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43.63% Super Man in marvel Universe / Chapter 24: Red sun part 1

Chapter 24: Red sun part 1

Thor was flying through the corridors of the palace, holding Mjölnir in front of him, going so fast that everything in his path was thrown against the walls, as if a supersonic jet reached top speed in a closed room. He and the prison guards had already dealt with the situation in the dungeons, but they realized too late that what happened down there was only a distraction.

The palace was under attack.

Without waiting for any sort of backup, Thor took off and flew as fast as he could, hearing as he flew the sounds of combat. Jane and his mother were in the palace, sent there because supposedly the place was safe; except the barrier that kept the palace guarded was down and Dark Elves had invaded it.

How the Dark Elves were even alive Thor didn't know or care right now; the only thing in his mind as he flew was the fact that the Aether was inside Jane, the Convergence was closing upon them and the Dark Elves were here. It wasn't difficult to guess what they were after.

Thor heard loud sounds as the neared his mother's chambers, walls breaking, yelling, swords clashing. And when he finally arrived, not losing speed when his feet touched the floor, the sight that greeted him was enough to make his insides fill with dread.

He couldn't do anything as he saw Kal, his mother, Sif and a Dark Elf being dragged through a black hole, disappearing in it.

There was an ominous silence as the black hole closed, shutting the only way back. His mother, Sif and Kal were not there anymore and Thor didn't have any clue where they were or if they were even alive. He had no idea how to follow them, how to help, what in the Nine Realms he could do.

That was when his eyes fell upon the one responsible: Malekith.

Thor recognized him from the memories of his people, the leader of the Dark Elves defeated by his grandfather 5000 years ago. But he did not care about how he was here, how he was alive and how the Dark Elves were back. Thor saw only fury.

Screaming in rage, Thor unleashed all his power, Mjölnir summoning a thunderstorm so big that the entire room was filled with electricity. The floor, walls and ceiling cracked, the lightning bolts leaving a trail of utter destruction as they flew towards Malekith. The Dark Elf only had the chance to widen his eyes.

Malekith was completely enveloped by the thunderstorm, the electricity burning his skin so badly that a tower of smoke rose from him. He couldn't do anything, his muscles completely unresponsive as he was shocked, the spasms keeping him immobilized, capable only of yelling in pain.

Thor focused even more power through Mjölnir.

That thing attacked Asgard. It killed who knows how many Asgardians, made a path of complete destruction through his home with the intention of killing the woman he loved and ripping the Aether from her body. And it probably succeeded in killing his mother, Sif and Kal. There were many thoughts passing through Thor's mind, but none of them were mercy.

In his rage, however, Thor forgot that Malekith didn't do all that alone.

When the wall by his side broke it was already too late for him to defend himself. A horned creature appeared unleashing a powerful blow against his face and Thor felt as if he was punched by Kal, being thrown to the other side of the room, the distraction making the thunderstorm end.

Shaking his head, Thor got up fast, only to see the huge creature grabbing an injured Malekith and jumping from the balcony, falling on top of their ship. Snarling, Thor twisted and tossed Mjölnir, the hammer traveling fast, pursuing the ship as it flew away from the palace. And when it was about to make contact, the ship simply disappeared, as if it never been there in the first place.

Thor looked from the empty space where the ship had been to the empty space where his mother and friends also had been. The only thing that could top his anger was how unworthy he was feeling at that moment.


He turned fast, recognizing Jane's voice. His mother managed to keep her safe, Thor realized, relieved; that was the only good news he had since the beginning of all this. His girlfriend was entering the destroyed room, her expression filled with fear, but also courage.

"Frigga, Sif and Clark–"

"I know," he interrupted, pushing her closer. "I saw it."

"Are they… Are they dead?" Jane asked, almost whispering.

"No," Thor answered with a certainty he didn't feel. "Just gone. Malekith opened a black hole and they were pulled into it. But I am certain they survived."

"So that means they are somewhere else," Jane concluded. "But where?"

Thor didn't know, but he knew someone who probably could find out.

Clark had absolutely no idea where he was. The planet seemed extremely alien; of course, that particular description was beyond obvious, but he didn't exactly know how else to say it. Its surface was rocky, the ground uneven and full of weird formations. There were deep fissures and cave entrances and the whole place was covered in a thick fog. Geysers exploded from time to time from the fissures, sending jets of water high up in the air.

