tomorrow's hero" Harry replied "not too long ago they all thought that I was a dark wizard because I beat Dumbledore, but they never wondered why I decided to duel him. So I was a dark wizard yesterday and today I'm a hero, fame is a fickle thing."

"It's true" Ginny agreed "yesterday they were running away from him and today they're cheering, tomorrow they might go back to running."

"But, but it must be cool to be you" Peter said to the boy he looked up to.

"Yeah it's cool, I have a lovely girlfriend and I have you lot" Harry replied

"That's not what I meant, you're so powerful, you could probably rule the whole country if you wanted"

"True but I don't" Harry replied "Peter, I get it, a lot of people see me and they want my power, they want to be like me. You're one of them, right?"

"Y...yeah" Peter lowered his head "you're so cool, and strong and handsome and powerful. I'm not"

"Says who?" James asked

"It's obvious" Peter sighed "you're all good at something, I'm not, I'm just lowly Pete"

"Come on Peter, you're alright at charms" Sirius tried to make Peter feel better

"Peter" Harry said softly "I may be the most powerful person on the planet today, but I will die eventually. Everyone does, tomorrow somebody could be born who could be stronger than me. Power, money, looks, they all fade man. They all go eventually, it sounds corny as hell but it's more important to have a family that care for you than it is to have money and fame.

As for you not being good at anything, maybe you just haven't found what you're good at yet. I can help you if you want, next week I'll make some time for you and I can help you out with your schoolwork"

"Really?" Peter looked at Harry hopefully

"Yeah, I'll help you improve, you're not weak Peter. Everyone has the potential to be great, including you, I don't know why you're not doing good in class but I'll help you figure it out okay. If I can invent a cure for werewolves, I can definitely improve your school grades"

"T...thank you" Peter stuttered

"Such a softie" Sirius pinched Harry's cheeks

"You are amazing Harry" Remus smiled

"No problem little bro" Harry smiled back

"Little bro?" James asked

"Yes" Harry nodded "Remus called me his bro yesterday"

"Did he?" Sirius looked at Remus who looked a bit embarrassed, Sirius wrapped an arm around the boy's shoulder "welcome to the family, we're mad but we'll look after you."

"Hey, what about me?" James said

"Don't get your knickers in twist, you as well" Sirius put an arm around James's shoulder "Peter, I'm sorry but I only have two arms. But you're in as well"

"Thank you" Peter said shyly

"You know" Harry whispered to Lily "I've always wanted a sister"

"Thank you" Lily blushed

"We're all one big family" James said "I'm guessing that Hadrius is supposed to be the dad of this group"

"That would make Ginny the mother" Remus pointed out

"Ah well" Ginny sighed "I accept, with that being said you will do your own chores and I am not staying at home like a good housewife"

"Wouldn't dream of it" Harry kissed her on the cheek

Harry's first lesson that day was transfigurations, he lost count at how many people looked at him, especially girls. Roxanne and Cyrus found the whole situation amusing, at the end of the class he was told to stay behind.

"Yes Professor?" Harry said to McGonagall

"Mr Black" She said "it's my understanding that you have invented the cure to werewolves"

"I have" Harry knew she already knew so was wondering where she was going with this.

"And it's also my understanding that Mr Lupin is a friend of yours and you know of his...affliction"

"Correct and you know I do know all about his furry little problem"

"Are you planning on selling him the cure?" She asked

"No, I gave it him last night, he was ecstatic when he didn't transform. He was very emotional as well and I don't feel comfortable talking about it without his consent"

"Very well" McGonagall said with approval in her voice, her hand moved slightly and knocked a quill on to the floor.

"I'll get that for you" Harry said, he knelt down and picked it up for her and placed it back on the desk.

"Thank you Mr Black, that was very helpful of you. A hundred points to Slytherin" She said with a small smile on her lips. Harry's eyes widened in shock, he numbly nodded before a smile made it's way across his face.

