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100% The Almighty Voyage / Chapter 9: The Richmond Kingdom Festival

Chapter 9: The Richmond Kingdom Festival

No, I cant say that I have the forth captain says as she admires the blade. The craftsmanship on it. It sure is a beauty. 

Now that's what I call a sword, Beverly the seventh captain says.

Ye, the shop owner says agreeing with the captains; For this is a Great Axe Sword he says to them. I got it a while ago, a knight with torn and beat up black armour came in and sold it to me. He said that he had just gotten a new sword and isn't in the need for that great axe sword. He sold it to me for a pretty penny,  so we negotiate on a fair price 

Is that right the fourth captain asks… you mind if I hold it? Asks the owner of the shop.

Feel free, he says to Joan

Thank you she says as she picks up the Great Axe Sword... you know, to be this big, it actually has good balance and this sword is just a tad bit lighter than my current sword she says as she swings the massive blade. I think I will take it the fourth captain says grinning from ear to ear. 

What's with you and big swords eighth captain Daisy asks her sister Joan with a smile

Joan laughs the bigger, the better She says to her sister Daisy. She then turn to the shop owner. So sir, how much does ye want for this blade. She asks him

Hmm the shop owner says as he pounders. I think 500 gold is fair. He says to the fourth captain. 

500 gold I think is fair enough for this blade, she tells the owner,  but she says as she unsheaths her great sword and lies it on the counter. If I were to add this in as well, then how much would you want for it? She ask him

The shop owner examines the fourth captain's weapon….. this is a fine sword you wield, with this added in, I think 300 gold is fair. He says to her

Deal fourth captain Joan says as she trades her great sword over to the shop owner and grabs her new blade. It was a pleasure doing business with you sir she says to the owner. But before I forget, she says to the owner. That knight that you mentioned before, the previous owner of this great axe sword. He sounded familiar she says to him.

Well, it was quite some time ago, but I remember. He was a fairly tall knight with a black armour, and a grey Cape. He had a stone face, almost as if the man has never smiled a day in his life and he reeked of ale.

Hmm, you said that he had another sword? Do you remember what it looked like by chance she asks.

It's something I will never forget the shop owner says in a hyped up tone. He then folds his arms again. It was an all black sword that shined when hit by light, it was a double bladed sword that resembled the look of a Hispaniensis Gladius and the guard was in the shape of wings. In all my years, By far it was the nicest sword I've ever laid eyes upon. The owner tells the 4th captain. I tried to buy it from him but he wouldn't sell. He said that he actually had just gotten it not too long ago. He said it nearly costed him his life.

This knight that walked into your shop, sounds like the fabled Demon knight Joan says to the owner of the shop 

Demon knight? Seventh captain Beverly says… wait, are you talking about the man who was fused with a demon by one of the Witch Queen's, the man known as Dark Knight Henri? 

Ye Joan replies to her sister Beverly. And the fable states that the demon knight traveled into a dungeon to obtain the legendary slayer sword. It's said that the Slayer sword was crafted from divine blacksmiths, in order for arch angels to slay even the strongest demon or monster. It's  said that the sword can't bend nor break, and.never dulls.

What!? The shop owner says in a freaked out tone. You mean to tell me that that knight was the fabled dark knight Henri, knight of Demons.  He says to the Trio of female captains. 

 Ye, the fourth captain says as she nods her head. It was rumored that before the Dark knight wielded the legendary Slayer sword, he wielded a giant axe sword. She says as she looks down at the new sword. The sword  is said to be able to repel magik back at opponents.  

What!?the shop owner says to the fourth captain, maybe I should've charged you a bit more he says to her as he begins to laugh 

Well let's see what else you have the other two captains ask the shop owner. Yey, we need weapons and armour too

It then cuts to second captain Michael and tenth captain Thomas, they have bought wooden mugs of beer and are roaming the kingdom grounds. while walking around, the two knights can't help but notice a lot of templar presence.

 Are those Templar flags? The 10th captain asks. His brother as he takes a gulp of beer from his mug.

Yey, brother. For after the fall of the holy roman empire, kingdoms and towns were left with no help nor protection. Michael says as he takes a gulp of beer from his mug. Ahh he says as he wipes his mouth. This left kingdoms, cities and towns victim to attacks from Vikings, assassins and rival kingdoms looking to expand their rule. He tells his Brother. This is where the holy Knights or Magikal knights came into play. They began to travel to these kingdoms, cities and towns and offer assistance. They would use their skills to build hospitals, start banks, offer protection and also spread and convert people to christianity. The second captain  continues on as they walk the grounds of the festival. 

Whoa Thomas says taking another swig of ale. The Hoy Knights are responsible for all of this huh.

 suddenly the captains are stopped by a group of three senior/old monks

Good day to you knights one of the elder monks say to the captains. 

