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52.17% HEROISM / Chapter 12: High Hopes

Chapter 12: High Hopes

"17, 18, 19… All seem to be accounted for and unharmed aside for the severely injured boy." The detective gave a sigh as he finished counting the students, glad there weren't any other injured students. They all did remarkably well in the end.

"Ojiro-san!" Nagisa turned his head to see the invisible girl, Hagakure, greet Ojiro. "I heard you were all fired up today! You were strong by yourself, huh?"

The tailed blond gave a smile with a sigh. "I thought everyone was by themselves. I stuck to hit-and-run tactics, honestly… Where were you, Hagakure-san?"

"I was with Nagisa-kun and Todoroki-kun! They were super strong, and Nagisa-kun was so cool, I was surprised!"

Nagisa and Todoroki side-eyed each other after hearing that, neither showing any facial reactions. They shared the thought of, I didn't even know she was there.

(Which was, double surprising for Nagisa considering he could smell out people hiding from a mile away, but okay.)

"Where… do you think I was?" Aoyama popped up behind Nagisa, startling him and his snakes before he turned to watch the blond appear to three different groups, asking where they thought he was only to be ignored. Then he turned to Tsu and himself, asking the same question.

Tsu caved immediately, almost humoring him as one would to a child. "Where?"

He grinned smugly before turning away with his cape, a twinkle in his eye as he muttered almost cutely, "It's a secret!"

Nagisa deadpanned and shook his head before the detective, who had introduced himself as Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa, grabbed their attention again as he spoke to a nearby officer. "Let's have the students return to their classroom until their parents come to get them. We won't be questioning them right away, anyway, right?"

"Excuse me, Detective," Tsu hopped forward. "What about Aizawa-sensei?"

The detective smiled sadly before he dialed the hospital, asking for the injured teacher and put their response on speaker. Comminuted fractures on both arms as well as a factual fracture. Puncture wounds in his shoulder blades, but fortunately there was no lasting brain or nerve damage. There was damage to his orbital floor however; They said his eyes might suffer from the aftereffects.

There was a deep sense of loss, or perhaps it was more so risk of loss hanging over the heads of class 1-A at the news. But… at least he was still alive, even if his career as a Pro Hero was at risk. Nagisa felt sick in his stomach at the thought.

"What about Thirteen?" Ashido stepped forward, worry in her eyes.

"Thirteen is being treated. The lacerations from their back to upper arm was bad, but Thirteen will survive. All Might will also survive. He's being treated by Recovery Girl, so he's staying in the nurse's office."

The atmosphere lightened up a bit at that, hope lighting the eyes of the students, but Nagisa still couldn't knock his nervousness.

"Um," Nagisa cleared his throat. "And Izukun?"

"And Izukun!" Uraraka gasped.

"What about Midoriya?!" Iida jumped forward.

Detective Tsukauchi's expression morphed from confused to solemn and Nagisa felt tears burn in his eyes as that sense of dread from before began to fill him and soon threatened to over pour. "Ah, yes, Midoriya. He'll survive as well. But he's sustained major damage to his ribs and crown region, as well as both arms, but with the doctors' and Recovery Girl's help, he'll make a full recovery."

Nagisa swallowed the rock that had formed in his throat. He was alive. He would survive. He had to keep thinking that. The blue-haired boy inhaled shakily before Iida put his hand on his shoulder, silently asking if he was alright. Nagisa hesitated a moment before nodding and they filed into the bus in silence. He'll have to talk to Ritsu for more information.

Todoroki wouldn't stop staring with those curious eyes.

Katsuki had his eyes locked on the USJ building, scarlet hues hardened and intense. The image of Izuku bleeding and broken in the arms of Midnight as they took him away burned into his eyes. It was unsettling. But not as unsettling as that ghostly villain.

"I know you."

What the hell does that even mean?

His gaze  focused back to Nagisa being filed into the bus, his snakes subdued and coiled into buns on his head. Katsuki narrowed his eyes. What did they do last year?

"Yo, Bakubro! You coming? They said we gotta head back to class!" Kirishima called.

Katsuki huffed. "I know, idiot!"

He was going to get to the bottom of this mystery sooner or later. Some things just shouldn't be kept secret.


