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100% Terror Infinity: Evolution / Chapter 1: Jurassic Park Arc
Terror Infinity: Evolution Terror Infinity: Evolution original

Terror Infinity: Evolution

Author: Mr_Terror

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Jurassic Park Arc

Slowly my eyes opened and I looked around to find myself in a car of some kind. It looked oddly...vintage to my eyes. Like a car from the early nineties.

I looked to my left and saw a middle-aged man with his hair thinning around the top but rather full on the sides and back. It was grayish in color. He looked a bit too...I don't know, big city lawyer-type to be of any use outside of when you want to sue someone out their ass or you are getting sued out your ass.

But apart from that, I had to wonder...where the hell am I?

Looking around a bit I stopped when I saw two kids and a sleeping woman in the back of the car. One of the kids was a small boy who looked around 11, and the other was a girl who looked around 13 or 14.

The boy was pretty small, with longish brown hair that was pretty messy and curled at the end, while the girl had blonde hair pulled back into a tight ponytail with only a fringe on her forehead.

Both of them were wearing some pretty...retro clothes. It only made the earlier observation about the car's design even more outstanding in my memory.

Why is that?

Just as I was about to take in the woman asleep next to the kids, I finally came out of my daze and realized the kids and lawyer man was frozen. Not just still like a statue, but they weren't breathing, nor was their heart beating if the lack of movement around their jugulars was anything to go by.

...I keep getting more and more questions without any goddamn answers.

As if to prove me wrong or simply to just answer my complaint, a screen popped up in front of me.

[God's Mission]

[Jurassic Park, 5 Person Mission

Mission: Survive until the end of the 'plot' when rescue will arrive.

Side Mission: Protect the Main Characters of 'Jurassic Park' from death. Each death for any of the main characters will deduct 1500 points from every Player of Team USA. Reward upon completion: 1000 and a D-Rank Reward.

You have 10 Minutes Until the Mission Starts: 10:00...09:59...09:58...]

Terror Infinity.

Well, oh shit.

Remembering back to the pop-up on my laptop, I thought to myself that I should have said no. Even if it was just to avoid a possible virus. Damn my insatiable curiosity.

Taking deep breathes I focused on keeping a calm mind like my training was telling me to, but I was interrupted by a smooth yet fierce voice.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

I looked back to be met by some amber eyes which looked at me angrily. I raised my hand, motioning for this tigress of a woman to calm down before speaking.

"There should be a screen somewhere in front of you, if not, think about 'Mission Details' or something similar. I'm in the same situation as you, I didn't kidnap you," I spoke evenly, knowing that snapping back at her would lead to an argument we didn't have the time for.

She went to reply with a scowl but she froze while looking into mid-air.

Guess the screen appeared. While she was reading that I wondered about the mission we had.

Jurassic Park. Dinosaurs. Inaccuracies about Velociraptors. Danger. Yada yada yada. Honestly, I could see why it was only a 5 Person Mission. You just have to follow the plot and not act like an idiot if you want to survive.

And if you're like me, the Dinos could be a useful source of points.

'What are you?' You may be asking? Well, disembodied voice in my head I, Jason, am a genetically engineered soldier. I'm stronger, faster, smarter, and overall just better than even Olympic-level humans. So, I feel like I have a good shot at killing some Dinos if I can get my hands on a gun. 'What's the rest of your story?' Well, disembodied voice, that's very rude of you to ask. At least take me on a date first.

...Let's just say they didn't fully perfect the mental modifications. The constant war from the age of 10 may have had it's effects as well.

Luckily I was mentally fortified enough to not break down despite being a part of this death game, huh?!

Pulling me out of my thoughts, literally, the amber-eyed beauty from before pulled on my collar and looked me dead in the eyes, practically growling words out at me.

"What did you do to me?" her pupils were constricted until they were pinpoints and she glared at me with anger only a woman could conjure up.

Once again putting my hands up in a gesture for her to calm down, I evenly replied despite the inner feelings of annoyance this girl was causing to brew inside of me, "Again, I'm in the same situation as you. I haven't drugged you either. This is real, look around you - these are the characters from the first Jurassic Park movie. This would be easier if you'd read--" she cut me off before I could say it which annoyed me even more but when I heard what she said that annoyance disappeared pretty quickly.

"Terror Infinity, right? Well, I have read it. I was just sure this was a prank...a pretty shitty one but..." she let out a sigh as she looked over to the children who were frozen in place, "This is real, isn't it?"

Internally rolling my eyes at her, I finally snapped back at her with some light-hearted sarcasm, "What gave it away? The ethereal screen in front of you or the people frozen next to us? Geez. You can also let go of my collar now, I ain't going anywhere," I smirked at her as she got a tad flustered and quickly let go of my collar.

