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Chapter 5: The arrival

I went outside my chamber; their this 5 men already waiting for me😀 but why? that man really comes with them today, I look at him. he just fucking flies away after staring me for a whole innocent minute 🤒what an asshole. The man who cares about my safety a lot comes towards me and smirk ( what's that even supposed to mean) he just then introduce his name "you don't remember don't you?" I am Ratos, your best friend! he smiled with a worried look. I really can feel his aura been friendly and concern about me. I look at him and said, " I don't prefer you to suffer like this for me, I don't know anyone but somehow I know everything! what is wrong with me?"

Arina! nothing is wrong with you", Ratos explained (his voice soothes me, why is that?)

do you remember them? Ratos asked me again

😑I watch them bluntly, nope! but the guy just flies aways does not his name is Aidan murang?" I answered. They all end up laughing, the other one chuckle and approach to me, "hello I am Jojee! another one Urus and that's Byzan.

"sometimes even if you forget everything you won't forget the one you love, even if you born again right Arina!" Urus exclaimed.

what do they mean did I died or something 🥺they are so emotional about me, I feel emotional vines on my spine. just than this asshole arrive put me in his arms and ordered them to cast a spell on my surroundings. They all bye me goodnight and gone like a swift. I look at his eyes ( bluish, black silky hair wrap around in his arms come back to my sense) "put me down, "I shouted. He holds me tide looking at me and said: " you are safe in your room!" takes me to my bed close the window and vanish like a fucking idiot. dumbfounded and slept but I didn't wake up at the human realm still I am wide awake there again.

Dress my uniform tidy up and ran directly to the playground once that I mention in my previous chapter again and again. The forest becomes so dry and dark than before and I feel bad auras. They had absorbed the spirit life of trees and surroundings. I murmured myself, " well it's a blood moon anyway, what kind of evil things will be following around can't imagine!" I kick the dry leaves enchanted the phrase, " nglae nglilonglae long dohnon, chepaklangnon vangnon!!" (by the way that's my language called Karbi) I raise my voice my eyes turns black I can see the evil bitch spirit now. They start to run towards me with a speed to attack of course and I fucking chuckle like a strong ass woman gives me a whole adventure paranoid ( i am someone which guiding me by myself is totally on another level) attach to my higher self I am still unknown. powerfull and not even bit a scared 💁 woman. Just then he comes and vanishes them like a piece of cake (okay let me tell you I am still no stronger than him back to reality 🤣). I just make a plan A escape, plan B to escape, my whole plan was to escape cause he stares me so angrily that if it's still going on like that my eyes will pop out and my whole body won't feel the skin again. I was about to escape then he pulls me back take me away to the waterfall ( located on our Institute, yes it's on wild nature but protection is in the highest) then he told me to bath there 🤨. I did exactly what he said, he stays far from me ( but I am still calm, I am at peace out so things really going in with me with my higher self). while just bathing I remember the rules (the higher self awakens in me) tells me he brings me here to clean the bad auras that are lingering around me to absorb my energy ( i guess I smile at him).

He looks at arina while she's smiling playing with waters(feeling warm with Arina smile, he feels to touch her again drawn towards her beauty ) he exclaimed, " did I lost you! by not protecting you enough".

after my bath is done, dress up with my magic. sees him leaving; Aidan! I call him out

His eyes widened looking back at me, " how did you know my name if I remember I never let people called me by that name" Aidan speaks furiously with manly aura.

( hey man why so sad about calling you with that name. oh, I see, that's why they were laughing at me when I said your real fucking name right) back to sense, " well I just kind of remember your name; sorry!" I speak.

Aidan comes towards me with a pitiful eye ( man you are good at changing your mood and face like nobody) than he approaches close to my face telling me to stay far away from trouble cause he says "when it comes to you I am weak, "

then phew gone 🤣literally nerve-wracking approach my heart skips a bit like 🥁 a drum. reach back to my chamber 😁miss my class slept to wake up in my human realm ( battery full, energy level higher up, writes down in my diary).

The city is very hot 🔥it's on fire. I need to buy some snacks cause I am hungry all the time. 🥺buy some new dresses will do too. fresh up and go yay. I have been trying to avoid boys because I don't find someone who gets me in his eyes ( like that asshole do). I end up getting bored easily and left them too heartbroken every time so I avoid being a heart breaker. judging from myself I am no beauty Queen. I am just a witty woman with a different character in one body ( my handwriting keeps changing, my attitude, behavioral got lots of hobbies doesn't stick to one). I love shopping so do gardening, cooking, designing, exploring, writing, drawing and specialty in talking with animals 🤣, etc. from a young age I got a habit to stare at the moon when it's the wide full moon it attracts me. I keep watching hours alone sitting in my chair through my home balcony. no there nothing but it just makes me feel to stare at the moon. On the day of full Blue Moon, things were clear and cold. I breathe heavily, I don't know why! usually, they soothe my body but that day it feels pain something like I miss someone or I have forgotten something. My practical exam was ended so there's nothing to do a lot only studying for my first-semester exam and then I will be fleeing back my hometown. slept for two days I didn't go back to my supernatural realm I don't know what's happening but then I start feeling up my body energy just like I can use it on. I try to sleep and boom ( on the supernatural realm baby). That's night there (He sat on my window watching over me) and I am not panic but I gently get up from my bed and goes towards him. The moon was lit up whole the campus his eyes can't be compared to that moon he's sitting next beside.

He speaks, " why are you drawing towards me?" aren't you scared a man can do anything if they want too, "

I step back ( asshole, meaningless creature and shameless), " so why are you here then tryna kidnapped me?" I shouted.

He chuckles and goes silent again then he comes towards me knocked me down, " you have been sleeping for two days why's that, are you sick!" he speaks softly to my ears.

I said no bluntly feeling my skin is reacting with his voice and touch. push him back softly, tell him to leave close the window and I fucking didn't sleep the whole night stays there restless and dizzy. and when the morning comes, I eat my breakfast sleep there wake up in my human realm again (so tired yet amusing).

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