Toshinori stared at the ceiling with a troubled expression. He thought back to Izuku, broken and bloodied and so… so still. He only saw him that way once before, and he never wanted to see him like that ever again. That antimatter amalgamation of quirks just kept hurting the kids, didn't it?  Guilt curled in his gut like some gross swamp monster, threatening to drown him.

"Considering the circumstances this time," Chiyo began. "I can't really scold you."

"I let them get away," Toshinori sighed, closing his eyes. "What an idiot."

"We can't win all our battles, Toshinori."

"Do you know how he is?" The blond turned his head to the old nurse.

She gave a sigh and set her pen down. "I called just a while ago. They said he had two punctures in his scalp but they were able to fix most of his head injuries along with some stitches on his face. He also broke several ribs and cracked his sternum, but luckily his lungs weren't too badly injured, just a minor puncture. His right wrist was broken clean while his left arm was shattered. I'll be over later today to help with healing him, and then when he's well enough, he'll be moved to my office so I can continue to heal him."

"That's… That's good," the fragile hero felt a light weight lift from his shoulders, but it did nothing to rid him of the ever-persisting guilt that hung over him. He turned his sunken gaze back to the ceiling, sighing once more. "I should have gotten there faster. I was lucky that thing didn't crush him further. I saw that thing throw something off to the side the moment after I got there, but I hadn't realized it was Young Izuku… At least he seemed more interested in me than in him in that moment. I'm lucky I didn't lose any more time by that either…"

"Toshinori, you can't be thinking about the past like that," Chiyo softly chided, shaking her head. "You've done that all your life, living in the 'what ifs'—you have to know it's not healthy?"

His eyes closed, brows scrunching together as he grimaced with pain. His voice came out strained, "I know."

"Then start acting it, All Might." Honestly, she had half the mind to whap him upside the head if he wasn't so injured now. "Those kids need you to be the hero who takes responsibility and learns from his mistakes, see? Wouldn't that be what your Korosensei would say?"

A hand raised to pinched the bridge of his nose as he fought off tears that burned his face red. Dammit. Korosensei would have his head if he knew he let one of his students get injured…

"I know…"

A knock came to the door then, Naomasa entering with a welcoming smile. "Excuse me, All Might. It's been a while, hasn't it?"



Nagisa waited by the entrance of U.A. for his father to arrive. He was so panicked when he got the call from the school, along with many other parents, he's sure, but his father was never exposed to any of the crap that happened the year prior. He never knew any of the things that Nagisa and his class had done the entire year, only hearing about some of the events and even then, it was toned down a lot.

Encountering villains so close and so early in the year, he couldn't imagine the panic his father must be feeling as he drove across town to pick his son up. Their first encounter with villains, he mused, closing his eyes. Their first encounter with villains without Korosensei, and they panicked.

Sighing, Nagisa sat down on a bench by the school, his phone in his hand and turned on.

Ritsu popped on the screen and the boy smiled.

"Nagisa! You're alright!"

"Yeah, I'm fine. How about you? You cut out back there, I thought you might've been corrupted or something."

Ritsu shook her head. "I'm fine! I tried to connect to my main unit as quick as possible. I sent out a Code S.I.D. to the others too, so you should probably let them know you're okay soon. I mean, I gave a status report an hour ago when I finally got connection back on your phone, but it would really calm them down if you let them know yourself."

"I know, I will later today. Um, do you know anything about Izukun?"

Ritsu paused, looking to ponder the question for a moment. "I'm afraid his phone was destroyed during the attack. I can't connect to his phone yet, but I can try to figure out which hospital he went to and see if I can connect to any of the cameras?"

Nagisa gave a chuckle. "Alright, let me know. I think I'll try and visit his mom tomorrow. Maybe she'll let me see him too."

"I'll let you know, then! Oh, and All Might is doing fine, too. He wanted me to let you know."

"That's-" Nagisa let out a sigh before smiling. "That's good. Thank you, Ritsu."

"Of course! Now, you focus on resting. School is canceled for the rest of the week."

The snake boy nodded again before turning his phone off, leaning his head back on the bench.

A sudden voice to his right startled the boy. "Nagisa, can we speak?"

Turning, he swallowed as he saw a Iida standing with a stern expression on his face. Nagisa's stomach churned nervously before he gave his friend a greeting. "Oh, Iida, hey. Uh, sure, we can talk. Sit down."

