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35% Harry Potter and the Brothers Black / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 –

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 –

It was the next day, and people were very careful around Harry and Ginny. Nobody wanted to piss off the former after seeing him throw a person across the hall and nobody wanted to piss off the latter because that would result in pissing off the former.

Harry and Ginny came over to the Gryffindor table at breakfast and sat with Sirius and his friends, he smiled at them as he sat down and Ginny did the same, sitting beside Harry.

"Alright guys?" Harry asked, they all nodded or gave verbal confirmation.

"Why are you here?" Lily asked "not that I mind or anything, I just thought you'd be at the Slytherin table"

"I was going to but today the Gryffindor's get treacle tart and I love treacle tart" Harry said as the food appeared

"Me too" Sirius began piling food on his plate

"Sirius, you love everything" Harry pointed out "you'd eat your own arm if it was edible"

"No, I wouldn't, you think I would dare damage perfection?" Sirius gestured to his body

"Is that we're calling it?" James laughed

"Well it's what I'm calling it"

"Boys" Ginny shook her head in amusement

"Tell me about it" Lily sighed "we're outnumbered as well, so unfair"

"I disagree" Harry replied "for every group of idiotic boys you get a smart girl to keep them in line, makes sense"

"True" Lily admitted "at least we know our jobs for the next few years"

"Yeah, they're hopeless without us" Ginny added

"Hey" James, Peter and Sirius objected while Remus and Harry smiled.

"Sirius" Ginny said "where's your tie?" Sirius looked down and realised that he wasn't wearing one.

"Oh, I think I forgot it in my room"

"Remember to get it after breakfast, James and Peter don't eat with you mouths open and Remus stop giggling" The boys immediately obeyed.

"Harry" Sirius spoke

"Yeah?" Harry replied

"You remember when I said she's perfect for you?"

"Yes, like it was yesterday, which it was"

"Yes, well I change my mind"

"Sorry little bro" Harry chuckled "but we're stuck with her, you need someone to keep you in line when I'm busy"

"You seem to forget that she's going to keep you in line as well"

"I wish" Ginny sighed "it's an impossible task, turn your back for a second and his gone off and done something on the opposite side of the castle"

"True" Sirius nodded

"Excuse me" a voice called out, they all turned to see a shy little first year Hufflepuff with a note "I was told to give this to you" He said in a quiet voice

"Thanks mate" Harry said as he gently took the note away from the boy, although he like scaring the older kids, he wasn't as comfortable scaring the younger ones. Harry read the note before giving the Hufflepuff a comforting smile "thanks again, do you need anything else?"

" sir" The boy shook his head

"You don't have to call me sir, just Harry will do. You sure you don't need anything? I don't mind"

"W…well, I don't really know where the green houses are and I have herbology first"

"Don't worry about it, just go and eat your food, I'll finish up and then I'll come and take you there"

"Uh...okay, thank you" The boy quickly made his way back to his seat, Harry turned back to Ginny and the rest of them.

"Brother, you are sickeningly nice to everyone" Sirius commented

"I think it's adorable" Ginny kissed him on the cheek, Harry looked at Sirius and looked quite smug. Sirius rolled his eyes and continued eating.

"So is that all it takes to get a kiss?" James asked "be nice to people?"

"Depends on the girl and how nice you are" Harry replied "why? Got a specific one in mind"

"Maybe I do" James smiled, glancing at Evans

"Well I wish you the best of luck"

"What was the note about?" Peter asked a few minutes later.

"Dumbledore wants to see me" Harry answered, Remus and Ginny both adopted a scowl before hiding it "probably about yesterday"

"Well, you did throw someone across a hall" Lily pointed out "but I still don't get why he wants to talk to you when it's been dealt with"

"Probably to depart some old wisdom or some rubbish like that" Harry sighed "that old goat is going to be the cause of many headaches"

"Hey, what's your problem with Dumbledore?" James asked

"I have multiple problems with him" Harry replied "including but not limited to his dress sense, now if you'll excuse me, I have to guide a young Hufflepuff to the greenhouses" Harry stood up and walked away.

Sirius knew that Harry didn't like Dumbledore, he wasn't fully sure why but as far as he was concerned, Harry had a good reason for everything. And if everyone in his house including Harry dislikes Dumbledore then that's saying something. He knew that Bellatrix was of a similar opinion, she didn't particularly care about Dumbledore but if Harry told her to not trust him then she wouldn't.

James wasn't sure what to think of this, on one hand Dumbledore was the famous 'leader of the light' but on the other hand, Harry didn't seem too fond of him and neither did his parents. His parents just didn't seem to care about him, he wondered why.

