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16.56% Bread For My Family / Chapter 26: Follow My Lead

Chapter 26: Follow My Lead

"…I'm tired," Belen says, stepping away from her desk, rubbing the corner of her eyes while stretching. She gets up from her chair gallantly walking around the office bored, "I should take a look around the mall" she stares at her watch, "it's 2, I wonder if things are going well for Everest" she bites her lower lip.

Her uneasiness gets the best of her as she contemplates, "should I? no…but! I'm bored, and I want to know if everything is going well."

After five minutes of contemplating, she confidently storms out into the stairs, "If I take the elevator, the wait is going to kill me. I think taking the stairs will be a lot faster…" she sighs, regretting her decision, "I should start working out again after the wedding."

Though as she continued down the stairs, she overhears the echoes of Noah's voice as her steps become light, "Should I scare him?" she mischievously grins.

At that moment, Noah stepped in the stairway to answer a call, "Hello?" he whispers. Belen is one stairway from him when she carefully tries not to get noticed, but her grin automatically disappears as her eyebrows furrow in overhearing, "Yes, Mabel! It's Noah. I'm glad you called, I apologize for messaging you so late last night."

She stops, confused and full of mixed emotions she can't even explain hearing Noah is talking to Mabel. The only person she knows with that name is her older sister, what else can she think of when her friend Noah is talking to Mabel in secret. It only makes her curious, but at the same time, she stops herself from listening as she turns away, exiting into the third floor, taking the elevator.

Ding, she walks out of the elevator, lost in thought. She is forgetting the fact that she's without an escort and out in broad daylight with countless of customers shopping within each department when the only thing she notices is the front desk receptionist happily chattering with an employee whose drinking coffee. She sneers, "what do you two think this is? A gathering?"

The employee's shivers, "S-Sorry M-Madam P-President! I'll go back to work."

The receptionist stares at Belen with a sorry expression making her only more furious, "that stench…" she whispers disgustingly.

At that moment, shoppers begin to notice Belen when someone shouts, "BELEN ASTARES!!!!" in an instant young shoppers turn their heads to Belen's direction as they crowd her without security.

"Damn...I forgot about them, I subconsciously worried about Everest that I forgot to bring in security, what am I going to do now? Should I smile?" she thinks to herself, forcing out a smile when overhearing a loud whistle and heavy footsteps walking through the crowd to protect her, but the crowd became even louder as they began flashing their phones for pictures and shouting nonsense.

Surprisingly Belen smiles because she's used to this kind of attention or rather a hostile crowding, but in reality, she hates it. It makes her feel like a puppet doll, which she has no choice but to smile to win them over since they are shoppers within A Star Mall, she wouldn't want to disappoint them.

At the same time, Everest overhears the crowd of people when he decides to peek out the door to check what's going on but is shocked to see Belen struggling to calm the crowd when he overhears security shout, "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!! PLEASE MOVE! WE DON"T WANT TO USE FORCE!!"

Their attention quickly turns to the security team as Everest reaches out to pull Belen inside the waiting room. She was taken aback by Everest's interference when he shuts the door locking it.

Everest chest touching Belen as her back lies against the cold wall, she stares at his chin, breathing heavily as her curious brown eyes meet his. He notices their closeness when he stares down to see her cleavage, and nervously backs away, "Sorry! I didn't mean to, ah um I mean," he scratches his head tilting to get rid of the awkward atmosphere, "Wh-What, are you doing here?"

Belen glances around the room, "I-I um, came to check on the interviews…but" her eyes widen in shock, "why is it empty? Don't tell me. Did they walk out?!" she grabs his shirt collar in anger, but he pleasantly shakes his head, "no, I finished not that long ago. I was about to head up, but that is until I heard the commotion outside."

She sighs, relieved, letting go of him, "that's great…"

Everest grabs her hands, "what happened? What's going on out there?"

She's happy to see his concerned expression, "oh, you know, the usual. I forgot who I was for a moment while coming down here."

Belen tries opening the door, but Everest quickly stops her by pushing the door, "You're not thinking of going out there alone, are you?!"

