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Save The Dinosaurs

At the moment we can see both Kronos and Kaguya sitting across one and another in the same bedroom they woke up this morning.

Kronos at this moment has a conflicted look on his face as he doesn't know what to do in these situations while Kaguya was looking at him with curiosity as she waits for him to decide to either break down because of guilt and take responsibility or try to find an excuse to make things less awkward for themselves.

They stayed like this for an hour until Kaguya's patience finally wore out and started to speak up as Kronos still wasn't able to say a word despite his numerous attempts to speak.

"Kronos, I know you feel guilty but don't worry as last night wouldn't have happened if I didn't want it to." Kaguya

After hearing what Kaguya said Kronos felt both relieved and foolish at the moment but Kaguya didn't stop talking as she has a decisive glint in her eyes and a teasing smile.

"Also, now that we have become one, you and I are now in a union together, Darling." Kaguya

Kronos almost keeled over to the floor hearing Kaguya's playful words about them being in some kind of marriage but Kaguya didn't let him have time to get his thoughts in order as she found teasing him fun.

"I also know you like the other girls around you. Oh, what kind of husband I have and because of your indecisiveness you never try to make a move on your own, only ever wait and see before you can do a thing, you're basically letting others decide for you. And like the girls in the house, other than flirting you do nothing, you were just going to lead me on like them and never do a thing, also if we didn't know about your personality we might have thought you were hiding in the closet as they say it. But now that I'm your wife, I will be changing that part of you, you will now stop being indecisiveness and be more forthright in your actions, also just know that if you ever get more wives in the future they need my approval first and you're not allowed to cheat on us." Kaguya

Once Kaguya finished talking she gave Kronos a smile that wasn't really one that sends shivers down his spine for unknown reasons before she stood up and moved next to Krono's side with a serene smile that looks so natural that the past smile seemed to never existed but Kronos knew better and decided to listen to his new wife warning.

As Kronos and Kaguya were talking about there newfound relationship back at the Watch Tower the Justice League has returned from there assignment.

Also now that the moons are gone, Batman was the one to start the meeting.

"Okay, now can anyone tell me any new information about last night's incidents." Bruce

The one to respond first was the Fash as he couldn't stop chuckling to himself.

"Yes, everyone loves those dinosaurs and no is allowed to turn them back. I even head a Save The Dinosaurs foundation was made, they haven't been letting anyone near them to turn them back to normal, haha, also you should have seen how the grand John Constantine was running out of the museum by a group of grade-schoolers, haha." Barry

After hearing Flash words Batman looked around the table to find all League magic-users looking away from his penetrating stare and it was up to Dr. Fate to speak up for them as he wasn't affected by Batman's deadly stare.

"You don't have to worry, I checked the magic used on the dinosaurs it's harmless no harmful spell was put on them and it's not important issues to turn them back, let them be." Dr. Fate

After hearing Dr. Fate's thoughts on the matter Batman let it go and gesture for the meaning to go on.

This time it was Martian Manhunter to speak up.

"I have looked into the people that randomly appeared and they are all like Santa Claus saying they were summoned by a couple or didn't know anything as they were summoned while asleep. Out of all the people who were summoned there's a clan that we should be wary of, they are not dangerous like the other, to say the least, but when they involve themselves in something it mostly ends up in pandemonium, the clan call themselves the Addams Family. Also, the main branch was summoned next door to your home Bruce, be careful around the girl." Martian Manhunter

After giving his report Batman turned to look at Wonder Woman ignoring Martian manhunter's warning to see if Wonder Woman had anything to add about her end of the investigation.

Wonder Woman seeing that it was her time to talk stood up and coughed once gathering everyone's attention before she began to talk.

"From the energy readings and leftover aura we gather, I have narrowed it down to be the work of powerful gods, most likely a god of pranks and a god of magic were having fun with us mortals." Diana

Hearing Wonder Woman's evaluate of the situation and how she narrowed down the suspects the League then started working from there to find better ways to deal with similar situations in the possible future.

As the Justice League was trying to find the possible future situations of worldwide pranks Kronos and Kaguya are now walking into CatCo. as their pranks forcefully called back all available staff as it became really busy with all the reports they are getting.

As Kronos walks in with Kaguya by his side he saw a yelling Cat who is giving order to everyone like a General to her soldiers and at this moment it was like Cat was in her element and no one had the power to stop her or deny her orders. Cat seeing Kronos immediately tells him to go to a nearby computer to edit everything that's sent to him and he does what he's told without giving much thought and like everyone else was affected by Cat's aura working like there's no tomorrow.

Kronos did his work as told and only was able to finish everything by lunchtime, with a tired look on his face. As he was working Kaguya was sitting near him looking at his work with a smile, as she had nothing better to do. As for everyone around Kronos and her were staring at them intensely from time to time.

The men were mostly had jealous stares for Kronos because he always has a beautiful woman by his side and the ones looking at Kaguya were just ogling her body but didn't dare get near her as they felt if they did they will lose something important. As for the woman they looked at Kronos with some disgust or interest as he looks like a handsome playboy in their eyes and as for Kaguya it was pity and jealousy as she's one of the most beautiful women they ever saw and it also looks like she's being played by Kronos the Playboy.

Once Kronos was done with all his work both him and Kaguya left to a break room as Kronos wasn't going to leave right away as Linda had texted him that she wanted to meet him later in the day.

It seems to him that she either wants to confront him about their secret identities or ask for something, like for help or whatnot.

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