Remus wholeheartedly agreed with Harry, he had so many nightmares about whether or not he'd be accepted into Hogwarts, only to find out that he couldn't have been refused. Not to mention that Dumbledore was prepared to charge more than he should have which would've resulted in his family working overtime for months just to cover the costs. Any respect he had for the headmaster had quickly vanished after their first meeting.

Lily was naturally curious, from what she read, she realised that Dumbledore was quite famous and a great wizard. She suspected that not everybody would like him but she didn't think to include the kind and polite Hadrius Black in that category.

Harry guided the first year to the greenhouses and to his class, Professor Sprout was in there with a few other students. Harry entered the class with the boy.

"Harry?" Professor Sprout looked at him with a smile "what are you doing here?"

"One of your badgers had to perform a task for the headmaster" Harry gestured to the first year "and I thought I'd thank him by showing him the way to his class"

"How kind of you, Jonathon, go get ready for class"

"Yes ma'am, thank you Harry" Jonathon, the first year, said before doing as he was told.

"No problem mate" Harry said before turning his attention back to Sprout "why Professor, you're looking absolutely ravishing today, did you do something to your hair?"

"Oh, shush you" She chuckled "now go on, out you go, you little trouble maker"

"You love me really" Harry smiled as he went out and made his way to the headmasters office, the gargoyle immediately moved out of his way, while he was not the heir to the founders in this world, he was still the bloody master of death and Hogwarts knew that.

He entered the headmasters office and sat down, facing the headmaster who smiled that annoying smile at him. Harry did his best to keep a neutral face and stop the memories of him beating up Dumbledore from flooding his head and making him smile.

"Mr Black" Dumbledore smiled "how are you?"

"As well as can be" Harry shrugged

"That's good, I wanted to talk to you about an incident that occurred..."

"Where I tossed a seventh year across a room"

"Yes" Dumbledore nodded "it tells me one of two things, the first being that you have either wandlessly banished him across the hall or that you've undergone dark rituals to increase your strength"

"I have not undergone dark rituals to increase my strength" Harry sighed "you and I both know the long term effects of those rituals, and I don't particularly look forward to those. Besides, like I need strength rituals"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't play dumb Headmaster" Harry smiled "you and me both know that I'm far more powerful than any other person in my year, perhaps even the school" Harry knew he could definitely beat the entire school if he wanted to.

"Yes, and that is another cause for concern" Dumbledore replied "I am curious as to how you have achieved so much strength at such a young age"

"Push ups, sit ups and plenty of juice" Harry joked "but in all honesty, I see no reason to satisfy your curiosity. What's in it for me?"

"You require something?" Dumbledore raised an eyebrow

"I'm a Slytherin" Harry smiled "I have no attachment or responsibilities towards you, therefore I have no reason to do things for you without pay."

"What exactly would you like?"

"Did I say I wanted anything?" Harry raised an eyebrow "all I asked was what I would get if I told you? As of the moment, I want nothing nor need anything that you can provide"

"Come now, there's no reason for this, we could work together Mr Black. After all, you are an incredibly talented and gifted young boy, think of all the good we can do."

"I prefer to work alone" Harry said, a bit disappointed in himself for saying such a cliché line "besides, I'm doing plenty of good on my own. Now, is there anything else you wanted?"

"No, not at the moment. But if you don't mind me asking, am I to understand that you are in a relationship with Miss Gwen Peterson."

"Not an official relationship, or at least, not yet. But how is that any of your concern?" Harry narrowed his eyes

"I'm simply curious my boy" Dumbledore said with a smile but Harry could see the gears turning in his head.

"I'd be careful" Harry warned "I'm sure you've heard the muggle phrase 'curiosity killed the cat', I'm sure you don't want to see what it does to the wizard."

"Is that a threat?" Dumbledore's smile vanished and his face had become emotionless

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't" Harry stood up "but be warned Dumbledore, I am not someone whom you can manipulate or smile at and hope they can do what you want. Stay out of my way, I'm not willing to put up with your games either." Harry turned and walked right out of the headmasters office.

Dumbledore was furious, how dare that brat talk to him like that?! He didn't really understand what the brat's problem was, from what he had heard Hadrius Black was kind to all people, pureblood or not. So what was his problem with him?

One thing that was clear was the fact that, for whatever reason, the eldest Black didn't like him. It was safe to assume that the his younger brother and cousin would also dislike him but they were younger and much more impressionable than Hadrius. From what he had heard, they were just young, albeit cheeky, regular children.