She turns, their chest touching, their eyes meet. Everest is a little angry but concerned while Belen unknowingly stares back, confused, "what if something happens to you? Those aren't your typical fans, their monsters that are willing to touch any part of your body, aren't you scared of that?"

Belen laughs, "pfft! I think you've been watching a little too many movies."

But Everest's eyes are unshakable, "I…just know. Please be careful. From now on, take Noah or me with you. But don't go off on your own if this is what happens all the time!"

She blankly nods, "okay, I won't." such a simple response calms him when he sighs, "how did the interviews go?" she curiously asks.

"Oh! Hmm…it went good," he tilts his head, thinking back, but sense her glare, "what do you mean good?"

He twitches at her cold tone, "It ended in less than three hours, those who qualified where hired and the rest who didn't were dismissed. It was fairly easy…" he grins teasingly.

They both put their ear to the door like twins. Everest realizes he's pressing Belen against the door, feeling the heat of her body as he moves away out of respect. Though as he did, someone on the other side abruptly opens the door making Belen fall back like a domino effect makes Everest fall, a loud thud is heard as Noah checks, "What was that sound just…now" he turns speechless at the sight of Belen on top of Everest when they both groan, "ah-keuk!"

Noah helps Belen up, "are you alright, Madam!? What-What happened?!"

Everest dusting himself arrogantly sneers, "is it that difficult to knock before entering?! Shit! That hurt!"

Belen stands, fixing her posture when she touches her waist, "urch!"

Noah urgently asks, "did you get hurt, Madam? Where does it hurt?"

She can't help but glare, making him get goosebumps when she pushes his arm away, "I'm fine! Don't touch me!" her rude behavior makes Noah's eyes tremble when he asks, "why did you come out here on your own? You know better than to come out here all alone, why didn't you call for me?"

Everest tries to intercept, "Hey, it's not her fault. She came here to check on the progress with the interviews!"

Noah slaps his hand away from touching his shoulder, "again. This is all because of you now, isn't it?!"

Everest raises his voice, getting riled up, "again? What is that supposed to mean!?"

Noah scoffs, turning away, "don't pretend you don't know, are you that shameless?"

Belen irritably shouts, "ENOUGH!!!" The two freezes, she sighs, studying their expressions, "If I catch you two fighting in front of me again like immature children, I will not hesitate to fire the both of you, understood?!!"

The two look away at one another, "yes. Madam," Everest forcefully agrees while Noah complies, "Yes, my apologies Madam President" he bows.


It's the evening when Belen applies a patch on her waist where she got hurt because of the door handle earlier downstairs, a slight bruise, but it still hurts.

Knock knock! "Madam, the car is ready. Noah said we must leave now before it gets too late," Everest says, knocking on the door to the bathroom inside her office.

She confidently steps out as if the bruise on her waist does not hurt, "Let's go."

Belen, Noah, and Everest are on their way to their waltz instructor, who'll personally teach them for Lady Annalise's wedding. Noah does not find the need to bring Everest along, but somehow Belen won't let go of him despite where she's going other than her house. Everest also does not find the need to attend. Instead, he wished he didn't have to because learning the waltz brings about a painful memory.

Belen, on the other hand, brought Everest because he's in charge of answering her essential phone calls, emails, and more while they practice. In the car, Noah is frustrated to be sitting next to Everest while driving when he checks his mirror to get a glimpse of Belen quietly sitting in the back with her eyes closed as if she's sleeping.

Just as Noah was about to ask, "Ma," he gets interrupted when Belen speaks at the same time, "Everest, did you email the contracts I left on my desk?"

Everest replies, "hmm, yes, I just finished sending the last one. Should I wait for a response?"

"No, if they say anything, let me know tomorrow, and I'll go over it myself."

"Yes, Madam."

"What about the people you hired?"

"A-Ah! They all agreed to arrive early so I can give them a walkthrough of the morning inspections."

"…very well," she lowers her voice.

Minutes later, Everest's phone continues to vibrate, but he ignores the call, or he hangs up, but it continues to get on Belen's nerve when she yells, "answer the phone already! Before I throw it out the window!"

