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Giant Hamster Ball

In Kronos's home, we can see Kronos facing Linda while Kaguya and the other residents are sitting next to Kronos enjoying a tea with Kaguya's personal maid is serving them.

Linda while sitting across Kronos wasn't looking at him but was looking at Kaguya's maid who looks just like her but more mature. As Linda was looking at Galatea serving tea she wasn't paying attention to Linda but was acting like a proper maid and not acting up by the strange stare she's getting.

See no one was talking Kronos couldn't take it anymore so after drinking his tea he started to talk to Linda.

"So Linda what can I help you with?" Kronos

Hearing Kronos Linda snapped out of her trance and stopped staring at Galatea and moved her attention to Kronos. With a serious expression on her face, she started to talk to Kronos forgetting about Galatea.

"I want to know why and what are you doing here in National City?" Linda

Hearing her question Kronos raised an eyebrow and started to talk to her in a sarcastic tone.

"Is this really your question or is it the League's question?" Kronos

Hearing Kronos respond Linda wasn't surprised as it was responsible for him to doubt her questions to be for herself as everyone knows who her cousin and what organization they are part of.

"It both. The League just wants to know if you are a threat and I just want to make sure the people around me are safe. I don't mean to say anything bad about you, but we know what gods can do when they are upset and unchecked." Linda

"Okay if you really want to know I'm in National City because I was being lazy to go somewhere else after arriving here. Also, I'm not a threat or Cat wouldn't approach me when we first met." Kronos

"Hugh, what do you mean by that? What does Ms. Cat have to do with this?" Linda

Kronos hearing Linda respond to his answer showed a dumbfounded expression and continue to talk to her as if he was talking to a child.

"What didn't you know? Wow, you won't think some people are this the dense." Kronos

As Kronos was talking to Linda like he's speaking to a child he saw how she started to pout cutely and balling her hands into a fist like she ready to hit something so he chooses to talk normally because he doesn't want to deal with an angered woman especially when they have superpowers.

"Hugh okay I thought you would notice it by now after all you spend a lot of time with her. Cat is smarter than you and most people, she also doesn't think like other people if she did she wouldn't be where she is now and also she can easily read people not just in the sense of them being bad or good. For example, I'm sure she expected me to be a metahuman or something when she approached me. On that note, I have to say she probably hired me to help in emergencies if a metahuman is ever needed to help. I'm also sure she knows you are Supergirl after all just wearing glasses is a horrible disguise, you are not even changing your voice or speaking patterns. She properly doesn't call you out on it because she believes it's better to keep quiet." Kronos

Hearing what Kronos statements about Cat Linda was stumped and started to think what he said was true and what it meant if it was.

As Linda and Kronos are talking at an unknown location a humanoid man made out of blue lighting and a bit of yellow mixed into it was running around all over the place building an unknown machine.

As the man runs you can hear him talking to himself in various voices.

"He thinks he... ugh... haha... can't get away... haha... he thinks he's... haha... the only one... ugh... haha... I will... uh... haha... show you... haha... I will get things... haha... thing back... haha... father... ugh... haha... just wait... I will... get... ugh... haha... who..."???

Like this the man who seems to be losing his mind talks to himself, there's a group of people watching him from afar.

"Do you think what he told us is true? Like really stealing a god's power. Don't you believe what he told us is just outrageous." ???

"I don't know but it wouldn't be the first time it has happened and if there any truth in his words we must be ready for a war. Plus if he can deliver on his promise it's worth the risk even if it cost us ten times more but for now, let's just watch over him to make sure the plan doesn't go awry." ???

"He's right but I hope this thing becomes lucid soon it's insane rambling is getting odd. We can't move forward if it stays in this state." ???

Back at Kronos home now we see an odd site as Linda is on the ground passed out with an angry Emilou standing in front of her body.

Kronos who was watching this was stupefied on how this came to be and Emilou who was standing in front of the passed out Linda and the other girls felt the same way.

Emilou who was responsible for this mess looked back to them and started to talk to them in a confused tone.

"Wasn't she a 'superhero' how can't she stand a normal hit from me?" Emilou

After asking her questions the one to answer her Kaguya as she had her third eye open looking at the passed out Linda for answers.

"Your attacks carry the soul damage properties and because she doesn't have a strong soul or a way to ignore it compare to us, your attack was quite lethal to her, she will most like be out could for a year or so before she can start to recover." Kaguya

Hearing this Kronos sighed deeply and looked at Galatea before talking.

"Galatea take Linda to the time chamber and take care of her until she wakes up." Kronos

Bowing her head Galatea gave a respond to Kronos.

"Right away my lord." Galatea

After agreeing to Krono's order she went and pick up Linda to go to the time chamber.

Once she left Kronos looked at Emilou before snapping his fingers trapping her in a giant hamster ball that started moving in high speed in place. As the ball was moving everyone in the room could hear muffled screams coming from it but did nothing to stop it.

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