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64.43% The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher First Class / Chapter 154: Vol. 11 - Chapter 6: Panic at Liberty Boulevard

Chapter 154: Vol. 11 - Chapter 6: Panic at Liberty Boulevard

Part 1 – 12 Years Ago; Sun City

Uriel (Age 8) was reading a book in the leaving room of his house. The book was titled "Legends and Mysteries of America." Uriel turns the page and begins to see a peculiar image. He walks towards his gather that was typing in his laptop and asks:

"Papa, why does this man have no head?"

Roberto looks at the book and sees that it said; "The Legend of the Headless Horseman." Roberto smiles and asks; "I see, so you are interested in this fellow right?"

Uriel nods with a smile. Roberto begins to explain:

"Well, he was a man who fought in the American Revolution and got his head caught off. However, he never died; instead he rode his horse throughout the country. His reign of terror spread for many years. Until one day he disappeared and no one knew what happened to him."

"Wow, papa, he looks really evil." Uriel says with a voice full of excitement. Roberto looks at him and smiles warning him:

"Listen, if you ever encounter him, you must run away or he will get you like this."

Roberto lifts Uriel up and begins to spin playing with him, Uriel laughs as he plays. When Roberto stops playing he begins to say:

"Uriel you must be strong, even if its against the Horseman or the Chupacabras, you must face them in order to protect those who you love."

"Okay papa, I promise you I will. Uriel replies as he continues to read his book, Roberto looks at Uriel with a worried face and comments in a low tone:

"I hope that day will never come."

Part 2 - SIA HQ; Present Day

A horseman without his head walks slowly towards the pentagon building; the guards begin to fire at him without any effect.


The Headless Horseman takes out his axe, and slowly lifts it. The guards begin to run away and the horseman makes a violent slash.


The building begins to collapse, the swing makes causes a great amount of damage, the horseman gets off his horse and begins to walk towards the building. Uriel who made a wind barrier to protect Rizu and Johanna, Uriel looks at both and asks:

"Are you okay?"

Johanna hugs him from behind and replies; "Yes we are okay, thanks to you my love."

Watson also survived but he is badly injured breathes heavily. "I see that you are still alive director." Johanna says with a grim smile, Watson who grabs his ribs says:

"I bet that you are upset huh, what was that?"

"I don't know, but I will heal you wounds for respect director." Johanna goes to were Watson is. She begins to treat his wounds.

Uriel and Rizu look paralyzed as in the dust cloud a figure begins to walk towards them, Uriel opens his eyes wider as he begins to feel the massive amount of manna that the figure emits. Rizu looking the same way begins to scream:


"No, he is much worse than a demon, he is a horseman." Uriel says with a frightened tone, Rizu looks at Uriel and says with a fearful smile:

"You look scared, is he that strong?"

Uriel does not respond to Rizu, the smoke clears revealing a man wearing a greenish armor, a black cape with a long neck, he has no head, Rizu looks at him and says:

"Disgusting, he has no head, it makes me want to throw up."


Soldiers who were in the right side fire bullets with heir rifles. Uriel looks at them and screams:


The Headless Horseman swings his axe with mild force. –BBBOOOOMMMMM- The Headless Horseman blows away the right side of the building. The moon shows from the clouds and begins to illuminate the Horseman from the back creating an enormous shadow that covers Uriel. Uriel looks frightened at what just happened, and he begins to think:

"What should I do? Do I run away? But if I run, I will leave them behind, what do I do?"

"HEY IDIOT, COME ON SNAP OUT OF IT, WE NEED TO ATTACK!" Rizu says as she charges straight towards the horseman.

"WAIT RIZU, STOP" Uriel screams to Rizu but she charges straight at the horseman. "LETS SEE HOW STRONG YOU ARE" Rizu takes out her scythes and swings it attacking the horseman.


Rizu´s weapon is destroyed from the attack. She looks at it and smiles:

"He did not move an inch, and he destroyed my scythe but this is not the end of it."

Rizu´s scythe grows back on; she begins to attack once again with higher speed. She begins to glow into a light red.

"Itachi no sengiri" (Weasel Thousand cuts)

Rizu makes multiple cuts however the horseman does not move an inch; Rizu continues to attack at high speed that normal human eyes can't keep up. Uriel steps backward because he feels fear, his eyes are wide open and begins to sweat and thinks:

"I need to run, I need to escape."


"Destroy, you must destroy, you are war." Uriel hears a voice and begins to feel pain in his head; he begins to breathe heavily, Johanna notices and begins to ask:

"Uriel, are you okay what is happening?"

"It seems that he is doing some drama over there." Watson says with a sarcastic tone. "SHUT UP!" Johanna says as she presses his wounds causing him pain.

"Destroy, Destroy." Uriel heats the voice again and begins to scream:



Suddenly the pain stop, Uriel lifts his head and opens his eyes, Uriel's pupils turned red, he looks at his hands and says; "Nothing happened, but what was that voice?"

"Uriel, are you alright?" Johanna asks with a worried tone, he looks at Johanna and smiles saying; "Don't worry, I'm alright now." Johanna looks at Uriel's eyes that changed colors and thinks:

"Uriel, what has happened to you?"


"KKYYYAAA" Rizu is sent flying by only the horseman with his manna. The horseman did not move an inch, Rizu stands up and says; "That bastard is only toying with me, he hasn't move any muscle, well then, now it's time to show you my power."

