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45.63% Fate Faker Fantasy / Chapter 115: Chapter 114 - Mahora Festival Final Arc 29

Chapter 115: Chapter 114 - Mahora Festival Final Arc 29

Shirou deactivated the UBW, he only look a little tired even after he activated the UBW for a few minutes and with the magic energy capacity he had right now, Shirou can even activate the UBW for one hour without any problem at all.

Shirou, Satomi and Chao has returned to the top of the Zeppelin. The magic circle that Chao used to activate the confession coercion magic before has already disappeared.

"Finally all the problem is finished," Shirou sat on the Zeppelin to relieve the fatigue he felt. From the outside, he didn't look tired at all, but the truth is Shirou is feel tired, that's why he chose to rest right now.

Satomi approached Chao, she could see that Chao's body was badly injured. Chao's consciousness had not disappeared and Chao did not faint at all. But due to all the wounds she suffered plus she using a magic that surpassed what her body could use, Chao was unable to move at all.

"You've work really hard, Chao," Satomi lifted Chao's body a little and then put Chao's head on her lap. "Now please just rest a little."


In the virtual world, a few minutes before Shirou defeats Chao.

"Chisame-san when all of this fight is end?" Asked Ayaka. "I'm tired this fighting endless swarm of monsters!"

"Class rep is right Chiu-chan, are the enemy is infinity!" Makie said with a comical tears in her eyes.

Makie and Ayaka are busy fighting the virus that sent by Chachamaru. Meanwhile, Chisame was busy defending the firewall using the program she made from Chachamaru attack.

"Hold on a little longer," Chisame said. "Soon the school kekkai will recover, and the monsters you fought will disappear!"

"Miss Chiu we already sealed away the demon inside the giant golem," The electric spirit said.

"Then help me strengthen the school kekkai," Chisame said. "Because Chachamaru attack really intense right now!"

"Miss Chiu our enemy is about to make the final strike, the magical energy that we have only enough to sustain the school kekkai for another 47 seconds."

"Only 47 seconds huh? No problem even though the time is so tight, 47 seconds it was better than nothing," Chisame said while typing on the Virtual Keyboard at high speed. "I will not let the existence of magic be known to the world, I reject a chaotic world like that!"

"Dammit!" Makie shouted.

"Stubborn!" Shouted Ayaka.

Makie and Ayaka, already tired by the swarm of endless computer viruses, they decide to use a final attack.

"To a stubborn enemy!" Ayaka said.

"To a really annoying enemy!" Makie said.

"Eat this!" Makie / Ayaka said. "Biblion Final Shoot!"

Makie and Ayaka's final attack was an enormous whirlpool, blasting all the computer viruses that had attacked them.

"You said about dream and reality Chisame's," Chachamaru said via voice chat. "Compared to the days that Chao lived in her timeline, the life you experience in Mahora is a heaven."

'So Chachamaru listening to what I shouted earlier, huh,' Chisame said. 'And now she's talk to me via the voice chat.'

"Life in Mahora is like a world where anyone can live happily without anxiety," Chachamaru said. "Life on Mahora is like life in a fictional world."

"Fuh," Chisame smiled. "I don't care anything you said Chachamaru! I don't care if my life in Mahora is a dream or not, but right now I'm living here, that's the reality. I will protect my own reality! And I will not let you do whatever you want! "

Chisame finished executing the last program she made to withstand Chachamaru's attack. And thanks to the help of an electric spirit that comes from her artifact the program manages to eliminate all the attack that sent by Chachamaru.


Chao's consciousness was still there, but the pain she felt made her completely unable to pay attention to her surroundings. Until finally Chao felt something warm covering her whole body. And Chao could feel the pain in her body starting to lessen until it finally completely disappeared.

Chao opened her eyes and she saw that she was currently surrounded by her classmates.

Konoka, Shirou, Satomi, Setsuna, Rin and Asuna.

"Are you feeling better, Chao?" Asked Konoka. "Your wound is quite bad but I already treated it, you shouldn't feel pain at all right now."

'So the warmth I felt earlier came from Konoka who heal me with her artifact,' Chao said. 'No wonder suddenly I feel better.'

"Chao doesn't seem have the energy to speak yet but her wound already healed and she has regained her consciousness," Satomi was pleased to see her best friend had recovered. Earlier she had been very worried about Chao's injury. "Thank you Konoka, for healing Chao's wounds."

"No need to thank me, Satomi-san," Konoka said "Treating injured people is my job as a healer."

"Shirou-kun! Why did you hurt Chao so badly!" Shouted Asuna.

"I tried my best to beat Chao without hurting her, and I wasn't the one who made Chao's body hurt that badly," Shirou said. "Chao herself was the culprit, because she used a forbidden technique to increased her strength, but unfortunately that technique had a side effect that would injure her body."

"Oh, I see," Asuna's face turned red with embarrassment, because she had wrongly accused Shirou.

"Why would Chao willing to destroy her body to accomplished her goal?" Asked Setsuna.

"In her timeline Chao have to fight every day for her life," Replied Satomi. "I also don't know much about Chao's life in the future, but for the sake of getting a better life in her time she came to the past to change the future where she came from into a better place."

"Unfortunately all her hard work is useless," Rin said. "Changing something in the past won't change the future where Chao came from, time doesn't work like that. As a scientist you should understand the theory of time travel aren't you Satomi-san."

"I know about it Rin-san," Satomi said. "Likewise with Chao, because even if she changes time by going to the past, and after that she returns to the future, the past she changes will become a parallel world, that's why Chao made another invention that could make her go to that parallel world so that she could enjoy the results of her work."