Good day to you monks as well the two captains reply back.


Beg my pardon, but I had a question I wanted to ask you. I wanted to know if you knight heard about the battles being fought over christianity? The monk asks.

 yey, for I have heard about the said holy wars taking place. Second captain Micheal says to the senior monk. If i'm not mistaken, they're called the crusades, and they are being fought by the holy knights, but they go by magikal knights as well, right, the second captain asks.

 yes sir, the elder monk says to Michael. The holy knights are warriors of the lord, and only answer to the Pope, who is head of the world church which governs us people like you and myself. As holy knights, we  travel to various locations to spreading the word of God, and converting people to christianity. We also execute any and all cannon laws that the churches decide upon.he tells the captains. 

 We also protect people, from bandits, Vikings  and assassins who travel on pilgrimages. A second monk speaks up. Let me ask you knights a question, a monk says.

 go ahead tenth captain Thomas says to the monk. As he takes s gulp of ale from his wooden mug.

 Do you knights believe in the supernatural? the monk asks.

 The knights then begin to laugh, why of course. Thomas says to the monks, we have not been up against it much, but we are very aware of it, and its power. He says to them. In fact, magik is the reason us and our brothers are traveling with our king. Thomas continues on to tell the monks.

 That is good, because let me ensure you, magik is very real. The elder monk says to the two. it's a very useful tool, but in the wrong hands it can be dangerous. 

Yey the say in unison agreeing with the senior monk.

Yey, for thee is quite right, the tenth captain replies. If I'm not mistaken, there are two forms of magic, white or good magic, and black or bad magic, the tenth captain says to them.

Yey a monk says. Now let me ask you this, the elder man asks. Does ye know who the magi and master magician are?

It Seems you hath, stumped me the second captain says to the man senior monk, how bout ye brother? Does ye know who the magi and master magician are?

Haha sorry brother but I too don't either. Thomas says to his brother Michael. 

 The master magician is a man known as King Solomon, and the Magi are titles given to priest who have mastered their skills in magic, astrology and alchemy. The senior monk tells both knights.

Solomon and his group of Magi wrote and sold magic books to the masses. Another senior monk interjects. This was good at first but later lead to trouble. People started going out and buying their books and begins performing magic to hurt people instead of helping. It's also got so bad that People  have also begun making pacts with devils to increase their magical powers. We currently live in a time of evil! Where witches and sorcerers exist! This is why the Inquisition got started to cleanse and Purge the world of the evil.

Yey,  I've heard of the inquisition, second captain Micheal says. They are church courts that judge the evil in this world. This is why all sorcerers and witches have begun to be hunted and put on trial.

You two knights are quite wise, one of the elder monks says to the two captains. 

Thanks Micheal and Thomas say to the group  of elders.

 Have any of you knights ever thought of joining the fight and becoming templars? A monk asks the two. All must do is be; unmarried, hold no debts and is not associated with any other order, a monk says to them. 


Yey another monk says plus you two knights look really strong.

 Micheal and Thomas laugh. thanks, but no thanks, Second captain Micheal says.  For We are the Royal knights of Obadiah, and we serve our King, Orion, and none of us would abandon our lord he says to the three senior monks.

Yey Tenth captain Thomas says, agreeing with his brother Micheal. Besides aren't there many secrets surrounding you holy knights anyway? The Tenth captain asks the monks.

The three elder monks break out laughing, why yes there is, but like any cult, we must keep our secrets safe from those not apart of the order. One of the elder monks say to the two.


Yey, a senior monks interjects. A holy knight vows never to reveal any secrets of the Temple.

 I see Micheal says to the seniors. 

very good then one of the monks says to the two captains. We won't hold you knights any further, yall have a great travels and may God be with you. 

Too you as well Thomas says and they walk off.

It then cuts back to Adam and John back at the arena. The first three divisional battle Royales have finished, and they are about to begin the fourth and final  divisional battle royale.

The promoter tells the crowd that they are gonna keep it rolling, he tells them that they are about to start the last battle royale. And if this battle royale is anything like the last 3, then we're in for a treat. He then calls out the remaining 25 fighters and they all begin to make their way to the arena. Among the fighters are the first and fifth captains Adam and John.

Alright brother Adam says to John, time has come. For when we step on this ring, we are no longer comrades, we will be enemies, and you will be viewed as prey. And the Lion Knight of Obadiah always devours its prey.

Yey brother John replies back, I tend to win that belt, and if defeating you is what I must do, then believe me brother. Not even the lion knight of Obadiah will stop me. He says to the first captain.

The two captains and the other twenty three fighters enter the ring, the promoter then begins to speak 

Ok everyone this is the last battle royale of the day! Once a winner is chosen we will then be moving on to the semifinals! The crowd cheers, the promoter then begins speaking to the fighters in the arena. 

