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100% School Writing Assignments / Chapter 5: Good Girl Turned Bad

Chapter 5: Good Girl Turned Bad

Description: Had to write a classic Fairy tale/Disney story/ etc. using modern slang.

This is a Princess And The Frog Parody

Tina quietly enters her at 3:00 am, not wanting to wake her mom she tip-toes into her room. After a long night working at Waffle House she was exhausted and ready to pass out in bed.

After changing into her PJs Tina pulled out her phone and checked her bank account.

"70,500 dollars. Only 16,000 more to go, then I'll be able to go to Full Sail. Just like Dad." Turning off her phone Tina plugged it up, layed down and immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, Tina got up a 6:30 am, got ready for school and headed off. As soon as Tina walked into the school she saw the crowd of girls gathered around a certain locker.

Nathaniel Crovee, the "Lady Killer" of Grutney High School.

As she walks by, Nathaniel looks up and winks at Tina.

She rolls her eyes before opening her locker, pulling out her books for class and heading for first period.

Later that night, Nathaniel and his best friend Laurence, head to a college party.

Once there, Laurence introduces Nathaniel to Fil.

After lots of drinking and dancing, Fil hands Nathaniel a blunt. Laurence protests but Fil convinces him that it will change his high school life for the better.

After his first puff, Nathaniel gets hooked and continues using it for the rest of the night.

For the next 2 weeks, Nathaniel continued getting blunts from Fil and using them throughout his days.

Nathaniel is now known as the "Bad Boy" and Laurence has moved out of his shadow becoming the new "Lady Killer".

It is now the night of the Homecoming Dance. Tina wanted to go to work but her best friend, Charlotte, persuaded her into going to the dance and even bought her a dress.

At the dance, Charlotte drags Tina around as she talks to different people, promoting herself as Homecoming Queen. Tina finally breaks away from her friend and walks out of the building.

Tina spots Nathaniel leaning up the building, a blunt in hand. He it to her and, not wanting to seem like a chicken, Tina tries it. They continue to pass it back and forth until it's gone. Both very out of it head to Nathaniel's place.

The next morning, Tina wakes up, gets dressed and takes the walk of shame out of Nathaniel's house.

Later, at school Nathaniel speaks to Tina and they agree to be just friends.

Over the next month, Tina slowly begins to hang out more with Nathaniel instead of Charlotte.

She starts wearing dark clothes, disrespecting her mom and hitting the blunt.

While in the library one day, Tina and Nathaniel come across a group of "Outcasts".

They begin to harass the 2, saying that "They should be somewhere partying and drinking" and "It's a matter of time before the school kicks them out".

One boy stands up for them, telling his friends that they shouldn't be saying mean things like that and they should be ashamed of themselves.

After the boys, now, ex-friends leave Tina and Nathaniel sit with him and they begin to talk.

After school, the boy, Louis, invites the 2 to dinner at his house. They agree and hitch a ride with Louis to his place.

Once at Louis' house, Tina and Nathaniel meet Louis' mom, Ms.Olivia.

Over dinner, Nathaniel and Tina tell Ms. Olivia about themselves.

In disapproval, Ms.Olivia explains that they "shouldn't be smoking that cursed plant".

After dinner, Louis drops off Nathaniel and Tina at their respective homes.

1 week later, the two 17-year-olds were skipping and passing the "Cursed plant" back and forth behind the school.

Out of nowhere, Mr.Raymond, a history teacher, comes out of the building and walked directly towards them. He scolds them for their actions and points them towards the principal's office.

Upon arriving at the principal's office Tina and Nathaniel discover their principal to be, Miss. Olivia.

Ms. Olivia gives them another stern talking to about the dangers of the drug.

Over time, both the teens got over their addiction and got back to their original lives.

By graduation time, Tina and Nathaniel are dating and were both accepted into Full Sail University.

With Nathaniel's help, Tina was able to save up enough money to attend.

In the end, Tina and Nathaniel both went to their dream college.

Louis took over at his mother's bakery.

Fil was later arrested after being caught selling.

And Charlotte became the Queen she wanted to be, winning multiple beauty pageants.


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