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Chapter 51: Tools Of The Trade

It had been a day since Shaka had returned to the world of the living. According to the proprietor of the Inn he had being gone for less than six hours. All the things he had experienced a thousand years had actually happened in a very short span of time.

The mental adjustment alone were confusing people he believed he would never see again were now back in his life. The power that Lord Gu had scared him. What type of person would allow him to experience so many lifetimes and not give him a way to cope. He is extremely grateful for the knowledge but the price of that knowledge is something no-one had asked if he was willing to pay.

Shaka was glad that it had not been longer thou, He simply had to work hard to see his family again. The goals they had set out with could still be achieved, especially Shaka who wanted to build a home for his whole family to watch them grow in their goals and achieve their dreams. A chance at some form of normal life in what had spiralled deeply out of anyone's control.

The sense of belonging is something deeply linked to identity of self, without a place to call home Shaka knew that they could be lost to the winds eventually. Many people had made many promises to each other only to have it fall away the following week.

The barn was a big structure, the wood a type of local tree that would turn green as it got older. Inside Shaka was writing a list a for what he thought would be suitable materials for his new furnace, anvil, hammer and other small crafting tools. He even planned to make his own alchemy set. He looked over the first volume the Lord had given him, not only was it a class change item it also have him additional benefits. His tome had been soulbound to him. He had an innate understanding of all the languages written in the book. Each page was in a different language, as each page a different material.

Tools of the trade [Volume one], was a tome that's listed the various method to forging a set of creator tools. Shaka glanced at each of the pages, each of the had a production method for tools used by past creators. Shaka spent the morning reading those that he thought he could make. He tried to speak to himself his throat dry from thirst. He grabbed a drink from his carriage, the water did really taste of anything.

Shaka walked through village to the mountain base he was collecting herbs and flowers. The seed were part of his plan to rise his own unique herbs as the book did say having a variety of herbs, minerals, tools and spirit were the best way to become a true creator. He gleaned from the book that each of his predecessor would spend about a year making their tools of the trade. A notable figure in his tome that stood out to Shaka was Feralden, a creator who had tried to focus on a type of metametal that was incredibly durable and endlessly versatile. Feralden had used it for all his tools.

Shaka, flexed his aching elbow as he picked at the various herbs around. Lucky for him he found four different kinds of grass in the same rock formation, they each had a slightly different colour of green, all but one which was bimbograss a white flakey grass. The others are humble grass, a brilliantly green grass that had a matte finish. Rock grass, that grows in clumps and final just normal grass ( LoL ). The herbs found in the base of mountain varied, hundreds of flowers grew wild here, Sniperroot, Venoblossom, Capadrew, Clapping Roses, Weeping Sage, EverThyme, GoldenCaramel and Savage leaves to name a few.

His used his tongue to rub his gums a weird throbbing had been going in his month for a few seconds. The bark of mountain Brooke a smallish tree with yellow branches. He was collecting all kinds of things the natural environment had been sparsely used for resources thus It was incredible rich with surface level goods even some minerals. A bleeding root was an especially rare find, Plutarch rocks a special mineral that exists as a solid, liquid and a gas all at once. It unique properties have never been figured out as it was mana paradox. A term he learnt when he was reading on the failure of Sweeney a creator from a bygone era his whole life wasted on Plutarch rocks.

Shaka looked all over picking any thing that might hold value to him, the tome served as a sort of carrying bag as each item had been automatically placed into the tome. His muscle cramped up, as his muscles moved in a cramping fashion it nearly caused him to fiant it was truly severe. Prompting him to make his way back of course thou he killed a few mountain goblins, a salamander, two rock wolves and a Phantom baby Eland. His small haul made him really happy he could do a bit of experimentation with all the material he had.

The barn a welcome sight, he was taking deep breaths with ever step, his face drenched in sweat. Perplexed as he should not be this tired from the little he did. He figured his just tired from the many changes happening around him. He had yet to take the time before to even process his feelings on the fact that his family his parents were dead or worse, his whole life had been uprooted and placed in this hell. The small comforts of home no were to be found, not a single God damn Twinkies.

His whole family scattered to God knows where. His was really feeling forlorn, an unending pit of despair in the borrows itself into the recess of his mind heart and spirit he himself not realising how bad it had actually become. It gripped his heart twisting it worse is than the cramp before. He collapses to the ground tears in his eyes. Alone in the middle of the barn a young man crying, about one thing but also a lot of different things. The turning of his stomach snapped him out of he had not eaten the whole day. The midday sun high in the sky.

Shaka paced towards the Inn he wanted to have some Jambalaya, he had a strange hankering for something truly filling. The maiden working at the Inn, an oxen female, a type of Minotaur. Came up behind him, "Doooo yoooou need anything toooo drink sir?"

Shaka swayed his head side to side, in refusal at the same time made himself a little dizzy. "The hell is going on with me, I'm aching like an old man." He heaved checking a piece of skin that felt rather odd, slowly he peeled it off, fortunately it's a not serious."

A deep bowl dropped in front of steaming hot food, the smell rather aloof. He slowly ate the food as his spat it out yelling "What the hell are you trying to do?This food is horrible it taste of nothing!"

"Sir, you must be mistaken we have the best food in the village." She quickly tastes the food, her nostrils flaring as she lifts him up with one hand ready to strike "There is nothing wrong with this, Toothless Pete, eat this, you sir can leave we will not be fooled by the likes of you." She was fierce not even giving him a Chance to refute the claim before being thrown out the Inn, some of the villagers laughing as he land in the mud.

Shaka to mentally tired to really care about what just happened "at least use a different scam if they want they can really do better." He was beyond tired he slept for a few more hours after he had slinked into the barn. He arose to the evening sun. His eyes dry, his mouth parched, his stomach empty. He drank a potion it strong bitterness slightly dull, it had a refreshing affect on his whole body satiated.

He went to open his carriage, an ordinary set of glassware the he adapted by cutting them in half. He pressed the soil into them, breaking cores into the soil and planted the seeds of Eldar tree, a wood perfect for wand making, Crackling vines, Vines that smell like cooked pork used in making [Attract bags], Nin Flower, Captured Deweed and Birch wood.

The cores could work as super fertilizer, depend on there rank. Sirius Kolisi, master farm creator had work close to two hundred years to make the basic core fertilizer, or so the tome told him.

The labour quick and simple a sort trans had befallen him, he watched the trees grow, the core not only fertilized them but increased the rate of growth at the expense of quality however one could use the roots to check if the plant has adopted any changes from the core one used.

Afterwards he had a small drink of water that tasted odd he went to the local tavern to find information as it was evening most of the villagers were out on the town. He knew something must be wrong the aches the weird taste of things, his skin, these are all things he had never suffered before.

Slowly but surely he had found a drunkard willing to talk to him for a quart of local ale, a smooth golden ale subtle in flavours. The foul mouthed man listed anything he could think that might make Shaka continue on his way.

The disappointment of that not all bothersome, as a few more customers were more than willing to help for a drink. Shaka spent the next two hours speaking to people who were more interested in drink than speech however his hard work did produce....

Not a single Goddamm clue as to what was happening to him, after the twelfth man/demi, one of them had been a hegoat (LoL), Shaka resigned himself for night he still had time and it's so.serious.He could probably make it through a few months before anything disastrous will happen to him.

Sgt_Caeser Sgt_Caeser

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