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10.82% Bread For My Family / Chapter 17: Home At Last

Chapter 17: Home At Last

The flight attendant asks the little girl, "sweety, where are your parents? Do you remember where you came from?"

But the little girl shakes her head. The flight attendant takes this as a sign that the child is lost. Just as she was about to announce it on a speaker to the passengers, the little girl shakes her head, pulling on the flight attendant's skirt.

She looks down to see the little girl scribble something on the white dry erase board, reading, "My mommy is in coach."

The flight attendant nods, "oh! I see, come here," she holds the little girl's hand as they walk into the economy section. Just as she was about to announce aloud a woman in her 30's long black hair, wearing casual clothes rushes to hug the little girl frightenedly gasping, "Emma! Where were you?"

The flight attendant asked, "Excuse me, ma'am, is she your daughter?"

The woman calms down, "yes! I don't know where she went when I woke up! I'm sorry!"

But the flight attendant asks the little girl, "is she your mommy?"

The little girl nods, scribbling in her whiteboard, "She is my mom, Mabel Sparza."

The flight attendant asks, "may I see an ID ma'am?"

"Yes!" she hurriedly takes out her ID and reads her name aloud, "Mabel Sparza! Ma'am, please look after your daughter, she wandered into the first-class bathrooms."

"I'm so sorry!" the woman claims.

Finally, Emma walks back to her seat with her mother, Mabel, hand in hand. As their seated, Emma curiously asks, scribbling on her whiteboard, "Mommy, where are we going?"

Mabel smiles with regret in her tongue, "we're going to see your Abuela, aunts, and …hopefully your Abuelo."

Emma scribbles again on her whiteboard, "they are at home."

Mabel shakes her head, "not your dad's parents; we're going to see my parents and sisters."

Emma writes, "what are my aunt's names?"

Mabel contemplates, "your first aunt is called Iris," she scribbles on Emma's whiteboard, spelling out "I-R-I-S."

Emma nods, writing, "and my other aunt?"

Mabel sighs with a warm smile, caressing Emma's baby cheeks, "your second aunt's name is Belen."

Emma scribbles, "B-E-N-E-N?"

Mabel giggles patting Emma's head, "no honey, its" she takes the whiteboard to write and pronounce, "like this, B-E-L-E-N."

Emma grabs the whiteboard staring into the name, nodding, moving her lips silently as if trying to pronounce it to herself. Seeing this, Mabel can't help but warmly smile at Emma's effort to sound out the name. But all the while, she looks outside the plane window thinking, "I'm finally home…" she says with such a soft worried expression.


At that moment, Belen's fallen asleep and starts dreaming a memory when she was in elementary school.

Belen's in first grade waiting outside in a quad for her older sister Iris to come out of class. Since they live only a block away from school, Belen was too young to walk home alone and therefore had to wait for Iris to walk back together.

Iris was in fifth grade, so her classes finished thirty minutes after the first graders, but as Belen was waiting, she was always surrounded by friends. She'd wear her uniform ideally and her different hairstyles that her mom would spend minutes in the morning to style.

Iris, on the other hand, never worse her school uniform but always covered it with a black sweater, wearing the same hairstyle, a low ponytail, and hang around one friend. One day while Belen was waiting for Iris, she saw her come out walking along with her friend. Suddenly Belen shouts, waving, "Iris!"

Iris looks to her direction when her friend comments, "is that your little sister? She's so cute!!"

But as Belen heard this, she stares at Iris's disturbed expression looking at her with hate, "no, she's not!" she walked away, ignoring her like an insect.

Nonetheless, Belen walks behind her as they passed the gates, Iris says her goodbyes to her friend and walks along silently with Belen.

Another dream which Belen is in fourth grade, "look, mom! Look, Dad! I got an A-plus on my summary!"

But Edilberto simply glances at it while opening Mabel's report card, "Mabel!! You got honor roll?!" he shouts happily, ignoring Belen.

"What happened, dad?" Mabel asks nonchalantly.

He hugs her, "I can't believe you got honor roll again! Woah! Good job! I'm so proud of you! When will they give you that certificate?"

"Dad! I'm tired of attending these assemblies. I'm just going to receive it in the office."

"NO! we're going again this year! You're the only one who gets honor roll in the family! Your sister Iris is barely passing with C's and D's. You have to keep going and do your best! So that you can help run A Star Is!"

"Yeah yeah, dad, can you leave my room now?"

Edilberto runs to Iris and Ernestina to tell them of the great news when Belen asks, "Dad, what is honor roll?"

He explains, "it means you get good grades!"

"But I got a good grade! Does that mean I also get honor roll?"

"Sorry, Belen, but honor roll is only important in middle and high school. Getting honor roll in elementary isn't important. When you enter middle and high school like your sisters, make sure to get honor roll just like Mabel!"

He glances at the time, "ah! I need to leave for a meeting. Perfect timing, I can show off Mabel's honor roll!" he laughs boastful.