Ok fighters, let me explain the rules to you. The promoter says to them. This is a ring out free-for-all 25 man elimination match. Once thrown out the ring the fighter is automatically eliminated and must exit the battle grounds. Once thrown out the ring a fighter is not allowed to re-enter is that clear he asks the fighters. Yey all 25 fighters  say in unison. Alright the promoter yells and now time too battle. He yells

Alright, I've been waiting for this! An orge yells as he charges towards a group of fighters trying to push them out.

Well look at that folks that orge has just knocked 5 people outta the ring by himself!, that leaves  only 18 people left.

It then cuts to a Viking fighter in the battle royale.  

That orge he says as he kicks someone out the ring, he's gonna be a problem he says as he quickly dashes towards him. Gotta take him out, fast he says as he slides and kicks the knees of the orge causing him to fall on his hands and knees.

How the mighty, have fallen the Viking says to the Orge, he then kicks the Orge on his side sending him flying outta the ring. Now who's next he yells as he turns around to face the other fighters. 

It then cuts to fifth captain John "the mighty", he has just picked up a fighter, and begun to giant swing him around in a circle. After a few cycles he let's the man go sending him flying through the air and crashing into two more fighters knocking all of them out the ring. He then sets his sights on his brother Adam battling an eight-foot tall cyclops.

Wimpy mortal, the cyclops yells as runs towards Adam. I'll take care of you he says as he goes to Kick Adam out the ring. Adam then catches the cyclops foot. 

….wimpy, Adam asks the cyclops. I'll show ye wimpy Adam says to him as he tosses him up into the air.

Look, over there,! The promoter yells to the crowd as he spectates  the match. It seems number 100 has thrown the cyclop up into the air! Let's see what happens next!

 It then shows the cyclops falling and crashing into the ring, Adam then grabs the behemoth by his  ankles and throws him out the ring, taking 5 additional people with him.

Brother!! Fifth captain John yells to his brother Adam. I think it's time that we settle this. He says as he begins to run towards the first captain trying to spear him.

Yey, brother , Adam says as he plants his feet and goes to catch John. I think you are right he continues on to say as he catches John, flips him up over his shoulders and power bombs him into the ring very hardly. The shockwave from the slam knocks a few other people out the ring.

Whoa, what a slam! the promoter yells to the crowd. The impact was so strong that it created a shockwave strong enough to knock 3 fighters out the ring….. I don't think that guy is still conscious… and to think those two are partners….. hold the phone folks it seems number 99 is fine. Holy cow. Just how tough and strong are these two. It's hard to believe that they're even human. The promoter goes on to say.

It then cuts back to the fight between the. first captain and the fifth . Was that to much for ye to handle John "the mighty", Adam asks. hahaha I guess I'm gonna be the 1 who claims the belt.

The fifth captain then raises to his feet, and spits. Nice one brother, it's not to many that can stop my spear. I can tell you have been practicing, since our last battle. Haha I can tell you never got over me beating you and moving on to win the championship belt those years ago.

The first captain frowns, yey brother, for ye is right.  I have never forgotten that match. For years I've been training my body, slowly working on my strength, And now I can finally put all my training to the test he yells as he charges towards John "the mighty."

 Just as I beat you before Brother,  I will do it again he screams as he charges towards Adam.

Adam gives John a hard right blow to the gut.

Haha. is that all you got brother?! John says to Adam. Do you think that you was the only one training brother? While you was working on strength, I was working on making my body as tough as iron. John then strikes Adam in the face with his right hand, and grabs the first captain and positions him for a fallaway  slam. Now brother, let's see if all cats land on their feet he says as he launches Adam behind him.

Adam is able to stop himself inches before ringing out. 

I see, so I guess the rumor is true. Damn I was kinda hoping it wasn't John says wiping sweat from off his forehead.

Sorry to disappoint you brother, Adam says to John,  now brother! HAVE AT YE!

John smiles with pleasure. He says as he runs towards Adam. John then suddenly jumps high into the air METEOR  SMASH!! he cries out as he goes for a diving fist drop

Adam parries the punch, directing it into the ring,. The punch is so strong that it creates a crater among impact. 

Did you see that folks!? The promoter yells out. That punch!; It created a crater in the ring! Just how strong are these knights from the Kingdom of Obadiah 

Now brother it's time to end this. He then picks John up and goes to suplex him out the ring. At the last minute John reverses it and pushes his brother Adam out the ring.

Sorry brother, but looks like I win again 

Adam smiles at his brother John. Yey brother, yet again ye is the victor. Now go and win the belt and become the champion. 

John smiles yey brother, now then he says as he turns around. Who's next!? John asks cracking his knuckles

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