Perhaps if he could convince them that he was truly the great leader that he was, then they would fall in line. And if the rumours about Hadrius were true, he'd do anything to help his family, maybe he'd be willing to fall in line. Hadrius was valuable, extremely valuable, Dumbledore desperately needed him on his side.

Dumbledore would look brilliant with the wandless wonder as his apprentice, the boy was incredibly powerful, at his age Tom wouldn't be able to have half as much power or gain half as much influence as he Hadrius had. He was only in second year yet had made friends and allies in all the houses, his power is no secret and in fact, Dumbledore was quite jealous.

At Hadrius's age, Dumbledore wouldn't be able to compete against him, it seemed that nobody could. If Hadrius wanted, he could be an even worse dark lord then Tom, Dumbledore needed to get him on the light side. Hadrius was rich, influential, handsome and incredibly powerful, he was the perfect heir.

Meanwhile, Bellatrix was sitting with Ginny in the library, the two were working and talking. Bellatrix was starting to get to know Ginny, and to be honest, she rather approved of Hadrius's choice. Ginny was funny, smart and witty, perfect for Hadrius. Admittedly she was surprised that Harry had chosen a muggleborn, especially when he could get nearly any girl he wanted, that's when she realised something. Harry needed someone different, and Ginny seemed to be it.

"So" Bellatrix said "what do you like about Harry?"

"Well, obviously all the looks and money and stuff factor in, but I also like his eyes" Ginny replied "I feel like I can read him, and to be honest, I don't really know. I just like the way he looks at me, you know?"

"Yeah, it's weird, I've never seen him look at anyone like that before" Bellatrix smiled "I know he is only in second year but you should see the amount of girls who eye him like he's a piece of candy. I've had to hex a lot of them so they don't bother him"

"That's nice" Ginny smiled "you really care for him, don't you?"

"Yes" Bellatrix smiled "Harry's always been nice to me, I remember when I was younger, I'd like going to his house because he'd always play with me and my sisters and make time for us."

"Aw, that's adorable"

"I know, he's also made life so much better for me"

"How so?" Ginny asked, though she knew the answers from seeing their interactions in Harry's mind.

"Well, we're purebloods and we do things different" Bellatrix began explaining "when I was young, my parents told me I had to grow up and get married and be a good wife but at the time I was young and I wanted to be a dancer. They told me to stop being ridiculous, but Harry took me aside and told me that I could be anything I wanted and if I wanted to be a dancer, he would help me.

Did you know that he took me to the muggle world once? I was six and I was having a bad day, he snuck me out of the house and took me and his brothers to a muggle theme park and I loved it. Every now and then he'd take me to the muggle world, and I realised they were nothing like what my parents told me. My parents lied to me, but Harry didn't, so I'm very protective of him. He always looks after everyone and I just want him to be happy"

"Be careful" Ginny said "if you say one more nice thing about him I may just have to go find him and give him a kiss"

"I wouldn't object" Harry said as he entered the library and sat by Ginny, who gave him a peck on the lips "see, no objections"

"What did Dumbledore want?" Ginny asked

"The old goat was asking questions about yesterday and how I'm so strong, he asked if I had used dark rituals to get stronger" Harry answered "The bloody idiot, he then asked about my relationship with you"

"Why would he ask that?" Bellatrix asked

"It's obvious" Harry replied "he is hoping to control me through Ginny"

"Control you?"

"It makes sense" Ginny said "Harry is rich and powerful, it makes sense that he'd be a valuable asset to Dumbledore. In fact Dumbledore will probably try and control you and Sirius as well"

"Like we'll let that happen" Bellatrix scoffed

"I've already told Sirius about the meeting" Harry said "if Dumbledore calls you up to his office, I want you to insist that me and your head of house be there"

"Even me?" Ginny asked

"I don't have any say over you, I can go with Bellatrix or Sirius as I'm part of their family but you're not part of my family. Unless you'd like to have the wedding today"

"Tempting...but no"

"Damn" Harry mock pouted and the girls began giggling.

Later that day, Sirius was in the common room with the fellow Gryffindor's. He was playing exploding snap with James and Peter, Remus insisted on doing his homework first. Suddenly the common room door opened and McGonagall walked in.

"Mr Black, please come with me" She said

"I swear I didn't do it!" Sirius blurted out

"Didn't do what?"

"Sorry" He apologised "that's a habit I'm working on, what can I do for you Minnie?"

"Don't call me Minnie and I'd like you to follow me, the headmaster wants a word with you"

"My, aren't I popular?" Sirius stood up and waved goodbye to his friends and followed McGonagall outside "Professor, am I the only one attending this meeting?"