As he left, Belen stays staring at her A-plus feeling its effect ware off into a dull accomplishment. Realizing that an A-plus means nothing unless she's in middle school or high school.

At that moment, Belen looks for someone to show off her dull grade when she knocks on Mabel's door. She shouts, "who is it?!" getting up to open the door and see Belen holding a paper, "do you need help with your homework?"

She shakes her head, "no, I want to show you."

Mabel cuts her off, "Belen, I'm busy right now, go bother Iris or mom okay!" she shuts her door, making Belen look down to notice her A-plus seem so small.

When she whispers under her breath, "but Iris does not like me…" she gives up, walking away into her room.

Since that day, Belen began to do awful in school, from placing first place to falling in the last place and barely being able to graduate. That is until Belen entered middle school when her grades began to rise, placing her in honor roll from then on until she graduated in University.

Another memory flashed in her head, "Dad, why can't I just eat what I want! Why do I have to go on a diet?!"

"Belen! Don't act like a child! You're in middle school! You have to be fit to play the alto saxophone! And! You have to look your best!"

"But I'm hungry!! I've been drinking nothing but spinach soap! Drinking six pills a day! And dancing as exercise! I don't want to continue!"

"you have to learn to be healthy! You can't be fat like you were in elementary school! Do you want to get diabetes?"

"What? How would I get that?"

"My younger sister has diabetes, and it runs in the family! That's why you have to control your sugar intake!"

"fine! Fuck!"

"What did you say? Did you just say a bad word?"

She shutters nervously, "N-No…"

"Mas te vale! You know curse words don't make a woman sound educated!"

"here!" he places a tea bag in warm water, "you're going to have to learn to drink tea daily if you want to be healthy and lose weight."

She makes a disgusted expression, "but I don't like tea…"

"that's why you're going to have to get used to drinking it from now on. Soon enough, you'll grow to like it!"

"Okay," she gives up going against him and instead submits to his every order.

At that moment, Noah wakes her up, "Belen, Belen…Belen wake up," his sweet, warm voice awaken her, "mmm?"

She yawns, glancing around, "are we home?"

"Yes, we have to get off now."

"Yeah, just give me a minute," she rubs her eyes, trying to wake her mind from the dreams, thinking, "it'd been a long time I've dreamt of them."

As they got off the plane, Mabel and Emma are looking for their luggage while Belen and Noah walk past them, exiting the airport when a driver arrives, putting away their bags in the trunk.

They both get in when Noah asks, "Madam President, where to?"

But an announcement is made within the airport, "Mabel Sparza! Mabel Sparza! Please retrieve your luggage! Mabel Sparza, please come retrieve your luggage!"

Unfortunately, Belen did not get the chance to hear it as they left the airport when she says, "to my house first, then we'll go to A Star, I need to change."

"Yes, Madam!"


Edilberto walks into a sizeable colossal mall escorted to the CEO's office when a secretary accompanies him inside an office.

"Please wait here, Mr. Astares, our President, will be with you in a moment."

"Don't worry, I'm completely fine waiting," he smiles.

"Would you like anything to drink, sir? Water, coffee, tea."

"ah! Tea, please."

"Yes, sir! I'll be back with your tea."

Just as he left a tall slim woman around the same age as Belen with long blonde hair, bangs, and blue eyes enters the office wearing formal clothes.

Her eyes widen at the sight of Edilberto when she says, "Edy? Edy Astares?"

Edilberto twitches at her voice when he gets up to see, "Look how you've grown! AnnaVelle!"

She hugs him missing him dearly, "what are you doing here? My dad is not here right now. Should I call him?"

"No! It's fine. I came here to see you."

"oh! Really?! What an honor!"

Knock Knock! Her secretary enters, "please excuse my intrusion, Miss Winston. I brought Mr. Astares's tea and your coffee."

The secretary leaves them alone when AnnaVelle enthusiastically asks, "so why are you here?"

"It's been so long since I've last seen you, Annie!"

"I apologize for not being able to make it to your wedding! It was the same day I was appointed as President of Winston Mall. Since my father stepped down."

"no, I understand, my daughter was busy once she became the President of A Star Is, I mean A Star Mall" he laughs, trying to hide his discomfort.

"So tell me! Why did you wish to see me?"

"Well," he nervously clears his throat, putting his cup of tea on the table, "I need your help, with a new business I'm planning on starting."

Her expression widens surprised at hearing Edilberto's particular need for help and plans when she asks, "but wouldn't you be going against your daughter?"

"what do you mean?"

"You do know A Star Mall and Winston Mall are rivals."

"Oh! I didn't know since you two became President practically around the same time."

"a month… I became President a month later than Belen."

"I see, well, I was wondering if you can help me just with starting this idea of mines."

"hmm…it is tempting. I remember father always praising your ideas, is it alright if I think about and then get back to you?"

"Yes! You can take your time," he looks dejected.