The most distinctive characteristic of the place, however, one that Clark couldn't help but to stare at every 10 seconds, was the red sun glowing in the sky, coloring the whole horizon crimson.

That was bad news. Like all Kryptonians, Clark constantly absorbed sunlight. It was an evolutionary trait his kind developed to make up for the lack of resources in Krypton. But, obviously, the amount of energy he could absorb from the sun depended on the sun itself. A powerful sun, a yellow sun, like they had on Earth was enough to overcharge his body with so much energy that he became incredibly powerful, capable of using the full extent of his gifts.

But a red sun? Under that kind of sun, Clark was a normal Kryptonian. Stronger than a human, since his body adapted to survive a stronger gravity, but not nearly close of what he could do on Earth. He couldn't feel that familiar tingle on his skin under the red sun, indicating that his body was recharging its energy; on Earth, even at night or on clouded days he could feel that.

That meant a simple thing: once he used the energy he had stored during his time on Asgard, he was done. No more flying, no more out of the charts strength, no more "Man of Steel". And in a place that could turn out to be dangerous, that was worrying to say the least.

Sighing, Clark looked around again, trying to see where Frigga, Sif and the Dark Elf had fallen, but without success. So he stopped for a bit and raised his left arm.

"Kelex, where are we?" Clark asked, his voice betraying his nervousness.

There were a few seconds of silence, then Kelex, in the form of his skin suit's bracelet, answered: "Unknown."

Clark did a double take.

"What do you mean you don't know?" he asked.

Kelex was in silence for a moment again: "Unknow."

"Did the fall damage you?" Clark asked. "And while we are at that, what was that thing we crashed against?"

"I have not sustained any damage," Kelex answered.

"And that thing we crashed?"


Clark was a patient man, but Kelex was testing him.

"Tell me what you do know, Kelex," he ordered, starting to get annoyed.

"Something is interfering with my systems," Kelex explained. "I can't pinpoint our location or send any kind of message to anyone. I cannot contact your ship back on Earth as well, even taking into consideration the fact that with the Phantom Drive still not properly installed it would take a long time before the ship arrived, depending of the distance of the two planets. We are, for all intents and purposes, stranded here." Before Clark could add anything, Kelex continued: "We crashed against some kind of barrier of magical origin. I do not know anything about it, but it is possible that it's the barrier that is generating the interference on my systems."

That was useful news, at least. If they could find what was powering up that barrier, Kelex would be able to tell where they were. With luck, Asgard would be able to send help. All he had to do now, then, was find Frigga, Sif and the Dark Elf so they could regroup and start looking. If they did things carefully, the red sun wouldn't even be a problem.

At the moment he thought that, a fireball as big as a mountain appeared out of nothing in the sky, flying directly against him; well, so much for not getting into any problems.

"HEIMDALL!" yelled Sif, looking at the sky. "Open the Bifrost!"

That had to be the thousandth time she called for Heimdall and yet no Bifrost appeared. Maybe Sif was stubborn for trying so many times, but there was always the chance Heimdall would listen eventually or so she hoped. She didn't want to consider the gravity of their situation if they were in a place not even Heimdall could see them.

"There is something cloaking us," Frigga said, her voice so tired Sif couldn't help but become even more worried. "That barrier we crashed when we arrived… It's surrounding the planet. Heimdall cannot see us."

Which meant Frigga wouldn't be able to open a portal as well. So there would be no help from the outside, no help from Frigga's magic and no way of even warning anybody of where they were, which they also didn't know. The only good thing that Sif could think about this situation is that they were still alive even after being shoved through a black hole and spat out in the middle of space.

If it weren't for Kal, Sif wasn't sure they would have survived. Frigga, most definitely, wouldn't have.

"We have to find Kal," Sif said, suddenly, looking at her queen. "He can help."

Frigga nodded, getting up slowly with Sif's help. That hideous creature had pierced her with its claws before Kal could stop it. It wasn't a deep wound, no organ had been harmed, and yet it refused to heal; that was the work of some kind of poison, she had no doubt.

"Is there anything I can do for you, my Queen?" Sif asked, truly lost. This situation was beyond anything she had experienced before. "Are you in too much pain?"

The Queen just smiled kindly.

"There is nothing you can do, child. I will either overcome this or I won't." She got up and they started moving. "And call me Frigga, Sif. I held you as a baby, we are beyond all this 'my Queen' nonsense."

