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75% Mmorpg: Unity / Chapter 55: LEGION

Chapter 55: LEGION

At the behest of Chelsea and Blanca, Shaka had made his way through Potter road taking in the sights of the city that he been living in for the past two weeks.

He wore what appeared to be a simple leather armour with new a constructed metal, they called Beryllium its was not only light, and strong it was also a great mana conduit.

It was a gold color breastplate which fit we with his black dyed leather, his gloves had also interwoven magic orbs(jewels encased a core, usually found on the ends of wizard staffs).

On his hip was a black belt in the socket a the same dagger he got from the arena, he had modified it with the core he got from Topa. Shaka's tri element dagger was really special

Trifecta [common[purple tier]]

Class: Rangers [ Assiasins, Archers and Thieves]

Type: one handed dagger

Durability : 80/80

Skill:(a mix of system and creator stat generated new effects and stats info)

Blue fire, delivers twice the flame damage of normal fire, coats the blade to deliver fire damage lvl 1

Lighting bolt, can shoot a lightning bolt from the dagger. LvL 0

healing hilt, By pressing the hilt on the dagger one can heal himself or another lvl 1

Info: created by Blanca a grandmaster, with her apprentice Shaka. (creator side effect can't be changed it is auto generated by the system)

requirements: C class adventures ( The black plate adds info)

From his left hand hung a shield that was plain nothing special about at all, Shaka was still working on his bracer that would open up in to a shield.

It was also why he had not made a spear it would be a waste since soon enough he would be with his carriage that has his unfinished spear even with his new knowledge he was on the correct path just not complex enough.

The central bank was a humongous almost a cathedral like structure, huge menacing gargoyles on its roof. Followed by a series of marvelous shops.

The shops Shaka saw we well kept and had some of the best materials, armours, alchemy plants and other rare antiquities that he had ever seen and finally next to a boutique the Legionous Solaris Magistorium simply called the Legion.

A Godwoven building, it was as old as it was high. As wide as it was wise, the windows were made stained with images of past hero's one in particular of Jora Northbears. His image was of his battle against Constance Hydrogan.

The outside of the Legion main building all kinds of hunting parties, could be seen leaving and coming the number of wizards was particularly eye catching.

It seemed that every second person here had some kind of wizardry ability, unbeknownst to Shaka his destroyer talent allowed him to detect the difference between warriors and mages with great accuracy.

Shaka did not really have a choice as Chelsea had already registered him to have the Ebon Legion, a legion full of "useful people" and had said that she would keep doing it if he didn't take the test.

It cost a weeks wages so if she did that he would never have wages. Shaka could not believe how stubborn Chelsea could be even the food she would always make a side plate for someone who Shaka did not meet yet.

With a deep sigh Shaka readied himself to take the test, it was the only change he made instead of taking the support class exam he took the adventure exams.

The lady at the counter was a Aziza with purple winds, a gleeful smile an ample blossom and a really deep voice. She was holding a list of names that she had been calling out Shaka.

He was the last to arrive everyone else had been there at least an hour or so the second to last guy told Shaka, when he walked into the testing room.

Legion had a variety testing departments depending on what work one wanted to do. Getting a field/adventure job was the most difficult only the most talented would be permitted.

This is because outside the city none of the lands have been conquered. Crusader City was over ten thousand kilometers big, the hill Shaka appeared on was not tall enough to allow him to see over the grand temple of Demeter a seasonal goddess.

The Aziza, Becca explained "The test for adventures is divided into three. The first is a test of knowledge you will be given three days to hunt herbs in the lower mountain range. To cure this man of his wound.

In the next hour, you have to prepare the necessary tools you will need to collect the items list on the piece of paper in front of you.

By the way the test has already started."

The hall came alive as bodies, jumped up and moved presumably to their goals. An Eleman...[A bipedal species the height of a normal Western Elephant. The man's ears being so large meant he came from third continent. He had golden tusk a symbol of his clan who remove their valueless ivory tusks so that when they are killed their new golden tusks can be used to pay for their funeral]..... nearly kicked an unawares Dwarf.

Shaka careful read the page, it detailed a number of common herbs that can be found in the south mountains region. Shaka was excited the little he knew about the surrounding lands would get filled, even now his thirst for knowledge was growing.

The various creatures and herbs all had a higher concentration of mana, even the grass here had almost three times the mana concentration of normal grass found on Lumeria.

Shaka had a bag of holding a more versatile version of a hammerspace as it could also hold living things for a few hours, he was also experimenting in his room with the bag of holding to see if he can reproduce it as a ring or something more hidden.