"No, your cousin, Bellatrix Black is also attending."

"Hmm, good" Sirius said, if Bellatrix was coming then that means he didn't have to get Harry. Soon they arrived at the headmasters office "Professor" He said to Professor McGonagall before he entered "could you come with me?"

"You'd like me to come with you?" She raised an eyebrow

"Yes, Harry told me to bring you with me to any meetings with the headmaster"

"Very well" Minerva nodded and accompanied Sirius inside, it seemed that Sirius had gotten here before Bellatrix

"Hello, Sirius" Dumbledore greeted him warmly, at this point Sirius realised that Harry was probably right as he usually way. Something about Dumbledore just seemed a bit off and it felt weird. "Please take a seat" Dumbledore gestured to one of the empty chairs.

"Fine" Sirius nodded, he walked up and picked the chair up "anything you like me to do with it?" Sirius could have sworn that 'Minnie' was doing a combination of an eye roll, headshake and small smile from behind him.

"No, my boy" Dumbledore chuckled. Harry was right; Dumbledore would try and establish a sense of familiarity with him, like they were friends. "I meant sit down"

"Oh, okay" Sirius said with a grin, he put the chair down and sat on the floor

"Mr Black" McGonagall spoke up "I think he meant sit on the chair"

"Oh" Sirius said as if he and come to a big realisation "really obvious when you think about it" He got up and sat on the chair. It was at this point that Bellatrix and Slughorn came in, followed by Harry who was hiding behind Slughorn.

"Miss Black" Dumbledore smiled, as he had not seen Harry yet "please take a seat"

"Alright" Bellatrix nodded before moving towards the empty chair, she was about to pick it up

"Don't bother" Sirius said "I already did that"

"Aw" Bellatrix moaned "I wanted to do that"

"You can do the next one" Harry said as he stepped out from behind Slughorn and smiled, Bellatrix sat down and Harry stood behind his brother and cousin.

"Mr Black?" Dumbledore said with surprise laced in his voice

"Yes?" Sirius smiled

"No, not you. The other Black"

"Yes?" Bellatrix gave Dumbledore a matching smile

"No, not you either. I meant Mr Hadrius Black"

"Yes?" Harry smiled and Dumbledore was a bit annoyed at the identical smiles that the Black children were giving him, no doubt the younger two learnt it from the older one.

"May I ask what you are doing here?"

"You may" Harry nodded, when he didn't continue speaking Dumbledore realised that he had to actually ask

"What are you doing here?"

"Standing" Harry said "and breathing, and living, and smiling. I'm quite the busy man, aren't I?"

"I meant, why are you here?" Dumbledore explained "I had only asked for your brother and cousin"

"We're Blacks, we stick together" Harry put a hand on Sirius and Bellatrix's shoulders "I look after my family and anything you wish to say will be said in front of me, unless you wish to say it in front of my grandfather instead" Dumbledore paled, the Black head of house was a massive political force capable of causing lots of damage.

"No, no of course not. I simply wished to ask a few questions" Dumbledore put on a grandfatherly smile but it didn't have the calming or trusting effect he desired. Sirius was leaning back in his chair, looking uninterested while Bellatrix was busy looking at her nails and Harry was watching him with narrowed eyes. "Firstly, Mr Black" Dumbledore said

"Yes?" Sirius and Harry said at the same time

"No, I meant the youngest Mr Black"

"But Regulus isn't here yet" Sirius pointed out

"No, I didn't mean him. I meant you"

"We don't have a Black family member called 'Yu'" Bellatrix replied.

"Not you"


"I was referring to Sirius Black" Dumbledore said in the calmest voice he could muster

"Oh" Bellatrix said "why didn't you just say so?"

"Sirius" Dumbledore continued, ignoring Bellatrix for the moment "how are you liking Gryffindor?"

"I don't know" Sirius replied

"What do you mean you don't know?" Dumbledore was very confused

"Never met the guy" Sirius shrugged "probably has something to do with him dying thousands of years ago, probably but I'm not sure"

"Not the founder, I was talking about the school house which you are currently sorted into"

"Oh, it's good"

"Lovely" Dumbledore sighed before turning his attention to Bellatrix who was, for some reason, inspecting Harry's nails. "And what of you Miss Black? Are you happy being a member of Slytherin house?"

"Hmm? Yeah, it's alright I guess. Harry keeps all the idiots away so it's pretty enjoyable"

"Keeps all the idiots away?" Dumbledore repeated "How does he do that?"