Sif couldn't help but smile at Frigga. She knew the queen since always, to the point that she considered her family. And that wasn't making things any easier. It wasn't just her queen that was getting weaker by the minute, it was someone she cared about very much. She didn't know how she could face Thor again if something were to happen to Frigga.

Trying to suppress these unhelpful thoughts, Sif looked around, assessing the planet they were on. It seemed to be a pretty inhospitable place, she considered, seeing the rocky ground and no signs of life. Certainly different from Asgard. That didn't mean much, tough, since she was seeing a very small part of the place; for all she knew, there could be an entire civilization close by, hiding behind that fog.

As if following her line of thought, there was a strong wind and the fog in front of them was blown away. And behind it, a big city took form.

Both of them stopped walking as the tall buildings of the city appeared, gazing at the vast collection of towers and structures, every last one of them made of stone. There were houses as big as strongholds, buildings that reminded Sif of temples and smaller houses as well, all built together without any semblance of order. All that, however, didn't change Sif's conclusion about the planet.

There was a city, but it was empty.

It took them a few minutes to reach the city, because Frigga was moving slowly, but soon they were walking through its streets. But no matter how hard Sif tried, she couldn't see anyone or hear a single voice. There might have been a civilization living there once, but it was a long time ago. Now there were only ruins left and no one to tell its story.

"Do you know where are we?" Sif asked, her voice low; for some reason, talking loud in this empty place felt uncomfortable.

Frigga looked around for a while. "I have some ideas, but I am not certain."

Wherever they were, that place had been empty for a long time. The buildings were made to last and the city was still standing, but there were clear signs that little by little time was consuming it. Cracks were beginning to appear on the buildings, dust was piling up in the closed places and there were some structures that were already fallen.

The question in Sif's mind, however, wasn't how long the city was empty; it was what had happened to its people.

"The source of the magical barrier is that way," Frigga said, pointing at a far side of the city, a long way from where they were. "We should find Kal and head that way. If we can figure it out how to bring it down, Heimdall will be able to see us."

Sif nodded, agreeing with her queen. She just hoped Kal was close by.


She turned fast, the sword already in her hands, to see a huge explosion on the edge of the city, the flames going as far as the clouds. Somehow, Sif thought, she was sure that had something to do with her newest apprentice.

Clark had no time to dodge the falling fireball. Not because he wasn't fast enough, but because the thing was just too big. The fireball took the entire area he was on, expanding in a flash when it touched the ground, the flames consuming everything in its path; he happened to be there too.

He felt the high temperature of the fire touching him, but it wasn't enough to harm his skin, thankfully. It was enough, however, to completely surround him with a wall of flames, making the world around a mix of different shades of red; the noise was almost unbearable. Clark didn't know what was happening, but he knew he needed to leave the fire, fast. Each second he spent inside of it was a second spending his so valuable sunlight storage.

Gathering strength in his legs, Clark jumped, going up so fast that the fire actually opened a path for him. In less than a second he was out of the explosion, up high in the sky, able to look down and see the ground completely taken by fire; that was his mistake. The sight of the fire spreading through the land was so impressive that Clark failed to notice something important: a massive block of stone approaching fast.

A huge chunk of the ground was ripped from the planet's surface and tossed against Clark, colliding against him with a thunderous noise. His body was still stronger, though; the block broke against him, tearing into smaller pieces that fell back to the fiery ground, but the hit was powerful enough to send Clark flying.

He didn't know what was happening exactly, but even while he fell back to the ground Clark couldn't help but notice the obvious fact that someone was attacking him. He didn't know who or how, but what just happened didn't leave much room for interpretation, that was for sure.

Turning in the air, Clark landed on his feet, several meters away from the burning ground. He was looking around, fast, searching for his opponent, thinking about how much longer the energy he had stored would last if he kept using it like that. He needed to be smart, to end the fight quickly and without waste. But first he had to find his attacker.

Concentrating, ignoring the roar of the fire, Clark tried to listen. The fact that he hadn't seen his attacker yet was enough to make him understand that something was wrong; if he couldn't trust his vision, his other senses would have to do. Clark closed his eyes and focused, holding his breath. The noise of the burning ground took most of his hearing, but past that was a faint noise; a tap against the earth.

Clark turned his body fast, Sif's training giving him the reaction time needed to avoid an invisible attack against his head. He couldn't see what had just missed him, but he sure felt the wind of the object passing close; that meant his attacker was within reach. Moving quickly, Clark attacked, feeling his fist making contact.