He cringes, "y-yes Madam," answering, "Hey! Leena!" his tone shifts, "what do you want? I'm working!" he quietly whispers though its no use since the car is silent, all that's heard is their conversation. Knowing this Everest wants to cut his conversation with Leena short.

But Leena being the worried older sister she cares about Everest when asking, "why are you ignoring my calls? Is everything alright? Where are you?"

"I'm busy! I'll call you back later!" he grips his phone, wishing he could throw it out the window.

"Where are you?"

Everest swears under his breath, "I'm with my boss right now! I can't talk! Don't you understand?!"

"Oh! Greet her for me! Tell her I'll soon visit her mall!"

Everest shakes his head, disappointed, "Fine, I'll tell her after I hang up, alright, is that it?"

"No! I want to hear you say it to her now. I need to know she's there with you or unless you're lying to me."

Belen suddenly leans to Everest's seat, "Good Evening Miss Leena Fox, I can assure you Everest Fox is here with me, there is no need to worry. I look forward to seeing you in A Star Mall."

Leena gasps, yelling into Everest's ear loud enough for Belen to hear, "OH MY GOSH! ME TO MISS ASTARES!!" she fangirls over the phone, making Everest embarrassed.

Belen smiles, listening to their conversation when she asks, "Everest, we're about to arrive," he surprisingly pauses, "yes..? Ah yes! Did you hear that, Leena? I have to go!"

"Alright, little brother, have fun! Oh, by the way, I'm doing laundry right now. Where should I put your red under" in that instant, Everest hangs up, glancing at Noah and Belen, hoping they didn't hear anything but is surprised to see their indifferent attitudes.

He leans back, relieved that he hung up on Leena in time before she embarrassed him any further. Belen, on the other hand, has her eyes closed as if pretending to sleep but rather thinking, "tomorrow we'll be entering the month of July, that month…I don't know what'll happen, that's why I can't shake off this ominous feeling as if something else is going to happen. I never get this feeling, so why now?" she tries relaxing by meditating, "this is the first time I've decided to work during July…I'm worried, will I be fine? Should I have listened to Noah? Because he knows me best? No, I can't depend on him, I have to get through this on my own. I don't want to burden him with my problems."

"Madam, we've arrived, let me make a quick call" Noah parks outside a grand mansion. He runs out to knock on the front door while at the same time contacting the instructor, Belen slowly opens her eyes when she notices Everest still in the car, she softly says, "don't be afraid to answer your sister next time."

Everest flinches, thinking that she was asleep, he turns, "Madam?"

She smiles, "you're lucky to have an older sister who cares for you. Don't be embarrassed." Everest's mouth opens, but before he can say anything, Noah shouts, "Madam, she is waiting for us inside," Belen nods.

Everest steps out following behind her getting suspicious, "why does this feel familiar?"

Finally, his memory recounts as they enter a massive ballroom, and the instructor dressed in satin clothes, wearing 4-inch heels, skinny looking about 45 years old burning with charismatic eyes welcomes them. Seeing the instructor Everest's eyes widen, "I remember!" as he did, he looked back as if wanting to escape, like a mouse that got lured into a trap with no place to hide.

The instructor introduces herself with a British accent, "Welcome to my home. I am Elizabeth Mkayla Von Derexua. I'll be your instructor for the following days. You may call me Lady Beth," she elegantly curtseys as if holding an invisible dress at her sides, lowering her head while at the same time containing her slim poster.

Belen is taken aback from her gesture that she decides to play along. Hiding her smirk, "Good Evening Lady Beth, it is an honor and pleasure to meet you, I am Belen Astares" she tries to mimic Lady Beth's curtsy as Beth nods observing, "hmm not bad, she knows the fundamentals at least, and the grace of elegance as well. But it's not entirely perfect. I like her."

Next is Noah, he robotically says, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Beth, I am Noah Alvares, you may call me Noah," he awkwardly bows. But Lady Beth is not impressed as her eyebrows furrow, "hmm? This man sure is a brute. There is no elegance, grace of posture. It's as if he's nothing but a learning tool that bends. Very disappointing," she criticizes.