Though I've got to say, I am surprised such a pretty woman has read a novel like Terror Infinity before. Not that girls don't read, just that I didn't think that type of book is really up a girl's alleyway. Guess I'm rethinking my personal biases today, huh?

After a short few seconds of gathering herself, the girl outstretched a hand and introduced herself.

"My name's Jessica but most people call me Jess," she looked slightly nervously at me, but I ignored it and took her hand returning the greeting.

"Nice to meet you, Jess. My name's Jason," I let go of her hand before thinking for a second about whether I should say what I thought, but I mentally shrugged and said it anyway, "You know how this stuff goes, having read the novel and all that, so what kind of talents do you have? What do you do for a living as well?"

She seemed slightly taken aback by how calmly I was looking at the situation as now that this entire situation was settling in, she was slowly giving in to the fear. How did I know? Well, her body language practically screamed it. Plus her breathing was slowly picking up and I guessed that she would soon be hyperventilating.

I guess not everyone was trained from the time they could walk to calmly work in extremely stressful environments like me, huh~?

...That's a joke, by the way, I already know my upbringing was...unique, to say the least.

But to my surprise, Jess closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths before opening her eyes and focusing on me and my question to avoid her fear.

Good, I have at least one person with potential on my team.

"I've trained in martial arts since I was around 6 - I'm 20, for reference - and I've been a runner ever since Freshman year* in Highschool. I work as a part-time waitress at a bar near my College."

Nodding I gave her a once over as I saw the toned muscle definition on her arms, or at least what I could see of her arms.

"That's good. Your martial arts experience will help if you get back to God's Dimension. Right now, your running will probably be your best bet; I don't think you could punch a Dinosaur to death with your human strength," I joked, getting an uneasy smile and chuckle from the woman, I carried on and did an introduction of myself, "Well, Jess, I'm a soldier. More specifically a special ops soldier. They didn't train us to kill Dinosaurs but you can bet your ass I can survive in that forest next to us. You have realized what's going to happen to us, right?" I asked when I saw her face turn to one of confusion when I mentioned surviving in the forest.

Sighing, I motioned to the kids in the car, and to the lawyer (WHO DIES IN THE MOVIE), before motioning to the electrified fence to the right of us.

She looked to all three of these things before the cogs in her head started turning. It didn't take long for her to figure it out.

And it didn't take that long for her to shout her findings.

"We're gonna get attacked by the T-Rex!" she went back to how she was before, about to go into a panic attack. I can't really blame her, honestly.

Turning around in my seat, I leaned over my seat and held the woman's shoulders before shaking a bit of sense into her, "Jess! It's gonna be alright, okay? We know it's gonna happen, and we know what not to do, so calm down, alright?" my voice seemed to get through to her but from her breathing, she was still a few steps away from jumping over the proverbial edge and going into panic mode.

"Y-yeah, you''re right! We can stop the kids from attracting the T-Rex!" she let out a hopeful smile as she looked at me but it was squashed as I shook my head, "Why?!" she screamed in response.

Taking my hands from her shoulders I gave her my answer with a serious gaze, "We should stick to the plot as much as we can. That way we know what to expect. All we'll have to do is get over the edge and into the Jungle. I'll even carry you if it helps calm you down a little," I laughed as I lessened my serious act a little before carrying on after she glared and pouted at me, "Okay okay, I'm just joking to lighten the mood," holding up my hands in surrender, I continued, "Like I just said, if we stick to the plot, we know what's gonna happen. It's imperative that we keep it that way so we don't end up facing even worse odds than we already are."

She looked at me weirdly before quirking one of her eyebrows upward, "What could make the odds worse for us? We're already about to be attacked by a T-Rex for god's sake!"

Sighing, I brought a hand to my face and squeezed the bridge of my nose before looking toward Jess.

"Okay, one, don't say stuff like that, you'll jinx us," I stopped for a second, and looked to the left, the rain starting to fall to the ground again. It seemed the mission was going to start soon, so I sped up my explanation, "It could get worse by us messing about with the plot and having to fight a T-Rex AND Velociraptors, instead of just one of them," I heard more and more sounds from around us and finished up quickly, "Okay, the mission seems to be starting, so get ready and remember; Follow the plot!"

I turned around in my seat just in time for the people in the car with us to start moving, with the boy beginning to talk about random Dinosaur crap.

Kid, you ain't gonna like Dinosaurs for long.

Mr_Terror Mr_Terror

Hello to anyone reading this! This is my first fanfic, so it ain't gonna be the best.

I've already decided what I'm gonna have the MC buy from God's Exchange, but I'm open to suggestions for other people on his team and what they should buy. Comment suggestions if you have any!

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