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Meeting Samsara

"I would have never imagined that your girls would be this degree of quality" Wang Long muttered with an amazed expression as he clapped Masaru's back, the girls were chatting happily with the Goddesses and other female mythology,

Masaru smirked feeling pride for his fiancee's since they were his pride and joy. "Thank you for your compliment"

Masaru grab two small cups filled with Wuliangye, seeing this Wang Long smile grew broader.

"To think you youngling want to make me the dragon god drunk, I doubt you can outlast me" Wang Long boasts as both he and Masaru drank the cups empty getting another two from the waiters,

Even Pangu decided to join up "You have gave us a great deal of help Masaru, this one is for you" Pangu took his seat as he drank his cup empty, seeing that they were going to drink themselves drunk tonight Masaru called the waitress to deliver several bottles while he chatted with Pangu and Wang Long.

It was no surprise that Wang Long turned out to be a Gigolo having over three hundred known wives, he forgot to count the concubines but always bragged at how much he has. "You should learn to have a massive Harem boy, only having such a small group is simply not going to work"

Wang Long spoke towards Masaru like a Master speaking to his disciple, Pangu was laughing at this sight while Masaru just let it in the one ear and out the other. 'This dragon's lust is really all over the place, although I can't complain. I have been feeling quite the bit as well since I transformed into a dragon myself' he thought

"Perhaps you should get some concubines" Pangu suggested as he looks in a certain direction of a group young ladies sending flirtatious glances at Masaru, but suddenly they turn to look away.

Even Pangu swallowed his drink stood up and left, poor drunk Wang Long was awoken from his drunken state from shock to see the terrifying faces of Masaru's women. "Their quite scary women.."

"That's why I said it, as long as they can get the approval of those girls. It means I will not have a problem adding them to my family" Masaru said as he laughed happily while he kept drinking as he knew his girls already booked him for the night so there was no chance of other girls getting a piece of the action, 'This should cut down the number of proposals in a instant, sorry girls for making you deal with the troublesome things for me'

Wang Long turned to look where Pangu was standing talking as if nothing happened could not help but laugh. "That panda truly is terrified of your women bwahahahaha"

"However, let me say it once more. Your women are very scary, boy. They remind me of my first wife, boy she would suck me dry once she hears I have another woman in my harem" Wang Long commented causing Masaru to burst out laughing, despite shivering he noticed Wang Long enjoyed the action the most when his wife is jealous.

It was probably his mother Diana's training that instilled them to ward off unwanted pests from disturbing the harmony of the family. 'Thanks Mom'

"But their lovable at home" Masaru spoke with a smile on his face, his cheeks were a bit red and his eyes became a bit dizzy, Unlike the regular Wuliangye this one was made by Gods so even Masaru was not spared from its ruthlessness making him drunk

But Masaru knew the perfect way to deal with this as he used his worthless ability to nullify his drunken state to allow him to drink some more, it was only late that night the party came to an end. Masaru sends his regards to every Chinese mythology figure before he departed with his girls,

"Ma-kun you have not forgotten your promise with us right?" Akeno asked as she gleams with lust, her body moving seductively as a open invite for what was about to come.

Masaru smiled as he pulled her closer "I am a man of my word, just don't blame me for being ruthless tonight"

He smirked, the girls did not know. Even the man did not know himself, that Wang Long drugged Masaru with a special mixture that stimulates a dragon's libido. What did this mixture cause for Masaru?

Later that night, amidst all the crazed moaning. The sour smell of semen permeating from the closed door leading to Masaru and the girl's room, they did not stop their action even for a moment despite their playful protests.

All the guests in the hotel all booked themselves out, they were unable to sleep hearing the distracting moans that can turn even a man with dysfunctional erection to have a hard-on. It was after that night, the hotel banned sexual intercourse at their hotel for fear such a thing would happen. It was a good thing Masaru paid extra when he realized this problem, but that won't stop him from doing it once more.


"Masaru" Jeanne leaned over Masaru's body when he woke up at her call, when he noticed the girls were all sprawled naked with his essence leaking out from them.

