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77.19% DxD and The Evil Eyes Master / Chapter 44: Chapter 41 - Kyoto Saga 3

Chapter 44: Chapter 41 - Kyoto Saga 3

Kiba Pov

Hevn-sensei's guess is right, the attack from the enemy actually happened, because suddenly the sky darkened and a mist appeared out of nowhere.

Even Irina-san who has a Sacred Gear Mist Creation said that this fog is not natural. Everyone in the hotel fell asleep except the members of the Mystery club.

"The member of Rias Gremory peerage and the Ax members. Allow me to introduce my self my name is Sigfried from the Hero faction in the Chaos Brigade," Siegfried introduced himself while holding his two swords.

And the girl next to Sigfried introduced herself "And my name is Jeanne, nice to meet you, Kiba Yuuto-kun your Sacred Gear is the opposite of my Sacred Gear that called Sacred Black Smith,"

"Sacred black Smith?" Said Kiba rather surprised.

"My name is Heracles ! The descendants of the original Heracles the owner of the Variant Detonation, all of you get ready to blow up! " Heracles said.

The 3 enemy that came is from the Hero Faction of Chaos Brigade ? What could be worse than this.

"Mist Creation Mist Zone!" Irina-san suddenly made the area around here that was foggy even more foggy, especially among the 3 enemy from the Hero faction.

"My fog will only confuse them for a while, while they are still locked in the Mist Zone, we better leave this area first so that if we fight later it will not damage this place and hurt the people around." What Irina-san said it's true we should all leave this area looking for a place which is more suitable for fighting.

"Irina you made a good decision, but how long will your fog hold them?" Mizusu said.

"At most, only 10 minutes. And instead of chatting like this, it will be better we quickly go!" Answered Irina.

"Akeno-san, Asia-san, let's go!" Akeno-san and Asia-san immediately nodded and the five of us quickly went to a more suitable place to fight.

10 minutes later...

"Ahhh! Damn the Sacred Gear ability possessed by that twintail girl is really annoying!" Siegfried said.

"They are not here maybe they have run away," Heracles said.

"Let's find them! They must be still not far," Jeanne said.


Cao Cao, Georg, and Leonardo are the three upper level Longinus possessors who are all above Boosted Gear, suddenly appearing in front of us after destroying the walls of the restaurant this thick mist not from Irina's Mist Creation that means this mist coming from Georg the owner of Dimension Lost haaaah a very troublesome Sacred Gear.

But what more troublesome is Loki and his dog Fenrir who clearly came here because they have a personal grudge with Odin.

"Loki ! Why are you here! Don't tell me you also joined the Chaos Brigade!" Odin shouted loudly after seeing his youngest son Loki.

"Wow, after a long time, Dad. Finally you have a time to talk to me. After all this time you only just pay attention to Vidar, and that fool Thor who always insulted me and Hellas," Loki said while insulting his father.

"That's because you and Hellas always think of bad and evil things! Even though I have warned you both time and time again!" Odin said.

"It turns out that the gods also have family problems," Rias said.

"A god is not the Allmighty God who can do everything so it's naturally if a god also has a problem," I said.

"Therefore after Hellas died at Vidar's hands, I lost my way because of Vidar's death ..then I met Voodoo King who embraced me and gave me a new spirit and power!" Loki said.

"Cao Cao, Leonardo, Georg attack them! And take the kyuubi girl!"

Well our fight against Loki and his group has began.

Kiba POV

On the roof of a fairly large empty building, I, Mizusu-san, Irina-san, Asia-san and Akeno-san stopped running.

"I never thought you could fool me and my two friends using a fog, that was really embarrassing,"

When the five of us looked in the direction of the voice I could see a white-haired exorcist wearing green clothes and robes.

"I know you. You are an ex

priest from Iscariot right? Siegfried-san? "

Asia-san apparently recognized this man

"Oh, I'm amazed that there is a Ax member who recognizes me, you right I was Siegfried, descended from the great hero Siegfried, and the former Iscariot member under Alexander Anderson."

He replied "Because you are all here, I will kill you all even before my friend comes here because I do not want them to take my prey!"

"Twice Critical Chaos Asura Ravage!"

Four dragon arms appeared on Siegfried's back. He immediately released his Balance Breaker ..he then took out all his swords I could feel the sword he have was a demon sword and he took out four pieces at once which he held using four dragon arms on his back. I also activated my Balance Breaker Holy Demonic Duo and then I made a dragon-slayer sword.

With the sword of dragon slayer in my hand, I shot towards him from where I was standing!

I closed the distance with him quickly and did a slash on him. He easily defend it with one of his demonic-swords! Ughh shit. He could read my attacks! He is harder to fight than Freed Selzen ..long battles with him will be very detrimental. I must quickly finish him.