"Thank you," Iida bowed before taking a seat beside his shorter friend. He cupped his hands together on his knees and took a deep breath. Nagisa's snakes tilted their heads as they watched the taller classmate.

"Is there something the matter, Iida?"

Iida frowned, hesitating for a moment, before turning back to Nagisa. "I don't know what I'm thinking of at the moment. I don't know what to think. I… Nagisa, please, be truthful. Did you know this would happen today?"

Nagisa's eyes widened and he gasped. His heart clenched painfully. "What? Why- Why would you think that?"

"You called out to Sensei before they even appeared, not to mention you and Midoriya's phones went wild. And… that smoke villain, Kurogiri, he recognized you both. You can't possibly tell me that all that is just a coincidence?"

Nagisa felt fresh tears poke at his eyes before blinking them away stubbornly and he held Iida's gaze, his brows troubled. They remained silent for a moment, the ex-assassin struggling with his thoughts before his expression scrunched together in pain and he let a soft sigh escape.

"There's… a lot to explain, Iida. But I don't feel like it's only my history to share. It's… so many others' too. I- We, well… not all of us feel comfortable sharing this, so I'll have to ask the others, but… I can at least tell you the truth about Ritsu." He faced forward while lifting his phone. He gave an empty laugh. "Now, I'm not entirely sure why Karma lied in the first place. He's changed a lot since last year, so I'm not on his wavelength like I used to be."

Maybe he just didn't want to talk about what happened last year anymore. Maybe he just wanted things to be a little bit more normal. Or maybe he was afraid. Nagisa didn't know anymore; it still startled him to know Karma was seeking counseling after all that.

Iida's brows furrowed together. "... Others?"

Ritsu turned the phone on herself, appearing on the screen and waving her digital hand to Iida, who appeared bug-eyed and alarmed.

"Iida, meet Ritsu. She's a highly intelligent and hyper aware AI who… who was with us last year."

"Hello! It's nice to meet you, Iida-san!" Ritsu gave a bow in her screen then peeked up a bit to see Iida become flustered at his own lack of politeness.

Iida stood up and gave his own 90 degree angled bow. "U-uh, uh! It's nice to meet you as well! Forgive me, I… I'm at a loss for words at the moment."

Ritsu straightened up and giggled. "It's alright! Not many people know about me. I'm glad Nagisa felt comfortable enough with you to introduce me, though!"

"I- I suppose so. I…" the engine quirk user paused to clear his throat, sitting himself back down and turning his gaze to Nagisa. "I understand we haven't known each other for very long, so I'm very honored you've chosen to tell me this."

Nagisa smiled and lowered his phone but still keeping Ritsu in view of them. "There's a lot that happened last year. Personally, I'm not…" he paused to swallow, "…ready to talk about it with anyone yet."

Iida studied the snake-haired boy, recognizing deep loss in his eyes before his own gaze softened. "I don't know what you went through last year, but it must have been very hard. I'm very sorry, Nagisa."

His eyes welled up with tears, returning his gaze to Iida and forcing a tearful smile. His voice cracked as he spoke, "Thank you."

Behind Iida, he saw Karma and Rio approaching in the distance and quickly straightened up, wiping his tears away and standing up. Iida took the sign and reciprocated his actions, standing straight and turning to see the two as well. Nagisa waved and Iida smiled with a nod in greeting.

"Hey, you two," Karma greeted.

"Where's Uraraka?" Rio tilted her head.

"She got a ride home from one of the girls," Nagisa explained. "I'm waiting for my dad right now."

They nodded in understanding, Karma chewing on the inside of his cheek awkwardly. He took a deep breath and looked up. "Hey, Nagisa, we'll talk later, alright? I'm gonna head back home."

"Are you alright, Karma?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just… dealing with some things right now. I'm glad you're alright, Nagisa."

Rio put a hand on Karma's shoulder. "We're all planning on visiting Izukun when he's able to get visitors. You two in?"

Iida perked up, nodding. "Why, yes! We've been very worried for him. I'll let Uraraka know."

"Yeah, let her know! I'll text y'all the info later. Take care, alright?" Rio smiled softly.

Nagisa swallowed the rock in his throat and nodded just as his dad pulled up. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."


