Wraith aimed his gun but saw that the monster was looking over his shoulder. He glanced to see Inspector Lomax with her arms around her mother.
"Oh Peggy! What's happened to you sweetheart?" cried Inspector Lomax's mother.
The monster rocked on its overloaded legs. Its eyes flickered in memory. "Victoria," it said. "I got killed and then woke back up and I couldn't stop eating people and now they're inside me screaming to get out."
Victoria tried to break free from her daughter's grip but Inspector Lomax held firm. The monster took a step back then another before it found itself on the edge of the roof. From this height, it could see the water reservoir filled with endless rubbish. "I don't want to die, I want life." It whimpered. "I want life."
Wraith put his gun back in its holster. "How about we all go downstairs and talk, is that a good idea... Peggy?"
Suddenly, from behind Inspector Lomax, four soldiers rushed past. They fired without warning. The high explosives bullets tore Peggy open as she flew backwards.
The Chief had called the army straight out, he was always known as being gutless, quick to pass the buck. But that didn't help anyone who had died that day.
Inspector Lomax managed to convince the chief inspector that it was a drug related incident. He in turn with a sense of relief said the same to the army. Who in turn said it to the press.
The whole thing was swept under the carpet before anyone knew that there was anything to hide.
Wraith waited till Inspector Lomax had a free moment; the police and army were still everywhere.
"Just heard." She said as she walked up to him. "There's a top of the art forensic team flying in from New York, they want a closer look at what happened to that poor woman. Which means we will never know what happened here?"
"But I just wanted to say thanks. I mean really, thanks, there's a lot of confused O.A.P's back there. The whole thing is a disaster. But you did help me. So, if there's anything you need, I'll try my best."
Wraith rubbed his chin, he thought about some sort of payment but it felt rude and insensitive. "Well, there is one thing Inspector," he said.
"Name it." She said to him.
"How about getting me a licence for this?" He flipped open his coat to reveal his gun in its holster.
Lomax winked. "I'll see what I can do. Now get the hell out of here before anyone starts to question you."
Thank you for reading Wraith Macabre. There will be a chapter every Tuesday and Friday, with more spooky adventures of the occult detective as he tries to solve weird and wonderful cases!!
This is a novel by David Thomas, the writer of Avatara the manga series. Read Avatara webnovel based on David's manga script, written by novelist Domnic Obi:
Manga Big Bang website: www.mangabigbang.com