"Thank you Professor" He picked up all his stuff "I'll see you next lesson" He made his way out of the classroom, laughing as he did.

McGonagall always did her best to be professional, but even she couldn't not be happy with Harry. In her eyes he not only provided a cure for werewolves, but also the hope of a normal life to all those affected by the disease. Also to Lupin, the boy was such a bright boy but was shy and worried about being discovered, this would be good for him.

On his way to his next class, Harry stopped when he heard some crying, he looked around and found a first year Hufflepuff leaning against a wall, she was sobbing and everyone else was just walking past her. The girl had her knees tucked into her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs with her head ducked down.

"Are you alright?" Harry sat down alongside her

"No" The girl shook her head, not looking up at him

"Are you hurt?" Harry asked, the girl shook her head again "do you want to talk about it?"

"No" The girl sobbed "I don't want to say, people will hear"

"Wait there" Harry waved his hand around "I've put some silencing charms, around, nobody will be able to hear you. Go on, take your time, I'll wait if you don't feel uncomfortable yet." Harry was true to his word and waited for the girl to become comfortable.

"My friend, she said she didn't want to be friends anymore" The girl whispered

"Why not?" Harry asked softly

"I told her that I thought Hadrius Black was cool and she started calling me a dark witch" The girl answered

"She stopped being your friend just for that?" Harry asked

"No, I told her I had a cousin who was a werewolf and I thought Black was cool because he invented the cure, she didn't know my cousin was a werewolf and started insulting me. She said I was a dark witch and she said that Hadrius Black was evil, because he beat Dumbledore and she said I was evil for liking him"

"Hmm" Harry sighed "are you evil?"

"No I'm not" The girl shook her head

"Then you shouldn't worry about it" Harry responded "why does your friend get to decide who is evil and who is not? I don't really think that's fair, do you?"

"No" The girl said quietly

"Besides, so what if you have a werewolf for a cousin? If your cousin takes the cure then he or she is cured and he or she is no longer a werewolf. And if she doesn't take the cure then she is still your cousin, she's your family and nothing will change that. Perhaps you should talk with your head of house, she's better at this stuff than I am."

"Okay" The girl sniffed, she looked up for the first time and her eyes widened in shock "Hadrius Black!" She exclaimed

"Call me Harry" He smiled at her "now come on, I'll take you to Professor Sprout. She shouldn't have a lesson right now" Harry got to his feet, and extended his hand to help the girl up, she was cautious but took his hand and stood up, Harry began leading her to Professor Sprout.

"So, I'm Hadrius Black, what's your name?"

"R...Rose, Rose Williams" The shy girl answered

"Lovely name" Harry complimented

"Th...thank you" She said

"You don't have to thank me, and thank you for thinking I'm cool"

"But...but you are cool" The girl pointed out

"I don't think so" Harry replied "my girlfriend is the best in her year at charms, she's cool"

"But you invented a cure for werewolves" The girl replied

"Yeah but my one little brother is a hilarious prankster and the other one is a genius"

"Why don't you want people to think you're cool?" The girl asked

"Look kid, I'm not a hero and I'm not a villain, I just exist" Harry responded "if everyone keeps thinking I'm something special then they'll look up to me and if I don't do something for them then they'll be disappointed then they'll call me a dark wizard. People need to learn to do things themselves instead of relying on other people like me and Dumbledore"

Soon they arrived in Professors Sprout's office, he knocked and the two entered when they called in. Professor Sprout smiled at him and he smiled at her back, Rose still looked a bit nervous

"Harry" Professor Sprout called "how are you?"

"I'm fine Professor" Harry replied "but I found little Rose here, she was crying in the hallway and I think you're a bit more qualified to deal with crying children than me."