The form of a cloaked Dark Elf appeared out of thin air when he touched it.

His fist clashed against the Dark Elf's stomach, interrupting the attack and somehow disrupting whatever magic or technology protecting the elf from Clark's eyes. The masked Dark Elf grunted in pain, sliding back, and Clark was already moving to strike again, trying to end the fight as fast as he could.

He didn't exactly take into account the fact that the Dark Elf didn't need to touch him to fight.

Without missing a movement, the Dark Elf raised a hand; a blast of telekinetic force hit Clark with the strength of a moving train, forcing him to raise his arms to defend himself. It was a strong attack, more than enough to completely destroy a human body, but against a Kryptonian it wasn't that much.

But apparently, against the ground he was standing on, it was enough.

Clark wasn't expecting the ground to just cave in. The sudden lack of ground to stand on and the force pushing him down was enough to send him into the earth, the red light of the sun disappearing alongside the surface. Clark felt himself falling into some hidden cave, with barely any time to float and land safely before the Dark Elf jumped behind him, the staff pointed against him like a spear.

He ignored the lack of light and the falling debris, grabbing the staff with both hands just as his feet touched the ground, avoiding the hit. The Dark Elf touched the ground a second after, still applying strength, trying to force the staff down against Clark's chest. It was useless, because as much as Clark was holding himself back, his strength was just too superior.

Until he took a breath from the underground air.

Clark's body recognized the familiar air even if his mind didn't at the time. Almost immediately, he felt his lungs burning, his blood seemingly turning into fire as it carried this new air through his body. His eyes widened for a moment, his mind finally catching up with what his body had already realized.

Krypton's atmosphere.

He didn't know how or why Krypton's air was under the ground of that unknown planet. He didn't have any idea what that meant or how that could possibly happen. At that moment, however, Clark didn't really care. His already limited amount of energy had been flushed out from his body when he breathed.

And without energy, his muscles couldn't hold the Dark Elf's staff anymore.

The weapon hit his chest and Clark felt his skin splitting as the metal touched him. His ribs cracked instantly with the powerful attack and his legs lost strength, forcing him to kneel. Clark groaned in pain, still trying to hold the staff, even if he knew deep down he didn't have the power to do it anymore.

The Dark Elf glanced at him through the mask, almost gloating for a second. And then, with a twitch, an orange glow appeared around the staff, like a collection of weird runes and symbols made of fire, arranging themselves in the shape of a blade. Clark was helpless to stop when the staff suddenly became a spear, its blade sinking into his chest.

Clark let out a muffled yell when the magic blade pierced him, his previously invulnerable skin being ripped apart alongside muscles and bones. Blood splashed when the spear sank in, flowing to the ground, the magic fiery blade continuing its path through his chest until Clark felt another wound opening on his back.

It only stopped when the staff touched the ground.

For a moment, there was absolute silence, only the faint sounds of the drops of blood hitting the floor being heard. Clark was still in shock, his eyes wide, his hands still firmly grasped around the staff. He was feeling pain like he never felt before in his life, his strength leaving him fast, each drop of blood getting him closer to his death.

His eyes closed. He didn't know how to get away from this. He had no way of saving himself. But maybe, just maybe, he could prevent this from happening to Sif and Frigga.

Opening his eyes again, Clark stared at the masked face of the Dark Elf, feeling his blood boil. Ignoring the pain, ignoring the fear, Clark focused on the last remnants of energy still inside himself, gathering every single bit of it.

And then, before the Dark Elf could even react, he unleashed the most powerful punch he could against his opponent.

Clark's fist clashed against the Dark Elf mask with such strength that it broke into pieces, launching his adversary against the wall so brutally that the whole place shook. Pieces of rock from the ceiling began to fall down, dropping heavily against the ground, as Clark struggled to pull the staff from his chest, surrendering to unconsciousness together with the Dark Elf.

None of them was awake to see a dark blue goo dripping from the hole in the ceiling.

It had been a long time since it sensed other life forms. It didn't count days, months or years, but it could sense the pass of time, the changes in the planet itself, the environment shifting. It didn't remember how it got there and it didn't care about it one bit. It was someplace else and then it was there and that was all that mattered.

The arrival of new life forms was a surprise or the closest thing it could feel of surprise. It wasn't expecting something like that to happen. The planet had been dead for a very long time, only its fellow brethren left to roam the rocky landscapes. Everything else had been consumed a long, long time ago.