'Just what happened to me last night, I never went that wild before' Masaru thought as he could remember how the girls kept saying no but their faces betrayed their true feelings as Masaru made sure to pour all the love he held back since he was busy in China into each and every one of the girls.

With a snap of his fingers the girls all levitated in the air allowing him to climb off the bed as he gently places each of them in position, several magic circles materialized around the room. When the magic circles lit up the walls and everything shined bright for a moment before dimming, revealing a clean room and the girls were also cleaned.

Carefully he covered each girl with a duvet before he left to cook breakfast.

"Boss! Good Morning!" Zhou Hai greets Masaru with a smile,

"Morning Fatty Hai, how is the progress of Hiei in china?" Hearing Masaru's official question Zhou Hai became serious,

"The expansion has been completed, thanks to your reputation we managed to gather almost all of the information the mythology have on hand" Zhao Hai explained,

Masaru nodded as he starts to cook, even Zhou Hai was drooling from the enticing smell, "Boss, can this one---"

"You can join the breakfast since the two of us will be leaving early" Masaru answered with a wry smile, soon the girls came down wearing casual clothes each of them came to give Masaru a kiss on his cheek before they all took their seat around the table looking at Masaru wearing an Apron cooking breakfast for them.

"I never get tired of this sight" Akeno mumbled

Kuroka licked her lips "I heard Ma-nyan has a Neko-mode Balance breaker"

Shirone who heard this perked her eyes as her face began to turn red from her imagination of Masaru with Cat ears and tail. "Big sis, are we going to request that for a reward this coming holiday?"

Kuroka looks at her sister with an understanding glance, "Yes"

They could make plans from now on since Masaru will be coming home, so he will have more time to spend loving dates with each girl individually.

"I heard you have been involved in saving Yasaka before she was captured by the Hero Faction," Ingvild asked Masaru who was dishing up the plates for the girls,

Masaru nodded, he smiled wryly "Correct, although my teacher Ajuka was the one who implemented it since I had to be here in China during that time"

Ingvild glances at Ulrika who nodded, they had been wondering why everything during Issei's grand strength promotion was happening too smoothly. Almost as if no one was in real danger of dying,

"Now we understand why Yasaka requested your presence when you are available" Ulrika muttered

Hearing this Masaru stood still looking at Ulrika who started to eat, and the look Sona gave him displayed her intention to keep quiet so it was something he would have to see for himself.

"Also Ophis will be visiting one of these days to meet you" Roygun remembered something from Azazel,

"It appears my schedule is getting fuller before I realize it myself" Masaru spoke with a wry smile as he took his seat between Yui and Ichika today.

"Don't forget Sairaorg's match is tomorrow" Sakura reminded something extremely important to Masaru but he sighed with a depressed face,

"I have to meet Samsara with Barakiel today and it may possibly last a few days because we are investigating Hades, the information about Samael is disturbing as such a creature should not be easily released from its confinement. Can I ask you, girls, to support Sairaorg on my behalf?" Masaru asked with an apologetic face

The girls all glanced at each other nodding,

"One reward each" Akeno mentioned to Masaru who nodded, he would have spoiled the girls regardless anyway but if that is what they sought he did not mind it.

"Very well, One reward request for each of you girls" Masaru answered causing the girls to smile brightly while some showed intentions to jump, it appears they have thought of things they want to ask.

After breakfast Masaru was dressed by the girls who chose a formal grey attire for his meeting today, all of them were looking at Masaru nodding feeling satisfied with their choice as they give him each a kiss.

"See you girls soon" Masaru waved before he climbed into the yellow taxi cab Zhou Hai was in charge of driving, heading for Great Wall of China did not take them long to reach the location.


"Alright Boss, I will stay around so give me a call when I need to pick you up" Zhou Hai spoke out when Masaru climbed out of the cab,

"Will do, make sure to keep an eye on Hiei's progress. Should Khaos Brigade or any terrorist with ill intention target China again. We have to be ready to boot them right out" Masaru said before he turned around walking up the stairs.

