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75% Second chance: Naruto twin brother / Chapter 3: chapter 3

Chapter 3: chapter 3

What i did see really blow my mind, there where a lot of books some of them have colors and some where just white or black

they looked light but as I opened one of them, a single page has a huge amount of information they talked about the world creation, the first birth of being how did they live how did they evolve I was so absorbed.... that I didn't notice that the pages didn't turn, until the third time that I noticed that whatever I did I couldn't turn the next page it felt like there where chains locking it

so I looked at the goddess asking her with my eyes "im sorry mister ren but those books couldn't be read by a mortal all I could allow you is the first page "

I was a little sad but then I remembered that there where endless amount of books and how much content one page could hold so I continued my tour with great spirit

I was looking at books with great excitement the more I read the more shocked I get, to tell the truth from the first time I get here I did know that every logic I know shouldn't be applied here but I still underestimate this place

in the beginning I though that every single book had a record of one soul ,and it was so wrong

every book have a record of different world , maybe the record of beings of that world where in other page .... as I couldn't reed them I wasn't sure

it was the first time in my life that I couldn't get my emotion ender control I though I already saw a goddess what could shock me but as reed more It blew my mind away

the goddess looked at me with a funny face "even when i told you that you died and you where in front of of me you didn't seem this surprised "

she was right but "to tell you the truth the amount of worlds did surprise me but what shocked me greatly was those supernatural power in them i did know that they exist but I didn't expect it to be like the light novel in my world "

that was the truth some of the books I read where the same ….. magical world or world with mana or cultivation I even did come across world that seems the same in those novel just not in the same era

she smiled kindly at me " why did it shock you"

"well some of those world looked the same as some novel I read they couldn't be real world right then how came they are here "

i did think that maybe those authors reincarnate with their last life memory's but I don't think it's that simple So I said sarcastically " it isn't that lame excuse that if a lot of people love and believe in it sincerely it would be real right "

Laugher filled the room " no of course not mister ren Those world from the beginning where real how"

as I was starting at her waiting an explanation until she said " how about you make a gesse"

Emmm actually I have a few ideas myself but only a few of them could be logical even for gods ,they couldn't be reincarnated as the gods will probably erase their memory's or even if they have it I don't think they will let them share this knowledge's so that mean they did it unintentionally "hmmm.... do they have some sorts of connections to those worlds I mean like seeing some event in their dreams or imaginations, Like this it isn't considered breaking any laws since even they didn't know that those world or people exist"

This time the goddess was really shocked from the beginning she know that this mortal was different He was so calm even after knowing that he died he didn't have much of reaction she know that human tend to freak out in those sort of situation but he took everything easily even though she know he was smart she didn't think to thins instance for most people in his place would think since they did meet a goddess there nothing more impossible and they where wrong even the god have rules they have to follow and she could somehow understand how he come to this conclude and that was even more impressive since human tend to believe what they want not the Truth seeing the goddess face he know it " bingo i was right"

"it seems I guessed right then how about you explain to me I still have some doubt

"well then mister ren as you know every being have what you call a soul and every soul is different there are strong and there are weak souls and among the strong souls there are some that have some sort of connection to those world maybe they lived there in their past lives or have some sort of karma with them so they could see some event or know some sort of laws they themselves don't know that

it might come as dream or ideas every one is different, and since they aren't breaking any rules or laws the God's can't do anything to them so they let them be

the strongest the soul the longer they can see and the clearer it would be"

" I understand so those plot hole in story's because their souls isn't powerful so the strongest their souls the less plot holes "

well that is logical "so does that mean every single book is a world or parallel univers

" no mister ren even the strongest soul in your world can't see everything they just see some basics at how the world work or what kind of power system they have and maybe some of the most important event like the hero birth, and no not every book is real world there are some talented people out there that can have imagination more impressive than some lesser gods its complicated"

As we continued our tour she kept telling me more and the more I know the more I didn't want to leave this place

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