That wasn't true anymore. It wasn't alone now. Maybe it wouldn't have to be alone again.

The loud sounds and the high temperature were uncomfortable, but it ventured in its direction because it sensed the life forms there. Slowly, quietly, secretly, until it was close. Until it could approach without being in danger.

There were two of them, different from each other as they could possibly be. One reminded it of the hot orb in the sky and the other of the cold periods when the orb hid itself. Both were hurt. One of them was dying.

Its choice was obvious. One of them was clearly unsuitable, the life force quickly fading. The other, even hurt, was still alive and would remain alive. Logically there was only one possible choice.

The Symbiote wasn't sure why it chose to bond itself to the dying life form, but it felt right to do so.

"We need to do something, Father!" Thor exclaimed at his father, Jane, Volstagg and Fandral by his side. "Mother, Sif and Kal could be anywhere in the universe and Heimdall cannot see them!"

Odin gazed at Thor with his one eye, still sitting on his chair in his private library.

"And what do you suggest we do, son?" Odin finally said back. "Send all Asgardian forces to search blindly? Leave Asgard and the Aether unprotected?"

Thor clenched his hands, furious.

"I suggest we do something!" he almost yelled, angered by his father apparent lack of care. "We were just attacked, our people were killed, Malekith's forces could be standing on top of our palace right now and we wouldn't even notice!" Small blue sparks started clacking on his skin as he became more and more enraged. "Your wife could be dead and you do not even care–"

The whole room shook before he could finish his sentence. Books fell down, the floor, ceiling and walls cracked, the candles were extinguished. Thor felt his breath stuck in his throat and a cold traveling his spine. Odin got up, slowly, and everybody in the room unconsciously took a step back.

They were looking at Odin Borson, the Allfather, King of Asgard, and at that moment Thor suddenly understood why his father was feared across the Nine Realms and beyond.

"Do not presume to tell me how I feel," Odin said, his voice very low, making the hair on the back of his head stand. "My home was attacked by enemies I considered long dead. My people was killed. My best warrior, my guest and my wife are lost somewhere in the universe. But panicking, like a fool, will not solve anything. You are my son, the Prince of Asgard, ACT LIKE IT!"

He screamed the last words and Thor felt himself tremble like a scared child. He might be Thor, the God of Thunder, wielder of Mjölnir, but in front of Odin he suddenly felt small. It wasn't only a matter of power; it was always incredible to witness, of course, but he always knew his father was much stronger than him. No, it was about what he said.

Thor was supposed to become the King of Asgard, to succeed his father and lead the Nine Realms, but every time he compared himself to Odin he found himself lacking. His father was right, panicking wouldn't help anybody. Not Frigga, not Sif, not Kal and not Jane.

More than that, he felt ashamed to even insinuate that his father didn't care about their fate.

"I am… I apologize for my words, Father, I spoke without thinking," Thor said, looking down. Odin simply stared at him for a long while. Then, slowly, he sat down again; everybody breathed, as if they suddenly had permission to do so. "My point stands, though. We need to do something. If Heimdall cannot see them–"

"Heimdall sees a lot, but not all," Odin interrupted. "We can use that."

Thor and everybody around him frowned. "I do not understand."

"There are few places across the universe that Heimdall cannot see, if he wishes to," Odin explained. "If he cannot see where your mother is, then…"

"Then they are in one of those few places," Jane finished for him, turning to look at Thor.

Odin gave her an imperceptible smile. "If I know Frigga, she will send us some kind of signal as soon as she is able to. If we are paying attention to the right places, we will see it."

Thor opened a big smile; finally they had a plan.

Clark opened his eyes slowly. For a moment, he just stared up at the rocky ceiling, his mind blissfully empty; until everything that happened came rushing through his mind in a flash. Their crash against an unknown planet, he getting separated from Sif and Frigga, his fight against the Dark Elf…

He quickly took his hands to his chest, searching for his wound, his deadly wound; it wasn't there. He wasn't feeling any pain, he wasn't bleeding, he wasn't dying. That didn't make any sense. He should be dead, he was sure of it. Without a yellow sun or a very advanced treatment there wasn't any way for him to survive that kind of injury.

"What the–" Clark whispered, sitting down, still looking for the inexistent wound on his chest.

