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31.81% Syrme, the dreamer. / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Home?

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Home?

"It's okay. They are not going to come here again." Syrme explained calmly.

"Did they leave the country? It is because of you?" Alex asked, curiously.

"Let's just say that they are not going to come, and leave it at that."

"Okay... I guess I trust you for now." Alex said slowly.


"Now, try to say 'Lumos'" Syrme said to Evelyn.

"Lumos!" A bright light emerged at the end of the wand.

"Yes! I made it!" Evelyn celebrated jumping through the place with a happy face.

The 5 of them had a magical core. Which means all of them could do magic. They were born from muggle families, so that would make them muggle-born.

It has been a year since he chose to live in this place. The cave was now illuminated. Lamps were hanging in the ceiling and were mysteriously turned on in spite of being a place without electricity. There were tables, food, comfortables beds, and a lot of couches.

The bodies of the werewolves from Fenrir's pack were thrown to the sea. The only thing that was left from all the mess was news about the disappearances of the five kids. No magic was used in the fight, so the magical community didn't think these five disappearances had to do anything with them.

If Syrme remembered correctly, for the magical community to know about them they would need to put a trace in the wand they bought and in the said wand, you would need to do magic with it.

The guys were getting very comfortable living here with rest. They couldn't go to school, but they were learning on their own with a little help from the System.

Syrme travelled around the world like always, trying to get across to new kinds of magic or things to do. The Dursley family was left forgotten, probably celebrating that he's gone. Dumbledore should be searching for him by now if he didn't notice the disappearance of Syrme from Privet Drive. But Syrme made sure there weren't any traces of him left or any tracking devices in his person, so it was going to be difficult if Dumbledore wanted to find him.

Now the cave was like a safe-haven for Syrme. The kids also wanted to travel a little too, so he sometimes took one or two with him.

They, at some point, discovered what happened to the guys that kidnapped them.

Instead of being afraid of Syrme, they tried to convince him to train them.

And they made it.

Not just in magic, but also they wanted to learn martial arts and such.

Syrme created a ward in the cave which principal function was to hide the trace of magic left and hide the place from external parties. Something like a fidelius charm but more tamed.

And just like that, another year passed.

And another one.

As time passed by, Syrme found himself loving the place and the group.

Mike was rash and a little rude, but deep down, he was a good kid.

Evelyn was timid, but if you got to know her, she always would say silly things to lighten the mood all the time.

Sebas was also very timid, but since he started adapting to his circumstances, he began to show signs of a brave cavalier gentleman.

Alex was the boss of the group. The last word in decisions. Like a big brother.

Syrme was... like a father?

Syrme was like a father... in spite of being the second youngest of them.

Mike liked to train and eat, and he was afraid of highs.

Evelyn liked to read and sing.

Sebas was getting comfortable in his joke-present suit of a mini-butler.

Alex liked to cook and clean. But he hated anything out of place and not cleaned, much to the dismay of Mike.

Every one of them had things they liked and disliked.

Syrme was more open to them. Even sometimes, Syrme brought the group to several IDs. When they asked what this mysterious power Syrme had was, he had to lie.

The few people knew about the System, the better.

Somewhere along the way, Alex decided to name the group.

The black knights.

Syrme made sure of teaching all about the wizarding world that he remembered from the books. He needed them to be prepared just in case.

And just like that, Syrme's {Home} was found.


10-year-old Syrme was cleaning the dungeon of orcs and hobgoblins.

While he was killing some of them, he was talking to Mike and Alex about the incoming trouble in the magical world. They were already grown so they could make their desitions. If it were for Syrme, he wouldn't want to know anything that happens in the magical community of Britain. But, he also took into account of understanding about what could happen if he doesn't show up at Hogwarts. It could be different from what he read, but he didn't want to take any chances.

There are a lot of lives endangered in Hogwarts if Syrme decided to do nothing. Not only that, but he also decided, in memory of the poor Harry Potter that died in the cupboard, to end what his parents started.

That doesn't mean Syrme was prepared to go directly to the headmaster and lick his ass. He also knew from the books that Dumbledore didn't have his best intentions with Harry. A lot of manipulation and holes in the story didn't sit well with Syrme.

Dumbledore had a 'Greater Good' mentality. If it is for the greater good, some things that could be considered dubious, are right in his book.

'The road to hell is paved with goods intentions.'

'Dumbledore wanted to end a greater evil. It's possible that with age, and a desperate attempt to end what he couldn't, he though in putting his hopes in a prophecy child whose destiny was to finish the dark lord. Harry fit the criteria perfectly. He just needed someone a little more malleable. He needed a starved and un-loved child that just found a world where he wasn't a freak.'

'The first year, it was clear the security for the Philosopher stone wasn't made for grown-ups wizards. From here, we take the conclusion that Dumbledore wanted Harry to find the stone.'

'The second year... He probably knew what it was, but decided to do nothing except for sending a sword.'

'In the third year, we get to know Sirius Black. The supposed secret-keeper from the Potters. I think Dumbledore personally knew about it because he was the one to cast the damned spell. But, like a said in the beginning, if a sane Sirius Black was to raise Harry then Harry will be more difficult to deal with.'

'A lot of things in the book didn't make any sense whatsoever. Like the punishment for staying outside after curfew.'

'The punishment was to send 11 years old kids into the forbidden forest to search about the creature that was injuring the unicorns.'

'The forbidden forest.'


'11 years old.'

'It doesn't make any sense.'

'No-one decided to tell Harry a lot of things about the wizarding world, or even telling him about his parents.'

'I could probably be wrong about everything and Dumbledore had nothing to do with it. But, better be prepared and vigilant than naive and manipulable.'

'If I go there and the old man decides to send me back to the Dursleys...'