Reaching the top of the stairs he came across a middle-aged man looking like Marvel Wolverine if it was not for his squinty eyes, Baraqiel was wearing his standard black armour outfit and a black cloak over it. Seeing Masaru coming in formal attire made him question if this boy realized the god they were meeting was a high-level god,

"Yo Father-in-law, how have you been?" Masaru greets Barakiel casually to which Barakiel wanted to snort and denied to greet him since he could not handle how Masaru would smile so impishly while calling him, father-in-law.

"You finally arrived, how is Akeno?" Baraqiel asked, Masaru sighed as he knew this father cared more about his daughter so he gave up

"She is doing well, she is together with the girls exploring China for a Vacation" Masaru answered to which Baraqiel nodded with a satisfied smile,

"Going to update me?" Masaru asked to which Barakiel nodded,

"Right now we are under the impression that Hades is against the alliance, but we need to find other substitutes who can fit his position if there ever comes a need to eliminate him" Baraqiel said,

"However, this is only known to you, me and Azazel. Because killing a high class god could cause many problems, not only their domain but even the Mythology itself would weaken in strength giving chance to other mythologies who had yet to join the alliance to attack" Baraqiel added,

Masaru nodded as he found it reasonable, he wouldn't have been allowed to kill Meng Zhang if it was not for Drago who became the new Azure Dragon. Suzaku was a problem as he will have to find a replacement for her in the future, so searching for a possible replacement gives more options to look for when dealing with a troublesome god-like Hades.

The two of them walked along the wall of China till they mystically disappeared from the Mortal plane and found themselves in a dark world.

At both sides it appeared like souls were swinging along a river towards the golden lake, Masaru could sense through his experience having Kouryuu's power coursing through him that this divinity was indeed part of the Chinese Mythology despite their aura is similar to the Grim Reaper territory in the underworld.

"Be careful of your step, if you fall in the river and we don't save you before you reach the golden lake of Reincarnation it's over" Barakiel explains to Masaru as they walk on a small pathway leading straight up ahead towards a Traditional Ancient Chinese Palace.

Masaru nodded as he did indeed feel this eery place was the afterlife, he glanced once last time at the rivers before following after Baraqiel.

'Could it be the soul river is different for each Death God? Although the aura feels similar, my instincts tell me their different' Masaru thought as he found it quite intriguing, when they reached the black iron gates of the palace it creaked before opening up for the two of them to enter.

The surrounding did not feel physically cold but Masaru could not help but shiver occasionally being exposed to this depressing atmosphere. But the moment they entered the manor they heard a club remix song was playing:

"Heartbreak on vinyl"

"I've been missing you and how"

"The easy street is empty"

"The silence of the sound"

"I guess the turn tables have turned"

"Round round too many times (Times)"

"I wish we could just go back there tonight"

Masaru and Barakiel followed the corridor while the music was building up along with the lyrics the artists were singing.

Suddenly the corridor reverberated with tone addicting club song was playing as Masaru and Baraqiel went further, it was when they pushed open the door they witnessed a dance floor filled with undead, zombies, souls, banshees, wraiths and many more undead kind fo creatures were dancing with a young beautiful girl was wearing a headphone over her one ear playing the club song like a DJ.

"Is that?" Masaru glances at the loli appearance girl wearing a black T-shirt with a white skeleton drawn on it with one of her shoulders exposed from her moving around made the shirt being uneven on her big breast loli body.

Her long white hair, silver eyes and milky white skin gave her the appearance of a delicate doll, when she saw Masaru her eyes squinted before she waved with a charming smile. Masaru rubbed his forehead wondering just what this God thought when she chose to transform into this looks.

"Yes, that is Samsara" Baraqiel answered

Since Samsara was hosting a party neither Masaru nor Baraqiel had the intention to crash it as they chose a corner to watch the party the dead was throwing, Masaru was getting into the beat of the music that was playing closing his eyes while moving his head along the rhythm.

