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75% The Unspecial Special / Chapter 3: 2 First Day

Chapter 3: 2 First Day

As Barney was about to dodge, he got tripped on his own foot allowing Cob to hit him in the stomach. After he fell, the other boys ganged up on him and started kicking him for several minutes until they all left laughing. Soon, Barney started to get up and saw the thin kid put his hand out asking.

"Need any help?"

"No you dried up slice of meat."

"Hey! I'm just trying to help..."

"Where are the supervisors or something?!"

The thin kid was interrupted by Barney from the sudden yell. He then said, "Nova workers won't help us unless it's serious."

"Wow, bunch of jerks.."

"Um, whats your name."

"Willy Wonka, yours?"

"Your real name."

"Purple T-rex."

"...Names Charlie, Charlie Woodlin,"

As Barney and Charlie were having a conversation, Charlie noticed something wrong about Barney. He didn't have a single scratch or any injury from the beating! After pondering over it for a moment, he then just ignored it as there were other people who can handle that beating.

"Who were they?"

"Bunch of guys from Z-1, like me."

"Oh, a student, well I'm a teacher!"


"I'm a teacher!"

"I know dammit! Why didn't you say that in the beginning so they wouldn't hurt you?!"

After having a long conversation, he realized it was nighttime due to his watch that he bought. He then said goodbye and went to his dorm. Barney also went to his dorm to sleep as he was very tired.

The second day started and it was morning. People started waking up and many went to the cafeteria. There was a long line and people showing off their abilities. People started finishing their breakfast and soon left to go talk to their friends they made yesterday or do something else. Barney who also just finished eating, ran around the ship getting weird looks from other people. He was trying to find the bullies, but was unable to find them so he stopped as it was night.

It was then the third day. It was the same thing except he went to the workout area and lifted 5 pounds for 2 minutes. He also had a conversation with Charlie about where to hide a body which freaked Charlie out. Charlie also found out Barney's real name. Barney then went on a spree looking for Cob and gang but was unable to find them.

As he was looking, the speaker said

[We have reached Nova, please go to the entrance and receive all your luggage]

Barney then went to the gate or entrance and saw a lot of many people near it. He couldn't count all of them as there were too many. As everybody reached the entrance, the strict man from before yelled out to everybody, "Today, Nova will be the place you eat, sleep, and live!"

"From now on, Nova is your home so be happy!"

The crowd were excited as the ship landed and the entrance soon opened. Everybody suddenly heard the speaker saying

[Please go to your dorms to rest and at 4:00, please attend to your class that you have received 3 days ago]

Right now, it was 3:38, giving everybody a lot of time to put their stuff in order. Barney didn't have any luggage so he went to his dorm to check it out. He soon followed the crowd who was following another man. Nova was huge holding more shops than a city. It had everything like the strict man said. It looked more like a city but 20x bigger. After following the man, they reached the dorms. One for boys which was on the right side and one for girls on the left side. The employees instead, had apartments everywhere so they know where to be if there was any trouble. The superheroes lived here too, but they had houses instead that could go up to 50 stories high. There also many buildings for classes.

The crowd soon parted ways into the dorms and apartments. Barney went into his apartment which looked nice but couldn't even compare to other dorms. This apartment was like the worst apartments out there. The place Barney lived was clean and nice. He was happy about this place and as he was going to lay down, it was 3:53. That was about seven minutes to get to class, but he didn't have any nice clothes as he was only wearing a plain clothes. He left his apartment and went to his class.

He reached his class, Z-1, after asking some people out who were giggling and laughing. He went inside and saw 13 students sitting down talking to each other. He then greeted them.

"Hello, my name is Barney Sevs but you may call me Mr. Sevs!"

"It's you!"

It was sudden that all the people looked at the person who yelled it. It was Cob with his friends sitting down. They did not know that the person they beat up was actually their teacher for their class so they were surprised.

"I know we had a dark history many years ago, but rest assured, I won't kill you...yet."

"What the..."

"Well, I can see all the students are here..."

He was interrupted by another person that he knew. It was Charlie!

"There are at least 200 students in here and thats the smallest number of students!"

"Well, they must have a dark history too."

"We don't have a dark history!"

It was Cob yelling out and his gang too nodding in agreement. Charlie and Cob and gang were all arguing with Barney about the stuff he said earlier that the other students joined in too! Finally, it started to get quiet and Barney started saying talking.

"Well, everything is behind the present which is now the past. I want everybody to introduce themselves and their ability."

Soon, a kid who was short for his age and looked skinny came up.

"My name is Billy Ritchhold, I'm 13 years old and my ability is being able to sleep automatically," said by the anxious kid.


"Wait, I haven't..."

"Next, you trash ability!"

After Billy sat down sadly, another kid who had the style of a rebel came up.

"Name is Alexander Somd and my age is 17. My ability is 10th grade telekinesis."

"Ooooh, telekinesis, show us what you can do!"

"I just said I had 10th grade telekinesis.."


"Thats the worst grade there is!"

"Oh, sit down you hitting-puberty man!"

10th grade was part of a grade of 1st grade as the strongest and 10th grade was the weakest. It took a long time to reach another grade. Alexander then sat down of how depressing it was to be so weak. After him were the rest of the remaining 13 students. It was Cob's gang who went up. There were a triplet who looked really identical. There names were Abe, Bee, and Ceed Grolisink and they were all 13. There abilities were to communicate with each other. The next was a tall guy name Cole Jesd who's ability was being tall. He was 6ft and his age is 15. It was then Cob which his ability was critical hit which allowed him to get a critical hit on anybody. Unfortunately, he wasn't smart and he had to hit somebody 100 times to get a critical hit in the same spot!

As Barney was about to call somebody he realized it was time for class to finish. He then walked out of the classroom without saying another word. As he left, Alexander suddenly realized.

"Did he just forget about us?"

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