'Or if he tries something that endangers my group or me...'

'I think the elder wand will look good in my hand...'


Syrme looked again at the unopened letter in the table. Next to it, an almost plucked ugly owl tried to lift himself. He just came back from a visit to the Catholic Cathedral of Notre-Dame and decided to rent himself a flat.

"Is it already my birthday...?" Syrme asked himself, opening the letter. The owl got to stand up and flew to the window.



Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr.Harry Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress


"I guess this trip will have to wait. To Diagon alley..." Syrme murmured.

"But first..." And the sound of apparition was heard.

[ Stats ]

Lvl: 57

EXP: 1,800,000/2,910,000


-Name: Harry Potter

-True Name: Syrme

-Race: Human

-Age: 11 years


-Strenght: 60

-Vitality: 120

-Dexterity: 270

-Intelligence: 240

-Wisdom: 296

-Charisma: 151

-Luck: 100

Points unassigned: 40


Origin: Dreams, Knowledge.

Magic Circuits: 30C->30B

Magical Core: B->A

Magical Trigger: Here I dream, here I learn.



-???: ???

-Death Wisdom: A

-ID: Create/Escape: C->A

-Spellcasting: A->S

-Speech: B->A+

-Instinct: C->B

-Occlumency: B->A+

-Thought acceleration: A++

-Memory Partition: C->B

-Paranza Corta: B->S+

-Reinforcement: C->A

-Northern ITF Taekwondo: C->A

-Renewal Taekwondo: B->A++

-Memory Manipulation: C->B

-Apparition: B->A

-Mana Burst (Lightning): D->B

-Mind's Eye (False): D->C

-Champuru Kendo (Mix): D->B


{ID: Create/Escape: C->A}

Creating and escaping a dimensional space around you that depending on the level of the skill, it introduces more things and beings into the said dimension. Warning: Someone with enough space awareness could discover the dimension.

{Spellcating: A->S}

This skill consists of the proficiency of spellcasting either by voice or by thought. For this skill is necessary to have a magical core or magical circuits in the caster. For any skill with the requisite of magecraft is needs a magical trigger, also known as an aria.

{Speech: B->A+}

Conversation understanding, speech managing, and Skills related to voice are improved.

{Instinct: C->B}

Rare Skill that only comes with experience. The user has a better intuition about what is going on around you. When it comes to following a path, you 'feel' if something could go wrong.

{Occlumency: B->A+}

The practice of the mind. More organised thoughts. Creation of mindscape and protection of the mind. Occlumency is the art of one's mind.

{Thought acceleration: A->A++}

With the need for the magical trigger. The thought of caster is accelerated for the amount of time the caster wishes. Warning: Using this skill for a long period could cause migraines.

{Memory Partition: C->B}

It is the ability to partition their thoughts to form multiple independent thought processes. While normal people can only have a single "room" in their brain and focus on one thought, partitioning adds partitions to the one room to create multiple rooms.

{Paranza Corta: B->S+}

Style of blade/knife fighting of Italian origin. Paranza Corta centre itself around blocking strikes and responding with counter attacks of quick stabbing motions in very delicate zones of the body. Jugular vein, kidney, eye, carotid artery, brachial artery, wrists, heart, lungs, liver, femur artery, etc.

{Reinforcement: C->A}

Purpose of pushing a basis to the utmost limit. It is the foundation of all Magecraft that enhance the existence of the target by pouring Magical Energy. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Magical Energy. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or in the case of a living creature, physical strength, and durability.

{Northern ITF Taekwondo: C->A}

Art developed in modern North Korea. This type of Taekwondo is derived from ITF Taekwondo which favours straight, fast attacks and, unlike WTF Taekwondo, allows all forms of fighting without protection.

{Renewal Taekwondo: B->A++}

Art developed in modern South Korea. It is emphasised in strong, linear kicks like its base WTF Taekwondo. Some skills are directly linked with WTF Taekwondo.

{Memory Manipulation: C->B}

It is an alteration of the mind's records to make a person forget about a specific event. Effectiveness is limited by the number of deviations between what the target remembers and what the people around them remember. Basic spell of magecraft.

{Apparition: B->A}

Method to travel used by the wizarding world. This is accomplished by having the user focus on the desired location in their mind and then purposely disappearing from that spot to reappear at the location the user envisioned.

{Mana Burst (Lightning): D->B}

Is the increase in performance caused by infusing one's weapons and body with Magical Energy and instantly expelling it. Simply put, recreating the effect of a jet burst by expending large amounts of Magical Energy. Variation with lightning.

{Mind's Eye (False): D->C}

It is a natural talent to foresee/sense and avoid danger based on an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience. The accuracy of this instinct can be augmented by experience. The ability also grants the effect of offering resistance against penalties caused by visual obstructions.

{Champuru Kendo (Mix): D->B}

Unorthodox Kenjutsu style based on breakdancing. Taking bits and pieces from all forms of martial arts and making up the rest on-the-go as he fights his opponents, making the fighter generally unpredictable in a fight. There's a second blade mixed in this style when the situation arises.


GadigWalker GadigWalker

Chapter Finished.

This will be the last time the stats will be shown for a long time. That doesn't mean Syrme won't get stronger. He has been traveling the world and learning all types of magic. But they aren't shown in the stats because they fit in the category of Spellcasting. The same goes for the magic of Britain.

When Harry/Syrme finishes the first or second year, the stats will come back.

He relies on the system with objects in fights, wasting points that he gets on IDs. Syrme rarely buys a skill because first, he needs to have a foundation.

If I suddenly make Syrme buy with points the Rinnegan or something overpowered, he wouldn't know how to use it because he already has things to learn completely and it will mix things with other skills.

But also because they are very expensive.

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