Rio wasn't one for panic. She prided herself in keeping a level head during times of distress, but this—oh, this was really testing her.

She got the alarm from Ritsu moments before the school alarm went off and they were ushered to their home room, and that was when Rio asked Ritsu to type her responses on-screen so as to not bring the attention. She kept her face even and calm as she read off Ritsu's status report and of course it was those two stuck in all that trouble. It was two hours later that she got their status report on their safety, and of course Izuku was the one to end up in the hospital.

Honestly, that boy had a knack for near-death experiences, didn't he? Maybe that was his real quirk, Near-Death Survival. Dag nabbit. Izuku.

As horrible as all this was, Rio tried to focus on the brighter side of things. Like now she had an excuse to shop for get-well cards and flowers! And also she'll be able to see Izuku's mom again when she went to see him! And flowers! No, wait, Izuku's allergic to flowers. Okay, no flowers, then get-well rabbits! Yeah, there we go.

Nervously, Rio began to bite her nails while she waited to be released from class. That was when the pink-haired girl in her class, Hatsume Mei, was it? Came over looking cheerful and concerned at the same time.

"Hey! Nervous?"

"What? Oh, yeah, I guess. It's just—my friends, I—they're in the Hero Department, I just worry…"

Hatsume nodded thoughtfully. "I see, I see. Well! Don't you worry! There's only forty students who got into the hero course this year, yeah? They're there for a reason, you know! Plus, we've all got Pros watching out backs."

Rio blinked, caught off guard by the other's optimism. Then she let a soft smile grow on her face. She… wasn't wrong. Izuku and Nagisa were very strong and have held their own against villains and assassins alike. Not to mention All Might was not a man anyone would want to piss off. The blonde sat straighter then. "Yeah, you're right. They're probably fine. I'm Nakamura Rio, by the way. You're Hatsume Mei, right?"

The pink-haired girl bobbed her head with a wider grin. "Yep! That's me! Say, can I ask a quick question?"

"Uh, sure, what's up?"

"That pink-haired character on your phone, what app is that? It looks so cute!"

Rio gawked with a blank smile.


"Hello, yes, I'm here to see Midoriya Izuku?"

"Midoriya… Ah… okay, and what is your relationship with the boy?"

"I'm his mother of course!"

The nurse looked at her skeptically, typing away at her computer. "Uhuh, well, ma'am, Midoriya already has a visitor claiming to be his mother."

"Ugh! I'm his other mother!"

A hand pressed on her shoulder. "Please calm down, you're making a scene."

"Well, they're making things difficult!"

"Irina, you're not even his mother. Ir- No, put the shoe down- Irina, stop."

"Can't I pass as a sister, then? Auntie? Anything? Oh, come on! Let me in you no-good—!"

Another nurse approached them. "Pardon me, I couldn't help but overhear, you're looking for Midoriya Izuku, yes? You're Shotlock and Charmer, aren't you? You made your couple debut this weekend!"

Irina paused, her heel in her hand and raised before her husband grabbed it from her and forced it back onto her foot, all while trying not to jostle the bouquet he held in his other hand. She didn't bother to give him a glance, instead straightening herself and approaching the nurse with a hopeful glint in her eyes. "Uh- Um. Yes, we are. How is he?"

"He's stable and healing well, thanks to Recovery Girl. He's able to receive visitors outside his family now. How about I take you to see him?"

Irina burst into a bright smile, grabbing the nurse's hand and bouncing her head in a desperate nod. "Yes! Yes, please, thank you!"

Awkwardly smiling, the nurse gave a half-hearted chuckle. "Of- Of course. Right this way, you two."

Tadaomi turned to the nurse behind the counter and bowed as an apology before exasperatingly following his wife and the nurse down the hall.

It had been a day since the USJ attack. Tadaomi himself was on his way to the building when Ritsu pinged his phone, notifying him of the attack and which students were involved. Unfortunately, even at his fastest, he was in a district in Tokyo at the time, a good hour or more away from UA and any of its facilities. It was later in the day that Ritsu informed them of the condition of the class, as well as which hospital Izuku was located. He had woken up yesterday, according to Ritsu, but was quickly put back under after having a panic attack and almost breaking his own arms again. Thankfully, this morning he woke up again in a better mind and had some fluids along with another healing from Recovery Girl.