"If I continue to fight you like this, it will all feel like it will only take time. My stamina is not as big as you ..although I can defeat you but surely the Queen of Rias Gremory Himejima Akeno will surely attack me when I am exhausted after I defeat you. I won't be able to avoid that attacks even if I defeated you. This is really a difficult situation. Especially I don't want to be laughed at by Jeanne and Heracles who haven't come here yet. "

Siegfried who was defend my slash could immediately analyze what would happen to him in his present situation. He then took something from his pocket and wore it on his arm ...

"This is the Wicked Gear Dragon Turning, which was created by the greatest scientist in the Chaos Brigade Asura-Sama, Which was created specifically to increase the power of my Sacred Gear."

"So that Wicked Gears is a tool that will increase the power of your Sacred Gear?"

He nodded, and now Siegfried then looked at the sword he was holding.

"Actually I can beat you

with this Demon Sword Gram. Unfortunately this sword chose me but I was also cursed by him. Kiba Yuuto, you can understand what I mean, right? "

I've heard the legend about the Strongest Demon Sword, Gram. And the reason SiegFried didn't use it was earlier.

If what the legend says is true, the Demon Emperor's Sword Gram has extraordinary sharpness. the sword covered himself with an attacking aura, so sharp that Gram could cut anything. Many people assumed that Gram was the opposite version of Durandal held by Xenovia.

It is said that Gram killed one of the five dragon kings, Gigantis Dragon Fafnir.

"In my condition now if I use a Balance Breaker

like this, I really can't get out the full potential of Gram because if I release its full power it can kill me, this sword is good but it doesn't match my Dragon-type Sacred Gear,"

"Yes. If I want to fight using

gram, then I have to fight in a normal conditions. I won't be able to fight with you and your friend if I don't use Balance Breaker. But the story would be different if I use Dragon Drive and Twice Critical Balance Breaker at the same time, "

Siegfried raised his hand in the air and said, "Dragon Drive!"

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet Then Siegfried's body began to change shape.

The four arms that grow from

his back became denser. Each of his fingers began to fuse with the sword he was holding. and Siegfried himself began to change his form turned his head into a combination of humans and dragons. His muscles enlarged and filled with black scales and his four arms that fused with the sword enlarged and were overgrown with scales too, lizard's tail appeared under his back as well as a pair of wings between his four arms. He looks like a black scaly Humanoid Dragon with six arms.

"Dragon Drive! The ability of the Wicked Gear Dragon Turning which caused me to turn into a dragon human with a special ability to neutralize the effects of dragon slayers."

Here he comes, attacking me! I move forward to fight him.

where I was standing was created

Wind, ice and large cracks on the ground.

The combined attack of the four demonic-swords on his back! If only I'd been late avoiding I would have been dismembered!

more slowly, my body must have been cut into small pieces!

I feel bad all over my body! I saw Siegfried above me. He used Gram. And he released the sword towards me! I managed to dodge, but strangely, why did I still feel pain in my body? So that was the attack with Gram! even though I had avoided it, the aura of the attack still hit me!

If I get hit by that directly, my body will be seriously injured! He fired the aura without waiting. And the destructive power was the same as Durandal.

I released my slash at him from the side, but he restrained it easily using one of his demonic-swords ...

The sword technique he showed using his four arms possessed extraordinary strength and I would die if hit by that attack directly.

The sword fight between me and Siegfried took place quite dramatically. I attacked at high speed towards him but because of sword technique and physical strength are above me he easily resisted all my attacks.

Sometimes, the Gram he holds emits a dangerous aura when he slash Gram to me. Even though it doesn't directly affect my body, it still hurts.

Then five Demon Swords came

cut at me! I avoided the slash while creating holy swords and demonic swords

at the tip of my feet, and I use those two swords to kick the bottom of his arms!

Of course the two swords I made are dragon-slayer swords! If I can hit him with my sword just once, the situation will turn around!

My dragon slaying swords already hit him before, I saw it myself, but both of my swords were destroyed and melting when they touched his body. His body became as hard as dragon scales in legend so that it could make both of my swords destroyed.

Seeing my attack fail, Siegfried smiled broadly and said.

"Looks Kiba Yuuto my body that has become a dragon human can't be hurt by your dragon slaying sword I immune to it."

Siegfried grabbed my foot which I used to kick, and he threw me into the air ...

I then fell to the ground!

I felt a heavy pressure on my body and it felt like my whole body was falling apart.

The incredible pain that I feel right now is not

I can express in words, I almost lost my consciousness. As a result of that throwing my body is badly injured and many bones in my body are broken and cracked.