Not only he wasn't hurt, he wasn't feeling weak anymore. He wasn't, by any means, feeling like he felt under a yellow sun, but he wasn't sick like he felt when he breathed Krypton's air. And, of course, that realization brought another list of unanswered questions, the first one being what the hell was Krypton's atmosphere doing there.

Unfortunately for Clark, no matter how much he thought, he couldn't reach any conclusion. So he decided to just get up and deal with his other pressing concern: the unconscious Dark Elf on the other side of the place.

Still touching his chest, trying to find a clue about how he could be healed, Clark stopped by the Dark Elf's side, surrounded by the fragments of the broken mask. His punch had done the trick, apparently, but this Dark Elf had gotten pretty close of ending his life; closer than anyone before. Carefully, Clark leaned over and pushed the cloak covering the Dark Elf.

His eyes widened in surprise when he saw a woman.

In the end, of course, it made no difference, but Clark didn't know or expect the Dark Elf he fought to be a woman… A she-elf… He didn't know exactly the term. Regardless, that certainly was a surprise, but he had more to worry about than his would-be killer's gender. Like how to restrain someone strong, fast and capable of casting magic.

It was a difficult thing to do even when he had his powers, but now?

"Kelex, can you give me any ideas about how to restrain her?" he asked, wondering if there was some kind of weakness Dark Elves had that he could explore.

Instead of answering, Kelex reshaped a good part of its liquid geo body into a handcuff around the Dark Elf's wrists.

"I can't hold her forever," Kelex said, "but I can electrocute her if she tries to free herself."

Clark's eyebrows shot up; well, that wasn't exactly what he had in mind, but it could work. Nodding, he grabbed the Dark Elf so he could lift her, but at the exact moment he did so a foot collided against his head, sending him tumbling on the ground. Groaning, he rolled and got up, ready to fight, as the Dark Elf jumped up too.

But before things could escalate, Kelex did what she said she would.

"ARGHH!" yelled the Dark Elf, as Kelex unleashed a powerful electric discharge, dropping her on the ground again; Clark winced, but he was relieved it had worked.

"Okay, Kelex, stop," he said and Kelex did as ordered. The Dark Elf stood up again, panting, looking at him with furious eyes.

His first thought when he looked at her face was that she truly hated him. For some reason, that woman would like nothing else than to eviscerate him, he had no doubt about that. He didn't know why, maybe it was like Odin had said and all Dark Elves hated Kryptonians, maybe she was pissed because they were in that planet, Clark didn't know.

The second thought he had was that she was beautiful.

Stupid thought to have about someone that wanted to kill him, but Clark couldn't help himself. The Dark Elf in front of him was incredibly beautiful, even when her face showed nothing but rage and even with the marks of burning on her left cheek, left no doubt by this universe's light. Still, Clark wasn't about to get distracted by her beauty; he knew quite well that beautiful women could be very deadly. Faora, Natasha and Sif were proof of that.

"Look, I don't know why you want to kill me," Clark started, looking at the Dark Elf's face. "But right now we have to stop this. I don't know where we are, but we need to get away from this planet. If you help me, if you don't try to kill me again, I promise I will take you somewhere safe."

The Dark Elf scoffed.

"The words of a Kryptonian means nothing to me," she said. "Kill me and be done with it."

Clark was a little offended.

"I don't know about other Kryptonians, but my word means quite a lot," he countered. "And no, I won't kill you, regardless of your answer. I wouldn't have bothered to restrain you if I planned to kill you, would I?"

That logic seemed to make sense to the woman, because she looked at Kelex on her wrists for a second.

"What do you want, Kryptonian?" she asked.

"First, my name is Clark or Kal-El, whatever you prefer. But not 'Kryptonian'. Second, I want to find my two companions and then get out of this planet, as fast as I can. Help me, and I will take you with us and keep you safe, you have my word."

The Dark Elf stared a long time at him.

"We have a deal," she finally said.

Clark wasn't sure she really meant that.

"There!" Sif exclaimed, pointing at the scorched marks of land in front of them, no doubt the result of that explosion.

She and Frigga had moved as fast as they could in that direction, crossing the ghost city quickly so they could find what had caused that commotion. Sif, of course, was sure it was Kal and if she was right he was in trouble. However, she knew he could take care of himself; Frigga, as she was, couldn't.

The toxin poisoning her was taking a toll on her body. She was tired, slow, weak and clearly in pain. Sif wasn't sure what to do, but she knew that they needed to get away from this planet fast. But first they needed to find Kal.

The big hole in the ground seemed like a good trail.

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