AnnaVelle tries to explain, "please understand Edy, I'm the President now, I'm not allowed to take risks. If you'd like I can give you more time to develop your plan further and present it to my board of directors in next months meeting, is that enough time?"

"that's perfect! Thank you!"

She nods happily, "anything for you, Edy! After all, you are like a second father to me."

He excuses himself leaving her office, but as he did, her warm, happy façade melts away as her eyes sharpen with malice as her secretary enters, "Gary!" she shouts irritated.

He enters, "Yes, Miss Winston!"

"did you overhear everything?"

"If you're referring to the conversation between Mr. Astares and you, then yes."

"What do you think?...about his idea?"

"Logically or hypothetically?"

"Please don't do this to me, Gary, I'm tired."

"In my opinion Miss Winston I think it's worth the risk."

"you think so too, huh."

He curiously asks, "if you thought, so why didn't you agree then?"

She irritatedly sighs "because I feel skeptical."


"look at it this way, why would he come to me for help? Why couldn't he go to his daughter, Belen, the little Miss billionaire!!"

They both stay silent in deep thought when she shakes her head, "argh! I can't! this could be some kind of trick!"

He advises, "do you wish for me to look into it?"

She lights up, "Yes! Perfect Gary! Send some watchmen to see if Belen and Edy are in talks because if they are, then this could be some sort of plan to ruin Winston.

"Yes, Miss Winston."

As he left, AnnaVelle Winston maliciously smirks, with darkness in her eyes, "and if it's not, then I'll be able to defeat this bitch! If I hire her father, then maybe he can spill the beans about A Star's success. He's the key. I'm sure of it," she laughs, thinking about A Star Mall and Belen's downfall.


Belen enters her large private estate where their home is located, but after passing the gates to come, there is another gate to enter her home individually.

Though from afar, she notices someone waiting at her gates, she asks, "Noah, am I seeing things, or is someone outside my gates?"

"Maybe security?"

But as the car got closer, they both recognize the figure, "Everest Fox?" Noah whispers as Belen stops the car shocking Noah, but as Belen got off the vehicle, he shouts, "Belen, please get back in! I'll have security remove him!"

She firmly declines, "I need to talk to him; you go on ahead for now."

He worriedly says, "but Belen! what if he tries to do something to you again!"

"Don't worry. This is my home! There are cameras everywhere. Just let him try, and I can put him in prison!" she says loud enough for Everest to hear.

Noah nods, "alright!" annoyed at her decision when the driver enters the gate of her house with him.

Belen marches confidently to Everest Fox, with a cold attitude, "why are you here?"

Everest humbles himself when he asks, "you're not at all curious how I got in here?"

"I'm not stupid. I bet you confused security into thinking that as my fiancé, you have a right to enter my house."

"hmph pretty clever, now I see why you're feared."

"Get on with your point before I have security escort you out immediately. I can tell you didn't come here to give me simple compliments."

He laughs, "right, well I came here to" he surprised Belen by going on his knees humbling himself, "I, Everest Fox wish to be hired by you, Madam President of A Star Mall, Belen Astares" he looks up at her with desperation as if she is his last hope.

But his expression impresses Belen making her think with her arms crossed like a Queen, "this is different from then. The look in his eyes reminds me of my past self. What happened? Why does he suddenly want to work for me? Should I trust him? But…his eyes, I can't look away."

She firmly asks, "what position do you want to work?"

He replies, hesitant, "as your assistant secretary."

She laughs, "asking for too much already, aren't you? What makes you think you have the correct credentials to work for me? As an assistant secretary at that?"

As much as Belen's sharp cold words intimidate Everest, he stays firmly on his knees silently. She sighs, "what's your reason?"

He looks up, confused, "huh?"

She shouts, "I said, what is your reason? Purpose? What do you wish to accomplish working for me?"


"Speak up! I'm not going to hire someone who can't speak up!" she taps her foot, losing her patience.

"I want to prove my father wrong!" a shinning glint in his eyes manifests his determination making Belen step back, gasping, seeing an illusion of herself in him.

He stands up, confidently, "I don't want to be a tool for my dad. I want to work for myself. Please! I bet you, give me a chance, just one chance, please!"

"Why come to me? What do you think you'll gain working for me? Or is this a plan to make the public think of us as a couple?"

He firmly denies, "NO! If you help me…I'll be able to escape my dad's grasp. And that means we won't have to get married. I also don't want to get married; my dream of marriage is dead. I know that by working for you, I'll learn through experience compared to my days working at my father's company. I…want to be able to stand on my own without his help."

Noah comes out hurrying to the front of the gates where Belen and Everest are when he overhears them.

Belen pauses to think, when she nods, "alright!"

Everest's posture relaxes as his blank expression asks, "what?"

She nods coldly, "I'll hire you as my assistant secretary!"

Everest's eyes shine like the stars unable to contain his happiness, on the contrary to Noah who overheard their conversation staring at Belen from afar confused.

Volume 2 will update January 2020

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