But I can't lose! I trying hard to stay conscious. I got back up and attacked Siegfried again.

But using both of his demonic-swords he

easily stop my attacks.

"For someone like you who has little stamina and energy Isn't defense my attack like that was enough to drain your energy?"

Siegfried laughs at me.

Yes, that's right ..I no longer have the strength to hold my sword. While crossing the two swords in his hand, he continued to push me back. My body slammed backwards, and my legs went limp.

There is no strength left in my legs.

At this rate I'll lose I gathered all the strength in my body and gathered it at my feet.

The moment when I thought my legs stopped shaking ...

My feet are covered with ice ....! God damn it He freeze me with the ice demon sword! I tried to melt the ice by turning my sword into a flame sword ..but two ice pillars growing from the ground pierced my thigh. Siegfried then swings his other Demon Sword to me.

I tilted my body because my feet can't move, and I created as many swords in front of me as shield.

But all my swords were destroyed and he finally cut my left arm from my body

Even though he cut my arm, I used the fire sword I made to melting the ice that makes me unable to move and I jump back.

From my wound, so much blood flowed out .I turned my sword into an ice sword and froze the wounds on my body and on my thighs.

This is only to stop the blood that continues to flow from my wound. And freezing the wound like this can not eliminate the pain that I feel.

"Kiba-kun ...!"

Mizusu-san and Akeno-san tried to attack by firing a large stream of water and lightning magic, but their power could not penetrate the Siegfried dragon's scales.

Siegfried neutralizes all attacks from both of them with one slash.

I don't know what else to do this man is too tough to fight if only I could be as strong and as strong as Issei-kun then (you don't need to praise me so Kiba I'm really strong and tough, really) that voice! There is Issei-kun's voice in my head (I can feel your energy signal is weakening so I contact you using telepathy, one of the abilities of Alucard Shadow. Because you need Kiba's help, I'll lend my beloved sword just this once call the sword's name and he will be right in front of you!)

The name of Issei-kun's beloved sword. I know his name is ...

" Universal Shaker come here!"

Swuuush Booom Universal Shaker that came because of my calling shot toward me beyond the speed of sound to the point of creating Sonic Boom.

And Universal Shaker landed right in front of me.

"What is that sword! What kind of power is this ..What kind of sword is it that even his aura can make me hurt like this! "

I see, so the aura of Universal Shaker hurts him. I can defeat him with this sword then!

The gram Siegfried was holding began to glow. Is he trying to do something !? I felt danger so I stepped back. But no

Gram directs his beam at me. It was not an aura of hostility, but as if he was accepting me ...

"Gram! My sword has a responds to Kiba Yuuto !? Why did it turn out this way?"

Siegfried was surprised.

So Gram has chosen me as it master.

Is this the effect of Universal Shaker? The king of all the swords?

I shouted loudly directly on Gram.

"Come here Gram! Because you have chosen me then I will accept you! "

Hearing my words, Gram shines even brighter. grams fly and stab the ground in

in front of me. Seeing that, Siegfried shook his head and it seemed like he was very surprised by what had just happened.

Even though Gram has chosen me, I won't be able to hold it with only one hand. When I think of that, someone approaches me.

asia-san and Akeno-san lifted my arm which was cut off, and he put it towards

a wound on my shoulder. Asia-san lays down

his hand was in that place, and he was emitting a green light. And Akeno-san supported my body. Receiving a gentle aura, my arms began reconnect and I can start

feel my arm come back.

I can feel an extraordinary aura at Gram.

So this is the Strongest Demon Sword, "Demon Emperor Sword Gram". If I use the power of Gram and Universal Shaker, Siegfried won't be able to defend my attack no matter how hard his dragon's scales are.

I put up a stance with two swords and

focus a strength to my feet.

I moved quickly towards him and slashed him using the Universal Shaker and Gram, Siegfried was flung back and the four arms that came from the Critical Twice that held back my attack vanished instantly because of the crazy power of the Universal Shaker and Gram.

Shining light appeared above Siegfried who had just flung backwards. Then a large amount of Lightning magic came from the night sky onto his body. As I looked up, I saw Akeno-san in the air,

This is the time I've been waiting for to finish off Siegfried!


The Universal Shaker and the Demon Sword Gram, that I was holding stabbed into Siegfried's body. Siegfried's body is bleeding a lot.

"I lose?"

At that moment Siegfried died instantly because of my attack ..the human dragon form he have are disappears and his body also instantly turn into a dust. Is this the side effect of using Wicked Gears that Issei-kun said? terrible. But with this one formidable enemy has been defeated.

Author Note: Next Heracles and Jeanne attacked Issei. Sorry for a long wait because this chapter is hard to make.

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