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100% Helping Each Other / Chapter 8: Extra: IRL

Chapter 8: Extra: IRL

Michael woke up and he smiled as he remembered the happy end he had given to his newly made stories, he actually have so many ideas about some new novels that could go as long as his main novel 'The Hourglass' but as he is only a human he can't do that unlike the inhuman author like 'I Eat Tomato', 'Einlon' and such monsters he want to read other novels too, watch anime too, have no idea what to write but the satisfaction from writing a goof novel with a good ending according to his standard along with the comments and some fucking insults he just can't stop, well actually he can.

Michael stretched lightly and felt a sudden burst of pain from his body which makes him whimper a little, then he just remembered that he got excited from finishing 'Helping Each Other' that he went overboard with the Gym. Michael sighed and looked at his roommate who is still sleeping since he didn't have a class today.

Michael quickly took a cold bath before he wore his clothes, before that he used AXE on his armpit since he is too conscious about it's sweat bad smell. Michael went down while reading a novel called 'Way of The Devil' he liked it but you know what he had read this before, he read it over again because the freaking translation is too slow, it got into Qindian before 'Get Lost' another book, Mystical Journey but it isn't even halfway trough the novel.

Michael then went downstairs, he looked at the time, it was still 6.14 a.m there is still time before the bus for 6.15 a.m go, so he walked there leisurely when he is supposed to run. it was right at 6.15 a.m. that he arrived at the shuttle bus stop, since the bus is here he boarded it but before he did he got a weird feeling since by the look from the window it's not crowded which is a little weird since it was about to go, it should be crowded.

Michael then opened the door and he paused because the buss seems to be empty, he looked at the driver's seat it's empty Michael looked at the digital clock above it indicate 6.20 a.m, hmm... it's still 6.20 a.m.... what!? how come! Michael looked back at his phone and saw that it indicate 6.15 a.m. but...but... "Huh....." Michael sighed and was about to went to the seat the very back he stopped because on the four seat that is next to each other on the rightmost corner of it sat a girl with a glasses, cooper skin, petite body, pink jacket, and ponytail hair, Michael paused for a moment before he though of an outrageous thing.

'Isn't this the same situation as the novel i write?'

As he was thinking this Michael walked and sat a seat away from his crush. Michael then was about to put his hand on her shoulder before hugging her but he froze because he remembered that this is the reality not the novel that he wrote, thankfully his crush seems to be focused on her phone right now, Michael's hearth thumped hard just from this situation, his overactive imagination didn't help just like earlier although the world transfer, blowjob or so, getting into a relationship within a month is probably impossible but there is still a chance right for him, Michael then placed his bag on his original seat but then he found a golden hairpin with some decoration on it, Michael could instantly tell that it isn't a real gold.

Michael then sat next to his crush holding the hairpin nervously, then he spoke "Hallo, boleh kenealan gak nama gw Michael (Hello, can we got to knew each other, my name is Michael) [i don't know if this is the right interpretation]" Michael said while uttering his arm for handshake.

"Ah, boleh aja nama saya Shirley .(Ah, okay my name is Shirley )" Shirley shook Michael's uttered hand.

'Damn! i got her name wrong in my novel, well but of course it would i just guessed around, damn what should i talk to her, what!?'

"Oh, iya ini jepit rambut kamu bukan?(Oh, yeah is this your hairpin)" Michael asked.

"bukan(No)" She answered shortly.

"mau gak lu (then do you want it.)" Michael offered.

"Engaak(No)" she once again answered shortly.

"Hmm...kalo gitu kasih barang hilang je siapa ya? (Hmm...then if there is lost thing who do i gave it to?" Michael pretended to not know and asked, of course he knew, to the security right.

"kasih aja je receptionist kalo gw gak salah( just give it to the receptionist if i am not wrong)" Shirley answered after a few second of though.

"oke lah nantik aja (Alright then, i will do it later)" Michael said before he initiated another topic "Oh ya tadi sebenarnya gw ajak kenalan karena kita kan banyak kelas yg sama tapi banyak orang yg gw gak kenal jadi mau kenal sedikit setidaknya [although that is partially a lie though] (Oh yes, i want to get to know to you before because we usually have the same class togather but i don't know many people so at least i want to know a portion of them."

"ya, gw juga tau orang dari grup gw aja kok (yeah, me too, i just know the people from my group too)" Shirley said.

"Ah... gitu ya,( Oh... is that so)" Michael knew this topic had ended he had to search for anther topic, then the other passenger comes in with more time more and more comes in the bus. Even though he is now clutching his bad and the bus is crowded it didn't dismiss his enthusiasm "Ah, iya, kita juga sering naik satu bus kan, gw juga sering liat lu main Sudoku, sudoku tu susah ya? (Ah, yes, we often took the same bus right, i usually saw that you played Sudoku, is it hard?)"

"Enggak susah banget sih, tapi tergantung levelnya juga (Well not really hard, but it's depending on it's difficulty level too.)" Shirley answered.

"Terus gak gw biasanya liat sudoku tu 9x9 kotaknya ada yang lebih atau kurang gak kotaknya.( then usually i saw that sudoku only have 9x9 box do they have more or less than that much box?)" Michael questioned in attempt to keep the conversation floating.

"Gw juga gak tau, tapi setau gw adanya cuma 9x9 (I don't know too but as far as i know yes only 9x9)" Shirley answered after thinking for several seconds again.

"Gw ada dengar dari kawan gw itu kalau gak pandai algo disuruh sama dosennya main Sudoku, tau gak lu apa hubunganya, Shirley ?(I had heard from my friend that if you are not good at Algorithm, he is told by his lecturer to play Sudoku do you know the relationship between them, Shirley ?)" Michael asked, this time he is truly curious.

"Maaf gw gak tau juga(Sorry, I don't know too)" Shirley apologized.

"Ah gak usah mintak maaf kok (Ah there is no need to apalogize)" Thankfully Michael managed to keep the conversation going before they waved goodbye only too meet at the same class.

Several days passed, Michael was about to post a new chapter on Webnovel for 'The Hourglass' but then he saw the status for "Helping Each Other is still in writing he forgot to change it so he change it, then he remembered his experience a few days ago and since it's related to this novel he had an intense feeling to write about it like the novel 'The Over imaginative Collage Student' that he decided to not write because it took to much time and it's basically his diary which he never wrote so after a chapter of it he stopped writing it.

Just as he was about to write the name for his crush he stopped because he had forgotten. Amazingly it took 2 hours for him to write this from 18.02 p.m. to 20.29 p.m.


actually i am a forgetful person so i am not sure if i remember her name right.

P.S. fuck i really got it wrong the right one is Shirley

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