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94.54% DcMcu: kaiju system / Chapter 104: Chapter 104 Battle at the outpost

Chapter 104: Chapter 104 Battle at the outpost

POV Nightfury

Location: Japan

My instincts screamed at my to dodge but barely having a second to think a crossed my arms just in time but it didn't feel that way as pain shot threw my arms and chest from the devastating kick the woman landed on me.


The kick sent me skidding back but before I could even retaliate another kick was already headed for my face.

But by conjuring a sudden gust of wind I was just able to dodge the kick and taking advantage of the opening grabbed the woman's leg and sent torrents of electricity into her.


She screamed but not in the kind of way I'm used to hearing when someone is getting electrocuted well unless they have some kind of fetish.

But I barely paid it any mind as I saw the armor of her leg shift and spikes popped out like in a wave down her leg and I quickly threw her away before my hand got impaled.

The woman rolled with the force of my throw and landed on her feet and taking the stance of a cat ready to pounce on their prey.

And she did exactly that leaping forward and cracking the ground under her.

But I saw it coming and pushed myself off to the side out of her leaps path or so I thought as from her armor multiple metal strings extended from her armor changing her leaps path but not slowing get down at all.

For the first time, I was back peddling at high-speed something I was not us to at all if the ground wasn't cleared and flattened for construction I would have fallen on my ass.

Deciding I needed to change strategy I stopped back peddling and the woman swung at me her armored hand turning into claws that I barely managed to dodge the claws leaving a deep gash on my Nightfury armor.

But ignoring that for now as she began to bring her other hand for a second swipe my mouthpiece opened and I yelled straight into her face. . .

*̷̙̳̜̮̲͚̐̽͒Ś̴̨̨̲̥͒͋͌̽T̷̨̢̛̫͕͎̬̭̐͌͒̑̂Ơ̶̰̥͓̒̾̂̓̿͛R̷̰̺̘̘͚͝M̶̛͎̳̤̃̀̊̽̓̆͝ ̵̢̩̣͑̌͋̇̅̅D̵̖͗̀R̶̼̐̈̑̒͑͘͘A̴̮̋̋̈̒̅̆̎̕G̷̡̡̨̮͈̣͌̎̈̈́͝ͅO̸̳̥̫̙̞͆̈́N̷̨̠̻̈ ̷̨̨̯́̃̒͑͆R̸͖̗̈́͗̓͂͠Ŕ̸̨̭̬̹̥̎͂O̶̱͊Ō̶̟̘̜̘̜̣̣̋́͘A̵̩̭̽̾̒̈́̀̉̀Ǎ̴̧͕̲̔͊͋͠R̶̢̡͈̬̖̜̺̿R̷̗̪̜̀*̴͈̞̳̮͍͓̖̮̆̈́̈́̓̆̍̒̿

For a moment nothing happened then in the next a category 5 storm suddenly hit her in the face.


Instantly the woman and the surrounding area for a few seconds were hit with high winds, heavy rain, hail, sleet, thunder, lighting, and more all at the same time and the woman had taken it all point blank to the face.

'Thank god I didn't do that pointed a little to the left,' I thought as the woman and everything else behind her which was nothing but wilderness and a little to the left hiding behind some equipment were some civilians.

But they were looking more at the damage I had caused rather than hiding as my attack had carved a smooth path in the mountain the trees dirt and anything else directly in front of me was destroyed and the woman was nowhere to be seen.

???: "Such power I am now truly interested but I must ask is that the best you can do?" the woman asked her voice coming from behind me I turned to see her dusting off her armor.

'Ok time to bring out a big gun but how big,' I thought going over my options as the woman circled me a smile on her lips.

I thought about using one of the other Titans but the image of dorsal fins with a blue glow on the coast of Tokyo stopped me from doing that.

'I have 3 free transformation items,' I thought remembering the items.


•1 temporary transformation

•1 Free monster

•1 Free Mech

But the idea of using the items for someone I don't even recognize and I shook my head and equipped [Valstrax armor] and selected [Elder Valstrax] as my new monster and extended my wings and tail from my back.