She looks away when Everest catches her eye, "he looks familiar…? could it be?" she thinks when Everest meets her gaze. He nervously gulps, "I humbly greet Lady Beth on this beautiful evening today. I am Everest Fox. It's a pleasure to be in your presence," he elegantly bows at the correct angle with grace in his expression and elegance in his posture that of a pro. She smiles, "Everest, I thought that was you."

Belen asks, "you know Everest?"

Lady Beth nods, "yes, he was my student a few years ago. If only he continued his classes, he probably could've become better than me," she smiles happily, seeing her old student.

Belen and Noah shockingly stare at Everest when he faintly smiles, wanting to hide.

Finally, the classes begin when Lady Beth announces, "Miss Astares, you're the woman, you cannot lead, and Mr. Alvares, you're not a woman. Therefore you must take the lead. Without you, Miss Astares won't know where or how to move her feet. Now I can't teach you the basics but at least learn the proper way to hold one another, like this."

Belen and Noah awkwardly hold hands as Lady Beth instructed, but they can't seem to look at each other, Belen tries to glance at him, but Noah ignores her gaze. When Lady Beth shouts, "stop! Mr. Alvares, may I ask where are you looking? Is there something on your right shoulder that you need to see? You must make eye contact with your partner at all times, that is the only way you can lead! Ugh…okay, let's take a five," she tiredly sighs.

Noah lets go of Belen walking away to drink water, but she continues to practice without him dancing, counting step from step with the air as her partner. Everest notices her drive to learning the waltz, "I was just like her…" he admires her from afar, whispering under his breath when Lady Beth sneaks upon him, "yes, I remember you were just like her when you first came here."

Everest shakes, "shit!" he sighs, "son of a," but Lady Beth glares, "I mean sorry?"

She laughs, "its great to finally see you again. I was wondering what you were doing here. Are you willing to learn?"

Everest turns away sorrow in his eyes, "…no, I don't want to."

"that's a shame, I clearly remember you desperately practicing, just like that woman."

He sighs, "well, that's not me anymore. I've changed."

She shakes her head, patting his shoulder, "no son, you may have changed, but your body does not, it still loves to dance. Why don't you help her practice?"

He stubbornly frowns, "because she has a partner, I don't need to interfere. If he sucks that badly he should give up instead of wasting her efforts."

"you're correct. I don't think that man suits Miss Astares. You'd be a better partner, don't you think?"

"Bethy, don't start."

She slaps him upright his head, "don't call me such a disgraceful nickname, son."

Everest bursts out laughing, smoothing his head from her slap, "that hurt!"

Lady Beth smiles, seeing his, "Alright, time to resume practicing!"

Belen and Noah are about to practice when Lady Beth announces, "Mr. Alvares, it seems Miss Astares mastered the steps during the break, you're behind. Therefore it'd be best I practice with you, and Everest will be Belen's partner for the meantime."

Noah's eyes tremble, "what? But I can"

Lady Beth's glare makes him shut his mouth, "Mr. Alavares, I'll be frank with you. You're not up to par with Miss Astares. Look at her. If you were to continue practicing with her in your current situation, I'm afraid you'll only be holding her back from learning the whole routine of the dance."

Noah accepts her harsh criticism when she turns to Belen, "come here, Everest," she glares, making his feet move on their own out of fear.

Lady Beth explains, "Miss Astares I noticed you've seemed to master the beginning steps of the dance toward the climax. Everest will help you; after all, you can't practice alone, a man must lead no matter what, it can never look as if the woman is leading. I trust Everest. He will teach you the rest of the dance while I teach Mr. Alvares at a steady pace."

"Sure," Belen answers, unaware of what to say because she has no choice but to listen to Lady Beth as Everest explains, "we'll start at the beginning," the music continues. After countless repeating, Belen finally gets accustomed to Everest's leading.

Lady Beth, on the other hand, is busy teaching Noah the beginning routine of the dance, but he does not seem to be getting any better. Instead, since Belen and Everest began dancing, his concentration level tumbled. But Lady Beth has sharp eyes, so while she's teaching him, she notices that at little times he'd take a peek at Belen dancing with Everest.

She finally says, "if you continue this way, then there is no hope for you in the future."

"Excuse me?"

