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73.8% I'm reincarnated as the last god?! [original book] / Chapter 31: Chapter 25: Mountain ranges

Chapter 31: Chapter 25: Mountain ranges

After accepting the quest officially through the guild's consent. They quickly grab a week of supplies and met up with Eddy. Eddy signed the contract and gave them each a polished wooden bracelet as a gift. Although all of the members accepted it with gratitude, some like Emyrs was undoubtedly suspicious at the act. Nevertheless, they left together to embarked on their quest.

A carriage was not an option because "the ancient forest" is not actually a bloody forest! (Who named this?! —> author —oh ...) Instead it is a waxy green steep mountain which is filled with dangerous hazards and strong monsters. A carriage would only make it harder to traverse the terrain; not to mention any monsters residing in there could smack it dead in one hit. At least the road towards the mountain was mostly safe— they did get a glimpse of a hibernating dragon along the way so...

From a substantial distance away, white washed foam blending with the deep blue ocean and a craggy coastline on the left. A mild golden field wavering as the wind flowed through the fields choreographically in a satisfying motion on the right. Farmers relaxing in their thatch hut feeling every wave that sweep past the just like the old blood that coursed through their veins. The light misty fog partly blends into the verdant meadows as the sweet sweet minute pollen reached the skies dashing across the lands freely. A painting coming to life.

On the lands, stream falls with gravity, sprouting life to its surroundings. Ancient pillars of the past stood against the force of gravity. Its tip soar through the heavens, mytically and magically. The heavens praised the creation with the allowance of a warm cozy sunlight that never falls short, untouched by the seasons and untouched by the outside weather. Furthermore it was endless, a never ending reflection of the hills, the children that sleep here wonders "will it ever end?".

As beautiful as the scenery was, Eddy reminded them not to sway too far from the task at hand. It wasn't rudeness, it was a word of caution. Speaking of scenery, this was a place where green peafowls (peacocks) are just the norm, nothing special.

Slimmer and sexier rhinos called unicorns and horses dipped in bleach for too long and grew mutated wings called Pegasus. (No, they are not common in this world but instead common here.) It is best to put the dirty thoughts away of hunting them as those who do, would face the undeniable wrath of hades.

Eddy: (reminded) Our main goal here is to collect a plant called silver thorn. It is located on the edge of the middle layers.

Everyone: nodded

As they arrived at the base of the mountain, Emyrs got a notification



"[ Congratulations, you have entered the Lost City — error*$=#]"

Do you wish to receive more information?

[Yes] [No]


At the same time Alice hugged Emyrs tightly with surprise. Although Emyrs initially thought it was Alice feeling scared but soon it was obvious, that wasn't the case.

Alice being scared, it was noticeable that it wasn't the case.

Emyrs used [(SSSR)revitalize] on Alice to relieve her and proceed to receive more information

Lost City


"[ Magic hurricane

An ancient hurricane that has existed since the beginning of time... Made with a mixture of... It was used by the ancient people to make magic... It helps the spread of magic and act as an enhancer... unfortunately it has been known to cause Magic Sickness, a type of headache, to those with high concentration of magic inside them... (and many many many many more irrelevant stuff added just like Wikipedia)"

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Emyrs: (mumbling) Magic hurricanes causes magic sickness... (a flash of spark was formed in his eyes) that must be the reason! (Stroking his chin) Hmm... now, how do I cure this magic sickness? I guess more research it is then...

Magic sickness



...Although honey fruits is known to reduce Magic sickness, it does not completely nullify the effect.

There are...


...Spells like [revitalization] , [refresh] and [null attributes] can be used to cure the sickness temporarily.

Page 54/62

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Emyrs: It seems there is no definite way of stopping magic sickness.

Eddy: (overheard, out of curiosity) Pardon my intrusion but it seems like you knew about magic sickness. Magic sickness has been problematic to mages for a very long time, especially stronger mages. Many races have started a race to compete for the first to cure the magical illness. However, after many centuries or even millennia none was able to come close to solving the mystery; if we were to look at it in another way, maybe they had but just never presented to us, the lower class.

Emyrs: What if there is just not a way to solve it?

Eddy: (replied wholeheartedly) I believe nothing is impossible with enough heart.

Emyrs: (questions) And if it's never possible?

Eddy: (shook his head) You won't know until you try. Our generation might not be able to solve this problem but that doesn't mean our future generations won't!

Emyrs: (stared at Eddy silently, before murmured) It must be nice to be able to hope.

Eddy: Did you say something? (Something else caught his attention) What's this?

Eddy picked up a light purple flower that is amazingly floating on air. The flower has a tint of bluish glow to it. On the contrary to what you might think, it wasn't those mystical lotuses from the heavens but instead a flower with strong devilish aura that seeps out from the anther to its surroundings, corrupting them with dark element.

Eddy: A rare find, the corrupting amaryllis. A flower that live past its intended time through the help from external sources becomes corrupt. Unfortunately, this flower has only been corrupt for a few years or else it would fetch a hefty price.

Sarah: (inquisitive) What kind of external sources are able to extend life?

Eddy: Your a curious one aren't you. It was said that the first demon was born from an extensive exposure to pure light element. The reason if not remains a mystery but I propose an idea, light doesn't create darkness but instead it attracts darkness. Basically, darkness find it easier to corrupt a single element rather than many elements. For example, pure iron is easy to bend but pure iron with the addition of 0.8% carbon and it would create a strong and sturdy metal called mild steel.

Sarah: I understand, thank you.

Eddy: (place his hand on his heart) My pleasure.

Emyrs: Monsters are coming our way, get ready!

Eddy: They are attracted to this corrupt flower, it is their hunger for more power that brings them here.

Russell: Then are you still holding it?

Eddy: because this plant alongside a few more plants is needing to fuse in a crystal that guide us to the silver thorn.

Russell: Is the silver thorn you are talking about that important?

Eddy: Yes- Looks like they have arrived, I'll leave it up to you guys.

Everyone: Alright!

Russell: (mumbled) At least give me a reason... (This is me when people doesn't give me a reason behind their logic because something always happens at that exact time. Coincidence, completely coincidental).

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