The journey to the mountain was farley quick the Legion allowed them to temporarily use one of the company mounts , the variety was great. Shaka ended taking a Oxpen, a large lumber two horned behemoth weighing in at about four tonnes.

It had a slower speed however it could carry an enormous amount of goods and seemingly limitless amount of stamina.

The Southern Mountains [LoL apparently I really like mountains in the south]. Shaka had Trifecta in his hand as faced off against a goblin. It was very stupid, thou its skin was much tougher than Shaka expected.

His footwork was more out of a need for practice this was his first real fight, in a thousand years. The footwork he learnt was like a distance memory.



Shaka moved well for an old spirit, the goblin barely able to keep up. He slept into the air, as his eyes glowed red, his movements becoming even more crisp and deadly. Soon the goblin feel to its knees and died.

Shaka is having a field day, he planned to do a massive haul since, his innate knowledge from the his tome listed all kinds of cures.

One day in the forge he had slammed a hammer onto his thumb, remembering that the tome had a remedy he instinctively thought about the tome and it suddenly appeared in his hand.

The mountains had many minerals too, with this if he sold it to the Legion he could make a small fortune. The Oxpen, is not rare but very difficult to acquire due to the fact that their numbers are closely monitored for safety of the city.

Shaka picked up every herb in sight, he spent six hours mining a special metal. The king hawk that attacked due to the notice was dispatched by him quickly.

He decided as soon as he had gotten his hand on the Oxpen that he would stay over night and come back, he needed the last day to make sure nothing weird happens to the man just incase the Legion is planning something else.

Shaka fought and picked, mined and fought the night approached slowly the darkness all encompassing. Shaka's Oxpen lantern the only available light.

The night creatures are deadly in the mountains, a male elemental lion approached, fortunately it's fire mane gave it away immediately like a walking fire pit.

The fire elemental lion, roars as it lunges towards Shaka, he rolls out of the way. Grabbing Trifecta, a quick spark of light shoots out of the dagger.

A flash of blue light, crackled through the air, Striking the lion at it side.ROAR! The lion stands up, it slowly paced around Shaka. if he looked closer he would have sen the little bolts around the body of the lion that was preventing it attacking suddenly. It had used its own skill a type of bluff.

Shaka followed the lion with his eyes, his shield covering a frontal attack. Shaka pounced up and over the lion launching another lightning bolt at the lion.

It nearly collapsed under the weight of his own body. Shaka launched another lightning Strike! Snap! The body a doof falls to the ground. As he approached the body to start the process of taking the valuable piece off the lion.

Woooof a gust of wing slashes past him cutting The lion in half. Shaka was on the other side of the fire lion, the attack coming from in front of him.

ROAR, another elemental lion approached it was a lioness, swift on its feet, the wind lioness fury was palpable. It unleashed another wind slash, its claw followed closely behind.

Shaka moved into the shadows away the cowardly Oxpen, he used the rocks as cover. The wind slash craved deep into the nearly spilt the rock in two.

Shaka rolls on the rough ground, his shield clips one of the stones, robbing him of his momentum. The lions claw landed in his intended future position a wild miss Shaka unleashes a lightning bolt at the lioness.

The bolt land squarely on the face of the monster, Shaka pushes himself forward His dagger penetrating the side of lioness. It moves as much as it body allows it too suddenly flashed of light can be seen from inside its body.




The lioness collapsed, Shaka was sweating the mana drain was starting to affect him. He immediately took a defensive stance looking around carefully analyzing his surroundings.

Shaka moved towards the lioness, he channeled his mana to his bag of holding as he moved the lioness inside it. He relaxed a little bit as he moved towards the fire lion.

He looks around realising he doesn't actually know where the fire lion is, only the dim light of the Oxpen lantern could be seen some distance away. He needs its core, he starts moving around in the dark, until he stumbles upon a small den.

Inside are two lion cubs, with blue fire under their little paws. The cubs hiss, in the cutest way possible trying to scare Shaka away.

He grabs the cub that was hissing at him, the other was more timid. "These will do instead i guess." Shaka mumbled to himself, with some disappointment elemental lions were not a pet he wanted their growth potential was too limited especially to someone like him, he needed at least a beast with an ancient blood line like Sea.

The tome had explained to him that certain creatures had the ability to active their bloodline and gain great power. Blood lines are not exclusive to monster some, humans have also managed to do it however a human bloodline is usually linked to an element or a strong physical ability.

Shaka arrived at his Oxpen and put the cubs in a cage. He began to set up camp and started processing herbs into their useable forms. In the morning Shaka would return to Legion to sell everything he found and pass his test....

Sgt_Caeser Sgt_Caeser

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