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60% Has been rewrite / Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

It was several days after Alexis took over the gang of axes, at that time he could not fully convince Hai Qingyang but reached a lucrative agreement with him.

Hai Qingyang and his gang would have listened to Alexis' orders, and they would temporarily execute all orders as long as it was reasonable. .

Alexis was not bothered by this, so he accepted the deal easily because if he really controlled the gang by force and without giving them any benefits, their betrayal rate would rise in the future.

He could remember the story of John Garrett's background, as he was a loyal agent of Shield, but in one of his operations he needed medical support and severity because of his kidney injury, but Shield's base chose to ignore him and because of this he decided to join Hydra and work as a spy inside Shield. .

Truth be told, it was one of the main pillars of the Hydra comeback epic.

Because of this, after considering many other reasons, Alexis decided to approve.

He also decided to control the Golden Tigers after the destruction of the hand, in the meantime he must accelerate the destruction of the hand.

With the help of Hai Qingyang, he made some contacts with his friends in the government and created a new identity and a new bank account for Alexis, who will use it in the future to manage his own underworld.

On the issue of hand, Alexis has several future plans related to it.


As the precise arithmetic he was, Azrael identified his potential weaknesses, one of which was the weakness of his physical structure.

After becoming different aliens, Alexis' physical strength increases and acquires the shape and abilities of other creatures.

It was not just an external change. Omnitrix was changing its DNA at the atomic level, and because of that, his personality could change as his race changed.

For example, when he became an actonorite, he felt that life was not important and that killing was as natural as eating or drinking, perhaps because of Zs'Skayr's consciousness in DNA, or perhaps because actonorites were lifeless beings.

As it becomes different, it may increase its intelligence, power, or size, and is usually stronger or smarter than the average species.

Some might think it makes no sense, if a person is already weak if even after a transformation it should not get stronger because there is nowhere to come from, right?

Error! It's like saying that Hulk should have the power of Bruce Banner.

It's all about DNA, so after 'rewriting' DNA, physical or mental strength can be reprogrammed.

Unfortunately, after the transformation is back to normal, so he has already started training his body from the beginning, and he joined Colin Dojo to learn martial arts.

There was no specific reason to do this; he thought that this would introduce him to the iron fist and help him destroy the hand and learn to control chi in the future.

Because of this, the progress of his combat skill has become greater than the previous Alexis, although he is still far from being called a master ...

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Clinton Bank was one of three banks in the hell's kitchen area. Today was another normal day.

In a dark alley in front of the bank, there was a black car without any identification plate with six people in uniform.

"I am about to finish hacking the bank's cameras. At that time you have to go in and destroy them before 3 minutes or they will be re-activated." One person with a short black hair said his name was Mike, who was currently pressing non-stop on the keyboard.

"Let's discuss the plan again before you start," said the leader, who was a huge man with a scorpion tattoo on his left hand and was called Karl.

"After Mike disrupts the cameras, we will raid the bank and destroy them before they work again. Then we will lock all the entrances and exits and hold the hostages in a separate room. To blow up the wall of the safe and escape through the old tunnel ... "

The Chinese young man continued to explain his plan in detail, to make sure that everyone understood the situation they are in.

"We start at 1..2..3! Now !!!" Mike said as soon as he said the six criminals set out after putting on their masks with guns, while Carl and Mike had an automatic rifle.

After seeing masked and armed people, innocent bystanders fled immediately as they were not bulletproof.

One of the gang members beat the security guard with the back of his gun to lose consciousness and then entered the bank causing chaos among the crowds when they noticed the weapons in the gang's hands.

Three of the gang members dispersed and began to destroy surveillance cameras. In the meantime, the Chinese youth fired from his pistol upwards to shut up the crowd while Karl began to say strongly. "All of you are silent and follow our instructions and we will not harm you, regardless of this do not blame us for what will happen"

Panic spread in the hearts of the hostages, but this time did not make a sound and remained still, one of the gangsters who went to the second floor brought with him two people, the director and his secretary, but they are currently handcuffed, the gangsters (all except Karl and the young Chinese) control the crowds The hostages are handcuffed with their hands behind them.

While Mike and an unimportant gang member (I can't think of names !!!!) tried to move the hostages, someone tried to escape.

But Mike beat him to the core to become a lesson to others.

Meanwhile, the two unnamed people closed the entrances to the bank.

It took a few minutes for the police cars that surrounded the building to arrive (there is an emergency button at the front desk for such incidents) and after the arrival of George Desin, the officer in charge of the case.

"Tell me briefly about the situation," George told a policeman.

"According to the security guard we found lying in front of the gate there are at least six people and the number of hostages is between 30 and 45," the policeman replied.

"According to witnesses, the criminals appear to be carrying rifles and pistols, which means they are armed and they have closed all entrances," the policeman said.

George was uneasy and said, "What about the cameras? Did you check them out?"

"No we didn't"

George shouted to the policeman, "So what do you think you're doing? I want to check it now."

The policeman panicked and went to get some people to deal with it.


George and several policemen hinted at a mirage in the sky that looked like a winged bird? At first the vision was not clear but as the creature approached they were able to notice that it was a winged dinosaur with a jetback his back. There is a red hourglass mark on his right shoulder.

