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28.87% The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher First Class / Chapter 69: Vol. 5 - Chapter 10: Emergency: Maria´s Critical Situation.

Chapter 69: Vol. 5 - Chapter 10: Emergency: Maria´s Critical Situation.

Part 1 – Rio Grande Hospital.

"Excuse me, where is Maria Di Fiore located?" Uriel asks breathing heavily to the nurse in the front desk. The nurse lowers her head and says: "I'm sorry; right now Maria Di Fiore is in critical condition, she cannot receive any visits at the moment."

"Please you don't understand I'm her son, I need to see her," Uriel says with tears in his eyes. The nurse once again says: "Please understand, the doctors are doing whatever they can, that is all I know, please be patient"

"BUT I CAN'T I NEED TO SEE HER!" Uriel raises his voice, he emits aura that intimidates the nurse, and she calls security.

"Sir, we are going to have to ask you to please lower your voice and leave." The guard touches Uriel's shoulder where he grabs his hand and throws him in the wall, and the people around him begin to faint because of the powerful aura.


"AAAHHHH" The people around begin to scream, the other guard takes out a gun and points at Uriel. Uriel sees the gun and his cornea turns black saying: "Well you want to have fun, and then let's have FUN!"

"That's enough Uriel", Sister Griselda says to Uriel who was about to hit the other guard. Sister Griselda sighs and chants: "Duérmanse" (Sleep) suddenly everyone in the waiting room fell asleep. She once again chants: "Olvido" (Forgotten) and erases everyone's memories.

"Abuelita" Uriel says confused, Griselda hits Uriel's head saying: "You dumb child, you need to calm yourself, and you are not helping Maria doing this."

Uriel lowers his head and says: "I'M SORRY"

"I erase all the footage of you doing stupid things Uriel" Daniel says walking alongside the sisters. Uriel hugs Daniel. Daniel begins to cry saying: "I'm sorry, I could not do anything"

"Don't worry brother, I'm here now" Uriel says as well.

In the hospital cafeteria Uriel, the three sisters, Daniel and Sister Griselda were eating in a small table. Daniel explained the situation to Uriel who was furious and began thinking:

"How is it possible, my mother should have been able to defend herself, how come there are two Muertos, I know I fought him in the Volcano?"

"Well she has been like that for 5 days now, I arrived here 2 days ago" Sister Griselda says to Uriel.

"We also found Sister Carolina unconscious 3 days ago near the hill, she and Maria went to shop for groceries but only Maria was in the sight." Fabiola says to Uriel who looks worried after hearing the situation.

"Where is sister Carolina, is she okay?" Uriel asks the three sisters. Abril replies: "She is still unconscious as well but she is not in critical condition like you mother, she is here in the hospital."

"Well that's a relief, however why have they not cure my mother?" Uriel asks Daniel, Daniel lowers his head and says:

"Well this is special poison, we don't know what bit her, but it is slowly spreading throughout her body, Uriel our mother only has some hours left."

Uriel looks at Daniel shocked and says: "This can't be"

"There you are, you ran off and left me behind you idiot big brother," Valerie says hitting Uriel in the head. Uriel replies: "Sorry"

"Well don't do that again okay." Uriel turns around and sees Katsumi and Johanna. Uriel stands up and says to Johanna: "Nurse I need your help to cure a poison."

Johanna sighs and says: "Very well, but only because it's you lover boy."

Uriel smiles and says: "Thank you"

Part 2 – Rio Grande Hospital- Midnight.

Uriel, Katsumi and Johanna decided to infiltrate the hospital to see Maria, Johanna is a nurse in the high school but Katsumi once told Uriel that she is a highly skilled doctor.

Uriel walks to the front desk of the urgency area, the nurse infront looks at him and says: "May I help you?"

"Yes I'm looking for Maria Di Fiore?" Uriel says with a low tone.

"She is in room 416, but she is in critical condition so she doesn't have any visitors." The nurse replies, Uriel smiles and says: "Thank you, now you may sleep"

The nurse falls unconscious, Katsumi and Johanna enter the area as well, and Uriel is wearing a black cap, a black jacket, and black pants. Katsumi is wearing a black jacket and black pants however Johanna is wearing a hot black nurse uniform with a white doctor's coat.

"Johanna, why are you wearing that?" Uriel asks her who does a sexy pose saying: "What you don't like it; it is my uniform you know."

Uriel blushes and clears his throat saying: "No, it looks great, let's get going."

"AHH the young ones sure are provocative these days." Sister Griselda says laughing.

They sneak into the emergency room knocking out the guards who were talking in the hall way. Uriel begins to hear a strange rhythm that is appearing in the last room where Maria was located. "We need to hurry" Uriel says as Katsumi runs at great speed.


In the room where Maria was in a dark portal appears El Muerto appears saying: "Teacher it's been a while." This time El Muerto takes out a lance, the lance is black with the blade being red. El Muerto prepares to kill Maria saying: "Farewell"

Katsumi with great speed enters the room and blocks the lance with the katana. Uriel comes in and tries to punch el Muerto but fails. Uriel looks confused about El Muerto's appearance and says: "Who are you?"

"I am El Muerto" El Muerto now has the skeleton mask with a red stripe crossing the left eye, the cloak is black but with a reddish tone. He even looks more feminine. Uriel begins to think: "What's going on, the guy I actually had a green stripe and the one before had none, are there multiple guys calling themselves El Muerto?"

El Muerto attacks with his lance but Griselda stops him using a holy shield. "That's enough, get away from her," Griselda says with a cross. El Muerto begins to laugh; suddenly he runs to the window and a jump, at that instant black wings begin to grow from his back and begins to float.

"You ruined my mission, it was nice seeing you Sister Griselda" El Muerto begins to fly away with great speed disappearing in the clouds.

Johanna begins to examine Maria; she looks at the report, the conditions of the heart


Her pressure seemed normal but Maria had one part of the body with purple markings extending to her.

"Ay mi niña, please don't die" Sister Griselda says while praying. Uriel grabs her mom's hand, and he begins to cry saying:

"I'm sorry Madre; I should have been here with you"

Katsumi grabs Uriel's shoulder saying: "Uriel, we did not know this was going to happened, don't blame yourself."

Uriel cries saying: "I know, but I already loss my dad, I don't want to lose my mother."

Johanna looks at Uriel with a serious face, she looks down saying: " Uriel this is an ancient poison from the Black Mamba, but this is a special Mamba from the first generations, said to be expelled from Eden."

"Do you mean the First Snake?" Sister Griselda says with a shaky voice.

"I'm afraid so, but this is a relative." Johanna says, Uriel looks at her frightened and asks:

"Can you do something to neutralize the poison?"

Johanna looks to the ground and says: "I'm afraid I cannot neutralize the poison."

Uriel's light of his eyes disappears as he begins to cry saying: "Please don't say that, there must be something, Sister use your miracle."

"If Sister Griselda uses her curable spells, she could die because the poison has manna in it," Everyone looks at Johanna frightened as she continues to explain:

"The Black Mamba was infused with manna making it a dark magic, in other words it's a curse"

Uriel gets into his knees saying: "I can't believe it, she is going to die"

Sister Griselda begins to cry along with Katsumi who tries to comfort Uriel. Johanna sighs with her eyes close. She kicks Uriel and says with a smile: "You dumb boy, you are hot but naïve, I never said this was the only method right?"

Uriel grabs his face, and with a surprise face he asks: "You mean there is another method."

"Of course there is, and we are going to do it immediately."

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