"Sorry, but what happens in the common room stays in the common room" Bellatrix responded "unless it's illegal" She added

"But nothing illegal ever happens in the common room" Harry added


"Definitely not"

"Nothing illegal"

"Not a thing"

"Not a single law or bone broken"

"No sir"

"No broken rules"

"Nothing we'd admit"

"Nothing you can prove" The two ended with smiles, Sirius muttered 'bloody Slytherin's' under his breath while Slughorn and McGonagall were trying not to smile.

"Yes..." Dumbledore said, not quite knowing how to respond "anyway, I wanted to know how you are handling school like"

"We're the top of our classes" Bellatrix said proudly

"Wonderful" Dumbledore smiled

"Let's just cut to the chase headmaster" Harry interrupted "what do you want?"

"Want Mr Black?"

"Don't play dumb, after our last conversation you haven't even waited a day to call my family members to your office. I predict that you'll call their friends or Miss Peterson next, don't try and deny it Dumbledore. You haven't even told us the purpose of this meeting, why are my brother and cousin here?"

Dumbledore wanted to scream, the eldest Black had put him in a tight spot. He wanted to talk to the two in private but couldn't as their head of houses and Harry himself were here. He needed to come up with an excuse and fast.

"I was simply worried about how they're adjusting to school life" Dumbledore answered

"Really?" Harry drawled "you're worried about how the princess of Slytherin" Harry gestured to Bellatrix "is doing in Slytherin, and you're worried how my brother is doing when he has made friends and is usually always in the top five of his class? Tell me sir, have you extended your concern to any of the other students or is it just members of my family?"

Slughorn and McGonagall were a bit too shocked at the attitude of the usually well-mannered Hadrius Black to actually admonish him for his attitude and by this point they were curious, why did the headmaster want to talk to them?

"As members of a known dark family, I was worried that you would be facing more problems after your actions yesterday" Dumbledore said.

"Sirius" Harry addressed his brother "any problems since yesterday?"

"Problems?" Sirius scoffed "yeah, I've got half the girls in my common room asking me if you're single but the other half are asking if I'm single so it's pretty fair"

"Bellatrix" Harry turned his attention to his cousin and ignored Sirius's comment "what about you?"

"Makes things easier if I'm being honest" Bellatrix replied, honestly "the people are giving me respect because I'm related to you and I'm meeting more people because of it"

"Brilliant" Harry turned his attention back to the headmaster "Now, is there anything else?"

"No" The headmaster shook his head

"Brilliant" Harry clapped his hands "in that case, it's not curfew yet so I'll escort my family back to their common rooms. Come on guys" Sirius and Bellatrix stood up "oh and by the way headmaster, from now on I will be attending any and all meetings you have with the two. See you later" Harry walked out of the door, followed by Sirius and Bellatrix, leaving two stunned head of houses and one seething Dumbledore.

"That was brilliant" Sirius said as Harry dropped him off at the Gryffindor common room entrance "I can't wait for Reggie to come, we can all annoy him together."

"Ha" Bellatrix laughed "I can imagine that, the headmaster driven insane by the brothers Black and their beautiful cousin"

"Yes you are" Harry kissed her forehead and gave Sirius a look that said 'don't you dare say otherwise' "now come on, let's get back to our common rooms. Goodnight little bro and remember..."

"Don't get caught?" Sirius finished the sentence

"I was going to say don't let the bed bugs bite but that works too, don't get caught in what though?"

"Nothing" Sirius smiled before he gave the fat lady the password and entered his common room.

"Check your room and all of your food and drinks for pranks" Harry instructed Bellatrix as they walked back "warn Severus as well"

"Okay, what about the others?" Bellatrix entered the common room with Hadrius, they looked over at all the people there.

"What about the others?" Harry said "I'll warn Cyrus and Roxanne but the other prats are on their own"

"That's cruel, shame my pity well is empty. Goodnight Harry"

"Goodnight Bell"

The next day at breakfast, everybody at the Slytherin table had their hair turned red at breakfast and their eyebrows turned yellow. Everybody expect for a select few Slytherin's who had chosen not to drink from the goblets, Harry looked at the Gryffindor table.

Sirius, Peter and James were trying to stop laughing while Remus looked like he was trying not to smile. Lily Evans was just shaking her head in disappointment, soon their eyes all landed on Harry. Harry looked at Bellatrix who looked back at him, after a shared look the two of them clinked their goblets together and drank up. They finished with a smile as their head turned red and their eyebrows turned yellow, it lasted the whole day but the two had decided to act like nothing was wrong, much to the amusement of everyone else.

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