Baraqiel was having a troubled expression 'Why is Samsara interested in Masaru' He thought while glancing at Masaru, there were many things he could retort towards Masaru's behaviours and how he lives with many other girls, still, he could not imagine anyone better than him for Akeno.

'I will keep my guard up' Baraqiel concluded that he will protect Masaru for the sake of his daughter, but what he did not realize was the fact Samsara was only interested in Masaru.

It was because of the divine grimoire within him, Kouryuu who chose him, the girls who surround him and the promising future he has ahead of him.

Samsara was intrigued as she could see how many lifetimes this boy would go through, she did feel like becoming his but for that to happen he would have to survive the trials that will be coming his way someday. Reincarnating in a world where he would have to face his first life, the life he has once forgotten. To reopen old wounds, trauma, fear and many unwelcoming feelings.

"Sir can I get you a drink?" a Skeleton wearing a butler uniform came asking Masaru,

"Sure, give me a regular cold cola" Masaru answered as he was still not used to the atmosphere but thanks to the music that was playing he found it easier to settle,

Baraqiel nods at the Skeleton that he will take the same drink as he asks "How have things been for you?"

Masaru smiled wryly, his eyes never leaving the dance floor as he answered "It has been hectic, I am just glad I was able to help the alliance sign a peace treaty with the Chinese Mythology"

After chatting for a while, it was only late afternoon that Samsara stopped playing music stepping down to allow another undead to take over the DJ station to continue the party.

Samsara's appearance attracted Masaru's attention, he felt he knew this girl but at the same time he did not. Samsara smiled as she knew she left strong impressions on Masaru on his life in the previous earth, as she was the one who sold him the ritual spell which allowed the Divine Grimoire within to truly awaken that started his initial trials.

"It is an honour for the host of Kouryuu and three of the four direction Gods to visit this one" Samsara spoke with a smile as she extends her hand to Masaru,

He gently held her hand as if afraid he might injure her because she appeared so delicate in front of him. "The honour is mine, but I would have never expected the rumoured God of Life and Death would be such a beauty even more beautiful than fairies"

Samsara giggled as she took her seat next to Masaru, Baraqiel could not help twitch his eyes seeing this brat flirting right in front of him as if it was normal. "Nice to meet you Goddess Samara, I'm Barakiel from Grigori, representative of Azazel"

Hearing this Samsara nodded her head while she rested her hand on Masaru's hand, strangely Masaru could feel something was entering him but his spellbook was not reacting which meant it was not harmful towards him. Baraqiel had an instant of a complicated gaze at Samara's action but returned to normal

"It has been a while since I saw that brat, how has he been? Still making toys?" Samsara asked with a cheerful smile,

Baraqiel smiled with a troubled face as he nods "Things have been going well for him, almost too well"

Samsara giggled as she turns to glance at Masaru then at Baraqiel, "I bet it is because of this boy here he has no need to send out his own team"

Hearing this Barakiel knew Samsara was not happy with them using Masaru but, 'Why is she concerned about Masaru?' he thought

"We have been sending our teams to deal with other problems" Barakqel answered before he returned a question, "What is your relationship with Hades?"

Samsara had a look of disgust as she displayed it openly, "I have no relationship with that disgusting thing, just thinking he is a Death God makes me revolts. Do you know how many times he proposed to me? Millions! I hate that bag of bones"

Samsara spoke with disdain as she absolutely hated that skeleton who thinks about the world but does more damage than the enemies.

Baraqiel nodded, "If you don't mind me asking but why are you acting so close to Masaru?"

Hearing this question Samsara glances at Masaru, "Because this boy is fated for greater things, only he alone will be able to break the loneliness we beings who lived from the start with no determined death day. Only he could grant us emotions, and live alongside us"

Samsara spoke as she whispered to Masaru, "I will always be watching over you with her form now on, Masaru..."

It was not mentioned why, however, Samsara finally found her chance. To leave this domain, to find her emotions within Masaru. her fated one.

CompleteNoob CompleteNoob

29/08/2020 - changes made

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