When they entered the room, they met with Midoriya Inko and Recovery Girl chatting softly with each other.

Inko turned upon hearing the door open and her eyes grew soft and welcoming, a gentle smile on her face. "Oh, how sweet of you two to come and visit my boy."

"We came as soon as we heard. We would've came sooner, but we were caught up in other affairs," Tadaomi gave the bouquet of peonies to the single mother, who smiled gratefully at them as she set them next to Izuku's bed on a side table.

"Such beautiful flowers. Thank you so much," Inko smiled with wet eyes. "I understand the life of a hero is so busy. I'm so honored you two would take time out of your schedules to see him. You two are some of his best teachers, I have to say."

"Well, I wouldn't say that much," Irina sounded subdued as she approached the woman, holding her hands supportingly. "How is he?"

"He's… better," Inko's smile faltered and tears collected in her eyes. Quick to wipe them, the single mother brightened her smile again and gestured to the other hero in the room. "Recovery Girl's done a remarkable job healing his wounds. His lung's doing fine now, and Recovery Girl said once he wakes up and gets some food in him, he'll be moved to her office."

The older Pro Hero nodded along. "He'll need the brace and cast for another day, but his bones are still somewhat fragile so I'll be keeping an eye on him for at least two days before sending him home again."

"That's good," Tadaomi turned his gaze to the boy in the bed. He could tell they had to shave parts of his hair but it was hard to see with the bandages. His left eye was partially covered as well, and both his arms were wrapped in bandages while one rested in a cast, the other needing a simple brace. It was disheartening to see the usually bright and boisterous boy looking so pale and bruised. This was his second hospitalization in, what, half a year? At this point, it wasn't even his caretakers' negligence, just his pure recklessness and knack for getting his butt whooped.

Inko sniffled a bit, taking a moment to recollect herself again before she wiped at her face. "Oh my, where are my manners. Ahh, Recovery Girl, this is Karasuma Irina and Tadaomi."

The jaded pro hero smiled sweetly, nodding. "I believe I've met your acquaintance before, Karasuma-san," she glanced to Tadaomi. "Shotlock, is it? All Might told you you have experience in dealing with little Midoriya's recklessness?"

Tadaomi nodded, smiling fondly. "I taught briefly at Midoriya's previous school. My teaching license is still active so I sometimes sub at different hero schools, UA included."

"Ah, I see, how wonderful," Recovery Girl nodded. "Nedzu most likely offered you a full job, I assume?"

Irina gasped toward her husband. "Nedzu never offered me a teaching job!"

Tadaomi huffed with a half-grin, ignoring his wife. "He did, but I have other priorities at the moment."

"A shame, but respectable decision. I'm sure the children would have benefit greatly with your added experiences."

A hum of amusement left the raven. "I'll consider it."

He turned back to the boy on the bed, studying the way the student held his expression with discomfort. Experiences. Yeah, maybe on how to successfully kill a bastard and then traumatize 29 students not even in high school yet. Tadaomi rubbed at his eyes. Perfect kills didn't exist. Only in a universe where none of this crap ever happened, huh?


Izuku had woken up later that day, disoriented and aching but in a better headspace. The doctors fed him on a simple and easy to digest meal along with some fluids and last minute tests before sending him off to UA to stay in Recovery Girl's office. Once there, he was ordered to rest and stay on his back the whole time. The expression of complete boredom never left his face once.

At least they took the bandages off his face. Well, actually, he didn't know whether to count that as a victory or not; it only left the stitches over his eyebrow exposed to the air, and geez, it hurt to lift his eyebrows. Recovery Girl said it would scar over. At least that was the only cool thing to come out of this situation.

Huffing, the freckled teen blew at the curls that made their home between his eyes. And his hair was another thing. He'd have to comb some over 'cause there was a whole line going around half his crown of missing hair and new scars. Apparently the Noumu's claws fractured his skull but didn't go deep enough to damage his brain more than it was already. He already had trouble pronouncing freakin'"blueberry toast", he didn't need anything else to screw with him. Whatever, he was happy he had more than enough hair to make up for the missing patches everywhere. That, or he'll get some sort of mohawk-looking haircut somewhere along the line.