"Waltz isn't a simple dance, nor is it complex, but it contains passion, art, and, most importantly, music. I've heard impressive stories about Miss Astares, though I never considered those when I agreed to teach her. Rather I wished to witness it for myself how truly amazing everyone makes her out to be."


She grins, "I'm impressed; she learned the steps quite quickly for a beginner. She holds the elegance no mere amateur can obtain. She's as radiant as a diamond."

Meanwhile, Belen and Everest are having a light conversation as she's trying to get accustomed to following his lead. She softly argues, "I thought we were supposed to turn left" she glares at him making him feel awkward, "yes, but you're forgetting the fact that I'm leading, you have to get accustomed to a man leading."

"I'd argue, but Lady Beth seems to trust you, so I'll oblige."

He faintly smiles, "is it that difficult to trust your leading partner?"

She murmurs away, "I hate following someone else other than myself."

Everest thinks, "yeesh, this woman is incredibly stubborn; it's just a dance."

Lady Beth claps, announcing, "that is all for today, we will continue tomorrow as planned."

Belen excuses herself, "thank you so much for taking your time to teach us, Lady Beth."

"Don't worry about it, Miss Astares. I look forward to teaching you tomorrow," she pauses and turns to Noah, "you as well, Mr. Alvares."

Everest excuses himself too, but Lady Beth sincerely embraces him whispering into his ear, "don't let those memories take over your life, son" she forces a smile holding back her tears.


On their way, Noah asks, "Madam, should I drive you home?"

"No, there are things I need to finish at A Star, take me there," she asks, "what about you, Everest?"

"I also need to return to A Star and ready the contracts, documents for the new heads of the departments that'll arrive tomorrow."

Belen coldly asks, "Do you have to go home, Noah?"

"hmm? Ah no, no, I don't, I also have a thing to do at A Star…then I guess we're all going back, great." But in reality, Noah has no work to do. He lied, saying he has work just because he does not want to leave Belen alone with Everest. His insecurity continues to grow, the closer she gets to Everest. It only pains his heart, making him feel uneasy. Another reason why he wants to stay with Belen is that tomorrow is July, a particular month, a frightening month.


Later that night, Everest finally arrives very late, noticing the lights in his home dark. He tiredly drags himself to his room, not even bothering to take a shower as his haggard face suggests, sleepy, exhausted, and mentally tired. He sighs profoundly while staring at the ceiling, "it was a long day today…" his heavy eyelids slowly closing. Seconds later he's fallen sound asleep when he dreams a recurring memory, "Are you taking dance classes?" asks Leena shocked to see Everest spray his ankle. "Damn Leena get out of my room!" he yells.

"Why are you learning to dance? Or are you perhaps playing soccer?"

"I'm dancing for god's sake! There! Happy?! Now get out! My ankle hurts!" he grunts, ignoring her presence.

There's doubt in her eyes, "you were never interested in dancing, what made you change your mind?" An idea pops in her head, "AH!! I know! The social gatherings are next month, and that means!"

He yells, blushing, "shut up, Leena, get out of my room!"

She chuckles, "Oh~ sure~" she teases, "because Sun Young is going to attend, right? You want to impress her?"

He turns, trying to hide his flushed expression, when Leena mischievously grabs his cheeks, "so is she the reason? Aww, my little brother has fallen in love~!"

Another memory appears within the dream, "Lady Beth, I want to learn a different dance that's different than what I've been learning so far."

"Oh? And which one is that?"

"The waltz!"

"Hmm, it's not entirely difficult for someone whose been dancing like you, but it's very different compared to the last dances you've been learning. But I'm curious to know, why do you want to learn the waltz?"

He hesitates as his ears flush red, "I want to surprise Sun-Young."

Lady Beth smiles, "Ah, you mean the first dance as husband and wife."

Though after Sun-Young left Everest at the altar, that night, he grabbed the special shoes he had prepared for her as a surprise and threw them away. And the shoes he prepared for himself were thrown into a fire. That night he made a promise never to dance again.

Everest unknowingly sheds a tear in his sleep while losing himself in the burning flames of the fire, murmuring, "I miss you," with intolerable pain in his heart, "Sun…Young."

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