???: "Oh and what is this?" she said raising her eyebrow at my sudden transformation.

I breathed in and not until later did I realize I was taking in far too much air for human lungs and I had changed my body instinctively to be more monster than human as the air entered my lungs the colors on my armor shifted from burning orange to violet.

Then I breathe out and like an engine roaring to life violet flames burst forth from my wings my armor reacted in the same way as Draconic Energy ran wild.


I launched myself forward and my wings extended like a spear ready to impale and skewer


In the instant, my wing extended out like a spear trying to impale she reached in time to block and used the force of the blow to back away.

But to her shock, the distance between us hadn't increased but decreased significantly as I continued to try and skewer her with my wings.

She blocked or dodged them all and as we continued this back and forth did I notice something that shooked me but turned that shook into anger and excitement.

'She's following each one of my strikes and she doesn't even look tired,' I thought as I watched with [Eye of a predator] and saw her maneuvering her body out of the way of the next strike just as I was making it then I got an idea.

Just as she guarded against another attack and began maneuvering anticipating the next I quickly equipped [Herobrines blade] and stabbed forward.

The netherite blade made contact with her armor but to my surprise, the blade didn't even piece the armor but did leave a cut as the blow sent the woman backward from the knockback effect of the sword.

???: "~Oh you're just full of surprises~," she said her gaze now looking at me like a cat who found a new toy.

Her whips fell from both her hand and then began to swirl to feather to form a staff she smiled at me before charging at me.

In response I let out a cry activating [Monsters Roar] and blasted forward meeting her charge our weapons make contact.


The force of our charges making contact caused a dent in the ground to form my sword sparked off her spear I pushed forward but she wouldn't budge.

???: "~Mmm I see you're not too good with a sword or maybe it's not the sword you're used to swinging with~," she said and I Growled and opened my mouth firing a blast of draconic energy.

She tilts her head the ball of volatile energy sailing past her head and with a sudden jerk and a twist my blade is sent pricing the ground.


My head is flung back as the spinning staff finds my chin and with a kick, I'm sent skidding back and for the first time, I taste my blood in my mouth.

???: "Such a pretty blade I hope you don't mind me keeping it to remember the occasion," she said Herobrines blade now resting in her hand.

'Ok if speed isn't working how about something more instant,' I thought as I selected [Mutant Void Enderman] the wings and tail on my back retracting back into my body and after a moment thought I equipped [Power armor] with my [Trident of the Drowned Sea].

???: "Oh new toys and what do these do?" she asked pointing Herobrines's blade at me with her staff in her other hand.

I didn't say anything as I raised my hand and purple flames enveloped it and by my side, a tear in reality opened and from it, twenty Endermen walked out each surrounded by a purple aura.

<Monster- Enderman>

<Lv- 10>


Str- 100

Dex- 80

Int- 50

Energy- 2,000


• Teleportation

(100 Energy)

-Traveling to any place you've been to or can see

-Can teleport to the End dimensions

• Roar of the End

(500 Energy)

- Can cause fear in enemies and all skills cost ×2 Energy for 1 minute

• Eye of ender- "Look at the void it will look back"


-Able to track down all that look into your eyes

As the final enderman walked out of the tear the portal closed and I pointed to the woman all their eyes landed on her and they opened their maws.


They roared together and charged some dissipated others moved forward and a few circled their target.

Seeing the sudden appearance and approach of unknown creatures only made the woman

smile more as she anticipated the first once sudden appearance behind her she spun her staff behind her.

But the enderman teleported slightly out of the way of the staff and brought down its clawed hand only for its hand and head to be pierced by Herobrines blade.

I watched as she fought off the twenty-enderman easily killing 3 of them before one got even a glancing blow on her.

'Well they are only level 10,' I thought as I enveloped my Trident with purple games and threw it at an opening made by another killed enderman the Trident striking her in the side.