"Don't tell me that invention is Cassiopeia," Rin said.

"Yes, that was the result of her hardwork for more than 2 years in Mahora," Satomi said.

"But I've stopped her plans," Shirou said. "And unfortunately she can't achived the beautiful future she wanted, I feel a little guilty about it."


'Hey Setsuna-san do you understand what they are talking about?' Whispered Asuna.

Setsuna shocked when she saw a smoke came out of Asuna's because Asuna was thinking too hard. And it made Setsuna break out in cold sweat, Her brain is not that smart and her grades in school just normal. But she can still understand what Rin and Satomi were talking about, even if only a little. But what Rin and Satomi were talking, really puzzled Asuna to the point a smoke came out of her head, Setsuna really confused and have question in her head. How stupid Asuna really are?

"Asuna-san, you don't have to think too much about it," Setsuna said. "A lot of thinking is something that's not good for your head!"

"Is that so?" Asuna said. "If you say that, then okay I'll stop thinking about what Rin and Hakase were talking."

"Sigh, Asuna's brain really needs an upgrade," Konoka said while holding her cheek after seeing what happened to Asuna when thinking about difficult things. "Her brain just can't be used to think about complicated things."

"I'm reluctant to admit it but you are right Konoka-Oujou-sama," Setsuna said. "Asuna-san has to study more diligently and read more books if she wants to understand complicated things."

"Hey!" Asuna said with a face that flushed from feeling irritated and angry. "I heard that you know!"


Chao was annoyed that she lost and hed plan failed. But she was also somewhat relieved that someone had succeeded in stopping her, because if her plans were successful there would be a lot of chaos. And Chao was afraid that if the mess she made would take a lot of victim, Chao was a scientist and not a murderer. And her heart will never be at ease if she causes someone to die.

"You don't need to feel guilty, Shirou-kun, I was the one who lost the battle and I accepted it gracefully."

Chao, whose head was still on Satomi's lap, was trying hard to lift her body and currently she sat on the top of the Zeppelin that had landed. She was still having a little trouble moving but at least all the wounds and pain on hef body had disappeared.

"You've awakened Chao!" Satomi said who immediately hugged Chao tightly. (This is not a Yuri scene, remember Chao and Satomi are normal women!) "Thank goodness!"

"Ouch ouch ouch! Your hugging me too tight Satomi!" Chao said. "My body is still not recovering! Don't hug me so tight."

"Aren't you mad at me, Chao?" Shirou asked.

"Well, if I say I don't feel angry or resentful at you that's a lie," Chao replied. "But I feel relieved that you stopped my plan, because to be honest I feel afraid that there will be casualties as a result of my actions."

"If you're afraid your plan will take a victim why you still so desperate to do it Chao," Rin said. "Do you know what will happen if your plan is completed!"

"I know what will happen, Tohsaka-san," Chao said. "But if I don't carry out that plan the future that awaits mankind will be much worse. So whatever the consequences I still have to do my plan to inform about the existence of magic to the whole world, yeah but because my plan was thwarted by Shirou-kun, so I will not continuing my plan."

Shirou and Rin are not too surprised by Chao's admission of the future of mankind which will be very bad if she does not change the time by spreading the existence of magic throughout the world.

Bcause the night before at Evangeline's villa, Shirou and Rin had thought of various scenarios that were the reason Chao went to the past and changed times. And the bad future for mankind is one of them, which is why they both react normally.

But not with Asuna, Konoka and Setsuna, the three of them looked shocked and worried, the three of them did not think that the reason Chao returned to the past was to save humanity.

Chao, whose strength had returned a little, then stood up and walked over to Shirou. Then she brought her face closer to Shirou and kissed his lips.


"It's a gift from me after successfully stopping me from carrying out the crazy plan I'm going to do, I hope you like my gift Shirou-kun."

Chao's face flushed slightly, she felt a little embarrassed after she kissed Shirou's lips. Chao herself kissed Shirou's lips to tease her a little because of the annoyance she felt, because Chao knew that there would be a group of girls who were angry with Shirou, but unexpectedly, Chao felt happy when she kissed Shirou's lips and Chao could feel her heart beating so hard.

Chao's kiss made Rin, Setsuna, Konoka and Asuna furious. The four of them did not expect that Chao would kiss Shirou's lips.

"Chaaaao! How dare you touch what is mine!" Rin said. "You want to die, huh!"

"Chaaao Ling ShenYou really are a criminal! " Setsuna said. " Shirou-sama's lips is my property you know! And you dare to kiss him with your dirty lips! "

"Ara Chao, I already healed your wound earlier," Konoka said. "And this is how you pay for it, do you want to open those wound again?"

"Shirou-kun's beautiful lips were kissed by Chao!" Asuna said. "Outrageous! Chao you should be punished!"

The four of them were furious and wanted to punish Chao, but suddenly the drone in Chao's combat costume lit up and took Chao flying away from the four of them.

"If the four of you really feel annoyed with me and want to punish me," Chao said. "Try catching me if you can!"

"Chao wait!" Shouted Rin, Asuna, Konoka and Setsuna while chasing Chao.

"Sigh why all the thing that I did is always end up like this," Shirou saw the four girls who were chasing Chao. He then held his forehead because he was dizzy he had to continue to experience the same thing.

"Looks like you are used to things like this Shirou-kun," Satomi said while smiling.

"Every day," Shirou said. "Until I get bored."

"It's hard to be a super handsome man who is liked by many women, huh," Satomi said.

"Very difficult," Shirou said. "There is more to lose than to gain, but because I was born this way I can only accept it, even though I got into a lot of trouble because of how I look."

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