The police were immediately nervous about the appearance of the extinct creature in front of them, and some wondered, 'Were dinosaurs flying through jetback?'

Astrodactyl spoke in a strange way as if a parrot "O police, wicked, can ... can someone inform me about the situation?"

"Excuse me?" George said skeptical about the words of the strange winged.

"Sorry, even I am still not tired ... accustomed to the way I speak," said Astrodactyl before arriving at the Omnitrix symbol in his shoulder and pressing him, while a red light spread that made police close their eyes.

When they opened their eyes, they found that the flying dinosaur had disappeared and was replaced by a two-meter-long crystalline monster.

"Better? Now tell me about the situation inside," Diamondhead said in a deep voice.

George spoke unconsciously, perhaps because of his fear of Diamondhead's solid structure or that he had the hope that the beast in front of him was here to help them.

"Six armed people robbed the bank, took the hostages and took cover inside."

"Only this?" Diamondhead said he was surprised by the officer 's ability to confine speech.

"Only this?" George echoed the words of Diamondhead where he did not understand its meaning.

Suddenly the crystal monster moved towards the gate and began to run as the glass gate was broken which could not bear the momentum of Diamondhead.

Diamondhead crossed the barriers causing a loud alarm to alert gang members, Mike and his unnamed companion who were guarding the gate began shooting at Diamondhead.

Because of the organic crystal structure of Diamondhead, ordinary bullets could not harm it, in fact it felt like a tickle.

"Nice," Diamondhead said with his deep voice.

He reached the side of the unnamed comrade and carried him out of his neck and threw him away. Mike, who saw the fate of his friend (he thought he was dead but in fact alive) tried to escape in the opposite way, but Diamondhead noticed him and touched the ground and within a second grew many Rails around Mike.

As for Mike, who was running at full speed, he hit the crystal rods and fell unconscious while bleeding from his nose and mouth and it seemed there was a fallen tooth.

Diamondhead went into the hostage room where he found a huge guy with a Karl rifle coming out of her. As soon as Karl saw him start to call him, seeing this ridiculed Alexis in his mind and began to progress towards Karl slowly.

"I confess, it tickles," said the living crystal with a smile on his face.

He stopped a few centimeters from Karl and waited until the bullets ran out. He grabbed Karl's neck so hard that he couldn't breathe and asked him, "Where are you guys?"

"The safe ... please ... air," Karl said as he tried to breathe.

Seconds after Karl lost consciousness, Diamondhead entered the hostage room where he saw about 40 people handcuffed and locked in the mouth, but he could say they were afraid of his current appearance.

Though he told them, "I'm here to stop the criminals, then I'll call the police to untie you."

After saying this he pressed the Omnitrix in his left chest and turned to Fasttrack, and thanks to his super speed he immediately went to the treasury and deprived the three criminals who were collecting money from their weapons and losing consciousness the hard way, then he returned to the hostages and used his speed to free everyone .

Letastrack let the hostages run away and use his speed to reach George in one second, he said.

"I took care of the thieves and freed the hostages. I don't need to thank me because I know I'm great."

George was surprised by the appearance of FastTrack in front of him and did not know what to say.

Although he heard rumors of monsters fighting crime in the kitchen of hell, he did not believe them, despite the many thugs who filed a lawsuit towards 'monsters'.

Suddenly a group of journalists surrounded FastTrack and prevented him from escaping.

"Who are you? Where is the crystal man?"

"Do you have genitals?"

"Are you from outer space? Did you come to invade New York?"

"How do you switch between monsters?"


The questions so fasted that there were so many embarrassing questions. "Well, well, I'll answer your questions, but just make room to breathe !!!"

Journalists retreated several meters, and a blonde woman stepped forward. "My name is Alice Pocket from the Daily Bugel. Can you answer some questions?"

"Of course, but hurry."

"Well, first question, what exactly are you?"

Fasttrak raised a brow and said, "Originally I'm human, but I can switch to a variety of aliens."

"How can you switch to ... these aliens?" I asked the journalist.

"I can't answer this question, it's personal."

"True, sorry."

"In previous weeks there are cases of monsters fighting crime on the streets of Hell's Kitchen, is that you?"

"Yes, I will not deny this as I will not deny that a few criminals were sent to the hospital, I need to go"

"The last question, what do you think of the hell's kitchen?"

FastTrack stopped and said, "Hell's kitchen is a hot area, if you are not a fan of heat it is better to stay away"

FastTrack pressed the Omnitrix symbol and turned to Astrodactyl and prepared to fly to escape the crowd of journalists, but a hand grabbed him from behind, turned around to find out about the aggressor to find that she is a beautiful woman in the twenties with black hair and oily skin, which Alexis did not recognize, but felt that she looked familiar.

"do I know you?" He said disturbed.

"No ... but I just wanted to thank you, you know, saving people is something heroic," the woman said.

"Okay thanks, okay, goodbye." He removed the woman's arm from his arm and flew away without noticing the woman's smile.

Purplezhz Purplezhz

In the next chapter I will finish the first volume, so I need you to give me some ideas about who the enemy should give Alexis.

The chapter has 2170 words.

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