A knock on the door made his head turn a bit just as Karma poked his head out. "Knock, knock, Sleeping Beauty," he teased with a smirk before entering with Nagisa, Rio, Iida, Uraraka, and Tsu trailing him.  

"Hey!" Izuku perked up and tried to adjust himself in the cot but froze momentarily when a sharp but brief pain hit him in his left back, deciding to just stay down for the moment.

Tsu and Uraraka went to his right side immediately, their eyes bright and teary but full of relief. "Izukun! You're alright! We were so worried."

"When we saw that Noumu behind you, and what it did to Aizawa-sensei, we thought…" Tsu's voice trailed off.

Softening his expression, Izuku grinned gently at the two. "Th-thank you b-both," he replied. "'M glad you're b-both okay."

Karma half-sat down next to his left side, his arms crossed. "If you didn't have a head injury right now, I'd bop you to America and back, you reckless idiot. How many times do you have to end up in the hospital?"

Izuku gave him a half-glare, straining the skin tied together with stitches above his left eye. "W-well, 'scuuuuse mm-me, prin-princ-cess. Plus, this's only mm-my ss-second time!"

"Yeah, two times too many, Izukun," Rio huffed, sitting by his feet on the cot. 

Iida raised his brows. "When was the first time?"

Izuku gave an awkward laugh, suddenly feeling embarrassed and somewhat hysterical. "Nn-nothing!"

Nagisa rolled his eyes, as did Rio. Karma leaned his back against the wall. "The first time, well, to our knowledge, this little idiot broke his little head, didn't he?" He nudged Izuku's shoulder, receiving an intense wide-eyed glare, basically screaming hey, shut the hell up!? Karma just smiled cheekily in response.

"C-can sss-someone help mm-me up?"

"Oh! Of course, Midoriya!" Iida, ever the gentleman, moved with Uraraka to help the freckled boy adjust himself into a sitting position.

"Does anything hurt, Midoriya?" Tsu questioned, a finger lifted to her lip.

Izuku hummed before shrugging. "Ss-sometimes I get a-a, um, p-pain in mm-my ribs, but, um…" He shrugged again, a half-grimace on his face. "Eh?"

"What do you mean, 'Eh'?" Rio nudged his shoulder, leaning forward with her hands on her hips, expression challenging. "Uraraka said the dude almost popped your head and your ribs!"

"I got R-Recov'ry Girl!" Izuku raised his right hand into the air, the only one not bound to his chest.

Rio, Iida, and Nagisa all smacked their faces with their hands. Karma chuckled, crossing his arms. "You know, at this point your quirk might as well be Bad Luck."

There was silence, and they could almost hear that old dial-up sound coming from Izuku as he stared blankly at Karma.

Nagisa shifted on his feet a bit. "Uh, Izukun..?"

"Oh my Heroes," he whispered.


"It all mm-makes ss-sense nn-now."

"Oh my God, Izukun, I was kidding."

Too late, the boy burst into tears.


Rio smacked Karma's arm. "Look! You broke our baby!"

Nagisa let out a sudden bout of laughter at that, quickly covering his mouth. They gave him an odd look before they all started laughing. Izuku's waterworks stopped immediately at that and he gave a frustrated pout.

"What? 'M nn-not a b- baby, what the fff-frick?"

Uraraka pointed. "Wait, if Izukun's the baby, does that make Rio the mom, Karma the dad, Nagisa the brother? What does that make Iida and I?"

"Or me?" Tsu piped in.

Rio tapped her chin, humming. "I guess Uraraka would be the aunt, Iida the strict uncle, and Tsu would be…"

Karma opened his mouth.

"If you say 'pet,' I will personally shank you in the face, Karma," Nagisa interrupted him. Karma closed his mouth.

"Tsu can be the sister!" Rio bounced. "Cause she's got that amphibian/reptilian relationship with Nagisa!"

"Are… Are you guys p-playing House?" Izuku gave them all an incredulous stare.

"Yes. Yes we are," Karma nodded without hesitation. "Don't make me forbid you from seeing Kaede."

Izuku gasped. "NO, I'LL BE GOOD!"

Nagisa turned away with a deadpan smile. I can't tell if he's playing along or if that's his genuine response…

BlackSwanna BlackSwanna

more doodles to carry over!!

future business course student!

more business course stuff!

redesigned yaomomo costume!

izuku's redesigned costume doodle!

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