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Chapter 3: It's prologue time part three: The Joy's and sorrow's of raising flags plus WTF is this ?!

" Nothing quite more satisfying to blow up idoits that wondering into my air space in the morning"

21st Ace pilots of the Venom hybrid patrol craft MKX unofficial handbook on how to ruin the fly boys parade with style.

Location:The Nexus of Life, Death and everything inbetween,department of karma office room ten.

A poor overworked tired sod working at his desk doing the same thing over and over again for a black heart company to make sure the balance of the multi universes the very same multi universes that will keep spitting out new universes like rabbits on heat with a very large dose of viaga remains intact without the reincarnated people clutterfuck it, causing major headaches and unnecessary paperwork.He just want to make his work quote to get paid to support his family but it's hard work and stressful as hell...yeah if he ever find the bastards that invented both work policies of the smoking ban at work and the zero hour contract, he would gladly kill them extremely slowly for free.

It was just one of those days... yup you guessed it.Some poor lass with great Karma points in her past lives decided it was a good idea to raise a death flag.Normally he would let it just slide due to her past, that till he could a level ten state secret marked on her file.That itself would sound a complete alarm the kind of alarm like the Defcom level that the mortals use.

( A summary of Defcom over in the Supreme domain,there is five levels to this known as The Suprema Levels.Level Five very peaceful won't harm soul let alone a fly...reincarnated people are never like that but it's there to be a target goal that all the karma department wants but never happens due to the laws and ways of chaos in all beings.Level four is that the reincarnated people are abiding to the laws of order and chaos that the Supreme beings can live without fear of a heart attack.Level Three, the lines have been clearly for reincarnated people that abides to order and the forces of good versus the reincarnated people that abides to chaos and evil.Minor battlefields and skirmishes on a universal scale eg Marvel universe and DC universe but DC alot more darker theme.The Gods and other factions have only limited access to interfer with the lives on mortals and reincarnated people.Level two Major warfare began at a universal scale battles for the souls of mortals, reincarnated people and planets begins...The Gods of good and evil have unrestricted access to their powers Supreme Beings are to be mobilize for full universal warfare to restore the balance asap.Level one.step one is to bend over as much as you can... step two you can kiss your asses goodbye Armageddon is here chaos is out of control. full unrestricted and unrestrained warfare of all kind of flavours from chemical,biochemical, nuclearal and planet cracker weapons to the super weapons like the halo rings to destroy all life in solarsystems...every thing goes now to restore the balance.)

The matter itself made him into a nervous wreck as he quickly report the situation immediately to his superiors while unknowing he accidentally accessed the restricted file, hopefully they can nip the problem in the bud.He briefly glanced in shock as he looked at the information then suddenly the screen turn crimson as the information displayed disappeared and in place displayed a skull with the number one below of it.

Five minutes later his door was ripped out from the door frame as two eight foot large men each wearing black leather trench coat with a red triangle badge showing a black hand in full battle armour and silver death mask .He instantly thought oh shit the Ordo Malleus Suprema Inquisitio (OMSI for short) The Supreme Inquisition.

They immediately grabbed his arms and drag him along out of his office to the hallway,his coworkers that knew him for most of his life, just staring at him in shock and horror as he being dragged to the elevator.Moments later the doors open,he was tossed to the elevator wall face first then pressed firmly by a large hand by one of the men as the other just swiped his card to the desired floor to start the elevator.Listen to the elevator music thats playing Mozart's Requime (A/N sounds good to me to bring the fear factor have a listen when you read the elevator moment)in the background ,he was shaking uncontrollably in fear,every second of the music his poor heart beating rapidly in complete panic,at the end he couldn't take it anymore and pissed his pants.The man that pinned him just spoke in disgust in unknown mismatched languages, no doubt it's for encryption as he shakes the sodd piss off his armoured boot before tossing the sod out of the elevator to the onyx floor.The men grab both his arms and dragged the poor sod into a opened office that smell of smoke then he was forced to sit on the chair facing the back of a black leather chair that had the person occupying it with a lit cigarette as the occupant slowly turn the chair around to reveal himself to the poor sod.The poor sod thought Oh Fuck not him anyone but him of all the Supreme beings anyone but him.