The purple flames enveloped her quickly but that wasn't the only effect as from the sky came a flash of light.


A bolt of lightning struck her at the same moment teleporting next to her I grabbed Herobrines blade from her grip and teleported away while summoning the trident back to my hand.

Looking back I saw all the enderman pile onto her beating the armored woman with their strength only to suddenly stop some even stopped mid-swing their bodies twitching ever so slightly.

Then like puppets whose strings have been cut they all fell to the ground and stood up still covered in purple flames the woman walked and moved like they weren't even there but I did notice the slits in her helmet were now closed and had no visible eye or mouth holes.

"Such interesting pets tell me do you have any more interesting creatures?" she asked her voice now sounding like it was projected by a speaker probably installed into her helmet.

"Oh you haven't seen anything yet," I said wondering how things were going around the outpost as purple flames once again cover my body and a tear in reality appeared again.

POV Susan Storm

I stood my hands raised as I maintained the barrier surrounding me and the portables that have become makeshift medical huts as we were surrounded by hazmat-ed soldiers that peppered the barrier with small and large fire weapons.

"How is Reed doing," I asked holding up the invisible dome that rippled every other second as the hazmat suite-wearing soldiers fired continuously into my barrier.

Nick: "Still unconscious and those hazmat troopers are about to surround us," he said looking threw the scope of a gun of a fallen guard.

Monique: "Is there no way for you to allow us to fire out of your barrier," she asked and I shook my head.

"If I was I had more energy possibly but holding up one this big while under heavy fire is straining enough," I said gritting my teeth as explosions impacted against the barrier.

Mendel: "So we're stuck here!" he said his voice full of panic then getting a kick from Elsie.

Elsie: "Panic on your own time help me stabilize the injured," she said as she and other scientists helps the injured into the portable or just operated on the ground.

Nick: "Randy any luck calling for help!" he shouted but the young man shook his head.

Randy: "Even with N.I.G.I.L. boosting the signal I can't get connected to anything these crazy beekeepers must be jamming the signal," he said in frustration but I felt a pit open in my stomach.

'Or my barrier is blocking the signal,' I thought but shook my head redoubling my effort to maintain the barrier only to feel my grip on it slip as more explosions impacted it.

"Anyone sees Nightfury?" I said as I felt the situation getting more unstable by the second.

Randy: "Yeah he's still fighting that dominatrix in armor but it looks like he's in trouble," he said and I almost ask what he meant when.


Outside of the barrier and in the middle of the hazmat soldiers was an explosion as pushing himself up was Nightfury looking worse for wear.

???: "Nightfury surr-" one hazmat soldier began to say only for Nightfury to envelop his trident in purple flames and stabbed its point into the ground.

The flames spread out like a wave across the ground enveloping everyone and everything.





The hazmat soldier screamed and yelled as they were consumed in the purple flames but Nightfury didn't even turn to look at them as he took the trident and threw it.

Following its path I watched as the weapon covered in flames fly through the air towards a dot in the sky a moment later there was a lightning strike and the trident returned to his hand but the next moment the woman who had started all this landed.

With a speed that I couldn't believe was even possible, the woman appeared in front of Nightfury hitting him with a kick that he blocked with his trident but was still sent flying backward barely stopping himself with his trident as he stabbed it into the ground.

Then appearing out of no we're creature I recognized what Nightfury called Enderman appeared around the women their claws hands ready to strike only for the woman to extend her hand.

Like a snake, a metal whip flung out and cut through them all decapitating them before recalling back into her armor she charged again at Nightfury who also charged.

But the woman like a professional acrobat leaned out of the way of the trident and punched Nightfury in his chest but before she could do anything else he teleport behind her and struck her in the back with the trident sending her crashing into and through a portable and a moment later teleporting after her.

Noticing the sudden quiet and lack of enemy I dropped the dome and fell to a knee sweat dripping from my head.

Randy: "Nightfury did know that the barrier was there when he did that fire attack right," he asked but no one answers him.

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