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100% Blood Canine / Chapter 3: Ch. 3 The Funeral

Chapter 3: Ch. 3 The Funeral

Tommy calls police to report the incident of her mother death. Police comes to Tommy's house after half an hour with ambulance.

They policemen bring down the hanging body of the mother and send to hospital for postmortem.

Meanwhile a policeman was questioning Tonny.

Policeman " Whats your name? "

Tommy "My name is Tommy Ryan and I am the one who called you"

Policeman " Whats victim name and what's your relationship? "

Tommy "She is my mother and her name is Lily Ryan".

Policeman" Sorry for your loss kid.... by the way when did you discover the bo.... I mean your mother".

Tonny"In morning"

Policeman " It look like evidence here indicate suicide. You can collect body after postmortem from hospital. "

And policemen walked away. All the neighbor gathered around the Tommy's house and whispering

neighbor 1 "poor child his mother did suicide".

another neighbor 2 " she did it because if her husband and I knew it that it will happen ".

another neighbor 3" I heard that her son got rejected by colleges".

Just then a car entered the neighborhood. It was a Land Rover which cost almost 200,000 $ . It stoped in front of Tommy's house. From it Uncle came down he walked to Tommy and hugged him.

Uncle James"Don't worry Tommy I will always be there for you".

Even Tommy was not the nephew of this person but, transmigrated from another world. For some reason he felt that disgusting when Uncle hugged him.

Tommy pushed him away stay away from him and shouted

Tommy"Stay away from me and my house"

Tommy don't know why he did it but it felt that these were his predecessor feeling. And Tommy himself felt his Uncle hidden intention toward him.

Uncle" I know you lost your mother and now you are disturbed, but you don't have to get violent..... ok calm down a little I will contact you".

After that he left in same speed at which he came. Uncle didn't even bother to the see Tommy's dead mother, it looked like he came for some other purpose.

------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------

A car was moving out out of Dalton neighborhood

in which Tommy's family lived. Inside the car in anger Uncle James said "How dare that shouted at me in public".

Women next to Uncle " Calm down Darling he only little brat you can teach him hard lesson anytime ".

Women sitting next to Uncle James is a beauty. She looked like she is in her twenties she had blond hair, long slender legs with nice body curves and she was wearing a black one piece dress. Her name is 'kim Michael'.

Uncle James calms down a little" Yes darling you are right darling, but what surprised me was that scary cat shouted and pushed me back".

Kim says in filtering voice "Darling.... will he agree to sign the contact paper of house".

Uncle James" Of course he will,it is just that he is little disturbed, and once he calm down he will listen to me."

Uncle James smile in evil way and continued " Kim darling let's go to beach resort to enjoy ourselves".

kim smiles Filtereously "You no naughty man".


In evening Tommy got a call from the hospital that postmortem was completel and he can take his mother body.

Tommy goes to hospital to collect his mother body and report of postmortem. In report it was written cause of death is by strangling.

Tommy brings back the body back to home. Then he contacted local church where his mother goes for prayer, for funeral service.

Tommy" Pastor Bill, I would like you to hold funeral service for my mother".

On phone Pastor Bill"I heard about your mother, sorry for your loss. Be strong strong even you are alone God will always be with you".

Pastor agreed for for funeral next day and he will arange a place in church cemetery for Tommy's Mother Lilly. After that he cut the phone.

Next day

A van came to Tommy's House. It was send by pastor Bill to pick up Tommy's mother body for funeral.

Funeral was aranged by Pastor in the church, he also send invitation on behalf of Tommy to people to comean attend in funeral service.

There were my familiar faces, they were all people who come to church with mother. Tommy also called his relatives but non came ,even his uncle James also didn't came.

Pastor started to funeral service and he invited Tommy to say few words for his mother.

Tommy stands up " I don't have much to say but except few sentences I love you mother, You are a great mother and I will miss you ".

Saying this tears came from his corner of his eyes. Even Tommy transmigrated from another word but feeling left by his predecessor affected him and he started to she her as her own mother.

After that few more people spoke about Lily Tommy's mother. After that they burried Lily in cemetery.

Guest stats to leave one by one. Few of the guests came to Tommy before leaving and consoled him to stay strong and then they left.

Funeral ended, Tommy had few words with pastor before leaving. Pastor Bill said him dew words of God and Prayed for Tommy. Tommy thanked him for everything to Pastor and left.

As Tommy was leaving, he was stoped by the a person. He was wearing a suit.

The Person" Hello Mr. Tommy, my name is Jack Force. May I have little bit of your time".

Tommy "Yes".

Tommy looked at him suspiciously because he felt that he is here for creating problem for him.

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