The crewcut caucasian man in black robes with red trimming, displaying two badges one a skull with one and a triangle badge with a back hand inside.He just smiled at the nervous wreck as he took a drag of the smoke as he inhale the smoke then exhaled slowly as he spoke coldly in a business tone at the poor sod...

"Hello Mr Murphy Lawson..I hope you know why you are here in my office right now?"

The poor sod now identified as Mr Murphy Lawson shakes his head and spoke trying his best not to stutter to the unknown inquisitor.

"Noooo sir Inquisitor sir i don't know what I done to deserve this?"

The Inquisitor was not amused at the bumming idoit as he just use his free hand to signal one of the men to do something to jog the moron's memory as he just enjoy his cigarette and to watch on the shitstorm that is about to be unleashed on Murphy Lawson.

A hour time later a few drinks of expensive smell of coffee and cigarette smoke with armoured beatings to the now swallow face and body of Mr Murphy Lawson

"Now then do you remember why you are here Mr Murphy Lawson...My patience is now running thin due I'm a busy man you better have the right answer?"

"Pleeze stop its cuz of I looked at the report sir"

The inquisitor wave his hand to signal the armoured men to stop the beating the sod.

" Now that wasn't hard was it?"The inquisitor lights up a fresh cigarette and inhales not caring for man due it was a rhetorical question after all;he exhaled slowly as he flicked the ash in the ashtray then spoke coldly and cruel to Mr Lawson.

" Now then since you know you look at file of the person in question is protected by the know that means treason." The inquisitor smirks at the man like a predator as Murphy shakes like hell on the chair.

Suddenly a red phone rang as the inquisitor picks up the call and just listened while his face twisted in disgust then he slams the phone down as he breathe slowly. The inquisitor spoke hatefully again at him.

"Despite I would love to execute you for treason you too are protected by someone at the top it are given a final chance to live now but we will be watching you... Get him fuck the out of here right now Confessors Cabal!"

The armoured men known as Confessors Cabal one of the most feared enforcer groups in the OMSI dragged the relief Lawson to the same elevator where he was first dragged and tossed in once elevator doors open.Murphy landed face first on the puddle only to find out it was doubt it's his own piss, but since the cleaning crew wasn't informed or was told not to clean up to send a clear simple message,Do not bloody fuck up again due there wouldn't be another chance like that ever again.

Location:The Nexus of life, death and everything in between,The Ordo Malleus Suprema Inquisitio,Blackhand secton thirteen Inquisition office one zero one

"WTF is This bullshit"

"Fack Fack Fack...I almost had that spineless worm dead to fucking rights but bloody bastard bloody protected" The Inquisitor rants as he pace up and down the room while the Confessors Cabal that returned just looked him just thinking maybe they need to leave room or to preform one of their primary duties,which a bullet to the head if a person is classed a Hertics,cowards,traitors or if the person lost his mind completely lose his or her being insane.

The Inquisitor returns to his seat then starts to check on how far the damage is done by Murphy's superiors it seem that the sabotator that was the Black Pearl died by the lethal gas courtesy of DarthStriker's order and could not finish its mission by the Dark council by remotely active the explosive.So the one that active it was send by within OMSI but by section eleven OMSI Dominion NOVA. NOVA sent a strong signal to explosive to finish the job...using the term borrowed knife to kill the enemy....sneaky bloody bastards they thought got away with it without anyone noticing it

There will always be friction between other sections in OMSI....well better report it to the big man himself and boy he know his own superior are going to be royally pissed ...wonder if there going to be abit of payback...

The inquisitor smirk for abit then spoke Codephase to his computer...

"Catching the falling sky"

No body fucks those who is protected by Nod...

Nod never forgive and they never forget...

Peace through power....

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