Rizu begins to spin her left scythe and throws it towards the horseman. The scythe spins around and ties the horseman with the chains. Rizu smiles and says:

"Now then, how can you defend from this; Shinkōshoku no bakuhatsu" (Crimson explosion)

Rizu hits the chain in her left hand with her scythe and causes crimson flames to travel through the chain, the flames envelope the horseman and small explosion occurs.


"HOW'S THAT YOU MONSTER." Rizu screams as she lets go the horseman returning her scythe, she breathes heavily and falls into one knee. A figure comes out of the crimson flames and walks directly towards Rizu, the horseman stands in front of her, and Rizu begins to scream:


The horseman lifts his axe and swings with great force at Rizu causing a huge explosion.


"HEY LET ME GO YOU IDIOT!" Rizu exclaims to Uriel as he holds her on the other side. "That was close, are you alright?" Uriel says to Rizu, Rizu who is embarrassed nods slowly, Uriel smiles and says; "Good, I must thank you, you gave me time to gather manna and do this…"

Suddenly wind begins to accumulate around the horseman; the horseman turns to see Uriel. Uriel begins to chant; "Viento Divino; Huracan." (Divine Wind; Hurricane)

A massive wind similar to a hurricane wind and begins to blow the horseman away to the sky, Uriel smiles and says; "Let's take a five minute break, headless horseman"

"RRRRAAAWWW" The horseman roars as he is sent flying towards the street known as "LIBERTY BOULEVARD"

Uriel breathes heavily, Watson begins to scream; "YOU FOOL, YOU SENT THAT MONSTER TO A CROWDED AREA."

"I am not stupid; I know that you evacuated the area before this entire incident, besides I hear the rhythm of a many tanks going that way and that is why I sent him there." Uriel says as he appears in front of Watson, he looks at Johanna and says;

"It's time to go."

"Where are you taking her, she is still an agent, she put to jail for treason." Watson laughs, Uriel looks at him and takes out his gun saying; "Well how about we make a deal then, Agent Watson."

Meanwhile at Liberty Boulevard, where the main street that leads to the famous White House where the president of the United States lives; a figure lands at the beginning of the street. The street where there were always thousands of people walking is now empty, and military troops begin to mobilize.

"This soaring eagle 1, confirming hostile individual, begin to engage."

Three jets begin to fly down and fire missiles towards the horseman, "Projectiles 1 and 2; fire"


The missiles hit the horseman; however it had no effect on him. "Soaring eagle 2 confirms impact but with negative effects." Soldiers begin to come out of the alleys and point their rifles at him, a general walks forward and with a megaphone he begins to say:


The horseman does not move an inch, the general makes the sign and the soldiers and the tanks begin to fire directly.


The windows of the surrounding buildings begin to move because the impact, with some of them shattering, the constant fire continues until the general makes the sign for them to stop. The smoke begins to clear and the horseman appears with his horse, he puts his axe away and takes out his sword.


The horseman charges and begins to decapitate the soldiers, "FIRE, ENEMY ATTACK FIRE." The general orders the soldiers, they begin to fire once more at the horseman, but the horseman keeps cutting their heads off. The four tanks try to point at him but the horseman moves at high speed; he appears in front of a tank.


With one swing the horseman destroys the tank, he continues the massive destruction against the army, the jets return and fire their missiles but the horseman cuts them using his manna. He swings his axe and destroys the two jets.

"FALL BACK, I REPEAT FALL BACK" The general orders the remaining soldiers, however, the horseman keeps attacking the soldiers even if they try to run away.

"May God help us" The general says as he is killed as well.


"It appears that you guys can't handle the horseman by yourselves, so how about a deal." Uriel says to Watson as he points with his gun. Watson looks at him with range and asks:

"What kind of deal?"

"I will defeat the Headless Horseman, and you will leave Johanna alone." Uriel says to Watson, Watson gets angrier and screams:


-CLICK- "Well that won't be a problem" Uriel says as he prepares to fire, Johanna looks at Uriel's sinister smile and begins to say; 'Uriel, you're acting strange, are you sure you are alright?"

"I never felt better, don't worry about me. Now then, on what I can sense, the horseman is approaching the White House." Uriel says to Watson with a smile, Watson laughs:

"So what? The president is in China right now, so there won't be a problem."

"I know that, but what would happened to the SIA when the president finds out about this attack?" Uriel laughs; Watson begins to sigh with his eyes close and says:

"Well, you got a point there, I can't afford for that monster to get closer to the White House plus it takes someone with power to defeat that monster. Very well I accept."

Uriel grabs Johanna knife and makes a cut in his hand, he grabs Watson's hand with blood as well and begins to say:

"I promise to disarm the horseman and defend the White House with everything I have, and you will leave me free of charges and free Johanna Gomez, you swore to your heart and with our blood we seal out deal."

A red magic circle is formed below them and chains begin to form in their hands, Watson tries to break free, and Uriel says; "It's useless now then, sanguine foedus" (Blood Pact)

The pact is sealed, Uriel smiles and says; "Well then, we have a deal."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH, YOU TRICKED ME." Watson says with rage, Uriel looks at Johanna and says:

"I will defeat that monster and you will come with me."

Johanna begins to cry as she says; "Thank you, I would gladly come with you."

"If you break that promise, you will die Watson, now just sit back and let me handle this." Uriel says as he grabs Johanna's hand and they begin to run to where the Horseman was located.

"HEY WAIT FOR ME!" Rizu screams as she runs behind them. A pale looking man appears behind Watson and says; "He sure got you there."

"SHUT UP AND DO YOUR MISSION, IGOR" Watson says to Igor, Igor begins to walk towards them and says:

"It appears fate will reunite us once again old friend."

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