"Ah, of course" Sprout nodded "thank you"

"No problem but may I have a note for my next class, I'm a little late"

"Don't worry" Sprout wrote a note and got up and walked over to Harry "give this to your teacher"

"Thank you Professor" Harry accepted the note

"You're welcome and take ten points for helping a student"

"Thank you" Harry repeated "alright, I'll be off, bye now Rose"

"Bye" Rose waved as Harry left

"Such a nice boy" sprout sighed before turning to Rose "now, why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

The marauders were having a great day, Remus Lupins attitude was catching, they couldn't help but feel happy. Even in class and even when they were doing homework, they had called off pranks for the week to let Remus have a peaceful week. In fact they did all they could to make Remus's week perfect. They did their own homework, they offered him chocolate constantly, and they did whatever they can to make the week better for him.

Lily thought that it was brilliant, Remus deserved happiness and he had finally got it. She was not just happy with Harry, she was rather happy with the marauders. Admittedly she thought that they were just childish at first, but she realised that they also had a kind side.

The Professors also liked the new Remus, he was glad to answer questions and he had a smile on his face the whole time. He tried harder in class and he was more social than ever, he would talk with anyone who was willing.

"Harry" Lily had approached Harry at lunch

"What's up Lily?" Harry asked "Is there another mess I have to pull Sirius out of?"


"Is there another mess I have to pull James out of?"


"Is there another mess I have to pull Peter out of?"


"Is there another mess that Remus was pulled into?"

"No, I actually came to talk to you" Lily replied

"I don't blame you, I'm brilliant but is there any particular topic you want to discuss? Not that I don't enjoy your company"

"Yes" Lily nodded "there are a couple of things I need your help with, the first is can you tutor me in potions?"

"Are you sure? I heard you were great in potions" Harry responded

"Yes but I want to be better, I'm not expecting to invent a new potion like you but I was wondering if you could help"

"Sure, I'll see when I'm busy but maybe I'll try and get you to come with me and work with Peter"

"That'd be brilliant" Lily smiled

"Good, bring anyone else who is interested with you as well" Harry said "so what else do you need help with?"

"It's James" Lily said slowly "I think he likes me" Harry scoffed

"Lily the boy is head over heels for you"

"Yeah but I'm not exactly head over heels for him" Lily pointed out "I mean, sometimes I see him as a mischievous prankster and other times I see him as a kind boy who wants to help his friends"

"Lily, he's both. You should never judge someone just on your impression of them, I mean look at me for example. How do you see me?"

"You? Uh, kind and honest and really strong and smart" Lily answered honestly

"Thank you but how do you think Dumbledore sees me?"

"Oh, I don't think he likes you" Lily felt uncomfortable saying it but felt it would be better to stay honest

"Exactly, he probably sees me as a danger. The question is, why can't I be all of that? I'm strong and smart so that automatically makes me a danger but does it mean I can't be honest and kind?"

"No" Lily shook her head

"James likes pranks but does that mean he can't be kind?" Harry asked, Lily shook her head and she realised what Harry was trying to say "one more example, you"

"Me?" Lily blurted out in surprise

"Yes, you" Harry pointed at her "when your teachers see you, they see a smart and intelligent witch" Lily blushed a little "but when your family and friends sees you, they see a nice and caring person. There is no reason you can't be both, yes James can be immature but is that all he is?"

"No" Lily sighed "but I don't know how I feel about him, and I'm worried what to do if he asks"

"Alright, that's reasonable" Harry thought about it "just be honest with him, tell him you're not ready for a relationship just yet and tell him maybe in the future. In fact, maybe you two should hang out a little bit more and get to know each other"

"Yeah" Lily thought about it "yes, that's a great idea. Thank you"

"You're welcome but if you don't mind me asking, why did you come to about all of this? Why not go to Ginny? She's much better at this relationship stuff than I am"

"Well, you were already here and I figured that if you can invent a potion, you're probably smart enough to help out"

"Brilliant" Harry said sarcastically "why don't I just help everyone in the school while I'm at it?"

"You do realise that you help everyone in the school anyway?"

"True" Harry admitted "I really need to choose a better hobby"

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